Archive for February, 2018

Us Presidents

Us Presidents

Directions: Compile Assignment 1 (Historical Character Development) AND Course Project Parts A through D to create a 4 -5 page paper of your character and his or her experiences so far. In addition, include the citations and a "References" page for your scholarly resources.

Submission: Post the assignment using the Assignment 2: Course Project Milestone I link above. Use the "Browse My Computer" button in the Attach File area to attach your document. Be sure to complete your submission by choosing the "Submit" button at the bottom of the screen.

Grading: This assignment is worth 100 points and will be graded using the Assignment rubric. Please use it as a guide to successful completion of this assignment.


Discussion 1

Discussion 1

  • Describe      two (2) examples of how either black slaves or white abolitionists used      literature or the visual arts as a form of protest against slavery. Compare      this to a modern example of art used for social protest

  American Dilemma–Slavery – The Art & Literature of Protest


Art and Slavery article at   


Article Review

Article Review

  • Two Pages Excluding the title page and refernce page. can be something on Autism or something with children of such. thanks 
  • You will be required to submit two-full-page papers where you will give a brief analysis of at least three scholarly articles (2010 to 2017/18) and one non-scholarly article per paper. You are more than welcome to have more than two pages per submission. The following format is required:   1. At least two paragraphs, of the two-full pages, must have more than 2 separate sources to synthesize your content (3 points for each synthesized paragraph),   2. Paper must be two FULL pages (2 points),  3. Make sure that your in-text citations align with your references (2 points),   4. *Double-space your lines, left justify your paper, and use Times New   Roman 12 pt.,  5. *Have a title page and reference page,   6. *DO NOT use any in-text citation or references from websites such as “citation machine” as they are not always correct,  7. *Must have level headings and page numbers,   8. *If the same errors are found within subsequent article reviews, points will be deducted, especially after the professor gives feedback,  9. No abbreviations, no acronyms, no contractions (academic level writing),  10. No direct quotes and all reviews will be submitted through Turnitin, and   11. Please submit all short papers in the drop box area under “Article Reviews.”  The * listed above indicates that the grading is under the sole discretion of the professor who can deduct points for not following directions by using the template. The template will be uploaded in the Article Review link.  ****Please note that I will give you a template that you must use, which has the title page, references page, level headings, page numbers, and is formatted for proper 6th edition APA format. If you choose not to use the template, 5 points will be deducted from this assignment. If you use your own template, I will grade on APA.


Discuss One Microbe That May Affect The Safety Of A Particular Meat Or Dairy Product (Milk, Cheese, Eggs, And Yogurt) And Where Along The Processing This Contamination Occurs.

Discuss One Microbe That May Affect The Safety Of A Particular Meat Or Dairy Product (Milk, Cheese, Eggs, And Yogurt) And Where Along The Processing This Contamination Occurs.

Discuss one microbe that may affect the safety of a particular meat or dairy product (milk, cheese, eggs, and yogurt) and where along the processing this contamination occurs. 

  3. 3-5 PAGES
  5. 12 FONT


English Composition III/Literature (Week 1 Assignment)

English Composition III/Literature (Week 1 Assignment)

The essay assignment for this week is to compose a paper of at least 750 words in which you offer your interpretation of a literary element poem (such as theme, imagery, symbolism, or characterization) in one of the assigned poems.


You must choose one poem from below:


  • Bradstreet, “To My Dear and Loving Husband” 
  • Brooks, “We Real Cool”
  • Browning, “How Do I Love Thee” 
  • Burns, “Oh, My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose”
  • Cullen, “For a Lady I Know” 
  • Cummings, “In Just-“ 
  • Cummings, “Somewhere I Have Never Travelled” 
  • Dickinson, “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” 
  • Dickinson, “This is My Letter to the World”
  • Donne, “Death Be Not Proud” 
  • Dunbar, “We Wear the Mask” 
  • Frost, “Desert Places” 
  • Frost, “Mending Wall” 
  • Heaney, “Digging” 
  • Herrick, “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” 
  • Hopkins, “Spring and Fall” 
  • Hughes, “Theme for English B” 
  • Jarrell, “The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner” 
  • Komunyakaa, “Facing It” 
  • MacLeish, “Ars Poetica”
  • Neruda, “Muchos Somos” 
  • Owen, “Futility” 
  • Plath, “Daddy” 
  • Pound, “The River Merchant’s Wife: A Letter” 
  • Roethke, “My Papa’s Waltz” 
  • Shakespeare, “My Mistress’ Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun” 
  • Smith, “Not Waving but Drowning” 
  • Stevens, “Anecdote of the Jar” 
  • Williams, “This is Just to Say”
  • Wordsworth, “The World is too much with us” 
  • Yeats, “The Second Coming” 
  • Yeats, “When You are Old” 
  1. Open your introduction with an engaging opener, such as a question, quote from the poem, or interesting idea. Then, connect to the poem and mention the title and the author. End your introduction with a thesis statement that interprets one literary element of the poem (such as theme, imagery, symbolism, or characterization).
  2. The body paragraphs should support your thesis. Present specific aspects of the poem that help to illustrate your points. Make sure to quote from the poem and analyze specific lines that support your argument.
  3. Include a strong concluding paragraph that summarizes your main points and explains the significance of the thesis.

