Archive for July 31st, 2019

Discuss one nursing action you might incorporate to improve cultural competence in your organization.

Go to the link


View the National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services Standards (CLAS) categories aimed at equity and quality care (HHS, n.d.). Notice how these standards overlap with many of the expectations and standards in professional nursing practice!


In what ways are you and your peers using these standards in your areas of nursing practice?


Discuss one nursing action you might incorporate to improve cultural competence in your organization.

Defend the current GAAP rules for pension accounting reporting on the balance sheet and the income statement.

1.Defend  the current GAAP rules for pension accounting reporting on the balance  sheet and the income statement. Recommend a change you would make to the  current pension accounting to more accurately reflect the future  obligations of a company. 


2.  CASE


“Will  it cost your company your company? Ready for one of the most difficult  challenges ever to confront corporate America? One that is estimated to  cost up to $400 billion. New FASB regulations will force companies to  measure and post as a debit their health expense obligation to current  and future retirees…. We’ll help you minimize the financial impact of  these regulations and still enable you to remain responsive to the  benefit needs of employees.” (Excerpts from an advertise- ment by CIGNA,  a large insurance company.) “Forget about retiring with all-expenses-paid health care from your  employer. About 65% of U.S. companies have reduced benefits. Some have  asked retirees to pay more of the costs, while others have eliminated  the plans altogether. Blame soaring medical expenses and a new  accounting rule that requires companies to post long-term re- tiree  medical benefits as liabilities on their balance sheets.” (Adapted from  BusinessWeek, August 24, 1992, p. 39.) 


QUESTION #2. Evaluate the content of the advertisement and explain why companies may have reduced benefits when they adopted new GAAP 

  • Posted: 6 Hours Ago
  • Due: 02/08/2019
  • Budget: $10

Decision Making In Today’s Professional World

Deliverable Length:  1,500–2,000 words, including time line 



Key Assignment

Parts 1–4

Please review and revise the sections of your Leadership Style Action Plan that you submitted last week. Consider any modifications to the work that you submitted based on feedback from your instructor and colleagues in Week 4. Proof and finalize these sections of the plan.

Part 1: Your Leadership Vision

Review information about how to write a leadership vision statement.

  • What is a leader’s vision, and why is it important?
  • In 25 words or less, write your vision statement, articulating your leadership goal based on what you learned about leadership in the past few weeks.

Part 2: Your Leadership Goals

Goals represent your specific plan on how to enhance your leadership skills.

  • Provide an assessment of your existing leadership competencies from Weeks 1 and 2.
  • In 500 words, list and describe your 5 top leadership goals.
  • Explain how they contribute to your vision statement.

Part 3: Action Plan

Setting goals is one way of learning to translate your visions into realities and action. Write 700–1,000 words describing your action plan for leadership, and explain how you will reach your goals.

  • The narrative part of the plan should include any formal and informal educational opportunities such as books, courses, or symposiums.
  • Use 1 real-world situation from your past, and identify how changing 1 thing about your leadership style may have led to a different outcome.
  • Explain other ways in which you will work on your leadership goals.
  • The graphic part of the plan should include a creative visual time line, including milestones, that depicts how you will accomplish your goals. Use visuals, words, illustrations, and so forth to show your plan.

Part 4: Leadership Ethics and Integrity

One critical part of a leader’s role is ethics and integrity. As you prepare your action plan, consider the ethics of leadership. Effective leaders inspire trust through their behaviors and personal integrity. Consider some of the characteristics of your own ethical behaviors and leadership integrity, and add this section to your Leadership Style Action Plan this week.

  • Write 300–500 words about the 2 most important values of leadership: ethics and integrity.
  • How will you maintain high standards of integrity as a leader?

Add the following section to your final Key Assignment.

Part 5: Tracking Success

This portion of the plan should detail how you will monitor your progress over time.

  • Include 3 benchmarks for monitoring your progress on the goals set forth in your Key Assignment draft from Week 4.
  • Include a concluding statement of your commitment to accomplishing your leadership goals and lifelong learning.
  • This section should be 300–500 words.

Please provide APA citations and references to support your work.


Describe three to five different ways in which a psychologist or counselor may acquire or maintain competence in a specific area of practice.

