Archive for February, 2018

U4DB: Cross Cultural Relations

U4DB: Cross Cultural Relations

Course: Cross Culture Relations  

Unit:  Diversity  

Deliverable Length:  3-4 paragraphs


Assignment Details:  


Discuss the relationship between culture and the working environment. Are workplace cultures determined by the individuals who work there, or do workplaces have their own cultures that exist separately from the people who work there? Please include examples to support your stance using 1-2 outside sources.


Social Work Paper (Research Method)

Social Work Paper (Research Method)

 Group Assignment: Inductive research can be easily conducted by students. Choose a common social activity (e.g., grocery shopping, eating in a restaurant or cafeteria, waiting in line at a bank, courting rituals at a dance club). Members of the group should go into the field for an hour and observe how people conduct themselves in this activity. Members should do this separately (or at least in sub-groups of no larger than two members). Students should be attentive to patterns that emerge from the observation, but should try not to engage actors or make their observation too obvious (as this may bias results!) After their hour of field work, students should meet to discuss the patterns they observed. During the next class period, each group should present empirical generalizations based on these observations. If possible (but not required), students might then find some theory or research that corresponds to these generalizations and report as to whether their observations make sense given pre-existing research or theory. Each group member must provide a brief (one page) summary of his/her observations that was brought to the group for discussion. Groups will present their information in class. 

    HCS 457 Week 4 Communicable Disease Article

    HCS 457 Week 4 Communicable Disease Article

    For the next newsletter, you have been asked to write about the effect of a specific communicable disease on your community. 

    Identify a communicable disease to research.

    Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that summarizes your research. Include the following information:

    Describe the disease and discuss efforts to control it.

    Identify the environmental factors related to this disease.

    Explain the influence of lifestyles, socioeconomic status, and disease management.

    Identify gaps and how you might connect to other resources to meet needs that are not locally available.

    Include recommendations to expand the community's programs if there are gaps.

    Describe what the public health department is doing to reduce the threat of the disease.

    Include data findings, evidence-based intervention, and a plan to ensure quality health.

    Cite at least 3 sources.

    Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

    Indian Food Safety Report

    Indian Food Safety Report

    This lecture is about  about India and the WTO regarding India's focus on food security in international trade negotiations. 


    Write one page about one or two point that interested you and what you got out of it. 


    Application: Role and Value of Evaluation

     Application: Role and Value of Evaluation 

    The  United Nations, the American Red Cross, and other international  disaster response organizations worked together to care for the trauma  survivors after a series of four devastating hurricanes smashed into  Haiti one after another, before communities had time to regroup from the  previous ones. Then the 2010 massive earthquake struck the island. The  poverty in Haiti complicated responder effectiveness and may have  compounded survivor trauma because residents had few resources. While  back to back disasters may make it difficult to evaluate crisis  management plans, they point to the importance of learning what worked  and what went wrong. 



    Once  a disaster has occurred, the evaluation process includes a review of  what was effective in the response as well as what was not effective.  Learning and improved insights from a disaster can require making  strategic changes in an organization or community. Last  week you encountered new procedures for disaster transportation  recovery, such as design-build, that can change the manner in which  communities recover from disasters. Organizations can take a lesson from  this change in thinking and creativity and look at innovative practices  for strategic planning and recovery. Therefore, evaluation is a key  element in crisis management planning and recovery.


     To prepare for this assignment



    Review Chapter 17 in your course text, Crisis Intervention Strategies,  focusing on systems overviews and the Principles of a Crisis  Intervention Ecosystem. Consider the value of ongoing plan evaluation.


    Review the Appendix and Chapters 5 and 9 in your course text, Crisis Management in the New Strategy Landscape, focusing on organizational learning and evaluation of crisis management plans.


    Review  the article, "Program Evaluation: The Accountability Bridge Model for  Counselors." Consider how counselors can use program evaluation to  enhance accountability to stakeholders.


    Review recent crises and/or disasters online and think about what can be learned about crisis management from them.


     The assignment: (2 page paper APA Format) 


     Provide  an analysis of the role and value of evaluation as part of a crisis  management plan. Provide specific examples to illustrate your arguments. 


    Chapter 17

     Crisis Intervention Strategies


     Chapter 5 

     Crisis Management in the New Strategy Landscape


    Chapter 9[;vnd.vst.idref=ch09]!/4/2@0:0 


    Public Relations In Society

    Public Relations In Society

    Choose one country and discuss how that country’s culture (including its history) has impacted on the practice of public relations and communication within it. You may also wish to focus on a particular case study within that country or on one area of public relations, such as sports, health, indigenous affairs, entertainment, Government or not-for-profit, media relations or social media management, or write more broadly on the topic.  