APA Reminder


Use APA style for formatting the essay and for source citations. Begin with a title page. Include a running header, and use proper font and spacing. End with a separate references page. Refer to the Week 1 lecture on avoiding plagiarism for an APA essay template and additional resources.


Important Note: Do not do any outside research for this essay. This analysis should be your own insights regarding the poem.


It's due Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 11:59.


Only accept bid if you have experience in this subject. Also, DO NOT  PLAGIARIZE and it needs to be turned in on time.


English Composition III/Literature (Week 1 Discussion)

English Composition III/Literature (Week 1 Discussion)

Choose the poem: Shakespeare, “My Mistress’ Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun"


ost a response of at least 150-200 words, focusing on the elements below.

  • Identify the key images in the poem, which you believe are vital to understanding it.
  • Provide a detailed discussion of how those images function in the poem. 
  • Do the images work together to form a coherent pattern? 
  • What ideas or feelings are conveyed by the images? 
  • How do the images contribute to the overall meaning of the poem? 

Remember to provide evidence for your claims in the form of quoted passages from the poem. Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries should be cited according to APA rules of style, including in-text and reference citations. Quoted material should not exceed 25% of the document.




Discussion board 10 sentences each question  (Two Questions)

Please refer to the book: 


 Anthropology     Edition: 3rd         Author: Lavenda         ISBN: 9780190210847         Copyright: 2014         Publisher: Oxford University Press 


Question #1 (Evolutionary Processes)

In this chapter, you were introduced to the 4 evolutionary processes.  What are each of these processes and provide an example of each.


Question #2 (Micro and Macroevolution)

Define the difference(s) between Microevolution and Macroevolution.  Give an example of each to support your discussion.


Event Management

Event Management

Task description:

For this assignment you are to attend the event that you nominated and described in Assignment 2.

Your assignment should identify and critically analyse the positive and negative impacts of the event and evaluate aspects of its operational management to determine whether it has successfully realised its goals and resulted in stakeholder satisfaction. 

The information for this assignment can be obtained from your own personal observations whilst attending the event, from discussions with event stakeholders (attendees, event organisers, staff and volunteers, stallholders, local government etc.) and from secondary information such as newspaper reports, social media commentary etc)

The event should be evaluated using the principles of sustainability and the triple bottom line approach (refer to and cite the academic literature when defining and explaining these concepts).  

A reference list should be provided for any academic literature cited. At least 3 academic references should be cited.

This assignment can be presented as either a 1500 word essay or as a report.  It is recommended that students include photos of the event that demonstrate the impacts they observe whilst attending the event.

Please note: This is an independent, self-directed assessment task and therefore students will be responsible for attending, negotiating any permissions if appropriate, their own transportation and any expenses incurred attending the event.


Research And Statistical Methods – Psychology

Research And Statistical Methods – Psychology

Initial Post Part 1 (minimum of 250 words)

You read in a health magazine about a study in which a new therapy technique for depression was examined. A group of depressed individuals volunteered to participate in the study, which lasted 9 months. There were 50 subjects at the beginning of the study and 29 at the end of the 9 months. The researchers claimed that of those who completed the program, 85% improved. What possible confounds can you identify in this study and how can they be corrected? Or can they?


Initial Post Part 2 (minimum of 250 words)

Review the internal and external threats to validity in the example from Part 1 of this Forum. Identify and define those threats that are related to measurement, and the threats that are related to sampling issues.


Hypotheses Paper

Hypotheses Paper

 For this assignment use the topic of interest attached and you will develop four hypotheses and four research questions you could use testing quantitative methods and four hypotheses and four research questions you could use testing qualitative methods. A rationale for why you selected/developed each series of questions must be provided with supportive research and APA citations and references. The length for this APA formatted paper is between 4 – 6 pages.  This assignment must review between 3 – 4 scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. 

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