Archive for November 22nd, 2017


REMEMBER OBSERVATION IS THE KEY TO GOOD ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH. ЂSo this means your field notes should include detail about your subject's body language that gives a sense of their comfort/discomfort, honesty, candidness, mood when discussing certain things and sharing with you.
Open the Enculturation Interview pdf above.
Read through the directions thoroughly and carefully.
Ask questions in class if you have them.
Prepare a paper based on your interview,
Make sure you attach your fieldwork notes in the form of a scanned picture of your notes or a recording of the interview.
Your notes can be in the language that the interview was conducted.

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Data Results and Analysis

Week 6: Data Results and Analysis

After the data are collected, it is time to analyze the results!
Discuss one of the four basic rules for understanding results in a research study.

Compare clinical significance and statistical significance. Which one is more meaningful when considering applying evidence to your practice?

Compare descriptive statistics and inferential statistics in research. Please give an example of each type that could be collected in a study that would be done on your nursing clinical issue you identified in previous weeks.

Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research: Reading, using, and creating evidence (4th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
Chapter 11: Summarizing and Reporting Descriptive Data, pp. 289–319
Chapter 13: Analysis and Reporting of Quantitative Data, pp. 352–379
Chapter 15: Analyzing and Reporting Qualitative Results, pp. 419–441

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Week 6: Implementing Change Despite Resistance

Week 6: Implementing Change Despite Resistance

Change can be difficult to implement. Now that you are almost finished with your change project, if you were to implement your project in your clinical practice, what type of resistance do you expect from staff? List at least three ways that you can lessen the resistance you may encounter to help ensure the success of your project. 

American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice (3rd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: Author.
Read Professional Nursing's Scope and Standards of Practice-The Function off Competencies in Standards, Healthy Work Environments for Nursing Practice-Key Influences on the Quality and Environment of Nursing Practice, pp. 1–6, 21–31
Optional Websites
Review the American Nurses Association (ANA) website on workplace safety (

Examine the principal standard related to communication that is equitable, understandable, and respectful quality care for services to diverse populations at

Reading: Berkeley

Berkeley.pdf. (file attached)


Explain the thought experiment on page 78. 

Outline and explain Philonous' argument. 

*online use valid deductive structures: 

1)Modus ponens:
Premise 1. If A then B, 
Premise 2. A, 
Conclusion. Therefore B. 


2)Modus tollens:
Premise 1. If A then B, 
Premise 2. Not B,
Conclusion. Therefore, not A.

Always cite. 
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enterprise analysis

would like you to work on the enterprise analysis by answering the question according to the capstone courier from round 0-8. The question is under the file name "Enterprise Analysis" it is just one page.

Just so you know, my team name is "ANDREWS" which are 

Able –> Traditional statistics
Acre –> Low end statistics
Adam –> High end statistics
Aft –> Performance statistics
Agape –> Size statistics

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Cross Cultural Management



Discuss and analyse the determinants of culture in the country chosen: Religion and Social. Apply the cultural theories to the chosen culture. Look at the Hofstede Dimensions and world values survey to find background info. Other theorectical perpectives, tropenaars, global project, etc. should be included. Please refer to The Globe Book of in-depth studies of 25 societies, if it is available to you in the library. 

Project resource: 

1. textbook

2. hofstede home page:, world values 

3. survey:

Many other comparable sources of background information: 

1. Country Statistical Organisations 

2. The Wall Street Journal 

3. BusinessWeek 

4. The Economist 


6. IMF

7. World Bank 

8. United Nations 

9. E-Library 

10. Google


Have already done part of it, need to continue with another 2500 to 3000 words. 

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MMG 506 Quantiative Analysis for Managers

MMG 506 Quantiative Analysis for Managers

Exam 2

1. As a result of a prolonged economic boom, Toronto is undergoing several changes that are starting to cause social and economic problems. One serious problem is the lack of affordable housing for young people. Median house prices over a 12-month period in the Toronto area are shown in the table below:

Month Price ($K) Month Price ($K)
Jan $195 Jul $205

Feb 196 Aug 199

Mar 205 Sep 201

Apr 210 Oct 197

May 212 Nov 192

Jun 210 Dec 190

a) Graph the data in the table. Describe the trend that you see.

b) Calculate the mean and standard deviation.

c) Calculate the range and mode of these data.

d) If $195K is considered the threshold for affordability, can we conclude at the 5 % level of significance that the threshold has increased in this period?

