Archive for July 23rd, 2019

Discuss the effects of terrorism on the domestic and global communities.

5 Pages

APA Style

3 Peer-reviewed resources



Discuss the effects of terrorism on the domestic and global communities. 

Select three specific terrorist attacks that have occurred against the United States, either at home or abroad.

Discuss the impacts of each of these attacks on the domestic and global communities with regard to political, economic, and social factors. 

Based upon your discussion, what conclusions can be drawn about the overall effects of terrorism regarding each of these factors?


Assess the value of touch screen devices related to human-computer interaction systems

” Please respond to the following:

  • Touch screens are becoming extremely popular input devices for phones and tablets. Assess the value of touch screen devices related to human-computer interaction systems. Identify at least two advantages and two disadvantages of having touch screen devices in the workplace. Support your response by citing a quality resource.
  • Chapter 8 currently has the following subsections, keyboards and keypads, pointing devices, and speech and auditory interfaces. Predict what the subsections may be if this book were written 10 years from now. Justify your predictions.

Will LinkedIn And YouTube Benefit Your Company?”

Please respond to the following:



  • As a social media manager, you will need to know which platform(s) will benefit your company. Analyze LinkedIn and YouTube. For each platform, examine items such as which consumer segments are using each platform, the type of products that should be used on each platform, the type of company that should use each platform, and the type of advertising message, etc. Justify your response.
  • Analyze whether or not LinkedIn and YouTube would benefit your chosen company. Why do you think your chosen platform is the best for your business? Provide justification and rationale for your response.

In a minimum 500-word essay with one citation and references, describe how at least three of the seven thinking habits relate to your position and career path

In a minimum 500-word essay with one citation and references, describe how at least three of the seven thinking habits relate to your position and career path. These thinking habits are: truth-seeking, open-mindedness, analyticity, systematicity, confidence in reasoning, inquisitiveness, and maturity of judgment. In the final part of your essay, identify one of these habits that is an area of development for you and set one goal for developing this habit.


  • A title page
  • One-inch margins
  • 12-point font, double-spaced
  • 500 Words, minimum
  • A reference page
  • If you use an outside source in researching your responses, be sure to cite it in the body of the paper and include it on the reference page.  

TM 311 – Informatn Tech Mgt & Organizat (52812)

This week’s discussion consists of two questions.


1) Conduct a Google search on ‘e-business’ and ‘e-commerce’. Is there any difference between them? If so, what is it? Be sure to offer a reasonably detailed response. Include citations to the websites/articles from which you retrieved your information.




2) Review the e-business models that are discussed on p. 148-150 (B2B, B2C, B2G). Provide an outline for a marketing strategy for a specific product or service that your organization could use for two of these models (for example, you might choose B2C and B2G, but skip B2B). Be sure to either reference your textbook OR an external source for each of these two strategies.

Accessing Non-Renewable Resources

Alternative Futures, developed and developing countries that have access to the planet’s resources (because they can buy those resources from others or because those resources exist in abundance in that country) continue to grow at a fast pace, placing a tremendous strain on the availability of nonrenewable resources.


Briefly, what non-renewable natural resources are most at risk of depletion?


Discuss some sustainable development models that have broad applicability to the needs and consumption demands of both developing and developed countries.  Review the posts of your classmates and respond to at least one other post, offering a substantive comment on that classmate’s position on the issue(s).

Ideology Religion And Terrorism


300 words

APA Style

1-2 references


Discuss the role of religion in the development of social and political attitudes on terrorism. Identify three examples of terrorist incidents motivated by religious beliefs. Discuss the ideology used to justify each of these incidents. Where do each of these attitudes fall on the classical ideological continuum? 


Developmental Psychology

Risky Behaviors Encountered by Adolescents






According to the readings for this week, the three leading causes of death for adolescents include:


  • Unintentional injuries
  • Homicide
  • Suicide


You’ve been asked by the PTA to speak with a group of parents on risky behaviors encountered by adolescents (e.g., substance abuse, eating disorders, and tobacco use) and strategies to minimize the impact of these factors. In your response, compare and contrast your perceptions with your classmates.


Discussion posts should be at least 300 words and include minimally (2) citations from this week’s reading.

21st-Century Skills (Discussion)

Gone are the days when students sat quietly in rows while the teacher lectured at the front of the classroom. As our world becomes increasingly globalized and our classrooms become flat, teachers must prepare students for 21st-century skills that include communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity (also known as the 4 C’s).


Review the video The Four C’s: Making 21st Century Education Happen (Links to an external site.) and Chapter 7 of your text:


Provide your initial response by answering the following questions:

  • In what ways are students being transformed as result of 21st century learning? Explain.
  • How have 21st-century skills impacted professional development for teachers?
  • How is your role as a future educator going to be different than the “traditional” role?
  • How will you choose to use the valuable and limited time you have with your students?

Discuss a specific current policy from one Middle Eastern country.

Answer each question 250-300 words


APA Style


1-2 resources per question


1. Discuss a specific current policy from one Middle Eastern country. What are the impacts of the policy within the respective country, the Middle East, and the world? How does the selected policy relate to terrorist activities? You may choose to discuss a policy that promotes or support terrorism or a policy designed to prevent terrorism.


2.  Discuss the evolution of global jihad since the Iranian Revolution of 1979. Provide at least three specific examples of events that occurred in the Middle East and discuss the ways these events influenced global jihad. How has each of these events contributed to the continued turmoil in the Middle East?


3. Discuss the current debate surrounding the definition of cyberterrorism. Why is there no common definition? What are some of the challenges associated with establishing a common definition? Provide examples of two competing definitions of cyberterrorism from different sources and discuss the differences between the definitions. What are the implications of these differences?


4. Discuss the characteristics that would distinguish an attack of cyberterrorism from an attack of cybercrime. Discuss four specific characteristics that could be used to identify an attack as cyberterrorism or cybercrime. Why is it important to effectively distinguish between the two?


5.  What are the primary effects of state-sponsored terrorism on the domestic and global communities? How does state-sponsored terrorism impact the political, economic, and social factors within these communities? Which of these factors would you argue is most significantly impacted by state-sponsored terrorism, and why?



6.  Consider the political, social, and economic effects of terrorist attacks committed by non-state actors. How do these effects differ, if at all, from the effects of state-sponsored terrorism? Would you argue that the political origin of terrorist attacks (state-sponsored vs. non-state-sponsored) alters the effects on the domestic and global communities, and why?    

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