Archive for November 5th, 2017

Environmental Noise

Environmental Noise (individual Assignment)

I. Purpose and Objectives

The overall purpose of this activity is to conduct a study of the environmental noise

occurring across the NAU campus. Environmental noise is only the noise that occurs

and is measured outside. Generally the types of environmental noise that you will

encounter will included 1) noise from specific sources, 2) ambient noise resulting from

the combined noise of all sources, and 3) residual noise occurring when a specific noise

source is not included.

The overall objective of this activity is to report on environmental noise occurring across

the NAU campus by determining the following.

1. The distribution of the ambient environmental noise,

2. The change in environmental ambient noise with respect to time,

3. The location and characteristics of specific environmental noise sources that are

noticeably elevated above the residual noise, and

4. The change in specific environmental noise sources with respect to time and


This an individual assignment.

II. General Description of Study Areas

The area of interest is the Flagstaff NAU main campus. While noise occurring along the

boundary of this area may actually be from off-campus sources, as long as these noises

are audible on campus, they are considered to contribute to the on-campus

environmental ambient noise.

III. Data Collection Approach and Methods

The environmental noise data will be collected by using smartphone apps (apps

available on note pads, iPad, etc. may also be used).

1. Organize and plan how you will collect your data. This is done by preparing a work

plan that

a) describes each noise source and their type (ambient or point),

b) describes your intended noise data collecting procedures (how will you conduct

the measurement) for ambient noise, point source noise and residual noise

c) describes what you will do to manage and save your collected data to avoid

losing it, and

d) present a schedule for when the measurements will be taken.

2. Smartphone (or note pads, iPads, etc.) apps used must be able to continuously

collect noise data over a set or specified time of sampling. The app used must also

be able export that data. Being able to change the update frequency (how quickly a



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noise value is sampled) and being able to change the duration of time that the

measurement is conducted are desirable features. The time and location of the

noise data collected may be captured either by the noise app used or by some other

method such as sending your location to yourself. Do not use any noise app that

depends on an external server or website to access your data. Be aware that there

may be a small charge for a noise app or its upgrade features, however there are

free apps that can be found which are perfectly acceptable.

3. Sources may be considered either a point source or a line source. Noise from a

point source should be measured at a minimum of three different directions around

the source (at the same distance away); one direction being directly downwind of

the source. Noise from a line source should be measured along the length of the

source at different locations (each at the same distance away). Additionally, with

both point and line sources, measurements conducted along a line at different

distance away from the source should also be done. Examples of a point source

would be a jack hammer or other equipment at a construction site, or an exhaust

blower or compressor associated with a building HVAC system. Examples of a line

source (relative to what routinely contributes to environmental noise on campus)

would be a road or a highway.

4. When measuring noise, the phone’s microphone should be point toward the source

and positioned from 1 to 1.5 meter above the ground. To the extent possible, the

way you conduct your measurement should be consistent.

5. An alternate approach for measuring noise from a point source that has a relatively

constant noise is to walk in a line (or along a path) past the source for an equal

distance on either side of the source. This can be done so that the path will pass

close to the source or at some distance away from the source (such as that defined

by a sidewalk).

6. When measuring residual noise, you must have a specific point source (or sources)

that can be removed or silenced, or that will otherwise become quite on their own.

Otherwise you are measuring ambient noise, which includes all noises.

7. Be sure to document how you actually collect data. This will be a component of

your report.

IV. Report Due Date and a Scheduling Guide.

1. The final report is due on or before November 9, 2017.

2. The following recommended schedule is provided as a very general guide for

progressing through this activity. You are neither required to follow this

recommended schedule nor required to submit interim deliverables unless

specifically requested to do so below.

a) Before September 5th. Complete NAU’s field Safety Training before collecting

any noise data that is used in your report. Go to

and complete this training; it will take about 45 minutes. This training is

required by NAU Environmental Health and Safety. The certification of having

completed this field training must be included in your final report.



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b) Before September 5th. Download the noise app you will use.

c) By September 10th or no later than September 12th, Prepare your work plan and

submit it for verification that this was done. Please note that you are

encouraged to update your work plan as necessary throughout the data

collection period.

d) Between September 10th and October 31st. Collect environmental noise data

and to the extent possible, begin documenting your work in the form of a draft

report. This includes conducting your data analyses. This does not need to be


e) Between October 31st and November 9th. Prepare and submit your final report.

V. Final Report and Data Deliverable Requirements.

Your overall success or failure with this activity depends not only the data collected and

analyzed in support of achieving the 4 objectives above, but also on your final report.

The following provides minimum requirements for the overall organization and content

of the report.