    Essay Grade 1. Written expression § Writes fluently and develops a logical argument § Demonstrates technical accuracy in terms of punctuation and grammar 


    2. Relevance to the essay question § Addresses the essay question fully § Offers comprehensive scope and literature review relevant to topic 


    3. Analysis and evaluation § Demonstrates outstanding grasp of key concepts, including public relations and chosen topic § Demonstrates highly analytical, critical understanding and interpretation § Supports claims and conclusion through evidence presented in essay 


    4. Research and references § Demonstrates outstanding use of evidence and sources


    5. Structure § Offers clear introduction and conclusion § Develops logical and coherent argument § Meets word length (2000 words) 


    You must draw on the unit readings and materials in your response and use APA or Chicago citation style


    Business And Society

    Business And Society

    Using the concepts presented in Chapters 10 & 11 as well as the facts presented in this case, provide a one (1) paragraph response to each of the following four questions.  You do not have to respond to a classmate's post.


    1. In what ways would the widespread adoption of clean cookstoves address the global environmental issues discussed in Chapter 10? 
    2. In what ways would the widespread adoption of clean cookstoves address the issues of economic development and poverty discussed in Chapter 10? 
    3. Which sectors (e.g., government, business, civil, etc.) would need to be involved in a successful campaign to promote clean cookstoves in the developing world, and what would be the contributions of each? 
    4. After viewing the discussion case video, provide two take-a-ways or impressions the video left you with. 


    Business And Society

    Business And Society

    Please read Chapter 10 Discussion Case "Clean Cooking" (pp. 232-233).  Also view the discussion case video.


    Mental Health & Wellness Blog Post 3: End Of Life Planning

    Mental Health & Wellness Blog Post 3: End Of Life Planning

    Plagiarism free, APA is not required for this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting. Need back on Tuesday January 30, 2018 by 6:30 p.m.


    For this assignment, the task is to provide an easy-to-follow “guide” for families dealing with end of life planning. You will use your Mental Health & Wellness blog to complete this task by explaining advanced directives and providing resources for readers dealing with end-of-life issues.


    Citing four scholarly sources, write a blog post (750 words) that addresses the following:   

    1. Explain what advance directives are and how they are used in end-of-life planning. Include the legal and ethical issues associated with the determination of death. 

    2. Access and explore your state’s advance directives on the “National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization” website. Describe to readers how they could utilize this website for end-of-life issues. 

    3. Explain the importance of cultural awareness for mental health workers regarding end-of-life issues such as end-of-life decision making and burial customs. 

    4. Lastly, summarize why it is important for people dealing with end-of-life issues to be aware of the importance of planning.


    For this Assignment Please follow:



    In a blog post of (750 words), address the following: Explain what advance directives are and how they are used in end-of-life planning. Include the legal and ethical issues associated with the determination of death.

    Essay expertly explains what advance directives are and how they are used in end-of-life planning. Inclusion of the legal and ethical issues associated with the determination of death is comprehensive and insightful.

    Access and explore your state's advance directives on the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization website. Describe to readers how they could utilize this website for end-of-life issues.

    Post expertly describes how readers could utilize this website for end-of-life issues. Description is comprehensive and insightful with relevant evidence to support claims.

    Explain the importance of cultural awareness for mental health workers regarding end-of-life issues (Such as: End-of-life decision making, Burial customs.)

    Post expertly explains the importance of cultural awareness for mental health workers regarding end-of-life issues. Explanation is comprehensive and insightful.

    Lastly, summarize why it is important for people dealing with end-of-life issues to be aware of the importance of planning.

    Post expertly summarizes why it is important for people dealing with end-of-life issues to be aware of the importance of planning. Summary is comprehensive and insightful.


    Organization Effectiveness 

    Thesis Development and Purpose

    Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

    Argument Logic and Construction

    Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

    Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

    Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.



    Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)

    All format elements are correct

    Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style)

    Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.

    Business Law II

    Business Law II

    Review chapters attached as reference material. In no more than 3-4 paragraphs address the following scenario:


     You are an owner of a small food market and provide a check-cashing service to your customers. One of your customers, Jack, cashed a check at the store for $200. You make a daily deposit of checks and cash to your bank, and in the process properly indorsed Jack’s check and included it in your deposit.

    Your deposit reached your bank, First State, and Jack’s check was credited to your bank account. The check then went into the clearing process and was presented for payment at Jack’s bank, Third State. Unfortunately, Jack had insufficient funds in his bank account and the check was dishonored and stamped as not paid due to insufficient funds. It was then sent back to your bank, First State, who deducted the $200 from your bank account and sent the dishonored check to you.


    A. Who has primary liability for payment of the check?


    B. Who has/had secondary liability and when does it come into play? (Note: There were two parties who become secondarily liable as the check moved through the system.)


    C. Who do you ultimately go to recover the $200 you gave Jack for his check?


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