The Benefits of Being Male Exercise
Please raise your hand if:
1. When you turn on the TV you can routinely see men in positions of leadership, male sports, men portrayed as heroes and in a wide variety of other roles.
2. You live in or went to a school district where the textbooks and other classroom materials reflected men as normal, heroes and builders of the United States, and there was little mention of the contributions of women to our society.
3. You attend (or attended) a school where boys were encouraged to take math and science, called on more in class, and given more attention and funding for athletic programs than girls.
4. You have seen or heard men in positions of authority belittle women's contributions, women's writing or music, women's intelligence, or physical strength, or make other comments about women being inferior to men.
5. You receive/d job training in a program where there were few or no women, or where women were sexually harassed.
6. You have received a job, job interview, job training or internship through personal connections with other men.
7. You work in a job, career or profession, or in an agency or organization in which there are few women in leadership positions, or the work has less status because women are in leadership positions.
8. You work[ed] in a job where women are paid less for doing comparable work or do more menial jobs.
9. You have can take advantage of women earning much less than you do for childcare, cooking, cleaning, clerical services, nursing, or other services.
10. In your family, women do more of the housecleaning, cooking, childcare, washing or other caretaking than you or other men do.
11. You live in a city or region in which domestic violence and sexual assault are serious problems for women.
12. You generally feel safe when hiking in the woods, in the mountains, on the beach or in other rural settings (this one will exclude most men of color).
13. Your forefathers, including your father, had more opportunities to advance themselves, economically, than your foremothers [not necessarily true for African Americans].
14. Your father had more educational opportunities than your mother [not necessarily true for African Americans].
15. The boys in your extended family, including yourself, had more financial resources, emotional support or encouragement for pursuing academic, work or career goals than the girls [not necessarily true for African Americans].
16. In your community, it is easier for men (and harder for women) to get housing loans, small business loans, agricultural loans or car loans than it is for men of similar qualifications.
17. Most of the clothes you wear (and electronics you use) have been made by women who are paid little for their work (in this and other countries).
18. In your community, women are routinely charged more for haircutting, dry cleaning, automobiles, and other services or products.
19. When you have medical procedures done to you, or take prescribed medicines and other health treatments you can assume they were tested and proven safe on men.
20. You don't need to think about gender and sexism everyday. You can decide when and where you deal with it.
21. You know where you can have access to sex from women for money in the city or region in which you live.
22. You can have access to sexually revealing images of women easily, whenever you want them from magazines, the Internet, bookstores, video stores or pornography outlets.
By Paul Kivel [modified] ~
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