Files to be submitted:

1. The report (a doc or docx AND a pdf)

2. A single Excel file (xls or xlsx) containing all raw data used, and all analysis of data

including development of plots and charts.1. Introduction and Purpose (Objective)

Report Organization

1. Introduction and Purpose (Objective)

2. Measurement Locations

a) describe the locations and types of noises

b) explain how the location is used to achieve the objective

3. Measurement Device

a) describe the phones/apps used

b) discuss the features of the apps used

4. Implementation of Work Plan

a) refer to the original work plan (what does it contain?)

b) describe/explain variances from the work plan

5. Results

a) data summary (no raw data; indicate location of raw data within the


b) plots/charts (clearly indicate what a plot/chart is intended to present)

6. Conclusion and Observations

a) What are your conclusions with respect to each objective?

b) What other overall observations or conclusions can you make regarding the use

of the devices, the noises and comparisons between different noise types?

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MGMT6009 Managing People & Teams


The assessment of this subject supports students in developing their skills and knowledge in topics that include strategic human resources management, organisational design, culture and ethics, organisational behaviour, motivation and performance management. Retention and succession planning are important themes.


Assuming you are the Senior HR Executive for MiningCo, which operates in a range of isolated locations with many fly-in, fly-out staff on a rotating two-week roster basis. Analyse and reflect on the following three interrelated scenarios:

  • Case one: you are tasked with researching the impact of introducing performance management initiative on the motivation of staff in your location. You are to make recommendations to the board, specifically on how the proposed initiative will impact on their decisions moving forward.
  • Case two: MiningCo has a problem—each isolated site operates as a single entity and there is very little cross-over or staff rotation between them. The economic crisis in Greece and the increasing impact of the presence of ISIS in the Middle East on foreign nationals is resulting in many of the senior executives onsite wishing to leave. You will need to make recommendations to the board for how to curb any hysteria that ensues.
  • Case three: you need to put together acrisis managementteam to manage the event that any substantial talent gap emerges at any individual site. You will need to decide on the selection criteria, the format, structure and function of the team and how you would reward them.

Mgmt6009_Assessment_1 Page1of4

Following your analysis, present your findings and recommendations in a report addressed to the MiningCo board. You should make significant references to subject material and substantial wider reading using the Torrens University library. Attach appendices as necessary, noting that they are surplus to the report (and its word count) and, therefore, assume they may or may not be read by the board (and the marker). There is no prescribed format for the report; use your own research to inform its structure.

Assume the word limit is literally a limit and that the board will reject any paper that breaches it. Students should use the brief to guide what to include in the assessment and the following rubric to inform the standard required.

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PCOM Supplemental App

Noting the missions and objectives of the PA profession and PCOM, please describe your personal characteristics that demonstrate your interest in the field. Include an example of the event in which your actions directly influenced the life of another person and relate this to your goal of becoming a Physician Assistant.

Additional Info:

Mission:To educate highly qualified physician assistants, focusing on preparing them to become competent, compassionate, and comprehensive health care providers for clinical practice in the broad range of practice settings in both primary and specialty care fields that reflect the changing health care environment.

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Educational Philosophy: The educational philosophy of the PCOM Physician Assistant Program is that our graduates will be leaders in the health care community, striving for excellence in all academic and professional endeavors while helping to provide health care for those in need.

Write A Refugee Policy Paper For The UAE Government

In the fall of 2016 the UAE government announced that it will take in 5,000 Syrian refugees over the next five years. Students are asked to write a refugee policy paper for the UAE government. This paper must consider at least the following areas of concern: 1) who is a refugee; 2) what are grounds for asylum; 3) integration. Other issues can and should be discussed. Students are encouraged to consult academic literature, international conventions and other governments’ refugee/asylum/integration policy papers in order to produce a comprehensive policy paper on the issue. The policy’s word count is 1,500 words, +/- 10%. The text must be double spaced, include referencing and a bibliography. Papers should be written double-spaced with generous margins and preferably with the Times New Roman font 12p.

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HCDE 301: Sustainability and Ethics Letter Report

Goals and Audience
For this assignment, consider the following goals and audience.
●    Explore the sustainability and ensuing ethical issues (or the ethical and ensuing sustainability issues) of a contemporary HCDE product, practice, or technology stemming from product and design decisions related to materials, design in of itself, recycling policies, product life cycle, energy use, workplace standards, urban planning, marketing strategies, etc. You may focus on apps, social media, transportation, urban design, etc.
●    Conduct research into the social, economic, and environmental challenges that relate to the problem. Note that the UN Sustainable Development Goals will give you more details regarding these three broad areas ( 
●    Formulate a solution to the problem that presents a persuasive course of action.
●    Analyze and communicate persuasively in writing. 
●    Master the letter report format, using effective content selection, organization, document design, and style and grammar.

You will write a letter (do not send it) to the company / institution / agency that has created or is responsible for the sustainability and related ethical problem (or vice versa-ethical problem sustainability problem). Your report should explore the problem, its many facets (bullet two above), and your proposed solution (bullet three above).  
Submission Criteria
The assignment is due at the beginning of class on the due date listed on the syllabus. Please turn in each assignment (1) as a hard copy document in class and (2) as an MS Word doc in Canvas. Your assignment should be about 1,250-1,500 words and be formatted as follows: 12 point font, 14-15 point line spacing, with page numbers. Use at least three sources-one published within the last three months. 
Your letter should contain the following sections and content.

