Archive for January 7th, 2018

mgt caz 3

This Module 3 Case Assignment has two functions. First, it helps you develop and demonstrate your understanding of the topics in Module 3. Second, it will help to assess the development of your written communications skills. This Case will be graded using a special Written Communications Rubric, which you should review before you begin writing the assignment. Case Assignment For this assignment, you will engage in a roleplay, placing yourself in the role of Management Consultant. Your deliverable will be a PowerPoint Presentation. You will draw on the background material and your analysis of a scenario presented in a memo to prepare your presentation. Background: You work for a management consulting firm, Capital Consultants (CC). Your firm has been hired to advise Leading Edge Fashions, a small high-end house with a celebrity clientele. You have received the following memo from the head of CC. To: From: Vivian von der Bach, President and Senior Consultant I am assigning you to our newest client, Leading Edge Fashions. As you may know, this well-known fashion house has experienced problems since the death of its chief designer, Sir Francis Green. In the two years since Sir Francis’s death, the CEO of Leading Edge, M. Etienne Roget, has delegated artistic control to a committee of experienced designers chosen from within the company. The results have been far from what was hoped. In the first year, the committee could not decide on a theme for Spring. As a result, that season’s collection was a confused mess that one critic referred to as “the remnants of a Hollywood garage sale.” In the second year, the committee tried to avoid making the same mistake and settled on a theme after meeting for only one hour. The “Game of Thrones” collection was another disaster, with such inappropriate items as a bronze helmet and a bearskin cape. M. Roget has been searching the world for a chief designer to fill the void created with Sir Francis’s death. He has been unsuccessful to date. Further, he fears that disbanding the committee would be seen by its members as a vote of no confidence and would lead to mass resignations. Your job is to join the committee as a co-chair and advise it on organizational matters, especially as relates to the team’s development. Obviously, you should not try to advise the committee on fashion—CC has no expertise in that area. Your task will be to guide the committee in its deliberations and to help a small group of experienced, opinionated designers achieve good results on Leading Edge Fashion’s Winter collection for next year. Before you join the committee, M. Roget would like to have some idea of what you will be looking for and what you may be able to accomplish. To that end, you should prepare a PowerPoint presentation in which you present what may have happened to the committee, namely what may have “gone wrong” in the past two years and what you could do to keep it from happening again. Your PowerPoint presentation should be professional with a recommended length of 8 to 12 slides. Please use the notes section of the slides to explain your slide content in detail. Be sure to include citations in the body of the presentation as well as a “references” slide. Congratulations on being selected for this important project. I am looking forward to reviewing your presentation. Assignment Expectations Be sure to include a Title Slide and References Slide in your PowerPoint presentation of 8 to 12 slides. Be sure to use the notes sections to explain your slides. Study the Written Communications Rubric. Review it before, during, and after preparing your presentation. Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the materials cited on the Background page. Supplement these with at least two relevant sources you locate from the Trident Online Library or from the Web. Privacy Policy | Contact

caz3 mgt

This Module 3 Case Assignment has two functions. First, it helps you develop and demonstrate your understanding of the topics in Module 3. Second, it will help to assess the development of your written communications skills. This Case will be graded using a special Written Communications Rubric, which you should review before you begin writing the assignment. Case Assignment For this assignment, you will engage in a roleplay, placing yourself in the role of Management Consultant. Your deliverable will be a PowerPoint Presentation. You will draw on the background material and your analysis of a scenario presented in a memo to prepare your presentation. Background: You work for a management consulting firm, Capital Consultants (CC). Your firm has been hired to advise Leading Edge Fashions, a small high-end house with a celebrity clientele. You have received the following memo from the head of CC. To: From: Vivian von der Bach, President and Senior Consultant I am assigning you to our newest client, Leading Edge Fashions. As you may know, this well-known fashion house has experienced problems since the death of its chief designer, Sir Francis Green. In the two years since Sir Francis’s death, the CEO of Leading Edge, M. Etienne Roget, has delegated artistic control to a committee of experienced designers chosen from within the company. The results have been far from what was hoped. In the first year, the committee could not decide on a theme for Spring. As a result, that season’s collection was a confused mess that one critic referred to as “the remnants of a Hollywood garage sale.” In the second year, the committee tried to avoid making the same mistake and settled on a theme after meeting for only one hour. The “Game of Thrones” collection was another disaster, with such inappropriate items as a bronze helmet and a bearskin cape. M. Roget has been searching the world for a chief designer to fill the void created with Sir Francis’s death. He has been unsuccessful to date. Further, he fears that disbanding the committee would be seen by its members as a vote of no confidence and would lead to mass resignations. Your job is to join the committee as a co-chair and advise it on organizational matters, especially as relates to the team’s development. Obviously, you should not try to advise the committee on fashion—CC has no expertise in that area. Your task will be to guide the committee in its deliberations and to help a small group of experienced, opinionated designers achieve good results on Leading Edge Fashion’s Winter collection for next year. Before you join the committee, M. Roget would like to have some idea of what you will be looking for and what you may be able to accomplish. To that end, you should prepare a PowerPoint presentation in which you present what may have happened to the committee, namely what may have “gone wrong” in the past two years and what you could do to keep it from happening again. Your PowerPoint presentation should be professional with a recommended length of 8 to 12 slides. Please use the notes section of the slides to explain your slide content in detail. Be sure to include citations in the body of the presentation as well as a “references” slide. Congratulations on being selected for this important project. I am looking forward to reviewing your presentation. Assignment Expectations Be sure to include a Title Slide and References Slide in your PowerPoint presentation of 8 to 12 slides. Be sure to use the notes sections to explain your slides. Study the Written Communications Rubric. Review it before, during, and after preparing your presentation. Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the materials cited on the Background page. Supplement these with at least two relevant sources you locate from the Trident Online Library or from the Web. Privacy Policy | Contact