Discussion questions


  1. Describe three to five different ways in which a psychologist or counselor may acquire or maintain competence in a specific area of practice. Does supervision play a role in any of the ways you described? Explain.
  2. Explore the divisions of APA ( Which would you join? How would you use those divisions to continue your education/training in the field of psychology? Are there other ways to gain expertise in a psychological emphasis (i.e., forensic, development)? Explain.

What factors motivated and enabled expansion into the Atlantic?

Prepare: Read
Benjamin, Thomas. The Atlantic World: Europeans, Africans, Indians and Their Shared History, 1400-1900. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2009.


  • Chapter 1: Antecedents: The Americas, Africa and Europe in the Fifteenth Century
  • Chapter 2: Commencement: The European Opening of the Atlantic Ocean


Fassnacht, Max, Stephanie Fink, Robert Jackson, and Michelle Warn. “The Anatomy of a Discussion Board (Links to an external site.).” Accessed February 15, 2016.


Fassnacht, Max, Stephanie Fink, Robert Jackson, and Michelle Warn. “Critical Thinking: A Guide to Skillful Reasoning (Links to an external site.).” Accessed August 15, 2016.


Reflect: Each of the three geographic zones touching the Atlantic—Europe, Africa, and the Americas—were home to vast cultural, political, social, economic, religious, biological, and ecological diversity. While connections had existed for centuries between Europe, Africa, and Asia, early contact with the North American Atlantic coast by the Norse did not contribute to European knowledge of transatlantic exploration. Furthermore, centuries of raiding and trading along the Atlantic coast of Europe and the shores of the Mediterranean had not produced more far-flung ventures. All the while, Chinese and Arab traders plied the Indian Ocean, yet neither sought to move into the Atlantic. Only over the course of the fourteenth century did sustained expansion into the Atlantic by Europeans begin in earnest. Consult “Critical Thinking: A Guide to Skillful Reasoning (Links to an external site.)” as you formulate your response. 


Write: In an initial post of at least 250-300 words, explain why and how Europeans pursued expansion into and across the Atlantic Ocean during the fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries. How does this impetus represent continuity with the past? How does it represent change over time? Cite specific examples from the required and recommended readings and address the following points in your response:


  • What factors motivated and enabled expansion into the Atlantic?
  • What elements of this expansion can be identified as part of previous patterns?
  • What elements of this expansion were unique or new?
  • How do you assess the overarching significance of the opening of the Atlantic in this period?

Discuss the origins of country music and name at least four characteristics of the genre.

Discuss the origins of country music and name at least four characteristics of the genre.


How did Atlanta Blues differ from Memphis Blues?


Name at least THREE differences in the origins of Blues and the origins of Jazz?

How would you characterize key elements or tactics used by the Spanish or Portuguese to establish empire? Motives?

Prepare: Read


Benjamin, Thomas. The Atlantic World: Europeans, Africans, Indians and Their Shared History, 1400-1900. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2009.


  • Chapter 3: Conquests: Forging the Iberian Empires in Africa and the Americas.
  • Chapter 4: Realms: The Overseas Empires of Spain and Portugal.


Fassnacht, Max, Stephanie Fink, Robert Jackson, and Michelle Warn. “The Anatomy of a Discussion Board (Links to an external site.).” Accessed February 15, 2016.


Fassnacht, Max, Stephanie Fink, Robert Jackson, and Michelle Warn. “Critical Thinking: A Guide to Skillful Reasoning (Links to an external site.).” Accessed August 15, 2016.


Reflect:The establishment of Iberian empires in Africa and the Americas was the result of multiple processes, including, but not limited to, conquest, collaboration, cooptation, animosity, assistance, and alliance. In the different encounters between Europeans, Africans, and indigenous Americans, tactics and motivations varied widely, yet they were almost always conditioned by efforts to achieve advantage, as defined by each individual group. And while the Spanish and Portuguese established transatlantic empires in an effort to extend their home societies, their encounters with Africans and indigenous Americans meant that these new realms were the product of adaptation, whether by means of collaboration or resistance. Consult “Critical Thinking: A Guide to Skillful Reasoning (Links to an external site.)” as you formulate your response. 


