Archive for November 22nd, 2017

Aviation Safety

 Write a module case study analyzing and explaining the purpose, structure, and use of the SHELL model. Compare and evaluate the SHELL model with the SHEL model. Relate the SHELL model to aviation human factors and aviation safety. Support your work with a reliable source(s). 

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    Document 9: Description Or Definition

    For this assignment, you will write a memo in which you focus on an extended definition or a description for your audience. 

    Definition, Description

    Consider a concept, term, item, etc. from your field of study, work or a hobby with which you are very familiar.  Terms and concepts must be explained in detail so that the reader can grasp the information fully.

    With this in mind, identify an audience for which an extended definition or description of this item or concept would be necessary. Consider the ancillary reading information offered in this Class Session to help you with what kinds of detail and level of information are useful for extended definitions and descriptions.  Using this information, compose a short memo with the following details:

    Compose an extended definition or description (500 words minimum) of your subject identified above.
     Include at least one visual. Be sure that graphics are appropriate for your audience and purpose.
    Cite your sources clearly and accurately in APA format.
    Include with the definition a brief explanation of the intended audience and purpose.
    The following site offer examples: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


    This assignment is worth 30 points. Evaluation will be based on the following criteria at minimum:

    Audience: Has the appropriate audience been considered for the document and/or has consideration been given to the scenario described in the assignment?
    Format: Is the document formatted according to assignment requirements and standard business practices?
    Document elements: Does the document include all necessary elements, per the assignment and the particular type of document?
    Graphics – Have meaningful graphical solutions been offered, based on the assignment details?
    Language, Mechanics, grammatical issues: Does the document use acceptable business language/style? Is the document free from errors in spelling, grammar, mechanics and punctuation?

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    Practical application:

    Practical application:

    1. Write a descriptive composite of a typical case based on Anxiety. Base the fictitious case character on your research of the typical presentation of the disorder.

    This case example should include your knowledge of demographics, prevalence, and associated features. For example, if your chosen disorder most typically occurs within females between the ages of 20–34, your case example should be of a female of that age range. Add details to your case example based on other characteristics you've identified through your research.

    2. Next, with this case composite, discuss specifically how this client’s symptoms are manifested in the sport/exercise setting.

    3. To get started, create an identity for the athlete in your case example. Draw from both your professional experience and the information you learned from your literature review to help you create the profile of your client. You want to develop a detailed enough profile that the reader will gain an understanding of the symptoms and pathology.

    4. After you have created your case example, discuss disorders that are similar to the disorder you have chosen to research and explain how you would differentiate between them. You might consult the DSM Differential Diagnosis section for your chosen disorder as a guide; however, also integrate information from your literature review with the discussion.

    5. Create your two- to three-page case presentation in APA rules

    Grading criteria:

    Created a case example and applied professional experience, literature review data, knowledge of demographics, prevalence, and associated features to present clearly the symptoms and pathology of the disorder.

    Outlined key points for differential diagnosis of the case.

    Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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    PSY110: Assignment 2: Aggression And Violence In The Media


    Reflect on two to three (2-3) TV shows in which characters demonstrate aggression or violence. Consider the context in which this aggression or violence occurred and ways in which it can lead to desensitization.

    Write a one to two (1-2) page paper in which you:

    Briefly describe at least one (1) episode of a television show in which you observed aggression or violence.
    Identify the context in which the character(s) demonstrated aggression or violence. Include the gender, age, and culture of the character(s) involved in the aggressive or violent act(s).
    Discuss at least two (2) possible reasons why the selected TV episode included aggression or violence. Provide a rationale for your response.
    Describe at least two (2) ways that media violence can cause desensitization in people. Justify your response.
    Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

    Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length.

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    The Benefits of Being Male Exercise

    The Benefits of Being Male Exercise

    Please raise your hand if:

    1. When you turn on the TV you can routinely see men in positions of leadership, male sports, men portrayed as heroes and in a wide variety of other roles.

