Archive for November 22nd, 2017

Critically analyze style vs no style

Critically analyze style vs no style. Compose a short paper explaining if it is better to use a web designer with NO style, than a web designer who utilizes a particular style or "style guide".  Be sure to provide in-depth evidences to support your decision.  Remember to support your opinion with factual information.

The paper must following the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain a title page, five scholarly references, three to five pages of content, and a reference page.


Assignment 2: Required Assignment 1 – Multiple-Stakeholder Process

  • Assignment 2: Required Assignment 1 – Multiple-Stakeholder Process
  • Review the following:
  • Management at Top   Shelf has determined that the company doesn't need another top-down   singularly focused recycling program. Instead, it wants to include a wide   spectrum of views and inputs in the development of a sustainability mission   and program that the company and the community can believe in.
  • Review the Top Shelf scenario so far.
  • Course Project Scenario:  Top Shelf Shoes
  • Throughout this course, you will analyze various factors at a fictitious company called Top Shelf Shoes. In each module, you work on an assignment related to this analysis.
  • Review the course project scenario:
  • Top Shelf was found in 1990 by Tie Woodward. Within five years. Top Shelf had established a solid presence in the global shoe business with production facilities in Asia and sales throughout the world. By 2000, Top Shelf had a share of 45 percent of the global market in shoe sales. In 2001, Top Shelf made the Fortune 500 list of privately held companies and Tie was awarded the coveted International Business Award. However, Tie claimed the real success of his firm could be seen in the stylish Top Shelf shoes being worn by everyone from villagers in Africa to rock stars in Hollywood.
  • In 2003, a major competitor of Top Shelf began a green marketing campaign to highlight its efforts to reduce its environmental footprint with its new "Green Shoe." A simultaneous, growing concern for environmental issues helped spur the sales of Top Shelf's competitor-it gained market share. As the competitor's sales increased, news stories began to question the implications of Top Shelf's business practices, especially as they related to low cost labor and environmental concerns. Within a fiscal quarter, Top Shelf sales were down by 10 percent. Tie responded by exclaiming on the Nightly Business Report that everyone had to wear shoes and Top Shelf made the best looking and most affordable foot fixtures on the planet. Sales fell another 5 percent the following quarter. Tie's management team attributed this to the competition's green efforts and the bad publicity received by Top Shelf.
  • Tie's firm hired a middle manager for environmental affairs and launched a green campaign that touted a Top Shelf shoe-recycling program with the slogan "We make them, you wear them, we'll recycle them. It's good for your feet and good for the earth. "  Sales climbed back up 7 percent over the next quarter, and the boss gave out bonuses to his management team.
  • While initial reaction to the marketing was positive, especially among longtime Top Shelf shoe wearers, two reporters, Burnstone and Woodwoe, broke a story about the impact of air and water pollution at Top Shelf's shoe-recycling facility on the outskirts of a major city in Asia. Apparently, some of the shoes were recycled to produce energy. According to the report by Burnstone and Woodwoe, the shoes were being burned by low-wage workers without any precautions for the worker's health.  An increasing number of children and elderly in the region began showing up at clinics and hospitals with breathing problems, dizziness, and toxic blood poisoning. Then, a worker at the plant collapsed and died in front of the large kiln. 
  • Global news organizations, bloggers, and You Tube broadcaster quickly picked up the story. The sales of Top Shelf began to plummet. By the end of the fiscal year, the company saw a 50 percent reduction in revenue as compared to the previous year. Growth was no longer the issue. Instead the company was faced with the problem of how to stay afloat despite the significant losses and depleting capital. This time, Tie made no public pronouncements. He lay off the manager of the recycling plant, shut down the kiln at the plant, and, on the advice of long-time friend Glifford Pinchot III, hired a reputable sustainable business consulting firm, Sustainable Growth Strategies, to advise Top Shelf on everything from public relations to substantive changes in the company's labor and environmental policies.
  • Assume you are leading the consulting team for Sustainable Growth Strategies. You are responsible for the analysis leading to a report with a set of recommendations to put Top Shelf on the path to sustainability. Your first task is to prepare a brief paper for Top Shelf that explains the meaning and use of sustainability within a business context. Your team reports directly to Tie Woodward. He is a sharp, hardworking, and open-minded leader with a sense of humor. Tie realizes that every day without genuine sustainability plan is bad for business. Therefore, he wants to show as soon as possible that the company is committed to sustainability. He realizes that there may be advantages in positioning top Shelf as a sustainability leader in the long run
  • Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the impact of public advocacy groups on sustainable business practice and the multiple-stakeholder process.
  • Write a paper addressing the following:

Design A Questionnaire

The questionnaire should have the 5 categories of a servqual.servqual.






