Archive for November 30th, 2017


1. In at least 200 words describe the provisions of the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993.

2. Outline the purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

3. In at least 200 words define retaliatory discharge. How can an employee defend against such an action by his or her employer?

4. In at least 300 words explain the rights and responsibilities of patients and healthcare providers. How are these rights and responsibilities similar?

5. In at least 300 words discuss the rights and responsibilities of healthcare providers and medical practices in regards to professional liability insurance.

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Write a paper on OBESITY.

Write a paper on OBESITY. define obesity according to CDC. define obesity according to miriam websters dictionary. 
1 what is obesity
2 describe obesity in the usa compare to another country
3 can obesity be cured. 
the sources have to be peer reviewed please.'

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Philosophy Paper

The writer needs to read and answer the prompt. This paper cannot exceed 500 words. Its pretty much a page. 

The paper needs one page of the notes taken through the reading. 

 You should read the

·  Introduction

·  The last 2 pages of Chapter 6 

·  Chapters 7, 11-17.

Here is the prompt : How does science as practical technique transform human living?  Consider the dangers such transformation poses to humanity? 

Note, once again there are two questions.  Your thesis needs to integrate answers to both parts.  Word count: 500.

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Dialogue Assignment

2 class texts Plato《Republic》,Mary Wollstonecraft 《a vindication of the rights of women》here are the specific requirements: 

Longer Essay 1: Dialogue Assignment

Students will write a dialogue in which two characters discuss some of the ideas from one of our class texts. Each dialogue must include:

(1) a detailed summary of an argument from one of our class texts;

(2) a discussion of the summarized argument wherein one of the characters misunderstands the argument, which is then clarified by the other character

(3) a discussion of the summarized argument wherein one of the characters presents an objection to the summarized argument, which the other character refutes

(4) a discussion of the summarized argument wherein one of the characters presents an objection to the summarized argument, which the other character may either refute or may decide defeats the summarized argument

(5) a discussion of the summarized argument in relation to an argument from another class text

(6) a discussion of the summarized argument in relation to a current event 

(7) quotations and citations for (1)-(6) from

a. the main class text

b. the second class text (for (5))

c. an outside source (for (6))

Papers will be assessed based on the presence and quality of each of the elements above as well as on style, grammar, and creativity. 

Format: Each dialogue must be 1800-2200 words, 12-point font, single-spaced. 

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Effect of threat of war on economy

Effect of threat of war on economy

From old times, many people or many countries were threatened by enemies. When they were threatened, they prepared something for an economic situation such as raising fund or storing resources. Nowadays, threat of war causes many economic fluctuations. For example, threat of war will cause exchange fluctuations, inflation, and runaway debt. There are many bad effects on economic. The South Korea always was threatened by the North Korea. I experienced to change economic fluctuation. Every threat of war from North Korea, South Korea’s economy was influenced by threat. Therefore, this essay will be basically talking about effects of the threat of war.




Persuasive and Informative Presentations

Student’s Name


Persuasive and Informative Presentations

A persuasive presentation is intended for the purpose of selling a commodity or service while an informative presentation is one that is delivered for the objective of training and education (Kamalski, Sanders & Lentz, 2008). Persuasive presentation may want to sell an idea concerning services to be rendered like for the case of approving a proposal. You have to convince people to donate to a cause. The realization of a persuasive presentation is determined by the number of people who purchase the commodities or those who contribute towards the course. On the other hand, an example of informative presentation may encompass a teacher trying to coax students about a topic worth tackling. The success of this presentation is accomplished when students' performance improve on the test.

Some disciplines lend themselves more to informing rather than interpretation and attitude. For instance, when one enrolls for a biochemistry course, he or she expects the teacher to inform him or her about the biochemistry discipline but not trying to convince him or her about the good or bad influence pharmaceuticals have on the society. The goal is to inform as opposed to persuading students to ascribe to a positive or negative attitude the health care systems give rise to in the society.


Kamalski, J., Sanders, T., & Lentz, L. (2008). Coherence marking, prior knowledge, and comprehension of informative and persuasive texts: Sorting things out. Discourse Processes, 45(4-5), 323-345.

