Archive for January 7th, 2018

Social Inequality

Social Inequality

 Choose one of the following questions: 

1.  Compare and contrast the functionalist view of social stratification and the conflict theory's view of social stratification. How does social stratification influence the daily interactions of individuals? How do systems of class, based on factors such as prestige, power, income, and wealth, influence your own daily routines, as well as your beliefs and attitudes? Illustrate your ideas with examples.

2.  Describe the theories of global inequality addressed in the reading this week, examining the existence and persistence of inequality between countries and regions. Also address the strengths and weaknesses of these perspectives as analytical tools.  What is the most accurate theory to address global inequality?  Explain why you selected this perspective using specific examples.

The Week 4 Forum meets the following course objectives:

  • Apply a sociological perspective to the social world
  • Analyze contemporary social issues using the sociological imagination and use sociological theories and concepts to analyze everyday life.
  • Describe global stratification.
  • Explain social class in the United States.

Instructions for all Forums:

Each week, learners will post one initial post per week.  This post must demonstrate comprehension of the course materials, the ability to apply that knowledge in the real world.  Learners will engage with the instructor and peers throughout the learning week.  To motivate engaged discussion, posts are expected to be on time with regular interaction throughout the week.  All posts should demonstrate college level writing skills. To promote vibrant discussion as we would in a face to face classroom, formatted citations and references are not required.  Quotes should not be used at all, or used sparingly.  If you quote a source quotation marks should be used and an APA formatted citation and reference provided.


Dr. Avant 100 word response required:

Greetings, class. The introduction of Durkhiem's theory coincides with major changes in modernization throughout the world in the late 1800s and early 1900s.  Individuals in a rural setting may have completely differing norms than the city societies they were introduced to in search of jobs. With this merger of societies, the interpretation of deviant behavior outside of social norms would have needed to be changed. What do you think are some examples of deviant behaviors that rural people moving to the city landscape would have displayed? ~ Dr. Avant

Troy 100 word response required:

"Social Inequality"

 Compare and contrast the functionalist view of social stratification and the conflict theory's view of social stratification. How does social stratification influence the daily interactions of individuals? How do systems of class, based on factors such as prestige, power, income, and wealth, influence your own daily routines, as well as your beliefs and attitudes? Illustrate your ideas with examples.

     Social Stratification refers to a society's categorization of its people into rankings of socioeconomic tiers based on factors like wealth, income, race, education, and power (OpenStax, 2017). 

     The functionalist perspective examines how society's parts operate stating that different aspects of society exist because they serve a needed purpose, while the conflict theorists are deeply critical of social stratification, asserting that it only benefits some people, not all of society.  

 The daily interactions of individuals in regards to social stratification is one where systems have been formed to basically keep individuals closely associated with the factors that involves social stratification such as, power (where all the power players intertwine with power players only, wealth (where the wealthy are only interested in collaborating with other rich individuals), gender (where women are paid considerably lesser salaries than men even though both are doing the same job), and education (where teachers are paid lower salaries even though they have one of the most important job to mankind). 

The systems of class are intriguing because they are based solely on an individual's economic position in a society, and on birth and individual achievement. My daily routines are surely influenced in the area of being the best that I can be and knowing what factors are involved in achieving such greatness pushes myself harder and harder to appease MY appetite and not trying to be like other classes of individuals instead establishing my own trailblazing path. That's a huge no-no concerning most individuals in society, trying to be like other individuals and not being the best that they can be. Society cares nothing about anyone so why sweat trying to impress others when in turn an individual can truly impress oneself.  


Introduction to Sociology 2e (2017). OpenStax.

Jessie requires 100 word response:

Question #2: Describe the theories of global inequality addressed in the reading this week, examining the existence and persistence of inequality between countries and regions. Also address the strengths and weaknesses of these perspectives as analytical tools.  What is the most accurate theory to address global inequality?  Explain why you selected this perspective using specific examples.

Good evening Professor and Class: 

The two theories of global inequality addressed in the reading this week include the modernization theory, and the dependency theory. Sociologists use these two theoretical approaches to view the issues and conflicts of social inequality.

The modernization theory is a theory that focuses on countries of lower income levels that are affected by the absence of industrialization. This theory focuses specifically on improving their economy by altering their work attitudes, and cultural values. The low-income countries have the potential for economic success with the use of technology and industrialization to improve their economy by using their resources. 

The dependency theory is focused on a cycle of dependency, following the modernization theory. Theorists believe that the cycle of dependence in global inequality is caused by core higher class nations manipulating the middle and lower-class nations. The lower-class nations are essentially dependent on the higher-class nations, which makes the lower-class nations relying heavily on the higher-class nations for economic success. 

