Archive for September 5th, 2019

Explain the importance of performance management systems and what organizations must consider when selecting the best performance management system.





As we have discussed, performance management systems are important in organizations. However, there are many performance management systems that organizations can use. 




For the purpose of this week’s Critical Thinking assignment, please do the following:


  1. Explain the importance of performance management systems and what organizations must consider when selecting the best performance management system.
  2. Select three performance management systems and explain the following:
    • The benefits of each system
    • The drawbacks of each system
  3. Then, explain what type of organizations would benefit from each of the performance management systems identified. For example, provide details about why performance management system X be best in Organization X.


Write a 5 page paper, or about 2300 words, not including the title and reference pages, which are required.




  • You cannot use Wikipedia. For this assignment, a credible source is defined as:
    • A scholarly or peer-reviewed journal article.
    • A government-based website or publication.
    • A trade or industry journal article, publication, or website, including those from trade organizations such as and

Nature Or Nurture: Genetic Similarities And Differences

Watch either of the following films (select one; each 52 min):  Secret Life of Twins: Natural Similarities or Secret Life of Twins: Nurtured Differences

First, share which film you elected to view. 

Highlight 3 significant ideas or points made in the film about our understanding of human development and how it is influenced by either genes (nature) or experience (nurture).  Compare and contrast the key points you presented with information in Chapter 2 of the text.  Are the ideas in the film supported by factual information in the text, or are they contrasted, or contradicted in some way?  

What additional thoughts and questions do these ideas raise about your understanding of the influence of either nature (biology) or nurture (experience/environment) on development overall?  Did the information from the film and/or text confirm thoughts and you already held about the influence of nature v. nurture, or did it challenge your assumptions?  Explain.


Filter by:All ThreadsSort by:Most Recent Activity Least Recent Activity Newest Thread Oldest Thread Author First Name A-Z Author First Name Z-A Author Last Name A-Z Author Last Name Z-A Highest Rated Thread Subject A-Z Subject Z-A You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads 


What are the Key standards for ethics and independence in audits?

You must respond to 3 students post and each post shall be at least one paragraph long (five sentences) supported by literature where appropriate.  You are responding to the students paper I will send to you separately. The papers are consisted of these five questions:




(1) What are the Key standards for ethics and independence in audits? 






(2) Provide a brief summary of each of the key areas in audit reports? (See page 171 of Government Auditing Standards, Standard 7.08) 






(3) How can the Government Auditing Standards be helpful to law enforcement agencies even if they don’t claim to follow all the standards in the audits? 






(4) How can internal/external audits prevent problems, provide correction, and recognition of superior policies or work product?  




(5) For the final paper, what topic or area would you like to conduct an audit?  What will the challenges with the audit be and what type of important information would the audit provide? 

Discuss the scope of a cloud computing audit for your business.

Describe in 500 words discuss the scope of a cloud computing audit for your business.


Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Cite your sources. Do not copy. Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format. 

Discuss the importance of healthcare operations management.

Discuss  the importance of healthcare operations management. Explain how the  healthcare industry differs from other industries with operations and  how payers impact the revenues.  must be at least 400 words long


Briefly describe how a neuron at a resting potential becomes activated.

6- In this discussion tell me why we make illogical decisions, are more impulsive, and say brash things when we are heated or emotional. What part or areas of the brain are used in emotion regulation and which part is used in logical decision making? Could knowledge of this help to deter relational issues? 

1. Briefly describe how a neuron at a resting potential becomes activated. 

2. Briefly describe the Autonomic division of the Peripheral Nervous System. Explain and contrast the two divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System. 

3. List and explain the functionality of each neurochemical discussed in our chapter. What do they control, etc? (Bonus points for cool facts about each)

4. Briefly describe the location and functionality of each of the major lobes of the brains? (Parietal, frontal, temporal, and occipital)

5. Describe the functionality of the Endocrine System. Compare and contrast it to the Nervous system.


Addiction Treatment Plan

For this assignment, you will use the same case selected for Unit 5 assignment and analyze the sections of the treatment plan template. This treatment plan will address both the addiction and any co-occurring mental health diagnoses identified in Unit 5 assignment. The conclusions reached in Unit 5 assignment regarding the specific DSM-based diagnoses, strengths, and challenges should take into consideration any feedback from your instructor. Make any needed revisions to Unit 5 assignment before developing the treatment plan. Include your revised assessment summary (the last section of Unit 5 assignment) as part one of this assignment. Follow the template provided to formulate a treatment plan for your selected case.  Assignment Instructions ◦Identify a specific counseling theory that will guide interventions to work with the client and family system. (MFCT learners should focus on systemic theories covered in Unit 7 readings: Bowenian therapy, brief strategic family therapy, sequential family addictions model, functional family therapy, multidimensional family therapy).  ◦Analyze the cultural considerations for the case and how the theory will guide multicultural appropriate application. ◦Based upon the assessment summary, analyze the appropriate level of care. ◦Analyze systemic interventions addressing how to include the primary support persons in treatment. (For MFCT learners, these interventions will be central to the treatment while CMHC learners can build upon how they support individual interventions.) ◦Analyze referrals that may be needed and a plan to coordinate with other treatment professionals.


Finally, explain one implication of job analysis in personnel selection from a legal perspective. Be specific and use examples.

Post by Day 3 an explanation of one implication of job analysis in personnel selection from a human resources perspective. Then, explain one implication of job analysis in personnel selection from a financial perspective. Finally, explain one implication of job analysis in personnel selection from a legal perspective. Be specific and use examples.

Suggest two approaches that would minimize downtime and interruption to the payroll process.

Implementation”  Please respond to the following:


  • You are the manager of a payroll system. Your company is going to replace the legacy payroll system with a more robust, Web-based version. Suggest two approaches that would minimize downtime and interruption to the payroll process. Provide specific examples to support your response.
  • Propose a process for evaluating the success of the new system and a procedure for implementing software fixes and enhancements. Provide specific examples to support your response.


“Operation”  Please respond to the following: 






  • Use the Internet to research changes in one industry (e.g., accounting, insurance, government, etc.) that could affect the way a company conducts its business. Be prepared to discuss.
  • From the e-Activity, predict the effects that changes in one industry could have on modifying and updating a system of the business. Include any trickle-down effects that the changes would have on the business as well. Provide specific examples to support your response.
  • From a managerial perspective, assess the greatest systems operational challenge. Then, recommend what management can do to overcome the challenge that you identified. Support your response with specific examples or evidence.

A-Susan Crosson –Budgeting

Please watch and thoughtfully discuss one of the Susan Crosson videos from the following playlist. Your discussion should list what video you watched, include what specific concepts you learned from this video and should be at least two paragraphs long.






Topic A- Susan Crosson


Please watch and thoughtfully discuss one or more (if you pick a short one) of Susan Crosson’s videos from the following playlist. Your discussion should list what video you watched, include what specific concepts you learned from this video and should be at least two paragraphs long.


Standard costing:




chapter 12


Topic C- Time Value of Money Videos


Select one of the following videos about the Time Value of Moneys and write a substantive post (2-3 paragraphs) Summarize the article and comment on what you learned (or didn’t learn) beyond the textbook. Let other students know whether this resource was helpful or not.


Time Value of Money-Net Present Value


Present Value and Future Value Example

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