Archive for July 23rd, 2019

Module 02 Discussion – Healthy People 2020 – Maternal, Infant, And Child Health

The Healthy People 2020 website is a treasure trove of information related to the health care of women, infants, children, and adolescents.


Select one of the topics from the website related to the health of women, infants, children, or adolescents. Why this topic is important to the health of our nation? What strategies might you use to help improve this healthcare issue?




please use only The Healthy People 2020 Website.  I only need about 150 words.  

What are the possible problems we may face with psychology in the future?

Psychology is a contemporary science. Listed below are several recent papers. For the first part of this assignment, choose two papers to briefly summarize in a paragraph each, focusing on the contribution each makes to psychological knowledge in general.

The second part of the paper should be a discussion of the contributions and limitations of the field of psychology in our general knowledge. In addition, please discuss the follow;

  • What can we expect to learn in the future?
  • What are the possible problems we may face with psychology in the future?

This paper should be 2-3 pages in length and use APA formatting (cover page, paper body formatting, citations, and references: see Rasmussen’s APA guide in the Resources tab, or by clicking here. Prior to submitting your paper, be sure you proofread your work to check your spelling and grammar. If you use any outside sources, please site those sources in APA citation format.

Ponder, J. D., & Haridakis, P. (2015). Selectively social politics: The differing roles of media use on political discussion. Mass Communication & Society, 18(3), 281-302. doi:10.1080/15205436.2014.940977

Edlund, J. E. (2016). Invited editorial: Let’s do it again: A call for replications in Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research. Psi Chi Journal Of Psychological Research, 21(1), 59-61.

Edlund, J. E. (2016). Invited editorial: Let’s do it again: A call for replications in Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research. Psi Chi Journal Of Psychological Research, 21(1), 59-61.

Wolters, C. A., & Hussain, M. (2015). Investigating grit and its relations with college students’ self-regulated learning and academic achievement. Metacognition And Learning, 10(3), 293-311. doi:10.1007/s11409-014-9128-9.

Paper discusses psychological issues from both papers intelligently and methodically


Write a 1,050-word report in which you select a company you are familiar with or a company where you currently work, and do the following:

  • Evaluate the internal and external environments of your selected company using an environmental scan.
  • Analyze the competitive advantage of your selected company.
  • Evaluate the strategies your selected company uses to create value and gain competitive advantage.
  • Examine the measurement guidelines your selected company uses to verify its strategic effectiveness.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the measurement guidelines your selected company uses.


Cite 3 scholarly references besides the text, including at least one peer-reviewed reference




Format in accordance with APA guidelines

Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison

As we have learned throughout this course, quantitative techniques focus on breadth and generalizability, while qualitative techniques focus on depth and targeting specific and sometimes limited populations.Instructions:Using the articles you found throughout this course, compare and contrast the overall Methods section format of quantitative studies versus qualitative studies in general.

  • How is the write-up of qualitative studies the same or different from the write-up of quantitative studies with respect to the data collection and data analyses sections?
  • How are the write-ups the same or different with respect to the participant selection sections?
  • Be sure to support your discussion with specific examples.
  • Which style do you find yourself drawn to most and why?

Your post should be at least 300 words. 


Required Text

Malec, T. & Newman, M. (2013). Research methods: Building a knowledge base. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. ISBN-13: 9781621785743, ISBN-10: 1621785742. Section 1.6: Writing a Research Proposal Chapter 3: Qualitative and Descriptive Designs-Observing Behavior Chapter 5: Experimental Designs- Determining Cause and Effect Relationships

Required References

Edwards, K. & Dardis, C. (2014).Conducting mixed-methodological dating violence research: Integrating quantitative survey and qualitative data. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/978144627305013516582

Recommended References

Stoltenberg, C. D., & Pace, T. M. (2007). The scientist-practitioner model: Now more than ever. Journal of Contemporary Psychother 


Using the course text, you may write an essay worth up to 20 points, which will be added to your lowest exam score.

