Archive for January 7th, 2018

HN430 Unit 8 DBP

HN430 Unit 8 DBP

Good Afternoon,


I need help with the following Unit 8 DBP:



HN430 Unit 8 DBP


Discuss your experiences with cyber-bullying – either a personal experience or one you know of from peers or the media. How did the different roles (victim, bully, bully victim, bystanders, and “toadies”) present themselves in this experience?


Then, imagine you are on the school board and a vocal advocate against bullying. You have been asked to design a program that addresses bullying in your school. 


How would you approach this task?


 Describe four factors involved in a multifaceted school-based approach to cyber-bulling prevention. What specific components would be included in your program? 


How would you advocate for support (funding, staffing, etc.) for this program? 


Make sure you address how you would split up funding for an anti-bullying program into three categories: universal, selected, and indicated. Present an argument as to what percentage of the money should go to each group and why.


Please and Thank You


Discussion 5

Discussion 5

Explain the link between stress and mental illness, and then use that explanation to explain class, gender, and race differences in mental illness.

Estimating Time and Costs

We have identified three approaches for estimating project time and costs: the Top-down Approach, the Bottom-up Approach, and a Hybrid: Phase Estimating Approach. Within each approach, there are various estimating methods used to determine project time and costs, and each estimating method has positive and negative features. You are to choose one of the Top-down Approach methods (consensus, ratio, apportion, function point, or learning curves), one of the Bottom-up Approach methods (template, parametric, and range estimating), and the Hybrid: Phase Estimating Approach. Compare your two selected methods of estimating time and cost to each other. Along with a comparison to the Hybrid Phase regarding positive and negative features of each, create hypothetical scenarios in which each method would be the best alternative to use, and explain why. Use at least one peer-reviewed source beyond the text, course content, and course readings to support your position.

Week 6 Self-Determination

Week 6 Self-Determination



In the Christ & Diwan (2008) article, the authors list seven domains that social workers should address in order to fully assess an older client’s needs. Each domain is considered equally important. This comprehensive evaluation fits well with the social work perspective that it is important to not only address the internal concerns of clients but also their environment. Making decisions for older adults without their input occurs often. In society people sometimes treat their elders like children—making decisions for them based on what they think is best rather than from the client’s perspective. While at times this may be well intentioned, the potential for infantilism and, in turn, compromised self-determination, occurs.  


For this Discussion, review the program case study for the Petrakis family. You will focus not on Helen, but on her mother-in-law, Magda. What decisions were made about Magda’s treatment without a formal assessment and/or her input? Consider how Christ & Diwan’s (2008) seven domains relate to Magda’s case. Complete an assessment for Magda and identify the choices that were made without her feedback.  


Post a summary of your assessment of Magda’s situation that addresses the seven domains. Fill in the gaps in content as necessary. Describe ways you would have included Magda in the original assessment and treatment plan. Include questions you would have asked Magda and her professional support system (doctors, nurses, etc.) to gain further insight into the situation.   


Support your posts with specific references to the Learning Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.


German Workers Party

1,000 word essay (four typewritten, double-spaced pages) about the Essay 1 Topic: How did Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) use the German Workers Party (1919-1945) to gain power via oratory, propaganda and violence? Make sure you include this information in your essay, but do not number this information; it should be in paragraph form. When did Mr. Hitler first come into contact with the German Workers Party? How did he rise to power in the German Workers Party? What future Nazi officials did Mr. Hitler meet via the German Workers Party? What is propaganda, and why did Mr. Hitler determine immediately that he would need money for propaganda in order to gain power? What is a putsch, and what was the Beer Hall Putsch? What did the German Workers Party become?

report(mixed approach)

literature review research objectives analytical framework dependant and independant variables factors affecting those variables reports recommendation,conclusion

Managing Conflict and Negotiation

Describe the type of relationship that normally exists between the organization carrying out the project and a subcontractor working on the project. Discuss how the relationship between the organization and the subcontractor is best characterized and if there are any conflicting interests that should be acknowledged and addressed. Please be sure to always comment on posts from at least two other colleagues. Posts should be on topic and extend the discussion, address follow up questions, and/or introduce new information. Use at least one source to support your positions.

