Archive for February, 2018

Week 9

Week 9

There are many stakeholders involved in health care policy issues, and they represent a wide variety of interests and perspectives. The health care industry employs many people. Though all stakeholders may share the goal of optimum individual and societal health and well-being, it is important to note that stakeholders’ financial interests may influence decision making.

For this Discussion, review this week’s resources. Consider the impact of health care policy’s evolution on Medicaid and Medicare programs. Then, think about a specific Medicaid policy in your state that should be amended, and reflect on how you would amend it and why. Finally, research the stakeholders involved in Medicaid and Medicare health care policy in your state and consider the role of these stakeholders in policy development for this issue.

By Day 3

Post an explanation of how the evolution of health care policy has influenced programs such as Medicaid and Medicare. Then, describe a specific Medicaid policy in your state that should be amended, and explain how you would amend it and why. Finally, describe the stakeholders involved in the Medicaid and Medicare health care policy in your state, and explain the role of these stakeholders in policy development for this issue.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.


Imagine that you have been invited to give a high school assembly to discuss issues of discrimination, prejudice, racism, institutional racism, and stereotyping with the school students

Imagine that you have been invited to give a high school assembly to discuss issues of discrimination, prejudice, racism, institutional racism, and stereotyping with the school students. You will need to create a PowerPoint® slide presentation and a speech (to be inserted in the presentation as speaker's notes) to deliver to the school students. 

Create a PowerPoint® presentation of 9 to 12 slides that you will present in an urban, racially diverse high school. 

Include the following:

• An introduction slide to preview major topics.

• A conclusion slide to summarize key points.

• Detailed speaker's notes
 t(see the Library's PowerPoint® tutorials for instructions on inserting speaker's notes)

• Graphics

Address the following in the presentation:

• Define, compare, and contrast each term: stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, racism, and institutional racism.

• Describe how these behaviors are expressed in racially and ethnically diverse urban schools.

• Provide an example of how institutional racism is present in urban schools.

Cite and reference in APA style all sources of information used (including images).

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.

Strategic International Business Management (RKC)

Strategic International Business Management (RKC)

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding.

1. Critically review the strategy of an organisation in light of international business issues, applying relevant theories and concepts.

2. Produce a creative strategic solution to a business problem for an organisation facing diverse challenges, taking into account the firm’s external and internal environments.

3. To think reflectively about the formulation and implementation of international strategy in an ethical and professional manner.


Transferable/Key Skills and other Attributes.

1. Apply planning, organising, decision-making and time management skills appropriate for use in an organisational context.


2. Experiment and develop personal initiative and responsibility in undertaking complex investigations in the solving of organisational problems and issues.


3. Critically analyse and apply key ideas and concepts via comprehensive research relevant both to the subject area and to professional practice in the field.


4. Use terminology associated with the subject area accurately and in a way, which demonstrates sophisticated knowledge and understanding.


5. Develop and enhance individually and/or collaboratively effective written and/or oral communication skills for both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

This assessment is worth 50% of the overall module mark.


You must structure your report in the same order as the assignment tasks set out below.

While the word count for the report is 3000 words (+ / – 10%), the suggested word limits below are based on your using the extra 10% word limit and are merely indicative.

Remember to number the pages, starting with the first page.



Aldi ( is the common brand of 2 leading German global discount supermarket chains operating across 19 countries globally. The company is looking to further expand internationally.

Using Aldi as a case company, produce a report that addresses the 5 following tasks:


Evaluate the following 2 countries to identify which represents the most potentially attractive target market for Aldi’s future international expansion strategy:

  • Czech Republic


  • New Zealand


In order to evaluate which of these 2 countries represents the most potentially attractive target market, you are required to undertake a comparative PESTEL analysis of those macro-environmental factors of the 2 countries that are relevant to Aldi.