2. We would like to establish the 95% confidence interval for the proportion of left-handed baseball players. We drew a sample of 59 baseball players and found that 15 are lefthanded. Using this estimate, find the 95% confidence interval for true proportion of left-handed players in baseball.

a). Compute the estimate

b). Compute the standard error

c). Compute the margin of error

d). Calculate the confidence interval

3. Suppose that the height of a man is normally distributed with a mean of 5’ 9” (69”) and a standard deviation of 2 inches. Find the minimum height of the ceiling of an airplane, such that at most 2 % of the men walking down the aisle will have to duck their heads.

a) Define the random variable, i.e., Let X = ?

b) Solve the problem.

4. A diet doctor claims that the average American is more than 10 pounds overweight. To test his claim, a random sample of 50 Americans was selected and each weighed, and for each the difference between actual weigh and idea weight was calculated. The mean and standard deviation of that difference was 11.5 and 2.2 pounds respectively. Can we conclude, with  = .05, that enough evidence exists to show that the doctor’s claim is true?

a) State the Null and Alternative hypotheses.

b) Define the test statistic and obtain the critical value.

c) Compute the test statistic.

d) Make the decision to reject or not reject the null hypothesis

e) State the conclusion.

5. A venture capital company feels that the rate of return (X) on a proposed investment is normally distributed with a mean of 30 basis points and a standard deviation of 10 basis points. Find the probability that the return will exceed 55 basis points.

a) Define the random variable for this problem

b) Write the probability statement for the event

c) Solve the problem

6. Ask yourself, “during the school year, how many hours do I spend, on average on school related work per week – for example,(6hours) reading books, attending class, doing homework, and writing papers. Record your value of estimated hours spent per week. Then ask a random sample of at least 10 students the same question. Test the hypothesis using  = .05 that the average of all the students is the same as yours.

(Calculate mean and standard deviation)

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Project Management – Project Evaluation And Control

A project must be executed effectively and with minimal waste to establish confidence. A plan for performance measurement requires identifying which critical elements should be measured, how they are measured, and when they are measured to communicate if the project is on track.

Write a 2- to 3-page paper on your findings.   At a minimum the section will contain the following:

Measurable objectives identified as milestones on the Gantt chart

Risk mitigation strategy for analyzing and reporting unplanned changes as well what procedures you will plan to implement for handling change control issues

Description of project reporting regarding the on-going evaluation and status of project efforts to stakeholder and participants on the project team

Method for determining whether the project has met its objectives and how the project is terminated

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What is your opinion of this course?

What is your opinion of this course? Did it meet your expectations? What suggestions can you offer for improvement of this course for future students?

Optional: Discuss your views on the Affordable Care Act. Do you think this law will improve the U. S. health care system? Why or why not?

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Business Finance – Economics

1- Please comment on the following statement: "A monopolistically competitive firm will still produce in the short run even if its demand curve is below its average variable cost curve simply because each firm maintains a degree of market power."

2– Explain what should happen to the demand curve of monopolistically competitive firms as the consumers observe a decrease in the degree of product differentiation on one hand and an increase in the number of rival firms on the other. Does that impact the structure of the industry? 

Suggestion and warning: To do a good job on this assignment all you need is a good understanding of product markets in the textbook. Please be aware that copy and paste from other sources without comprehending the concepts usually lead to "contradictory" sentences and the result will be huge loss of points. By spending "QUALITY" time on chapters that cover different product markets ( Midterm exams 2 & 3 cover this material) one should be able to do a good job here. 

Please meet the deadline for submitting this assignment. No late submission will be allowed. All assignments should be sent thru Canvas ONLY (no email assignment please).   

Good Luck to all of you!

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