Introductory section (no introduction heading needed) introducing yourself and explaining why you are writing to them on this topic, and an overview of the sustainability and ethics problem. Provide some background on the problem and its greater significance and why it merits being solved. (See WB Ch.7). 
o Your reader should quickly grasp your letter's purpose / thesis / claim, and the positive attempt behind your suggested solution.
o End the introduction with an overview of the main headings in the report written in present tense.
● Problem section that contains at least two sub-headed subsections concerning the related sustainability and ethical issues. This section should include citations from current literature.
● Solution section containing your proposed solution and course of action. This section will also include citations from current literature. 
● Conclusions and Recommendations that summarize in a broad sense the sustainability / ethics problems you have described and the solutions you proposed. Use two paragraphs for this section. 
● References section done through footnotes. In the letter report body, use in-text citations from at least three published sources, of which at least one published within the past three months. Refereed journals and conference proceedings are valuable sources. Google how to use footnotes.
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Strategy and Case Analysis

During the 80s and 90s, Blockbuster dominated the US home video rental market. However,
the emergence of Netflix in 1997 with its ‘rental by mail’ model challenged Blockbuster’s
business model (and market dominance). Blockbuster’s market position was further
weakened when Netflix began to stream video content directly to consumers’ computers. In
this case study, you are required to prepare a 3,000 word report which examines how “Netflix
beat Blockbuster Video”. In preparing your report, please consider the role of technological
diffusion, first movers and followers, and innovation. In addition, please consider whether
Netflix will continue to remain as the dominant online streaming provider in the US?
Your report must be structured as follows:
1. Introduction (5 marks)
2. Institutional Background (5 marks)
o 2.1 A brief history of Blockbuster
o 2.2. A brief history of Netflix
3. How Netflix beat Blockbuster (20 marks)
o 3.1 Changing technology
o 3.2 Retail outlets versus operating online
o 3.3 Pricing strategies
o 3.4 Netflix’s innovations
4. Will Netflix remain the dominate provider of online video streaming? (15 marks)
o 4.1 Netflix stumbles: The demise of Qwikster
o 4.2 Netflix rebuilds: The rise of original content
o 4.3 The future of Netflix
5. Conclusion (5 marks)
Tips for preparing your report:
? Define your terms;
? Clearly explain the concepts;
? Make use of multiple industry and academic references (minimum of five); and
? Keep to the word limit.

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Strategy and Case Analysis

Read the short account of the US airlines industry and prepare
a 2,500 word report that addresses the following:

? With the aid of a clearly drawn diagram conduct a competitive forces analysis of the
U.S. airline industry. What does this analysis tell you about the causes of low
profitability in this industry? What are the principal advantages and disadvantages of
using the five forces framework?

? The economic performance of the airline industry seems to be very cyclical. Why do
you think this is the case?

? Given your analysis, what strategies do you think an airline should adopt in order to
improve its chances of being persistently profitable?

Structured as follows:

? Introduction (3 marks)
? Overview of the US airline industry (5 marks)
? Five forces analysis of US airline industry
o Diagram (2 marks)
o Components (8 marks)
o Advantages and disadvantages (5 marks)
? Economic performance (5 marks)
? Identifying strategies for airline profitability (5 marks)
? Discussion (5 marks)
? Conclusion (2 marks)

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Create mass print media advertisements

You are to develop at least three mass print advertisements in accordance with an advertising and creative brief including:
• a newspaper advertisement
• a magazine advertisement
• an outdoor advertisement.

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Clinical Governance

You are required to choose a nursing issue that is related to one of the key safety and quality in health care areas from the list below* and then research the issue.


You need to locate THREE (3) primary and/or secondary peer reviewed articles/studies related to the issue you have chosen and summarise, analyse and critique the literature related to this issue.

1) Quantitative study

2) Qualitative study

3) Secondary resource (literature review, systematic review)

In order to pass this assignment, you must successfully address each of the criteria outlined in the Assignment 2 marking rubric.

Click on the topics below for more information about each category

Clinical Communications
Falls Prevention
Healthcare Associated Infection
Medication Safety (students are not permitted to focus on medications for their assignment).
Mental Health
Patient Identification

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Collaboration between Australian Universities and Banking Industries for ensuring better future prospects for Australian Student

Assignment 2 – Research Plan

This assignment requires you to devise and write a research plan for an empirical study of your own. Include the following elements:

  1. Title page
  2. Abstract
  3. Introduction
  4. including statement of the problem
  5. purpose and research questions (and/or hypotheses if quantitative)

iii.           limitations of the study

  1. Brief Review of the Literature
  2. Methods
  3. Study Design
  4. Sampling / Participants

iii.           Research Instruments / Procedures

  1. Establishing the rigour of the study (e.g., validity, reliability, member checking)
  2. Data Analysis – how will you analyze the data?
  3. Ethical Considerations
  4. Underlying Philosophical Assumptions
  5. Strengths and Limitations of the Study
  6. Timeline and Budget
  7. References

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