– Worth 20% of the overall mark

– Not included in the word count

  • This background analysis must be included as an appendix, presented in table format and must be no more than 5 pages in length.
  • Data should be recent, primarily quantitative and obtained from appropriate sources (e.g. the most recently published World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness report).
  • A scoring system should be used for each macro-environmental factor / sub-factor for each country to show whether each factor / sub-factor is more or less attractive for your company. These scores should then be totalled for each country in order to arrive at an overall scoring of attractiveness for each country.




Discuss the rationale for the selection of your chosen market. Your rationale should be justified with a more detailed discussion of your PESTEL analysis of the macro-environmental factors of your chosen market that you have presented in the appendix for Task 1. This discussion should explicitly consider the implications of the macro-environmental factors of your chosen market for Aldi.

– Worth 20% of the overall mark; 825 words.

  • This task must be presented in the first section of the main body of your report.



Apply the 5-Forces model to critically analyse the competitive intensity of the industrial environment of Aldi in your chosen market. A SWOT analysis is not acceptable.

– Worth 20% of the overall mark; 825 words.

  • This task must be presented in the second section of the main body of your report.



Analyse the firm’s internal environment in order to EITHER:

i) critically evaluate the resources and capabilities of Aldi and the competitive implications of these for the company when entering into your chosen market (this will require an application of the VRIO framework)


ii) identify Aldi’s internal value-adding activities and critically evaluate which of these will be most relevant in supporting the company to enter into your chosen market (this will require an application of the Value Chain model).

A SWOT analysis for either option is not acceptable.

– Worth 20% of the overall mark; 825 words.

  • This task must be presented in the third section of the main body of your report.



Critically evaluate the various modes of entry available to Aldi and recommend – with justification based on the findings of your analyses in Tasks 2, 3 & 4 above – the most suitable mode of entry that will enable this strategic international expansion to be a success for the company.

– Worth 20% of the overall mark; 825 words.

  • This task must be presented in the fourth and final section of the main body of your report.


As indicated above, your assessment should be 3000 words in total (+ / – 10%).

Details about the indicative word count for each section of the report are outlined in the Task Details above.

The word count excludes the following:

– cover page

– contents page

– references

– tables

– diagrams

– appendices

Marks for your assessment will be awarded with reference to the weighting of the tasks outlined above and to the Level 7 grade descriptors that can be found on the University web site.

We expect all students to comply with the indicative word count outlined in the Task Details above.

 “The purpose of feedback is not to provide students with a benchmark between passing and failing but to identify strengths and where there is room for improvement and development” (Assessment and Feedback for Taught Awards Policy).

You will receive feedback in the usual way via

All marks will be ratified at the appropriate Board of Examiners following internal and external moderation.

Please note that being dissatisfied with your results does not constitute grounds for an academic appeal.

Please refer to the relevant forum topic



Bolter and Gromala (2005, p.7) argue “digital art can be the purest form of experimental design”

Bolter and Gromala (2005, p.7) argue “digital art can be the purest form of experimental design”

An individual essay, 3000 words maximum. 
Critically discuss this statement using one to three examples of digital artists or digital art projects. Book that is mentioned in the topic called Bolter, D.J. & Gromala, D. (2005). Windows and Mirrors: Interaction Design, Digital Art, and
the Myth of Transparency, Massachusetts, London: The MIT Press. Unfortunately I do not have a copy of it. If it's too difficult to get it, i have two other optional topics to choose from. Please let me know. 8-10 sources should be enough. I am attaching few, please feel free to use it, if you think it's suitable. Also attached slides from the lecture that i think is most suitable.

Lion, Movie Response

Lion, Movie Response

View the movie Lion, available on Netflix. Read about the author of the non-fiction story that inspired the screenplay. Respond to the movie in 500 words by discussing three awarenesses you developed about culture and the human experience from viewing this moving. In the introduction, discuss the author's personal background that prepared him to write the non-fiction story.

