Archive for July 25th, 2019

Briefly introduce the writer and the situation that this reading is about

Assignment 1: Essay


Due Week 4 and worth 100 points


Choose one (1) of the three (3) reading selections from the list of topic choices below. The focus is on brief but important primary source material written by important authors. In each case, the subject relates to the problems of certain people who are oppressed or impoverished.  In each topic, a different genre or approach is adopted to help readers see and perhaps address the problem.   Read the selections as identified with each topic below. Write a four-to-five (4-5) paragraph essay (350 words minimum) which analyzes the work following the list of four things “your paper should cover” given just after the topics.






Reading selection from Samuel Johnson within the current text 21.12 from The Rambler the essay found here Johnson was the editor of two coffeehouse magazines, The Rambler (1750–52) and The Idler (1758–60), and the author of Dictionary of the English Language, and subject of one of the first biographies by James Boswell. Johnson overcame numerous illnesses and handicaps.




For the reading selection and topic you choose, your paper should cover the following:


  1. Briefly introduce the writer and the situation that this reading is about.  Identify the genre or nature of the reading. (Who is the author; why did he or she write this piece?)
  2. Using specific examples or lines within the reading, suggest the author’s key views and key aims for the reading audience. (Give a 1-2 paragraph summary of ideas)
  3. Evaluate the author’s strategy and what you see as the work’s likely effectiveness (or lack of effectiveness) for the target audience.  If there is any known historical result, discuss that. (Look at the writing style and discuss who would read this)
  4. Evaluate how the reading impacted you.  Identify any analogous situations today, and also key lessons you get from the reading that could be relevant to one’s professional and personal life. (How did you like this?  How do the ideas relate to situations today?)

Active And Passive Crowdsourcing In Government

The authors of the article “Active and Passive Crowdsourcing in Government” discuss the application of the idea of crowdsourcing by public agencies. It leverages Web-based platforms to gather information from a large number of individuals for solving intricate problems (Loukis and Charalabidis 284). The scholars revealed that the concept of crowdsourcing was first adopted by organizations in the private sector, especially creative and design firms. Later on, state agencies began to determine how to leverage crowdsourcing to obtain “collective wisdom” from citizens aimed at informing the formulation and implementation of public policies.


Active and passive approaches to crowdsourcing are similar as they are both directed at creating innovative solutions based on the knowledge, thoughts, and insights of members of the public. They are highly automated and contain application programming interfaces (API) (Loukis and Charalabidis 264). In addition, the two models involve the use of Web 2.0 technologies such as blogs, online forums, and news sharing sites for data collection. However, they differ in their ICT infrastructure. Active crowdsourcing platform has a task management function for adding multimedia and starting campaigns. It also contains a contribution management component for processing content from citizens. Conversely, passive crowdsourcing platform does not have functions for analyzing information from users.


The researchers assert that the crowdsourcing methods they recommend for state agencies should be aligned with the special needs of users (Loukis and Charalabidis 261). They conducted extensive research to indicate that public institutions should improve the application of process models in gathering information from citizens. Notably, the government is still experimenting on the use of the crowdsourcing methods that are discussed in the article. Consequently, it is necessary to ask the following question: In what ways can the government realize the real-life application of crowdsourcing models?


Work Cited


Loukis, Euripidis, and Charalabidis, Yannis. “Active and Passive Crowdsourcing in Government”.Policy Practice and Digital Science, edited by Janssen, Marijn, Wimmer, Maria A., and Deljoo, Ameneh. Springer, 2015, pp. 261-287.

Explain the connections between pleasure, contemplation, and judgment in aesthetic appreciation.

Answer the following questions, Be sure to number your answers, so they correspond to the questions.


Each answer to each question should be at least one paragraph or more. Answers may come from only two sources, your textbook and your mind. No work should be submitted from the Internet or other sources. See the Sample Assignments for Questions and Essays folder for an example of what is required.


Be sure to use standard English grammar and spelling.


Chapter 10


  1. Explain the connections between pleasure, contemplation, and judgment in aesthetic appreciation.
  2. Explain how aesthetics, art, and criticism are interrelated.
  3. Evaluate David Hume’s view regarding art criticism.
  4. Articulate the notion of ‘truth’ in art criticism.
  5. Explain if it is possible to have an agreement about aesthetic judgments and if that is a problem.