15-20 questions in total 


Case Study: Josie

HN430 UNIT 3 Assignment


Case Study: Josie


For this unit's assignment, write a 3-page paper that answers the following questions, based on the case provided.


Josie is an 11-year-old bi-racial “at-risk” adolescent who lives with her single mother. Josie has a history of learning and behavioral problems in school. She attends a large suburban school and is struggling in sixth grade. Josie can be a behavioral problem in the home and community and has been referred to your agency for advocacy services. She has been asked not to return to her soccer team because of her behavior and is no longer permitted at her after school program. One day when you are talking with Josie, she reports that she has been extremely depressed and just does not care about living anymore.

In paragraph format, discuss, and describe the basic models or methodologies involved in advocacy and the role of the advocate in working with at-risk families or youth. Explain how you would advocate for Josie in both the personal and professional setting by addressing the following questions:


1. What are the key advocacy issues or risk factors impacting this case? List at least three and explain why these are key issues. Make sure to take cultural considerations into account.


2. What should be done to address the advocacy issues? List at least three solutions per issue identified. Be very specific and support your response with at least two sources.


3. Identify any roadblocks that could occur to successful advocacy for this scenario. List and explain at least three roadblocks. Support your response with at least two sources.


4. What are the key legal and ethical considerations relevant to this case? How would you address these considerations?

Each response should be no less than two short paragraphs. Make sure each paragraph is no less than four sentences. When you have completed the assignment, submit your responses according to the directions given below.


Assignment Guidelines

In addition to answering the questions as described above, your paper should:

· Include a title page, which includes your name, the name of the class and section, and the date

· Use standard margins: 1" on all sides

· Use standard 12-point font size Times New Roman or Arial

· Use standard double-spacing: average of 22 lines per page, and between 20 and 24 lines per page.

· Be left justified

· Include a reference page

· Predict what Maritza would find if she used qualitative approach to her research.

As you answer the following questions, keep in mind if Maritza can identify exactly what elements of her program help incarcerated women, she may be in a better position to improve those elements by expanding them or providing them to other, similar groups of women.


· Predict what Maritza would find if she used qualitative approach to her research.


· Explain how Maritza’s results would differ if she used a quantitative approach.


· Identify which approach you think would be most helpful. Why?


· If you were Maritza, describe how you would take advantage of both approaches by using the mixed method approach.

Social Science – Sociology

To prepare for this assignment:

Review the article, "An Overview of Primary Prevention." Reflect on what elements are essential for primary prevention programs.

Consider a social problem, issue, or concern in your community and how you might use a primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention approach to address it.

The assignment: (2 pages)

Briefly describe a social issue, problem, or concern in your community that may be addressed through mental health prevention.

Describe a prevention approach that you might use to address the problem.

Explain how this approach may be applied, and justify your selection.

references and apa style


B6420 M3A1 Discussion – Sustainability And Corporate Practices

  • Assignment 1: Discussion – Sustainability and Corporate Practices
  • This assignment gives you an opportunity to practice your newly developed skills in assessing the sustainability of a company. In a statement of its business policies, British Petroleum (BP) asserted that "A good business should be both competitively successful and a force for good."
  • However, moving from a general statement to implementation of positive corporate practices that advance sustainability is challenging and progress is often incremental.
  • Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at BP. Provide your evaluation of how successful BP has been at achieving its goals of CSR.
  • Cover the following in your analysis:
    •  What is the relationship between business operations and CSR at BP?
    • Does the organization consider CSR as obligatory or do they seek opportunities for CSR? In other words, is the organization reactive or proactive?
    • What are some elements of corporate culture and policies that impact CSR? Examine the policies of BP such as the stated environmental policy, cultural diversity policy, equal employment opportunity (EEO), and so on.
  • By the due date assigned, post your response to the Discussion AreaThrough the end of the module, review and comment on at least two peers' responses.
  • Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • Do the following when responding to your peers:
  • Read your peers' answers.
  • Provide substantive comments by
    • o contributing new, relevant information from course readings, Web sites, or other sources;
    • o building on the remarks or questions of others; or
    • o sharing practical examples of key concepts from your professional or personal experiences
  • Respond to feedback on your posting and provide feedback to other students on their ideas.
  • Make sure your writing
    • o is clear, concise, and organized;
    • o demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and
    • o displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Technology Briefings Section Of The Information Systems Today Textbook

Technology Briefings section of the Information Systems Today textbook.

