Archive for January 7th, 2018

Data Analysis and Thesis Writing

My Thesis is about Incidence of foreign body ingestion in children attending Dubai hospital pediatric gastrointestinal unit from 2011 to 2016 I attached all the papers required including the litretural review, my dead line on 17/01/2017 Attached are samples of Literature that was done on the same topic and thesis guidelines What I need is descriptive data analysis with Thesis writing. The excel sheet has around 260 patients and the number of darta is not huge .

Working Portfolio (reflection, critique and cv)

Assignment 2: Working Portfolio (reflection, critique and cv) Word limit is 2000 words in total which consists of: Reflective report (1000 words); critique of personality test (500 words); curriculum vitae (500 words)

Assignment 4

Assignment 4

Assignment 4: Social variables and health outcomes





Due by 11:55pm ET the Sunday of Week 7




From a sociological viewpoint, the analysis of health outcomes can be understood through a variety of social variables. Throughout this semester, we have covered several of these, including race, gender, and class in society. For sociologists, these variables can be correlated very strongly with longevity rates, propensities for certain types of disease, and overall rates of mortality. In this final essay, you will describe the key relationship between these social variables and health outcomes, and also engage in your own independent research in which you will come up with one meaningful example of a health issue that is impacted by these variables. This paper will conclude with your own policy opinions about what you think government can do to reduce the impact of these social variables upon these health concerns. 






Complete a 8-10 page final paper that satisfies the following three areas:


Using several sociological concepts covered in our readings and discussion, explain how sociologists view the relationship between the key social variables of race, gender, class and health. (For example, explain how the intersection of race, class, and gender can help us predict health related outcomes.)

After engaging in your own independent research, citing a minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed journal articles provide one meaningful example of a health problem that is clearly impacted by race, class, and gender. 

Finally, detail a brief policy proposal in which you explain how government intervention may reduce the impact of race, class, and gender upon health outcomes in the United States. 

The assignment should include a title page, abstract and/or table of contents, body of paper, and a References page. 


The paper should be typed, double-spaced, 1” margins, arial or times new roman 12 pt font, and saved as .doc.  The paper should be in APA format (cover page, running header, major heading, subheadings, in-text citations, and reference list),


 Please no plagerism


I Need With My Assignment

I Need With My Assignment

To Prepare:

· Choose a specific group work scenario that you either encounter regularly or that is of particular professional interest to you (e.g., group social work within hospitals, youth groups in schools, substance abuse co-led groups in prisons).


The Assignment (3–4 pages):


· Briefly describe the group scenario that you are using for the Assignment.


· Explain the skills necessary to be a successful group facilitator for this population and/or issue type and within your chosen setting.


· Explain the ethical and cultural issues that must be addressed before you can begin a group in this scenario.


· Identify the three most important guidelines for multicultural and social justice competence that would guide you professionally and ethically once the group was underway. Explain why you selected these guidelines in particular.


· Of the three guidelines you described, explain which one(s) you believe you need to develop additional knowledge or experience with as part of your professional development and why.


APA Format, 3 References 


Week 5 Diss.

Week 5 Diss.

The DSM-5 includes particular Z Codes (ICD-10-CM) to assist the clinician in identifying conditions that are relational in nature. In making a formal DSM-5 diagnosis, the clinical social worker should always identify from these codes any other condition that may be of concern and include the relevant Z Codes (pp. 715-727).  


For this Discussion, read the case study “Working with Individuals: The Case of Sam.” Then, using the DSM-5 criteria, determine a complete clinical diagnosis for Sam. Post your diagnosis of Sam in DSM-5 format (pp. 21–23), including the criteria you used in determining this diagnosis. 

•Be sure to include any medical information that is presented in the case. 

•Also, review the Other Conditions that may be a Focus of Clinical Attention Z codes (ICD-10-CM) and include this in your diagnosis. 

•Evaluate the level of usefulness of the assessment measures (pp. 733-748) in the DSM-5 and explain whether these measures are helpful in treating Sam.  


Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.  Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts.


