Archive for November 13th, 2017

Effects, Politics, and Regulatory Control of Tobacco Use

Tobacco use is the primary cause of mortality in the United States today. Tobacco use is responsible for cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and heart disease and has caused the deaths of nearly half a million people per year. Tobacco control, prevention, and treatment are compelling and urgent public health issues. The development of tobacco control laws have been passed by a number of states.

Write a comprehensive overview of the health effects, politics, and regulatory control of tobacco use control efforts. Your paper should be based on the following points:

What are the factors (biological, environmental, economic, and political) that contribute to tobacco addiction? What are the medical consequences (morbidity and mortality) for tobacco users?
What is the public health impact of tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure?
How do tobacco control regulations relate to positive and normative economics?
How does tobacco control regulations affect individual health care
? What is the role of the Federal Government in policy making? What is the history of regulatory tobacco control? What is the current state of tobacco control in the United States?is the role of the state and Federal Government in policy making?

What is the evidence that tobacco control is effective?
Based on your understanding, create a 6- to 7-page Microsoft Word document that includes the answers to the above questions. You need a minimum of five scholarly sources that should be in APA format for both in-text citations and citations on the reference page.

This assignment requires a title page, an abstract, an introduction, a body, a conclusion, and a reference page

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Does chocolate have significant health benefits?



Professional Journal

Only use those sources. 
Double spaced.

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Hermite Interpolation

Hermite Interpolation: Given a function f(x) with first derivative and distinct points x0, x1, . . . , xn,find a polynomial p(x) such that p interpolates f and p0 interpolates f0 at the points x0, x1, . . . , xn
(that is, p(xi) = f(xi) and p0(xi) = f0(xi).

For research projects, I would like a paper of approximately 800-1000 words, typed (fill in mathematical
formulas by hand if you don’t know how to type formulas) and properly referenced, including
a clear exposition of your topic and well–explained examples.

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Business Finance – Management

discuss the pros and cons of completing the stakeholder analysis. In your discussion, explain why stakeholder analysis is an important step in the action research process and what could happen if this step is eliminated or completed insufficiently.

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    Primary Source Document Analysis Worksheet

    Primary source: Suetonius – The Life of Julius Caesar

    _________________________________________________1. What is the main idea Suetonius is trying to communicate in The Life of Julius Caesar? 


    2. What is the author’s bias? Is this a negative or positive portrayal of Caesar? What might


    3. What was the context in which Suetonius was writing? Where and when was this 

    document written, and what was going on at that time?

    4. Who was the intended audience for The Life of Julius Caesar? 

    5. Can you link The Life of Julius Caesar to other things you’ve learned about, either in class

    or elsewhere? How might this source add to our understanding of history?

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    Assignment 3: Globalization


    Assignment 3: Globalization


    Think about what you have read and seen in the news on globalization. Consider the fact that the clothing we wear, the cars that we drive, the cell phones we use to communicate and the computers we use to work, are each likely to have been manufactured in whole or in part in different parts of the world. While there are still companies and firms that maintain local and national borders, it is almost unheard of in the 21st century that an industry does not maintain an international strategic position.

    From an executive’s position, identify and explain at least three challenges and opportunities that might face an international executive over the next five years. Provide possible solutions of how the executive might address these issues in order for their firm to maintain a competitive advantage.

    Prepare the 4-6 page paper that describes the impact of globalization on US businesses. In your analysis, please include information about the impact of at least four economic drivers that might impact globalization.

    Submit your assignment to the  Submissions Area  by  the due date assigned .

    Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsExplained at least three challenges and three opportunities that might face an international executive over the next 5 years30Described possible solutions of how these situations could be addressed to increase a firm's competitive advantage.30Analyzed the impact of at least four economic drivers which might impact globalization30Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.10Total: 

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    What Is Power? – WRITING CLASS, ESSAY

    It has to be 6 paragraphs. ( Intro, 4 body, conclusion).


    Thesis has to be the last sentence in introduction.


    MLA format.


    Works Cited !!

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    Ch. 9: “A Logician’s View: Deducion, Induction, Fallacies

    Readings Required: 

    Ch. 9: “A Logician’s View: Deducion, Induction, Fallacies

    Answer the following in 150-300 words.

    Below are some fallacies in action. Identify the logical fallacies, some may only have one, for each scenario. Expalin what has gone wrong in the fallacies. Be specific in your reasoning.

    1.DeLay argues that stem-cell research is immoral. But DeLay is an ultra right-wing lunatic who’s incapable of thinking objectively. Obviously his argument is non-sense.

    2.Barbara Striesand, Paul Newman and Julia Roberts are Democrats. Therefore all Hollywood stars are Democrats.