Review Question.  Answers each question with At least three complete, grammatically correct sentences.




Foundational Hardware Review Questions

  •                         TB-1. IS hardware is classified into what three major types? 
  •                         TB-2. Describe various methods for entering data into and interacting with a computer. 
  •                         TB-3. How do computers represent data internally? 
  •                         TB-4. Describe the role of a motherboard. 
  •                         TB-5. What determines the speed of a CPU? 
  •                         TB-6.  Compare and contrast the different types of secondary data storage. 
  •                         TB-7. What are output devices? Describe various methods for providing computer output. 

Foundational Software Review Questions

  •                         TB-8. Define the term software and list several software packages and their uses. 
  •                         TB-9. Describe at least four different tasks performed by an operating system. 
  •                         TB-10. Describe the similarities and differences between at least two major operating systems in use today. 
  •                         TB-11. Name and describe four functions of utility programs. 
  •                         TB-12. Name and describe the five important concepts of object-oriented programming. 
  •                         TB-13.  What is HTML, and why is it important? 
  •                         TB-14. Describe various options for adding dynamic content to a web page. 
  •                         TB-15. What is CASE, and how can it help in the development of information systems? 

Financial Accouting

Weight of overall mark: 25%

Submission: Please email soft copy solutions to your lecturer. Please keep a copy for your own records.

On 1 July 2016, Parrot Ltd acquired 80% of the share capital of Squirrel Ltd for $264 800. On that date, the statement of financial position of Squirrel Ltd consisted of:


Share capital

$250 000

General reserve

10 000

Asset revaluation surplus

15 000

Retained earnings

10 000


180 000


$465 000


$ 35 000


70 000


65 000

Plant and equipment

300 000

Accumulated depreciation – plant and equipment

(130 000)


100 000


  25 000


$ 465 000



At 1 July 2016, all identifiable assets and liabilities of Squirrel Ltd were recorded at fair value except for:



Carrying amount

Fair value


$ 70 000

$ 80 000


65 000

85 000

Plant and equipment (cost $200 000)

70 000

90 000


100 000

110 000



During the year ended 30 June 2017, all inventories on hand at the beginning of the year were sold, and the land was sold on 28 February 2017 to Outback Ltd for $80 000. The plant and equipment had a further 5-year life beyond 1 July 2016 and was expected to be used evenly over that time. The trademark was considered to have an indefinite life. Any adjustments for differences at acquisition date between carrying amounts and fair values are made in the consolidation worksheet. Parrot Ltd uses the partial goodwill method. The tax rate is assumed to be 30%.

Financial information for Parrot Ltd and Squirrel Ltd for the year ended 30 June 2017 is shown below.



Parrot Ltd

Squirrel Ltd

Sales revenue

$200 000

$172 000

Other income

 75 000

 30 000


275 000

202 000

Cost of sales

162 000

128 000

Other expenses

 53 000

 31 000


215 000

159 000

Profit from trading

60 000

43 000

Gains/(losses) on sale of non-current assets

 10 000

   5 000

Profit before tax

70 000

48 000

Income tax expense

 20 000

 18 000

Profit for the period

50 000

30 000

Retained earnings (1/7/16)

30 000

10 000

Transfer from general reserve


  8 000


80 000

48 000

Interim dividend paid

12 000

10 000

Final dividend declared

   6 000

   4 000


 18 000

 14 000

Retained earnings (30/6/17)

$ 62 000

$ 34 000

Asset revaluation surplus (1/7/16)


$ 15 000

Gain on revaluation of specialised plant


  5 000

Asset revaluation surplus (30/6/17)


$ 20 000



During the year ended 30 June 2017, Squirrel Ltd sold inventories to Parrot Ltd for $8000. The original cost of these items to Squirrel Ltd was $5000. One-third of these inventories were still on hand at the end of the year.


On 31 March 2017, Squirrel Ltd transferred an item of plant with a carrying amount of $ 10 000 to Parrot Ltd for $ 15 000. Parrot Ltd treated this item as inventories. The item was still on hand at the end of the year. Squirrel Ltd applied at 20% depreciation rate to this type of plant.