    2. You live in or went to a school district where the textbooks and other classroom materials reflected men as normal, heroes and builders of the United States, and there was little mention of the contributions of women to our society.

    3. You attend (or attended) a school where boys were encouraged to take math and science, called on more in class, and given more attention and funding for athletic programs than girls.

    4. You have seen or heard men in positions of authority belittle women's contributions, women's writing or music, women's intelligence, or physical strength, or make other comments about women being inferior to men.

    5. You receive/d job training in a program where there were few or no women, or where women were sexually harassed.

    6. You have received a job, job interview, job training or internship through personal connections with other men.

    7. You work in a job, career or profession, or in an agency or organization in which there are few women in leadership positions, or the work has less status because women are in leadership positions.

    8. You work[ed] in a job where women are paid less for doing comparable work or do more menial jobs.

    9. You have can take advantage of women earning much less than you do for childcare, cooking, cleaning, clerical services, nursing, or other services.

    10. In your family, women do more of the housecleaning, cooking, childcare, washing or other caretaking than you or other men do.

    11. You live in a city or region in which domestic violence and sexual assault are serious problems for women.

    12. You generally feel safe when hiking in the woods, in the mountains, on the beach or in other rural settings (this one will exclude most men of color).

    13. Your forefathers, including your father, had more opportunities to advance themselves, economically, than your foremothers [not necessarily true for African Americans].

    14. Your father had more educational opportunities than your mother [not necessarily true for African Americans].

    15. The boys in your extended family, including yourself, had more financial resources, emotional support or encouragement for pursuing academic, work or career goals than the girls [not necessarily true for African Americans].

    16. In your community, it is easier for men (and harder for women) to get housing loans, small business loans, agricultural loans or car loans than it is for men of similar qualifications.

    17. Most of the clothes you wear (and electronics you use) have been made by women who are paid little for their work (in this and other countries).

    18. In your community, women are routinely charged more for haircutting, dry cleaning, automobiles, and other services or products.

    19. When you have medical procedures done to you, or take prescribed medicines and other health treatments you can assume they were tested and proven safe on men.

    20. You don't need to think about gender and sexism everyday. You can decide when and where you deal with it.

    21. You know where you can have access to sex from women for money in the city or region in which you live.

    22. You can have access to sexually revealing images of women easily, whenever you want them from magazines, the Internet, bookstores, video stores or pornography outlets.

    By Paul Kivel [modified] ~

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    You are articulating your project for the first time in this unit

    1. You are articulating your project for the first time in this unit. What do you think about the process of creating a project so far? Have you found it difficult or appropriately challenging? What are some of the things that you have learned so far about the process and about yourself as a researcher? If you could go back in time to a few weeks ago, what are some of the things you know today that you would tell yourself? In other words, what are some of the key lessons you have learned? Similarly, what have you learned in researching that has made your process easier

    Alternatively, you have been deeply situated in your research for the past few units. What have you learned about your topic that you did not know before? What do you find fascinating? What advice would you like to share with your classmates?

    2. The purpose of the research proposal is to help you to understand your project, to gain direction and feedback on your project, and to establish a blueprint for your project. Description: In this assignment, you will create a research proposal consisting of three sections: Section 1: What is the topic? (100-150 words) Section 2: What is the controversy? Include paragraphs that detail both sides of the controversy. (300-400 words) Section 3: Your tentative thesis statement (one to two sentences)

    3. We have all heard the claim that "the customer is always right." Well, maybe we should pause for a minute. Is the customer always right? Decide whether or not the customer is always right, and explain your rationale. Also, share an example of great customer service that you received directly or at least witnessed.

    4. This question involves analyzing the advantages of an organization that offers quality services that are related to human resources. Specifically, think about two major areas of a performance evaluation: (a) quality and (b) remaining positive throughout. Use your critical-thinking skills to describe some techniques that you could apply toward quality and positive service while conducting a performance evaluation for an employee.