In order to earn the maximum number of points- you need to follow this instruction sheet as closely as possible. The point on plagiarism is especially important: Committing plagiarism, whether copying word-for-word from the course text, the internet or any other source, can result in a flat F for the course, and your information will be sent to the administration for disciplinary measures.


A prisoner is captured who might know where a nuclear bomb is hidden in North America. The prisoner is not talking, but there is always the option of using torture.  


Write a script or narrative (i.e., for T.V.) where three out of the following five individuals—an Ethical Relativist, a Divine Command Theorist, a Utilitarian, a Kantian ethicist and a Virtue ethicist—are arguing about what to do in this situation.  


Make sure you make the central ideas of each position apparent (for instance, at some point the Utilitarian should state the Utilitarian formula).  


Moreover: One of the three individuals you choose must win the argument. In other words, your script needs a hero.  


As you write this essay, keep the following in mind:


1) The only resources you may use for this essay is the course text and your brain. Do NOT use any other source (no library books, no internet articles).


2) None of the gimmicks high-school students use to make the essay look longer. No narrow margins, no huge fonts, no big spaces between paragraphs. If I see any of these gimmicks, I will take points off of your score.


3) DO NOT QUOTE THE COURSE TEXT. Everything has to be in your own words!!!!


4) No rush jobs!!! Don’t hand me a skimpy little essay and expect a high score. You have to write as carefully as possible- I will be looking at your grammar and spelling as well.


5) Enjoy writing the essay: The best way to do this assignment is to get interested in the topic. I can always tell the difference between something passionately written, and something merely done as an assignment.

Researchers must protect participants and be aware of appropriate methods for obtaining information.


Researchers must protect participants and be aware of appropriate methods for obtaining information. What ethical considerations are important to research? In about 2 pages, write an analysis of the ethical concerns in the 3 diverse psychological research studies below. Be sure to include a paragraph of overall ethical consideration.

This paper should be 2-3 pages in length and use APA formatting (cover page, paper body formatting, citations, and references.


Haslam, S. A., & Reicher, S. D. (2012). Contesting the ‘nature’ of conformity: What Milgram and Zimbardo’s studies really show. Plos Biology, 10(11), doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001426

Larsen, K. S. (1974). Conformity in the Asch experiment. The Journal Of Social Psychology, 94(2), 303-304. doi:10.1080/00224545.1974.9923224

Mischel, W., Ayduk, O., Berman, M. G., Casey, B. J., Gotlib, I. H., Jonides, J., & … Shoda, Y. (2011). ‘Willpower’ over the life span: Decomposing self-regulation. Social Cognitive And Affective Neuroscience, 6(2), 252-256. doi:10.1093/scan/nsq081


The Best Teacher I ever had

You will write the first draft of a two-paragraph essay plus a conclusion. You may choose one of these essay topics: The career I hope to follow; a special or unusual person; the best or worst teacher I ever had, or the most exciting event in my life. You will be graded on the following:

1. A clear thesis statement (10 points)
2. Two topic sentences (one for each paragraph) that express the main idea (15 points each for a possible total of 30 points)
3. The body of each paragraph: Each paragraph should be comprised of a topic sentence (#2 above), supporting details in body sentences (relevant to the topic sentence), and a concluding sentence (20 points each for a possible total of 40 points) 
4. The conclusion (10 points)
5. Be sure to proofread carefully, including spell-checking. (10 points).

Descriptive Paragraph of a Friend

If you don’t like the topic, you can change it.

You are required to write a descriptive paragraph for this assignment for a total of 100 points. You may choose any person you have known personally or any place that was important in your life as your topic. However, you must demonstrate mastery of the following in your paragraph. Therefore, the depth (length) of your paragraph must be sufficient to demonstrate these concepts.

a. Topic Sentence – Be sure this is a general statement that states the person, place, or thing you will describe. Highlight this sentence in aqua blue. (10 points)

b. Body Sentences – Be sure to select ideas and write sentences that appeal to the senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, and/or touch) and that are definitely related to the topic sentence. The quality and relationship of these sentences will be evaluated. (10 points)

c. Coherence: Be sure that you organize your paragraph in the best way possible. A coherent paragraph is clear, logical, and readable.

