Archive for January 7th, 2018

2 posts due Dec. 27

2 posts due Dec. 27

Question they both answered was: 1. Reflect on a vivid cultural experience you’ve had outside the country (if you haven’t been out of the country, you may use a domestic experience where you were immersed in, or exposed to, a very different culture).  Using the anthropological lens you developed during class, has your interpretation of that experience changed?  How so?  Give a specific example.   (for these answers – I chose a different question and I HAVE NEVER been out of the country)



When living in Beijing China, there were many instances that I seen different cultures taking place. With using the anthropological lens, my interpretation of my experiences have changed. When I was living there, I didn't really question anything. Or think about how and why their culture or life style is so dramatically different from the life I had in the states. I supposed it changed, due to the fact that I am thinking about how they came to be. Such as how their language has developed over time. And how is it considered to be one of the most difficult languages to learn. Or the archeology of their past. From looking at the city and seeing modern buildings then to seeing old Chinese temples in the city. The past isn't forgotten because the buildings are still there, right down the street from the modern ones. One of the things I thought was interesting, on my way to school I would always pass these old ladies all in lines dancing to music. I always thought it was a bit strange.But culturally that is a cultural norm. Another interesting cultural observation I seen was doing Chinese New Year, for the entire month they release fire works all day and all night. Its just like one giant party all month long. And for every family the youngest child receives money. My friend Connie received about 30,000 yuan from her entire family combined. With each of these cultural differences I experienced they all seem to be past down from generation to generation. They feel strongly about traditions and family bonding. 



I going to use one of the situations that I came into with while I was serving in the Army while I was deployed we did man different types of missions and met with many different people on a day to day basis. Most of these encounters were just casual in nature and didn't really have any true meaning besides letting the locals know that we were there and wanting to help them out. I recall this one time though we had to go and do a meeting with the village elder while in Afghanistan to talk about things that were taking place in his village. We have met with this same elder many times but never in a formal sit down type of meeting. When we arrived all of the men took their shoes off which I had seen many times and the little boys started to bring out the chi tea and what not. but I had never noticed until this particular meeting that the elder didn't sit until we had sat then all the other males that were attending the meeting sat after the elder. At the time I dint really think to much about it at all but now that I have taken this class and understand more about culture and how it really works I know that it was not only a sign of respect to the elder but also a big part of the culture. Village elders play a very large role in how things get done in Afghanistan and nothing happens with in a village with out the elders permission so a lot of the things that I really didn't think about to much now really come to make more sense to me after this class.

Due Dec. 27th

Due Dec. 27th

Due Dec. 27th

Cory –

Joining the Army was where I had my first ethnocentric encounter. I am from a small town in Ohio and I didn't grow up poor but I didn't grow up rich either I was just your run of the mill middle class kid. My parents were divorced and my dad was disabled and wheel chair bound. I lived with my dad and grandpa growing up and play sports all though high school. When I first arrived to basic training and started meeting new people that I was going to go through basic with I tried to meet everyone and get to know everyone. There was one person in particular that just didn't seem to care to speak to me or any of the other Caucasian members of our platoon. Went through all of basic training this way never spoke a word to each other and I could never really figure out why this guy wouldn't talk to me or anyone else. Fast forward to getting to our duty station and this same guy ends up going to the same place I was not only the duty station but the same unit. We still hadn't spoken one word to each other. We get to our new unit and he ends up in my platoon and becomes my roommate. We are at the unit about and we still have not spoken to each other and we both live in a room no bigger than a prison cell. Well after the second week I notice that he does not have a cell phone so I ask if he has talked to anyone back home yet and for the first time he actually responded back with an answer and it was no. I told him that he could use my phone anytime to call and talk with his parents he thanked me and made the call. That really didn't change up our situation much he still only spoke when he wanted to call home and that was only once a week. We had been at the unit about a month and I had about all I could take so I just blatantly ask him do you have a problem with me or something because you don't ever say anything. He told me no I don't have a problem with you I said then why don't you ever talk to me and his response caught me off guard a little bit he said your from Ohio so you must be part of the KKK. I said what how do you even get that I said I am not part of the KKK and never will be. So I ask what even made you think that and he said well I'm from Kentucky and every white boy I know or have ever had to deal with all said that they were in the KKK. I said ok and now how did you get that I was since I'm from Ohio, he said that's what my grandpa told me that every white person in Kentucky and Ohio are all in the KKK. I said well that's not true at all if I was in the KKK do you think I would have let you use my phone. He said no and from that day forward we started to get to know each other and became best friends even to this day we talk about once a week. I think that his run ins with others and started to shift his perceptions of people and then it got reinforce from his grandpa giving him more information that wasn't correct. My advice for anyone that has to deal with a situation like this would be to keep a cool head and really just talk about it because as long as you can be cool and talk you can accomplish a lot with your words.



An experience I have encountered personally is the way people treat societies not known to them or of a certain group of people all based on false assumptions.  A personal example is the way many Americans view the country of Afghanistan.  The country is war torn, behind the technological times, slow on growth and economy, and lives the same way they have for decades.  Unfortunately, this leads many people to believe they are not intelligent people.  This just is not the case.