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James Madison’s representation of equality and peace and how that shaped the American culture

look at how the work fits into the time period historically, or they look at how it was shaped by history and societal events, or they look at how they shape these events themselves. 
So for this paper you could discuss in detail how a particular work or author fits into the time period and/or how this work or author helped to shape our American culture (since that is the point of the class as a whole). You might look, for example, at how Christopher Columbus’ writings reflect his attitude toward the New World and the Native Americans there, and how it reflected the larger attitude that Europeans overall had toward them as they learned about them. Or you might disucss the historical and social processes that shaped Columbus’ attitude toward them. What led him to be the way that he was and act the way that he did? How does his text give clues to that?

It should have MLA in-text citations and a works cited page listing your (at least) three sources. It also should be type-written, double spaced and within standard margins. And it should be between 5-7 pages in length.

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This is a formal essay on any aspects of Persian culture or language

500 words, typed (font Times New Roman, Size 12, 1.5 line spacing).


This is a formal essay on any aspects of Persian culture or language. Each student will be required to complete writing assignments consistent with GE Policy, at a minimum of 1000 words but since you have done many other writing assignments in the class, the word count is 500.


Citations from all sources should be given parenthetically just after the citation, with a Works Cited listing, preferably in MLA style (for more info on MLA style refer to this link:

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Discussion For Sociology

In most societies there are rituals that citizens practice, some of which are religious and others are not. Some rituals are also practiced in education. 


* What rituals, either religious or nonreligious, do you perform?

* Why do you perform them?

* Can you remember rituals in your K-12 education that were performed?

* Did those involve any religious aspects?

* Why were they performed?

Assault Performance Task



Case Number: 1111111 


Date: 13 August 2016 


Reporting Officer: Colt Winchester 


Incident Type: Crime Against the Person 


Address of Occurrence: 111 Felony Drive, Happy Town, GA 15486 


Witnesses:  Alan Skittles: Store owner. Male, 43, Latino Michael Smith: Employee. Male, 21, African American  Andrea Sianturi: Customer. Female, 27, Asian American 


Weapon/Objects Used: Umbrella / Shoe  On August 16, 2016, at approximately 20:43, officers responded to 111 Felony Drive in regards to a white male bleeding from his face. The victim, Samuel Clark, was friends with a female, Summer Breeze, that lived at 111 Misdemeanor Lane. Mr. Clark was walking to Ms. Breeze’s residence approximately one block east of Mr. Clark’s residence. As Samuel Clark turned the corner, he observed two white men approaching him. A witness, Alan Skittles, identified the two men as Bubba Hurt and Skeeter Redrum. Both Bubba Hurt and Skeeter Redrum began yelling at Samuel Clark for him to leave Summer Breeze alone and that it was the “last time he put his hands on her.” It began to rain so Samuel Clark opened his umbrella and continued to walk north on Felony Drive. Bubba Hurt shoved Samuel Clark from behind causing Samuel Clark to fall to the sidewalk. When Samuel Clark began to pick himself up from the sidewalk Skeeter Redrum kicked Samuel Clark in the face causing Samuel Clark to fall onto the street. While Samuel Clark was lying on his back in the street Bubba Hurt began to kick Samuel Clark. In response, Samuel Clark grabbed his umbrella and swung, hitting Bubba Hurt in his eye. As Samuel Clark stood up Summer Breeze hit Samuel Clark in the side of his head with her shoe rendering Samuel Clark unconscious. A witness to the incident contacted 911 to respond. Samuel Clark and Bubba Hurt were taken into custody and transported to the hospital. Summer Breeze and Skeeter Redrum were taken into custody and transported to the Police Headquarters. Bubba Hurt died at the hospital and Samuel Clark suffered a permanent brain injury.    



Your task as the District Attorney is to determine what charges, if any, for all four individuals involved in this incident. You should support your answer with an understanding of the definitions of simple assault, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, and robbery. In addition, was self-defense applicable to the scenario provided?  Use the self-defense portion (based on Georgia jurisprudence) of the Document Library to formulate your answer.  


Formatting Requirements: Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: 

● Be four pages typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with oneinch margins on all sides. All the information you need is in the Document Library.  


● Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length. 


Self-Assessment Checklist: 

Use this to check your work before you submit your assignment: 

 My paper determines what charges to make, if any, for all four individuals in the provided scenario.   My paper discusses the definitions of simple assault, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, and robbery.  My paper discusses the State of Georgia’s use of self-defense. 

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