Archive for July 10th, 2019

Research Paper Draft On Firewalls

1)Please read the question completely before starting the work.
2) Also the initial research paper and annotated bibliography is attached. The research paper needs to be enhanced. The attached research apper template needs to be followed.
3) The  number of words and number of papers and number of references are given in the template.

The research paper on application security is attached. This paper needs to be developed.
The research paper development consisted of: (a) research paper topic (defining the topic of your research), (b) annotated bibliography (finding literature about the topic), (c) draft research paper (producing a draft paper based on the research topic) and (d) final research paper (improving on the draft and writing a final paper).
This week you will submit the (c) draft version of your paper, please use the template provided to complete the research paper draft.

The American Public And Terrorism

Explain whether you think deterrence or military retaliation is a more effective means of combating terrorism and why. Of the two, which do you think is more successful in helping societies cope with terrorist attacks?

Hurricane Katrina: Post Disaster

Watch Katrina Scars Linger. Describe how the community of New Orleans has responded to the disaster. In your opinion, has the city recovered from the disaster? Explain why or why not. Also, do you think a greater focus on mental health services to victims of the disaster would have expedited recovery?

What are examples of fixed and variable costs in a fast food restaurant?

 QUESTION: What are examples of fixed and variable costs in a fast food restaurant? How do you think a firm will be able to maximize their profits if the economy starts to go into a recession? 


Answer must be in APA format, with references and in text citations a needed.


Discuss the exploitation of indigenous peoples as described in the writings of Christopher Columbus, Alonso Zuazo, Bartolomé de las Casas.

Discuss the exploitation of indigenous peoples as described in the writings of Christopher Columbus, Alonso Zuazo, Bartolomé de las Casas. Explain why the Native Americans were enslaved, why alternative labor source was later required, and where replacements for Native Americans were found.


Curriculum Barrier Case Study

Robert, a 9th grader, is very popular because of his wonderful sense of humor, his respect for teachers, and his expertise in military vehicles. Robert also happens to have Spina Bifida, which confines him to a motorized wheelchair due to his limited mobility and limb strength. His disability negatively impacts his access to reading materials because of the motor coordination it takes to hold a book. Robert is fully included in the general education classroom but struggles to keep up with grade-level reading and written assignments.


The 9th grade social studies teacher is beginning a history unit specifically on the Civil War and has asked you to help evaluate the elements of this unit in regard to Robert’s strengths, areas of need, level of readiness, barriers that will impact his learning, as well as differentiated instruction strategies and instructional technology to overcome those barriers.


Your peer, the 9th grade social studies teacher, has provided you with the unit elements, requirements and Robert’s characteristics.


Unit Elements & Requirements


  • Subject      Matter: Civil War (events leading up to, the event, event outcome)
  • Group      Discussions
  • Workbook/      Worksheet & Textbook Reading
  • Videos
  • Written      Homework Assignments
  • Summative      Unit Assessment


 Student Characteristics


  • Loves      military vehicles
  • Good      sense of humor
  • Respectful
  • Auditory      Learner
  • Logical/      Mathematical Thinker
  • Limited      Mobility
  • Limited      motor coordination
  • Can      use a computer but due to limitations, slow typist


 DISCUSSION QUESTION: Using this Case Study information and past discussions you have had with this teacher:


  1. Provide      a list of at least two differentiated instruction strategies and two      instructional technologies to overcome those barriers specific to this      unit plan. 
  2. Explain      how each instruction strategy and instructional technology device fit into      the TPACK framework.
  3. Explain      how safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology,      including the respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the      appropriate documentation of sources will be incorporated into the      lesson. 
  4. Provide      additional webpages, journal articles, and videos that the teacher can      also use for future reference (cited in APA formatting).

Differentiated Assessment

Over the past four weeks you’ve had the opportunity to create a classroom environment that supports the foundations of differentiated instruction (DI), brainstorm differentiated strategies that align with the Common Core State Standards, and create the foundation for a unit plan based that incorporates instructional technology while adhering to UDL and DI principles.