Application: Understanding Family Systems

Application: Understanding Family Systems

Application: Understanding Family Systems   Understanding your family system can help provide useful information when working with families. Family systems may be open or closed. Open family systems involve acceptance of all family members as equal participants in the family. For example, children may be included in family decisions. Closed systems involve an authoritarian approach to family structure. For example, children are not included in family decisions. The strategies associated with family systems can help families explore the inner workings of their family structure.  In this Application Assignment, analyze family systems related to family systems theory.  The assignment (2–3 pages): •Explain whether your family system, or one with which you are familiar, is an open or closed system. Justify your response. •Explain how family systems theory applies to your family (or the one that you selected). Include a detailed analysis of the subsets, boundaries, family rules, and feedback loop or loops. •Based on your responses above, explain how your family system, or the one you selected, is unique

so106 intro to sociology

so106 intro to sociology

Question 1

Gender Inequality

In at least 4 paragraphs (a paragraph is 5-7 sentences) write an essay in which you l describe the various theoretical explanations for gender inequity. Describe at least two social problems that are caused by gender inequity. Describe your personal experience or observed experience of gender inequity in your life. Based on your experience and the readings, what specific strategies do you think we should employ socially to further reduce the gender inequality in America?

Essay breakdown:

Paragraph 1: Theoretical explanations for gender inequity

Paragraph 2: Describe at least 2 social problems caused by gender inequity

Paragraph 3: Personal experience

Paragraph 4: Personal recommendations for overcoming gender inequity in America.

The requirement for this assignment is 4 paragraphs. Should you find it appropriate to write more, please feel free to do so.


Question 2

Write two paragraphs

Global Gender Inequality

Worldwide, much of the violence against women is steeped in “traditional practices,” including honor killings, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, and dowry killings. Investigate women’s inequality related to traditional, cultural, or religious practices using one of the following websites: and/or

On the discussion board, summarize the issue related to women’s inequality and discuss how the practice is related to the cultural or social traditions, culture or religion.


Question 3

150 words

Population Growth Consequences and Solutions

Choose a country to research (note that some countries have more complete information available about them than others).


Research issues regarding population growth, urbanization, and social issues in this country related to population. Some counties, such as Australia and many European countries are experiencing below-replacement fertility, while other countries, such as Uganda, have a fertility rate around six children per woman.

PS 1010 American Government-Right to Privacy Assignment

PS 1010 American Government-Right to Privacy Assignment

PS 1010 American Government-Right to Privacy Assignment 

Certain freedoms, or civil liberties, and privacy, a civil right, are concepts highly revered by Americans; however, there are times when the two conflict in the name of safety and security. The Digital Age is having a profound effect on the issue as cameras catch our every move, whether it is running a red light, entering a building, playing in a park, or using an ATM machine. This assignment is based on your opinion regarding privacy versus safety and security. Answer the following questions in a cohesive essay consisting of at least two pages, double-spaced, using 12-point Times font. You must use at least three sources. Make sure that all sources are cited and referenced using APA style.

1. Begin by identifying which part of the Constitution provides for your privacy rights. Do you believe that with today’s technology the Constitution still adequately protects those rights? Why, or why not?

2. Select and describe an issue that has been in the news within the last 15 years related to how politics and the right to privacy have intersected and led to an invasion of privacy. If you believe no rights were violated, select a relevant article and discuss what actions would have created violation of privacy and why.

3. Take a stand. Do you agree with the invasion of privacy story you discussed in #2 above, or do you object? Where do you draw the line in this privacy issue? Explain your response.

4. Explain how historical thought and tradition affect civil liberties and rights as they pertain to the issue you chose.

5. What consequences do you support for those who cross the line?

6. What, if any, compensation do you recommend for the victims?


Films on Demand: Sociology Collection: Social Institution

Films on Demand: Sociology Collection: Social Institution

Review the list of Films on Demand: Sociology Collection: Social Institutions to select and watch one video from each of the following categories listed: family, education, and religion. 


Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint®  presentation.

Include photos, illustrations, graphs, diagrams, animations, videos, or audio clips. Document the source of each media item you include.

Include the following in your paper or presentation:

  • Prepare an introduction that identifies the major social institutions in society and why they are important.
  • Describe each video and the social institutions it addresses.
  • Identify any relevant models of power structure or political behavior that might be influential.
  • Explain the functionalist, conflict, and interactionist perspectives on the family, religion, and education. Which perspective does each film use to discuss the institution? Explain specific examples from the videos.
  • Provide a conclusion that summarizes the main ideas of the essay and describes how these institutions have influenced you.


Error Reasoning

Error Reasoning

In this assignment, you will select one of the claims listed below. Using what you know about the topic, describe at least four claims that might commonly be made that display some of the errors in reasoning covered in this module's readings. You may have to do a bit of research to find popular positions on these topics.

For example, if the claim is: Children should not be allowed to play violent video games.

Then four common claims about the subject might be:


  1. Children have always played      violent games and they turned out okay.
  2. Dr. Dre says that violent video      games are okay.
  3. Everybody knows that violent      video games don’t cause problems.
  4. Many countries banned violent      video games and they have higher crime rates than we do.

And the errors they represent might be:


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