Both the modernization theory and the dependency theory have both strengths and weaknesses. Some strengths of both perspectives as analytical tools are that both theories can determine each country by its economic needs and demands. This makes it easier to decide which countries to do business with and partner with to be successful. It also helps identify which countries need help to provide economic assistance. Some weaknesses of both perspectives as analytical tools are that these theories give the higher-class countries power. Unfortunately, this can cause a major disadvantage to the middle and lower-class countries as power can be abused and misused. If power is misused, or not used appropriately the lower-class countries can struggle without assistance or help to become economically stable.

In addition to these two theories, there are three perspectives that also contribute to the issue of global inequality, functionalist perspective, conflict theory, and symbolic interaction. The functionalist perspective believed that society is a whole and with the issue global inequality they direct on the social purposes within their views. The conflict theory focuses directly on the formation and continued forms of inequality. Finally, while using the symbolic interaction perspective, theorists focus on the daily impact of global inequality, the issue of poverty and global stratification. Global stratification is the specific arrangement of individuals and their groups within their societies around the world. For example, global stratification associates the status, wealth, economic status and power with countries around the world. 

I believe that the most accurate theory to address global inequality is the dependency theory. The dependency theory was based off the modernization theory, and I believe that this theory identifies that lower-class nations are economically unstable because of their lack of social, economic and cultural values.  


Week 2 – Assignment 1: Explore Managing In A Global Context

The terms multinational and global business is often used interchangeability. The reality is that there is a difference. Multinational Corporations (MNC) have facilities and assets in at least one country other than its home country. They adjust their products and service to each of the local markets. Global companies are located in a number of countries where they market the exact image/brand in all markets. Still, managing in either international business requires an understanding of the political, cultural, economic and regulatory environment of the countries where they operate.

Using the social media venues (Twitter, Linkedin or Facebook), you must pick one of the following international businesses to explore- S.C. Johnson A Family Company. Begin by selecting one of the international businesses to research to use as your specific organization throughout this course.  Know that when a manager has been assigned to work globally, they must be effective and efficient in gaining knowledge about the organization and the place where they will be located.

For this assignment, using at least 3 resources, prepare a report including the following sections:

  • A brief introduction to the organization and location(s) including
  • Key features of the organization’s global competitive strategy.
  • What topics, if any, are trending about the organization?
  • From your point of view, describe management challenges s related to multicultural geographically distributed teams, communication strategies, handling cross-cultural issues and technology enhancements. 

Length: 3-4 pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. 

wage inequality in china

excel work, and analysis of the data. need to analyse different occupations and how they effect wage inequality. a continuation of an assignment you have done for me previously.

Option #1: Calculating Earned Value, Actual Cost, and Planned Value

Option #1: Calculating Earned Value, Actual Cost, and Planned Value

Download and read the Module 3 Critical Thinking Assignment (option 1) file from the link at the bottom of the page. Then, in the document, complete the highlighted sections as directed. Refer to Chapter 15 from the Project Management text and Chapter 7 from the PMBOK® Guide for directions on how to calculate these financials. Follow the APA for the essay question writing portions of the assignment.

Trust And Deception

You have probably heard the warning, "the computer is not always right," but it's still tempting to believe computer-generated results. This Application challenges you to consider consequences when the computer is not only wrong, but deliberately so.


Use these resources to help complete the assignment:


Between digital manipulation, social engineering, and computer crime, it's hard to know what to trust and what to disbelieve. Search the Web or other resources from the last 2 or 3 years to identify four forms of deception that involve computers. In a 400-600 word paper, explain the motivation underlying each deception, how the deception is presented, and reasonable ways to detect and protect yourself from the deception.

Observation Collaboration 500 words

Observation Collaboration 500 words


Observation Collaboration

This week you will complete an observation activity in your community.  This activity will help prepare you for the Week 7 Assignment.  This Forum is unique so read the instructions and point values carefully.  

Write a 500+ word initial post that includes these components:

Observation: 5 points

Go to a public place and observe the people there for 25 minutes. What are the details of the location?  Describe the general context (time of day, lighting, sounds, vibe/energy, etc.).  Describe the people around you and their sociodemographic characteristics (age, race/ethnicity, gender/sex, socioeconomic status, etc.).

Norms: 10 points

Identify two or more social norms that people engaged in at the public place.  A norm is a social rule. There are many norms that help to frame how we are supposed to behave in our daily lives, one example is gender norms (what are social rules we follow to 'be masculine' and to 'be feminine'); another example is standing in line (consider what would happen if you cut everyone in line at 8am in a Starbucks?). 

Concepts: 10 points

How do these norms you observed in the scene fit with sociological concepts and theories we’ve learned so far in class?  Some examples of sociological concepts we’ve learned about so far include gender roles and emotional labor. (What is a sociological concept? See below).