This week, you will use what you’ve learned to create a summative assessment for the unit plan you created using one of the strategies from your PLC blog, and with the classroom environment you’ve outlined in Week Two.


This summative assessment must:


a. Identify the Common Core State Standard being assessed for mastery (it can be the same one you used in Week Four’s assignment).


b. Identify a unit goal that aligns with the Common Core State Standard.  


For example: The students will (Measurable Verb) by (A specific outcome with a specific tool) with ___% accuracy. 


You will also address:


o Measurable mastery – Describe how mastery can be measured. (e.g., classify, discriminate, create, construct, defend, predict, evaluate, etc.). Be sure to avoid subjective words such as know, understand, learn, or appreciate.


o A specific outcome – Explain what students will do to demonstrate mastery. (e.g., skill or knowledge that has been gained as a result of this unit).


o Measurable progress – Identify the tool that will be used to measure mastery. (e.g., project, journal, test, etc.).


o Proficiency Level – Determine the acceptable level of achievement to demonstrate mastery.


a. Create three formative assessments using the three day lesson plan outline from the unit plan. Be sure that each formative assessment addresses: 


o a unique, differentiated teaching strategy for each day’s lesson,


o multiple intelligences,


o student’s different learning styles, and


o how the assessment results will be used to drive instruction.


b. Create a summative assessment that appraises mastery of the Common Core State Standard and the Unit Objective. Be sure to use the summative assessment outline plan from the unit plan. The summative assessment must include: 


o Directions to complete the assessment written using vocabulary and terms geared towards your identified student population.


o A rubric that clearly details how each part of the assignment will be graded.


o Provisions for addressing multiple intelligences and various learning styles.


The assignment should be a minimum of five pages in length, not including the title and reference pages, and must include reference to the course text and one additional resource (scholarly article or online resource). The assignment must be cited in proper APA format. A title and reference page must be included.

Classroom Assessment

Tomlinson (2001) described differentiated assessment as an ongoing process through which teachers gather data before, during, and after instruction from multiple sources to identify learners’ needs and strengths. In a quality class that is built on the foundation of differentiation, the teacher will infuse a constant stream of assessments (before, during, and after) to help identify student’s needs and to help improve learning.


Use the information in your text and from the following websites and video to explore definitions, explanations and examples of pre-assessments, formative assessments, and summative assessments.





After viewing the resources:


  • Explain      the role of assessment as it applies to theoretical foundations of      differentiated instruction. 
  • Describe      how assessment can be created that evaluates a student’s true knowledge      without bias towards language barriers, learning differences, or cultural      differences. 
  • Choose      one differentiated assessment strategy (either pre, formative, or      summative) from the course text (or from the recommended websites or      video) and present a rationale for using the assessment to meet the needs      of diverse learners and how it will be used to drive future      instruction. 

Why is it important for an organization to have policies on access privileges, security, disaster planning, and archiving?

Why is it important for an organization to have policies on access privileges, security, disaster planning, and archiving?


Response to this question with a discussion of points that you can substantiate with resources such as the textbook for this course or any other scholarly resource. Remember to include references.

Cluster Diagram, Outline, And Memo

Cluster Diagram, Outline, and Memo




Imagine! A fabulous job opportunity came about. Its application process requires the submission of a well-written letter, which reviews both; (1) position interest and, (2) personal characteristics (only).




To make sure the letter sent is appropriate, and includes audience directed information, it’s best to seek assistance. Contact XXX Director, AA College Career Center, by way of a memo. Within this memo, explain the position opportunity, and the audience who will review this letter. Ask that Jane shares her letter expertise, because it’s really needed! Her feedback helps guarantee a posible job interview. For Jane’s critique, the memo includes a list of the required personal characteristics (3-6, with support/examples).  Memo’s end has a request for a future, letter editing session.




Memo, follow the steps below:




Create a cluster diagram which organizes:


Position opportunity


Audience of review


Position interest


Assistance request


Personal characteristics


Appointment request


Turn your cluster diagram into an outline which includes memo format(s).


With the outline as a guide, draft the memo to XXX


Check its readability and note the score at document’s end.


Include a personal letterhead.

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