Write: In an initial post of at least 250-300 words, explain the impact of cultural identity as it affected the ways that specific African or indigenous American societies interacted with either the Spanish or Portuguese, as these Europeans sought to establish transatlantic empires over the course of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Cite specific examples from the required and recommended readings, and address at least two of following points as you compose your response:


  • How would you characterize key elements or tactics used by the Spanish or Portuguese to establish empire? Motives? Results?
  • How would you characterize key elements or tactics used by specific African or indigenous American societies to define, defend, or advance their own interests when interacting with the Spanish or Portuguese? Motives? Results?
  • How did specific characteristics of each society coming into contact with each other shape their interactions?
  • How did imperial rule attempt to extend European norms while simultaneously being forced to adapt to African or indigenous American norms?


In what ways did each group retain elements of its culture or experience changes in its culture over the course of encounter?

Describe the major differences between drug policies in countries outside the United States. – Bernadette

Introduction- Robert

·       Describe the major differences between drug policies in countries outside the United States. – Bernadette

·       Describe major issues related to border patrol and drug trafficking. – Brianna

·       Describe the components of harm reduction and the desired effects on drug use. – Chalyne

·       Conclusion- Tia

·       Put it together, fix errors ,submit it- Courtney(me)


Discuss the three main areas of concern in corporate finance.

Corporate finance deals with the capital structure of a corporation, which includes the investments, funding, borrowing, and the necessary actions management takes to increase the value of the company. By using various financial accounting tools, a company is able to identify capital expenditures, estimate cash flows from the proposed capital projects, compare planned investments with projected income, and facilitate a capital budget.


Respond to the following in a minimum of 375 words: 


  • Discuss the three main areas of concern in corporate finance.
  • In your opinion, which area of concern is the most difficult to address?

Cognitive Functioning In Elderly Presentation

 Assimilate the information into a presentation with screencast (you may use Screencast-O-Matic) or simply record using Microsoft PowerPoint recording (see the PowerPoint Recording Tutorial) and should include the points listed below. 




Your presentation must be 10 to 12 slides (not including title and references slides) and utilize the Final Presentation Template. Your presentation must also incorporate least four scholarly sources in addition to the course text, including a minimum of two sources from the University Library.




Follow the steps listed below to complete this assignment:




Step 1: Select your Audience


Select one of the following audiences for your presentation: an elderly community, professional or family caregivers, or sharing the information with a senior.


Step 2: Research


View the Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table for guidance on what types of sources to include. Incorporate at least four scholarly sources, with at least two sources coming from the University library.


Step 3: Create your Slides


View Garr Reynolds Top Ten Slide Tips and Simple Rules for Better PowerPoint Presentations, which provide useful assistance with creating successful PowerPoint presentations.


Then, download the Final Presentation Template to create a ten- to twelve-slide presentation (not including title and references slides) that accomplishes the following:


  • Examines normal and abnormal changes that occur in the aging brain specific to memory and executive processing.
    • Provides three examples of normal changes and three examples of abnormal changes in the aging brain.
    • Includes changes in the aging brain that are specific to memory and executive processing.
  • Presents the different types of dementia and explains the causes of each type.
  • Highlights information on changes in personality and social cognition in the aging population.
  • Compares and contrasts dementia, delirium, and depression.
  • Analyzes current research of three ethical issues faced by professional caregivers who care for the elderly.
  • Describes at least three community resources in your state, city, or county.


Your presentation should include visual enhancements including appropriate images, Garamond font, appropriate animations, and transitions from content piece to content piece and slide-to-slide. (Images should be cited in APA style. Students may wish to use the Where to Get Free ImagesPreview the document guide for assistance with accessing freely available public domain and/or Creative Commons.


Step 4: Record your Presentation


Use Screencast-o-matic or simply record using Microsoft PowerPoint recording to record your presentation.


The Final Presentation


  • Must be ten to twelve slides in length (not including title and references slides) and formatted according to APA style or How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation.
  • Must include a separate title slide with the following:
    • Title: Elderly Resources Final Presentation
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice resource for additional guidance.
  • Must use at least four scholarly sources in addition to the course text, including a minimum of two from the University Library.
  • Must document any information used from sources in APA style.
  • Must include a separate references’ slide that is formatted according to APA style. 
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