Reflection: 5 points

Reflect on your experience.  How was this observing others through a sociological lens different from when you’ve “people watched” in the past?  What perspectives do you think a sociologist can bring to our understanding of everyday human behavior?

Active Forum Engagement: 10 points:

Remember to write at least three 100+ peer responses.  As with our other Forums, two responses need to be to peer posts and one response needs to be to someone who commented on your post.  In any public scene, all of us will notice different things, and find different observations important or unimportant.  In your peer responses, help one another identify sociodemographic characteristics, social norms, or sociological concepts that the classmate may not have noticed.  Consider helping one another notice common themes in the types of public places you choose and your observations of people in those scenes.

Active Forum Presence: 5 points

Learner posts 4+ different days in the learning week.  Initial post is made by Thursday 11:55pm ET of the learning week.  Response posts are made by Sunday 11:55pm ET of the learning week.

Writing Skills: 5 points

Post is 500+ words.  All posts reflect widely accepted academic writing protocols like using capital letters (“I am” not “i am”), cohesive sentences, and no texting language. Dialogue is also polite and respectful of different points of view.

What is a “sociological concept?” They are all the bold terms and phrases within the text, such as "socialization," "norms" and "folkways."  Additionally, the entire glossary contains sociological concepts.

The Week 5 Forum meets the following course objectives:

Apply a sociological perspective to the social world

Analyze contemporary social issues using the sociological imagination and use sociological theories and concepts to analyze everyday life

Legal and/or Illegal Immigration

Legal and/or Illegal Immigration

Write a 500 word essay (typed, double-spaced, 12pt font, Include citations as needed) that answers the above questions.


conduct a search for a recent legislative bill related to legal and/or illegal immigration that has been proposed or passed by the U.S. Congress or by a state legislature or by voters of a particular states.

Search and read information regarding the bill. Use the following questions to guide your research:


  • What are stated reasons for the need of the legislation?
  • What are the main goals of the legislation?
  • What “problems” will the legislation attempt to solve?
  • What role does race and/or ethnicity play in the proposed or passed legislation?

Does the legislation seem to assume many of the “myths” about immigration or immigrants to be true? See pages 284-285 for a list of myths and the reality about immigration.

What do you think will be the impact of the legislation on individuals, families, communities, and local industry? What is the impact to citizens, and what is the impact to immigrants?


Assignment 3

Assignment 3



A major component of the sociological discussion of health and illness concerns an analysis of how problems that were previously not considered medical in nature are now a part of the province of medicine. This process, known as medicalization, describes how remedial efforts in the nonmedical realm to solve certain social problems are now given over to modern medicine as a topic of discussion and treatment. The purpose of this assignment is to define medicalization and offer an important commentary about the spread of this social trend in society today.






Construct a 4-6 page paper that fully satisfies these four areas:


Define medicalization in sociological terms. 

Explain three major ways in which medicalization has been able to flourish in modern society.

Describe one mental or physical illness that has become medicalized, apply sociological concepts to analyze how this illness has become medicalized.

Finally, offer a commentary about whether or not you think the medicalization of this problem is warranted. In other words, do you think that medicalization, in the example you’ve chosen, is unnecessary? Why or why not?



The paper should be typed, double-spaced, 1” margins, arial or times new roman 12 pt font, and saved as .doc.  The paper should be in APA format (cover page, running header, major heading, subheadings, in-text citations, and reference list),



please no plagerism , 


the development of online grading system for manila center adventist academy

i need my chapter 2 only, where in the review of related study, review of related literature, conceptual framework In rrl and rrs, i need 6 related operating system, 3 is for foreign, and 3 is for local here in the philippines. every operating system, it consists of 2 paragraph, the 1st paragraph was the description or features of the system, and the 2nd paragraph was the relationship and similarities of my system and their system. in each paragraph, 4 sentence is the maximum.

War and opportunity cost

articles from Atlantic: Fighting Terrorism with a Credit Card"; and the other from Forbes "Iraq Opportunity Costs: What America Could Have Had If It Never Invaded". As you no doubt are aware, President Trump is sending more troops to Afghanistan – the longest war in US history as we near the 16 year mark. But, we still are fighting in Iraq, too, even though we officially ended that war New Year’s Eve 2011, and we removed almost all troops from Iraq in 2013 after nearly 10 years of fighting there. So, let's consider the opportunity cost of these wars. This requires you to think on the Macro (Big Picture) Level, what do the articles say the opportunity costs of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have been over the last 16 years? What do you think about that? (Remember, costs are not just measured in dollars and cents!) How big of an impact will this make on our future in the US? Finally, compare this to the Autism article; "Beautiful Minds, wasted". What are the opportunity costs of not treating the illness? What are the similarities between the opportunity cost issues identified in both situations?

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