For the most part, Americans will typically judge others based on their own experiences.  This is not central to Americans only, but to all people who have not seen other countries and cultures to understand many places live very differently.  Americans typically get a good education, a formal education, we learn on computers now, and we have calculators and smart boards, televisions and projectors.  Most Americans have options as to what they learn while growing up, what they study as adults, and the jobs they serve in after school is complete.  While many countries also have these options, there are some countries such as Afghanistan that have different political, educational, and religious systems that have ways of life very different from our own here.   This does not make Afghans any less of a people because they are different than ours, and it certainly does not make them any less intelligent.

After completing selection for a job, there was a female in my class, about my age, who is Afghan.  While we went through training together, she was very intelligent, fun, outgoing, and overall one of the better students in the course.  She did not grow up in Afghanistan, but her family did.  There was an instructor, who like me, had deployed to Afghanistan.  Since he deployed there, he thought he had seen everything the country had to offer.  He made several remarks about how the people were stupid, smelled bad, had terrible manners, and overall had an extremely negative attitude towards Afghan people.  What he had not realized through the entire speech there was an Afghan sitting right there in his class whom he had been scoring quite high throughout the training.

 Some of the issues I found, were he had a very limited scope on the type of people he encountered.  If you were doing a job dealing with scummy people in the United States, do you know what kind of people you would meet?  The scummy ones.  In his case, he did not understand their religious believes in regards to hygiene and health standards.  They just live differently.  He also assumed that because the people he dealt with were rude, that all Afghans were impolite.  Again, he assumed incorrectly since many of their etiquette and way of life rely on taking care of their hosts and being good people to those around them.  He thought because they lived in different ways than he did, that they were not intelligent.  Again, this is wrong.  Many of them are highly educated; many also speak multiple languages because of all the changes and invasions of the country.

 Some of those experiences have really made me think about the way I approach people from different backgrounds.  I think it has made me a well-rounded person when dealing with all the foreign people I have to in my career.  I now really enjoy learning about other cultures and the way people live.

It is extremely important when meeting other people with a different background than you, to be culturally sensitive and understand just because someone is different, doesn’t mean they are any better or worse of a person for it.  Sometimes those different experiences make a great team to work together from all the different perspectives. 





2. Imagine that you are a woman who is a recent immigrant and who works in a factory. Identify three factors that might put you and your family at risk for poor health.

End with a question


weight loss

weight loss

Topic 2: Pick a popular weight loss diet and evaluate it using the tools introduced in Lesson 1.  Does the diet provide an appropriate amount of all the nutrients and food groups?  Is the meal plan sound?  How much weight loss does it advertise?  Based on the information in this week’s chapters, is that realistic?  What tools did you use to evaluate the diet?


250 words You need to state your thesis and support it with evidence and at least one outside, reputable reference.




Sociological application

Sociological application

Assignment two: Sociological application







One of the most important things we can do in this course is distinguish between the sociological viewpoint toward health and illness and strictly clinical or medical viewpoints toward health and illness. For example, it is crucial that we understand how sociology incorporates issues of race, class, gender, language, and so forth into the analysis of health and illness outcomes in society. The purpose of this assignment is for us to examine the definition of the sociological viewpoint toward health and illness, and utilize major concepts from our reading material to support this response.






Construct a 4-6 page paper that fully explores each of these three areas:


1. Identify and describe a current and major health issue that is a leading cause of mortality in the U.S. or overseas.


2. Explain the medical viewpoint of this health issue. 


3. Explain the sociological viewpoint of this health issue.


4. Use two peer-reviewed sources (none that are provided in class) to support your explanation of how the sociological viewpoint applies to this health issue.


5. Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses that each approach in resolving this health issue, or reducing mortality.


The paper should be typed, double-spaced, 1” margins, arial or times new roman 12 pt font, and saved as .doc.  The paper should be in APA format (cover page, running header, major heading, subheadings, in-text citations, and reference list),




Week 3

Week 3

Post a description of the importance of using multiple evidence-based tools (including quantitative, open ended, and ecologically focused) to assess children. Explain how each complements the other in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the young client’s concerns and situation. Then, describe the use of an eco-map in assessment and explain the different systems you will account for in your assessment of a child.

Week 4

Week 4

For this Discussion, consider how you would work with the client and his or her family members to acclimate to this diagnosis. Then consider how you would prepare them for the changed expectations they will now have for their loved one. Finally, using your skills from previous coursework, describe the developmental expectations that have changed since the diagnosis. Consider also the grief and loss the family will experience. Be sure to use a strengths perspective to address potential concerns.


Post a description of how you, as a social worker, might work with a client and the client’s family in acclimating to the client’s recent diagnosis of schizophrenia. Then explain how you might help the client’s family manage the grief and loss related to the changes in developmental expectations since the client’s diagnosis. Finally, explain how you might help the client and the client’s family prepare for the changed expectations they now have for the client. Be sure to use the strengths perspective to address their concerns.