1.  Prepare the acquisition analysis and consolidation worksheet entries (narrations not required) necessary for preparation of the consolidated financial statements for Squirrel Ltd and its subsidiary for the year ended 30 June 2017.

2.  Prepare the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for Parrot Ltd and its subsidiary at 30 June 2017.



Developing a Body Paragraph

Developing a Body Paragraph

Q1-Develop one BODY paragraph of your research essay. Your paragraph will begin with one of the topic sentences from your sentence outline.

-Question: Consider where evidence from your sources will help support your ideas, and make sure you comment on the evidence to show how it supports the topic sentence. (Use below paragraph)


The function of accounting in the society has changed from the traditional view and has increased its interest requirements and power relations. Many businesses and organizations are financed by individuals in the society by acting as shareholders. However, these businesses usually face diversification challenges caused by globalization, base regulations, globalization of finance and the integration of financial sectors in the world. These challenges have led to increases in accounting challenges faced by organizations and businesses hence the need to develop a new technique for accounting for funds at their disposal (Worrell, Di Gang, & Bush,2013). Hence accounting information is the true representation of businesses true financial position by the shareholders; that is the society. To account for funds, it’s a requirement that each business has its accounting or finance department that follows universally acceptable accounting principles coupled with conducting of an audit of their accounts and provision of a comprehensive income statement and financial position which must be available at all time. Accounting ensures fairness, security and even quality of the business. It’s through accounting that the business can understand its profitability, liquidity, and its efficiency which can aid it in planning for future endeavors without making mistakes that may have negative impact and improvement on its financial health. The information provided enables individuals to make decisions on investment through consideration of associated risk and objectives of investment and financial performance of the organization before committing one’s money.


Worrell, J. L., Di Gangi, P. M., & Bush, A. A. (2013). Exploring the use of the Delphi method in accounting information systems research. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems14(3), 193-208.


Q2- Find an example of evidence used in the (below) paragraph and consider it in light of the reading on  Using Evidence . What characteristics of weak or strong evidence, or of effective or ineffective quotation do you observe? Please be constructive in your comments, so that if you find areas for improvement, you point them out respectfully and include suggestions for more effective use of evidence.


First, millennials have been completing school without an actual understanding of the baseline skills they were supposed to have learned, and the cause is primitive. Basic human nature is to evaluate and prioritize what an individual finds important; this occurs consciously and subconsciously. Endless examples of this range from self-preservation, to waiting to use the bathroom as to not miss a part of a show. Because of this, students have learned that there is little precedence on committing all the things taught in school to memory. As shown in studies lead by the U.S. Department of Education, only 25% of graduating Seniors were considered to be “at or above proficient” ("NAEP Report Cards – Home," 2015) in surveyed STEM fieldsThis is significant because even with the substandard acquisition of basic skills by 75% of seniors, they are still graduating and expected to contribute positively to societyAs means of being able to access endless information from the phone found in nearly every pocket grow, there is less and less incentive to learn academics. As of 2013, 78% percent of teens had a cell phone (Madden & Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2013, p. 2), and that number has only grown since. Many people are learning that there is not much incentive to committing time – the most precious commodity in the universe – to learning skills which technology can afford them. The examples of how society relies on technology everyday are far too vast to be covered, though a moment’s reflection will reveal how much it has become part of life. To note one example most are familiar with is the one of witnessing a millennial cashier make a mistake on a cash register and be forced to calculate some level of math (usually subtraction) to figure out change. Subtraction is the most basic of academic skills, which is taught as young as Kindergarten. Why is this happening? It is because the reliance on technology has not only become common place; it has become a substitute for learning.  


Grammar Lab Discussion and Punctuation Marks

Q1 – Which punctuation marks do you think are most difficult to use correctly? Why? What might you do to help remember the rules for these punctuation marks or to make effective choices about these punctuation marks? Explain:


Q2  -Respond to below post about a punctuation marks, and find an example of effective use of that punctuation marks. The example could come from your own writing or from outside published writing. Quote the example and explain what is effective about the punctuation choice. (Use below post)



“I think that Commas are the most difficult punctuation mark to use. Out of all the punctuation mark rules, the rule for punctuation marks is the most subjective. I think semi-colons are similar, but don't have a as severe impact on a sentence if deciding whether to use them or not. All the other marks lay out how they are to be used, and as long as you can remember them, they are simple enough to do. Commas require interpretation of the how the sentence is constructed. For example: If you are making a point in one long sentence, you need to determine a point at which using commas is no longer effective and making a run on sentence”. 

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