Elder Abuse

Elder Abuse

 Elder Abuse  


Each year on or around June 15, communities and municipalities around the world plan activities and programs to recognize World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, a day set aside to spread awareness of the abuse of the elderly (Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse & Neglect, 2013). The abuse of older adults is a growing concern and statistics suggest that the number of elders experiencing abuse is an alarmingly high number. Research suggests that close to half the people diagnosed with dementia experience some form of abuse (Cooper, C., Selwood, A., Blanchard, M., Walker, Z., Blizard, R., & Livingston, G., 2009; Wiglesworth, A., Mosqueda, L., Mulnard, R., Liao, S., Gibbs, L., & Fitzgerald, W., 2010, as cited on Elder abuse takes on many forms and can include physical, emotional, psychological, and economic abuse. The legendary American actor, Mickey Rooney, spoke to the United States Senate, describing his own experiences of pain and neglect at the hands of his stepson, asking legislators to take seriously the abuse of the elderly.  


For this Discussion, find a scholarly article that presents some of the most salient psychosocial issues related to elder abuse.  


Post a summary of the article you found. How does the article reinforce the importance of assessing potential abuse and neglect when working with the elderly? Describe prevention and/or intervention strategies on the micro, mezzo, and macro levels that can be used to address the issue of abuse and neglect of the elderly.   


Support your posts with specific references to the Learning Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.


SOC 203 Social Problems WK 1-D2

SOC 203 Social Problems WK 1-D2

 The Social Imagination and Homelessness 


We will learn about many social problems during this course. Some  problems are very complex and are typically the result of both  individual and social issues. Developing your sociological imagination  requires that you see a social problem from many perspectives.  

For this discussion, watch the video, Homelessness is a Symptom (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.,  which covers the complexity of the problem of homelessness, costs of  the problem to individuals and society, and the challenges associated  with doing something about the problem.  Also, read The Sociological Imagination and Personal Crises (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and look at the slide presentation Applying the Sociological Imagination to Homelessness (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to address the questions below.  


  1. In what ways might homelessness be categorized as a social problem?   Explain your reasoning and support your points with examples from the  textbook.
  2. Some of the policies suggested in the video involve government  policies and funds to address homelessness. Suggest at least one other  way that policies and/or programs to address homelessness can be funded.   How do you define what is appropriate use of public funds and how does  the use of public funds fit inside or outside of appropriate use?  The  policies described in this the video may be controversial. What concerns  do you have about these policies?
  3. The sociological imagination asks you to look at what may seem like  personal problems as social problems that are experienced widely by  groups of people.  Using your sociological imagination, describe the  ways in which homeless is a social problem.  Which groups are  disproportionately impacted by the social problem?
  4. Complete a web search focusing on policies intended to reduce or  eliminate homelessness. Provide an example of a potentially effective  response to the problem of homelessness. Define the elements that make  this solution effective.

Support  your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other  scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. 


mgt 302 caz 2

As in some of the assignments in this course, you will draw upon your personal experience for this Module 2 Case assignment. For the assignment, you will consider the topic of telecommuting and motivation. You will prepare a blog entry that discusses your own experience and applies the background material to the prospect of becoming a telecommuter. For an overview of some important current issues in telecommuting and working remotely please read: Peck, E. (2015, March 18) Proof that working from Home is Here to Stay: Even Yahoo Still Does It. Retrieved from Case Assignment In the background materials, you read about some very traditional theories of motivation such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory. There is sometimes a challenge in applying these theories. Begin with some personal reflection. Consider a time at work when you felt highly motivated. Apply Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory to your situation. Think about what motivates you personally. Can you apply Maslow’s and Herzberg’s theories to yourself? For this assignment, you will discuss these ideas in a hypothetical situation in which you are offered the opportunity to work remotely, that is, telecommute to your job. For this Module 2 Case Assignment, you will prepare a blog entry with the title: My company has offered me a chance to work remotely. Should I telecommute? How can I stay motivated working from home? If I decide to work from home, what can my company do to help me stay highly motivated? Your blog entry should discuss the following: What motivates you? How do Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory explain your own and other employees’ motivation? How can employees remain highly motivated when telecommuting? What can they do to motivate themselves? What can the company do to motivate telecommuting employees? Will you become a telecommuter? Why or why not? Your blog entry should be the equivalent of a four- to five-page paper. Also, be sure to use in-text citations and a reference list. For administrative purposes, please add a title page so that your assignment can be readily identified. Assignment Expectations Be sure to address the questions presented directly. Stay focused on the precise assignment questions; do not go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials Use reliable and credible sources as your references. If you find articles on the internet, make sure they are from a credible source. Reference your sources of information with both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper, including pages 13-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” in the TLC portal.

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