A-Plus Writer only

A-Plus Writer only

five follow up response 100 words each , references with each part 




Greeting class, in thinking about global health, I want to direct you to two interactive tools.  First is the PBS Global Health Interactive tool.  There you can examine worldwide health issues and prevalence.  Compare and contrast health issues we see here with those that are overseas.  Consider the reasons why health issues overseas, for example, polio or tuberculosis, are not major threats in the U.S.  Second is the Gapminder website.  Gapminder is a non-profit organization committed to providing data on a range of social, environmental, and economic data available to people.  Click on videos and data to explore the data sets available and how researchers are using this freely available data to examine global health issues. Why do you believe this data is important when studying global health? ~





In order to be successful at war, public health is an integral part of the readiness of Soldiers. In my first deployment to Afghanistan, I remember the extensive process we endured to ensure we were in good health and also to establish measures to protect us while overseas. Public Health research continuously refines treatment and prevention methods for Soldiers. After the Gulf War, there were several illnesses discovered overtime that resulted in long-term effects of Veterans. For many years some of the symptoms could not be defined as a specific illness. In fact, there one of the chronic illness is now known as the Gulf War Syndrome. In my peer group, we are faced with different health issues.

As the Weitz suggest, out of the 2 million Soldiers who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, it resulted in the fewer loss than other Wars such as the Vietnam War (pg. 150, Weitz). This is as a result of the research of Public Health and increased technology. At the same rate, we have seen new illnesses arise, and a significant increase in Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD). I remember having to take several shots to protect me from gastric issues, the threat of Anthrax and other diseases. Therefore, public health is critical to ensuring the success of War to include reducing long-term chronic effects.

This year we witnessed two major hurricanes, Maria and Irma. Post-Hurricane, besides the initial safety check (ensure everyone is alive), Public Health is the most important factor for the Government to focus on. In Puerto Rico as of October 1st, 55% of its population of 3.41 million did not have potable water ((Michaud & Kates, 2017). As of November 16th, it was decreased to 91% (Michaud & Kates, 2017). This resulted in more than double the normal rate of infectious diseases. The hospitals and clinics are the key infrastructures to ensure are supported prior to and especially after a disaster. It is essential to cater for immediate medical care and to maintain treatment. In addition, food, water, and air quality are vital for the sustenance of the survivors. Water and air quality are the first to be contaminated or compromised during a disaster which is essential to life. This is why water is so important to consume in an impending disaster such as a hurricane. Infectious diseases and mental health issues rise tremendously post disasters.

 Public Health Professionals need to know the current status of its population prior to the disaster and ensure through the aid of the government that there is adequate support after. It is essential to saving lives of both humans and animals and to an extent even crops (food). Public Health is a vital concern before and after the war not only for Soldiers but also for the population being affected by it.

Religion in America

Religion in America

Religion in America

1) Write a 150-300 word summary analysis for Each of your two selected National Religion databases. The analysis should cover the type of data on the site, an example of statistical data from the site, and a statement of how the database will be useful in the study of the sociology of religion.




I have chosen:


The Hartford Institute for Religion Research at the Hartford Seminary: site covers research in areas such as women and religion, church growth and decline, religion and the family, religion, and the Web, plus more.


Churches for Middle East Peace:

Interfaith Sexual Trauma Institute:


Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance page on religious violence:


The Pew Forum on Religion in Public Life:






















The purpose of the assignment is to develop the skill to access and use National Religion Databases. You will analyze various databases and will use your findings in this assignment as a tool for other assignments in this course.

Assignment Description: The assignment is to do a computer search of National Religion Databases. Discover and list four database sites and then select two that you will review.

Steps to Follow:

1) Read the section at the end of each chapter of your textbook, RELEVANT WORLD WIDE WEB SITES and/or perform an internet search for other national religion databases.


2) After reviewing a number of websites such as or the Pew foundation website, list four of the national religion database websites you investigated. You do not need to provide a parenthetical citation for each website. Just listing them is sufficient.


3) Select two websites from your list above and analyze them.


4) Write a 150-300 word summary analysis for each of your two selected National Religion databases. The analysis should cover the type of data on the site, an example of statistical data from the site, and a statement of how the database will be useful in the study of the sociology of religion.
















Access the “Religion in America Databases” document and complete it.

This assignment uses a Scoring Guide. Please review the Scoring Guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.



1) List four of the national religion database websites you investigated.



2) Select two websites from your list above and analyze them:

Write a 150-300-word summary analysis for each of your two selected National Religion databases. The analysis should cover the type of data on the site, an example of statistical data from the site, and a statement of how the database will be useful in the study of the sociology of religion.



While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.







Reflection paper

Reflection paper

Reflection paper

Please no any outside source


1000-1500 words


No plagiarism


Learning Objectives:

Students will demonstrate their ability to construct arguments about issues of both personal and universal significance. Their writing should demonstrate that they can construct cogent, concise, and logically coherent arguments.



Students should demonstrate that they can distinguish the relevant points that form a logically coherent argument. They should also be able to construct criticisms which effectively undermine, through the use of appropriate counter-examples, some premise of that argument. 


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