Chapter 11


  1. Explain the elements of any moral dilemma: the act, the consequences of the act, and the moral agent.
  2. Critically analyze the false starts in moral philosophy including relativism and Divine Command.
  3. Discuss the practical and logical problems with Aquinas’ Natural Law moral theory.
  4. Explain how ethics can be said to be always personal and often political.


Chapter 12


  1. Compare and contrast various views of Hobbes and Locke on the state of nature and natural rights.
  2. Explain and evaluate Rousseau’s criticism of both Hobbes and Locke regarding the state of nature.
  3. Explain the difference between the labor theory of property and labor theory of value.
  4. Explain and evaluate Karl Marx’s analysis of class struggle as presented in his Communist Manifesto.
  5. Explain the views of Nozick and Hospers regarding legitimate laws and the role of government.
  6. Compare and contrast Rawls and Nozick on justice

Understand impact of marketing environments on health services marketing strategy

Written Assignment #4 – Final project – PowerPoint & VIDEO


Marketing Plan Presentation: worth 20% of final grade


Your final project is in lieu of a final exam and is worth 20% of your final grade.  As such, the final project will assess your ability to synthesize the marketing principles by applying them to a health care organization.  Your end product will be a brief overview of a marketing plan for your organization accompanying a video presentation using software called – screencast-o-matic.    You are not expected to reach the level of authoring a professional, actionable, marketing plan, but you are expected to demonstrate an understanding and application of basic marketing principles. 


Final Project Objectives


1. Understand impact of marketing environments on health services marketing strategy


2. Develop marketing objectives


3. Apply marketing concepts of segmenting, targeting and positioning a health services market


4. Describe a health services organization’s current marketing mix and suggest modifications based on marketing objectives


5. Identify measurements to access the marketing plan’s impact on the health services organization.


6. Demonstrate college-level research and writing skills commensurate with a 300-level course


Steps to completing a Successful Final Project webcam/video:




Topic is Medical equipment sales/rentals




2. Submit your final project organization topic for approval.  As directed by your faculty member, submit the organization that you will pursue in the assignment dropbox.   Provide a brief description of the organization and why you chose it. You will submit this topic for approval in week 3.


3. Research your health service organization.  Your research should take many forms, including academic research from the UMUC library.  Your research should also include a visit to the organization, interviews with key administrators or marketers (if possible), research on the category of health services in which the organization belongs, e.g. hospitals, physician practice, etc., website review, review of similar services which would be considered direct competitors.  You might want to refer to the Marketing Webliography found under Course Content > Course Resources > Marketing Toolbox > Marketing Webliography.


4. Review the final project Power Point Template.  This can be found under Course Content > Course Resources > Final Project Power Point Template.  Be sure you understand all the relevant marketing concepts; ask your faculty member to clarify, if needed.


5. Use the marketing plan template to complete your Power Point Presentation. The template is located in Content>Course Content>week 8.  Feel free to change the design and slide layouts in whatever way you feel best represents and communicates your best work.  Be sure to remove any of the generic text provided to you for guidance.  


Refer to the Marketing Toolbox under Course Content > Course Resources > Marketing Toolbox >Tips for Effective Power Point Presentations for some ideas on how to present your ideas in a format that clearly demonstrates a correlation between the concept and the subject of your term project.


6. Seek out your faculty member any time you need assistance or guidance.  You will not be able to find out everything about your organization or its industry, some of the information is propriety, so be prepared to make some well-reasoned statements in your final project.


7. Keep your Power Point presentation simple.  Reserve the main portion of your presentation for your key findings, conclusions and recommendations.  Use exhibits to add supplemental or source information such as charts and graphs. 


8. Be sure to include endnotes and/or a reference page as part of your grade is on your ability to demonstrate these skills.


9. Review your Power Point Presentation against the project rubric.  You may want to revisit those sections that would appear not to provide you with enough points for an acceptable grade.


10. Carefully edit your Power Point Presentation to be sure it presents your best work, is free of typos, is appropriately cited and referenced; and that it clearly communicates your points.