(1) Order: Select the best order for your paragraph (time, space, or importance). Select transitions for your paragraph that demonstrate your understanding of the order. At a minimum, you must use three (3) transitions to demonstrate your understanding of this concept. Highlight these transitions in yellow. (15 points)

(2) Related Sentences: Be sure to repeat words and ideas; use synonyms and substitutions to demonstrate your understanding of this concept. Highlight these related words or sentence parts in gray. (15 points)

d. Sentence Structure: In your paragraph, demonstrate your understanding of the following sentence structures. You must demonstrate at least one (1) of EACH of the following structures. Highlight these in green. (5 points each, for a possible total of 20 points)

(1) Coordinating conjunction 
(2) Semicolon 
(3) Conjunctive adverb
(4) Subordinate clause followed by an independent clause

e. Concluding Sentence: Be sure to complete your paragraph with a well-written concluding sentence. (15 points)

f. Mechanics and Grammar – Be sure that you complete the final step of the writing process: proofreading. Your paragraph should be free from sentence construction errors and should be spell-checked. (15 points)

Comparison-Contrast: Ebook vs physical books

If you don’t like the topic, you can change it.

Comparison-Contrast Paragraph: You will write a comparison-contrast paragraph. You may choose any comparison-contrast approach related to persons, places, or things. You must demonstrate mastery of the following in your paragraph, so make sure that the depth (length) of your paragraph is sufficient to demonstrate these concepts: 

a. Topic Sentence – Be sure this is a general statement that identifies what you will compare and contrast. (10 points)

b. Body Sentences – Be sure to select ideas and write sentences that clearly compare and contrast two persons, places, or things and that are definitely related to the topic sentence. The quality and relationship of these sentences will be evaluated. (30 points)

c. Organization/Coherence: In comparison-contrast paragraphs, the organization of the sentences is very important. Be sure that you organize your paragraph in the best way possible. Select transitions for your paragraph that demonstrate your understanding of the order you select. At a minimum, you must use three (3) transitions to demonstrate your understanding of this concept. Highlight these transitions in yellow. (30 points)

d. Language Awareness: Your paragraph should demonstrate an awareness of language usage. For example, your writing should be exact, concise, and fresh. (10 points)

e. Concluding Sentence: Be sure to complete your paragraph with a well-written concluding sentence. (10 points)

f. Mechanics and Grammar – Be sure that you complete the final step of the writing process: proofreading. Your paragraph should definitely be free from sentence construction errors and should demonstrate correct use of verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, and pronoun use; in addition, it should be spell-checked. 
(10 points)

Early childhood education

Discussion board 2 pages needed

Topic: Twelve parents at a center have been laid off from a local retailer due to a mild recession in the area. Eleven of the 12 families withdrew from the program with little or no notice. All contracts require a two-week written notice, but, under the circumstances, these families could not comply. The director developed her budget based on 95 percent enrollment of the center, which has a capacity of 70 full-time enrollments. She is now expecting approximately $4,700 less per month than planned. Additionally, she is staffed for these 11 children, all in different programs because their ages range from two through three-and-a-half.

This is a research-based assignment. Using several sources from the course for support, answer these questions:

1.     How could the director attempt to reconcile the budget?

2.     How could the director avoid layoffs in her own staff? Is that possible?

3.     Do you think the director’s aim of 95 percent reenrollment is realistic? Why?

4.     What could you learn from this case study?


Click, P. M., Karkos, K. A, & Robertson, C. (2013). Administration of programs for young children (9th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage, 284.

Please write at least 2 pages answering the questions that related to the topic which is attached, also you will see some examples just to give you an idea. Make sure using these reference
Click, P. M., Karkos, K. A., & Robertson, C. (2014). Administration of programs for young children (9th. ed.). Stamford, CT Cengage.


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