    5. This question provides you with an opportunity to analyze the advantages of an organization that offers quality customer service. First, describe what it means to you to provide quality customer service for both internal customers and also external customers. Second, use your critical-thinking skills to explain how quality customer service can impact an organization's entire culture.

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    Introduction To Biology- SCI 115

    Gene Technology carries with it social and ethical implications-many of which engender personal views and discussion.

    Select one (1) of the following biotechnology points to write about:

    -Genetically modified crop plants

    -Genetically modified mircroorganisms

    -Genetically modified animals

    -Personal genomics and/or personalized medicine for humans

    -Gene Therapy

    Write a four to six (4-6) page paper on your chosen topic.  Organize your paper into sections corresponding to the following requirements:

    1. Biological Basis-Describe the technology.  Discuss what it accomplishes. Elaborate on the scientific principles that make this technology possible. Your goal in this section of the paper is to show the instructor that you understand the underlying science behind the technology.  Describe how exactly the technology works.  Discuss the biological principles that underlie this technology.

    2. Social and ethical implications-Without disclosing your personal view about this technology, provide an analysis of its social and ethical implications.  State the ethical concerns apparent in the use of this technology.  Discuss the benefits and risks.  Your goal in this section is to look at all sides of the issue.  In the next section, you will give your opinion.

    3. Personal Viewpoint- In the previous section, your goal was to be as objective as possible, to look at all sides of the issues.  In this section, your goals are to give a personal opinion about the technology and provide a justification of that opinion.

    4. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment, in addition to the course text. NOTE: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.  The body of the paper must have in-text citations that correspond to the references.  Integrate all sources into your paper using proper techniques of quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing, along with proper use of in-text citations to credit your sources.

    Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

    -Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.  Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

    -Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date.  The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

    -Keep in mind that you need to develop a coherent essay addressing these points, with descriptions, examples and discussion.

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    It is interesting that Standards of Practice in Nursing is a fairly new thing.

    It is interesting that Standards of Practice in Nursing is  a fairly new thing. It was not until 1973 when the standards were first published. Below is an article that talks about the Standards, and history of them. 

    Part 2: Nursing standards, their history and significance

    minimun 150 words……

    History of Cognitive Psychology Lecture

    History of Cognitive Psychology Lecture

    Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation lecture for your class in which you address the following:


    • Describe the history of      cognitive psychology.
    • Explain how and why      psychometric studies are used to study cognitive psychology.
    • Discuss the benefits of      research in psychometrics.

    Include at least two scholarly articles.

    Include speaker notes with your presentation.

    Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. 

    Discussion 2: Small Businesses and Large Companies

    Discussion 2: Small Businesses and Large Companies
    Although it is usually major corporations that are highlighted and discussed in the nightly business news, it is actually small businesses that are the lifeblood of most countries. In the United States alone there are more than 27 million small businesses, which generate between 60% and 80% of all new jobs (U.S. Small Business Administration, 2008, p. 47). In China, 60% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is generated by small businesses (Morris, 2011). In Canada, 5 million people, representing almost half of the labor force, are employed by small businesses (Morris, 2011).

    These statistics show that small businesses are just as crucial to the global economy as large companies. In this Discussion, you compare small businesses to large companies and consider the entrepreneurial challenges of owning and operating a small business.

    Morris, B. (2011). Small business stats for Small Business Week 2011. Get Busy Media. Retrieved from
    U.S. Small Business Administration. (2008). The small business economy: A report to the president. Retrieved from
    By Day 5
    Post a cohesive and scholarly response based on your readings and research this week that addresses the following:

    How do small entrepreneurial start-up businesses differ from large companies? In what ways are they similar?
    By Day 7
    Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:

    Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence, or research.
    Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.
    Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
    Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.
    Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.
    Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.
    Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you learned and/or any insights you gained as a result of your colleagues’ comments.


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