11. Use screencast-o-matic software to record your final project ppt and video simultaneously. 


12. Submit your final project in the assignment section of LEO on or before the due date noted in your LEO classroom calendar.

Research and discuss with your colleagues two health care challenges in the future for public or private health care organizations.

Research and discuss with your colleagues two health care challenges in the future for public or private health care organizations. You must select two challenges and discuss: How will these challenges affect patients and the health care organization? Be specific as to which type of health care organization you are dealing with [i.e. HMOs. PPOs, POS, urgent care centers, physician outpatient care surgical centers, etc.]. Peers are expected to demonstrate critical thinking in their questions related to the classmates’ descriptions. See Discussion Expectations and Grading for rules on discussions.


Assigned reading materials:


“Business-Level Strategy” Please respond to the following:

“Business-Level Strategy” Please respond to the following:


  • From the first e-Activity, assess your satisfaction with the company you researched and make recommendations about how that company could modify its business-level strategy to both increase your overall level of satisfaction and to attract new customers. Provide specific examples to support your response.
  • Analyze the five business-level strategies discussed in Chapter 4 to determine which strategy the company you researched most likely applies. Determine how your experience with that company might change if it switched to one of the other four strategies (your choice). Explain your rationale.


Please respond to this post:




Information Technology is one of the aspects that has brought significant impacts and developments in many parts of the world. The availability of the global economy and especially technology is among the key drivers in the improvement of many firms. One of the significant aspects of driving a competitive landscape of a firm is the location that it is situated. The location of the firm is so strategic that it has a competitive advantage. 




The industry I would like to choose is Transportation and Logistics. The moving back and forth of goods and product is essential. Businesses around the world depend on the timely shipment of its product so its important to look for new and innovative ways to keep the customers happy. 

What could be the main options for dealing with the company’s exposure?

Please read Case Study 4.2 Scrinton Technologies on pg.132-135. 




Please provide well- written and well-reasoned answers to the following discussion questions. Complete and submit the assignment by 4 hours from acceptance of this bid.






 -Follow the guidelines in the Case Reflection Paper rubric below.-




1 -paragraph each question




Question 1


What could be the main options for dealing with the company’s exposure?




Question 2 


Under what circumstances would the com­pany suffer the greatest loss if its exposure were left completely uncovered?


Turn-it-in is enabled on all papers.

IMPORTANT: Papers need to be in doc format.


 Submission Instructions:
All responses in this discussion forum must be professional, well-reasoned, well-written, and free from profanity.  This discussion assignment should reflect the fact that this is a written product for a graduate professional program.  All responses should be professional, and if you disagree with a submission, keep it professional.  Make any criticisms constructive.  If ideas are not your own, please reference them with the appropriate internet link or written resource link 

Management Strategies

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words. Remember to in-text cite and then reference materials where required


Discuss the Following in a Single Initial Reply: 


1) This may seem like an obvious one, but it is important to understand the differences in financial management. Who can describe the difference between cash flow, profit and net income?


2) What is the definition of working capital in practical terms? Additionally, where do we find working capital in financial statements?


3) Equally important, who can present some basic ideas on where we go when trying to raise capital?

How do we decide what parts of an emergency reaction plan should be made public vs. kept a secret to avoid giving too much information to terrorist groups?

How do we decide what parts of an emergency reaction plan should be made public vs. kept a secret to avoid giving too much information to terrorist groups?

Your response must be no less than 350 words, (APA Citation)


Describe the foundation of Deming’s

APA format is required – USE THE APA TEMPLATE.


Each question below must be addressed in your paper. Use an in-text heading to identify each question. Each question must also contain appropriate APA-formatted citations which match full references at the end of the paper, supporting your responses. All references should be from the years 2015 to present day. Each section should be at least 2-3 paragraphs in length.


Review the rubric that will be used to evaluate this paper.


Describe the foundation of Deming’s “14 Points.” 


Read the case: Katz Carpeting, available in the Operations Management textbook, Chapter 7.  If production of standards and specials is separated, how different will JIT implementation be for production of the different products? Explain what would be needed in JIT implementation for both products. 


Describe the two aspects to implementing the six-sigma concept. 


Describe the ten guidelines for selecting forecasting software. 

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