Working With Communities To Design Public Health Interventions

Working With Communities To Design Public Health Interventions

Designing interventions to serve communities is the heart of public health practice. Community level models and frameworks suggest strategies and initiatives that are planned and led by organizations and infrastructures. Their mission is to promote and improve health including, but not limited to, schools, worksites, healthcare organizations, community groups, and government agencies. Public health workers must work with these agencies and organizations to promote the best practices for public health.


Using the Internet and online library resources, respond to the following question:

  • How does population or community-based health promotion differ from traditional presentations provided by guest speakers in schools or community events?

Write your initial response in approximately 200 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.


Grading Criteria

1. Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions: 16

2. Reference to supporting readings and other materials: 4

3. Language and grammar: 4





QUESTION: You are designing a plan for the bulk tank railcar off-loading facility for hydrocarbon products, describe the work system and the hazards that you anticipate needing to address within the plan. How does this plan help you in your organization? What could you do better? Read the rest of the PROJECT requirements before responding to this separate ONE PAGE journal. Use references needed for this there are plenty provided.
STEP 1: Design a system safety program plan for a bulk tank railcar off-loading facility for hydrocarbon products that has the following features:
a. one railcar switch located next to an interstate highway.
b. capacity to off-load liquid hydrocarbon products.
c. two 500,000 gallon bulk liquid storage tanks for liquid hydrocarbon products.
d. two diaphragm pumps with piping between the off-loading station and the bulk liquid storage tanks. 
STEP 2: USE APA GUIDELINES (Title page, abstract, body, and reference page).
Design a minimum 8 page system safety program plan with a minimum of 5 references(books, and articles, one from CSU library), using the following level one headings:
1. Defined objectives
2. System Description
3.Hazard Identification
4.Hazard Analysis
5.Risk Evaluation
6. Hazard Controls
7. Verification of Controls
8. Risk Acceptance
9. Safety Control Structure Diagram (see instructions below)
10. Planned periodic System Review
Design a safety control structure diagram for your work system, and embed it within your system safety program plan as the content for your ninth level one heading. Use figure 6.2 on page 193 in text book of an ammonia fill station as an EXAMPLE (This is provided). Notice that the designed controls within this example structure are the level indicators, control valves, and relief valves.

Bolter and Gromala (2005, p.7) argue “digital art can be the purest form of experimental design”

Bolter and Gromala (2005, p.7) argue “digital art can be the purest form of experimental design”

An individual essay, 3000 words maximum. 
Critically discuss this statement using one to three examples of digital artists or digital art projects. Book that is mentioned in the topic called Bolter, D.J. & Gromala, D. (2005). Windows and Mirrors: Interaction Design, Digital Art, and
the Myth of Transparency, Massachusetts, London: The MIT Press. Unfortunately I do not have a copy of it. If it's too difficult to get it, i have two other optional topics to choose from. Please let me know. 8-10 sources should be enough. I am attaching few, please feel free to use it, if you think it's suitable. Also attached slides from the lecture that i think is most suitable.

REVISION Psychology and The Mirror in Films: untangling the mystery of the mirror

REVISION Psychology and The Mirror in Films: untangling the mystery of the mirror

In this dissertation I am going to dissect the object of the mirror used in films that focuses on the development of a character. These types of films tend to be psychological texts due to how in depth the characters are described. The films I have chosen are Black Swan by Darren Aronofsky; a piece that develops the psyche of the character that suffers from schizophrenia in the world of ballet, a world surrounded by mirrors. The Danish Girl directed by Tom Hooper; a film that develops the process of a man transitioning into a woman and mirrors are used to acknowledge her real persona. 

To do so the dissertation will first explore the historical context of the object of the mirror itself and what psychological significance has had in culture.

How training and development influences staff engagement in airline industry

How training and development influences staff engagement in airline industry

Please read the "Instructions to Writer.pdf" in the file area of the order. You may also read the "Assignment Handbook and Guidance.pdf" for more details and the standard requirements from my university about this course work.

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