    3.Smirnoff is the best vodka available: renowned violinist Pichas Zukerman says, “When it comes to vodka, Smirnof plays second fiddle to none.”

    4.If a car breaks down on the freeway, a passing mechanic is not required to stop and provide road service. Likewise, if a person has a heart attack on the street, a passing physician is not obligated to render emergency medical care.

    5.When water is poured over a pile of rocks, it always trickles down to the very bottom. Similarly, when rich people make lots of money, we can expect this to trickle down to the less fortunate.

    6.Aborion is murder—and it doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about killing a human embryo or a human fetus.

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    On November 1, 2013 John Adams, a customer service representative of Americo Drilling Supplies (ADS), was summoned to the Houston office of Drilling Contractors, Inc. (DCI), to inspect three boxcars of mud-treating agents that ADS had shipped to the Houston firm. DCI had filed a complaint that the 25 Pound bags of treating agents that it had just received from ADS were short-weight by approximately at least 2%.

    The light-weight bags were initially detected by one of DCI’s receiving clerks, who noticed that the rail road side scale tickets indicated that the net weights were significantly less on all three of the boxcars than those of identical shipments received on October 25, 2013. ADS’s traffic department was called to determine if lighter-weight dunnage or pallets were used on the shipments. (This might explain the lighter weights.) ADS indicated, however, that no changes had been made in the loading or palletizing procedures. Hence, DCI randomly checked 25 of the bags and discovered that the average net weight was 24.5 pounds. Consequently, they concluded that the sample indicated a significance short-weight. ADS, was then contacted, and Adams was sent to investigate the complaint and to issue credit (???) to DCI.

    DCI, however, was not completely satisfied with only the issuance of credit for the short shipment. The charts followed by their mud engineers on the drilling platforms were based on 25-pound bags of treating agents. Lighter-weight bags might result in poor chemical control during the drilling operation and might adversely affect drilling efficiency. (Mud-treating agents are used to control the pH and other chemical properties of the open during drilling operations.) This could cause severe economic consequences because of the extremely high cost of oil and natural gas drilling operations. Consequently, special use instructions had to accompany the delivery of these shipments to the drilling platforms. Moreover, the light-weight shipments had to be isolated in DCI warehouse, causing extra handling and poor space utilization. Hence, Adams was informed that CDI might seek a new supplier of mud-treating agents if in the future it received bags that deviated significantly below 25 pounds.

    The quality control department at ADS suspected that the light-weight bags may have resulted from “growing pains” at the Orange, Texas plant. Because of the earlier energy crises, oil and natural gas exploration activity had greatly increased. This increased activity, in turn, created increased demand for products produced by related industries, including drilling muds. Consequently, ADS had to expand from one shift (6 A.M. to 2 P.M.) to a two-shift (2 P.M. to 10 P.M.) operation in Mid 2011s, and finally to a three-shift operation (24 hours per day) in January of 2013.

    The additional night shift bagging crew was staffed entirely by new employees. The most experienced foremen were temporarily assigned to supervise the night shift. Most emphasis was placed on increasing the output of bags to meet the ever-increasing demand. It was suspected that only occasional reminders were made to double-check the bag weight feeder. (A double check is performed by systematically weighting a bag on a scale to determine if the proper weight is being loaded by the weight-feeder. If there is significant deviation from 25 pounds, corrective adjustments are made to the weight-release mechanism.)

    To verify this expectation, the quantity control staff at ADS randomly sampled the bag output and prepared the following table (see Excel dataset). Five bags were sampled and weighted each hour.


    Assume you are John Adams of ADS. Based on the following analysis, prepare a report to be submitted to both ADS and DCI executives regarding the status of the filling process at ADS and recommend method to improve quality control at the filling station and estimate the amount of credit to DCI. Use the data provided in the Excel data file. 

    Insert all graphs and provide analysis in this word file after every question. Only The Word file is graded.

    a- Calculate the Range Column in Excel (Largest-Smallest) and find mean and standard deviations for Average Weight, Smallest, Largest, and Range columns. 

    b- What is the standard deviation of individual bags if sample averages are based on 5 bags? Explain your finding. Hint: x-bar = /sqrt(n). Having x-bar based on part a calculation, solve for  given n= 5.

    c- Construct a time series plot of all four variables (two graphs: one includes avg., smallest, and largest and the other has range) and discuss your findings based on the graphs.

    d- Construct X-bar and R Charts, graph, and discuss your findings based on the control charts. Is the process out of control? Why? Explain. 

    e- Is there any differences between performances of three shifts? Hint: (Carve out the morning, afternoon, and night shift data into three columns and graph their averages. Explain your findings based on

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