Estimating Time and Costs

We have identified three approaches for estimating project time and costs: the Top-down Approach, the Bottom-up Approach, and a Hybrid: Phase Estimating Approach. Within each approach, there are various estimating methods used to determine project time and costs, and each estimating method has positive and negative features. You are to choose one of the Top-down Approach methods (consensus, ratio, apportion, function point, or learning curves), one of the Bottom-up Approach methods (template, parametric, and range estimating), and the Hybrid: Phase Estimating Approach. Compare your two selected methods of estimating time and cost to each other. Along with a comparison to the Hybrid Phase regarding positive and negative features of each, create hypothetical scenarios in which each method would be the best alternative to use, and explain why. Use at least one peer-reviewed source beyond the text, course content, and course readings to support your position.

week 5 discussions *ALL ARE DIFFERENT DISCUSSION 1/2&3 profile

week 5 discussions *ALL ARE DIFFERENT DISCUSSION 1/2&3


In many societies certain groups possess more resources and hold more power than other groups. In some of these societies, racial discrimination and racial tension also exist. While members of the societies may openly acknowledge that unequal distribution of power and racism are present in their society, many fail to examine the complex relationships between privilege and racism. Social workers must understand this complex relationship so they can educate and empower their clients. Empowerment is the cornerstone of social work practice.  In the book Black Empowerment, the author,Barbara Solomon, writes, "Empowerment refers to a process whereby persons who belong to a stigmatized social category throughout their lives can be assisted to develop and increase skills in the exercise of interpersonal influence and the performance of valued social roles" (p. 6).  Empowerment practice is based on a collaborative relationship between worker and client, initiated to promote the client's power through self-actualization, self-determination, and the fulfillment of personal goals (Gutierrez, Parsons, & Cox, 1998). Further, this process includes increasing your clients' awareness of the structural oppression that exists and its impact on them. It is the role of social workers to empower clients and to bring about awareness of the inequalities that exist in society. This is done two fold—through work with clients on the micro and mezzo levels and on a macro level through work in organizations and communities.  Social workers cannot effectively empower clients without first understanding the mechanisms of oppression and how they impact their day-to-day work. Then social workers can recognize the impact on their clients' lives and apply the appropriate skills.   To prepare: Review the case study "Working With Individuals: The Case of Mary."

*Must use for the case of Mary*

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].  •Working With Individuals: The Case of Mary


Discussion 2

For years, many working individuals in the United States have counted on Social Security as their primary retirement income. With the deductions from every paycheck to fund this future benefit, Americans looked forward to a comfortable retirement based on the assumption that these funds were being invested wisely. Is this a factual assumption, or is it another myth of the U.S. social welfare system?  Relying on Social Security as a sole means of support in retirement is uncommon. As society’s work habits and life expectancies change, Social Security has come to mean different things to different people. For those who are unable to save and/or invest on their own, it functions like a forced retirement program that provides a financial safety net for the future. For those who become unable to work, social security often is viewed by others as a public assistance program. For others who are financially secure and prepared for retirement, it is an entitlement program where individuals draw Social Security at retirement in an effort to recoup what they paid into the program by deductions from their wages. How might these perceptions of Social Security relate to the perceptions of public assistance programs that were discussed in last week’s resources?  For this Discussion, review this week’s resources. Then, consider how Social Security is different from public assistance programs. Finally, think about how these differences are important in terms of the general perception of Social Security benefits.  By Day 3  Post an explanation of how Social Security is different from public assistance programs. Then, explain how these differences are important, in terms of the general perception of Social Security benefits.   Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.


Discussion 3

While Social Security provides a safety net of sorts for millions of people, there are still many groups who are not adequately served by this program. For example, there are disparities in the Social Security benefits women receive in comparison to men.  For this Discussion, review this week’s resources. Also, conduct some Internet research to select a population that you think might be disenfranchised by the Social Security program. Consider how the population you selected might be disenfranchised by the Social Security program.  By Day 4  Post a brief description of the population you selected. Then, explain how that population might be disenfranchised by the Social Security program based on research, statistics, or policy analysis.   Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.


American Values

American Values

Now that you have been introduced to the many concepts that make up a culture, it is now your turn to demonstrate your knowledge on this topic. In a 1-2 page paper, discuss three values that you think are common in American culture. Describe each value and where you think the value comes from, and explain why the value is important to Americans. While doing so, identify any of these values that either contradict or complement one another and explain why.

Include a brief introductory paragraph as well as a concluding paragraph that sums up your key points. Make sure your paper is in APA format, double-spaced, with a title page


For A-plus Writer Only

For A-plus Writer Only

Discussion 1

Interpretations of Social Justice

Religious doctrine, philosophy, law, and more formalized human rights initiatives influence how people interpret social justice. While early interpretations of social justice included concepts of fairness and dignity, what constitutes social justice today remains a source of debate. Basic freedoms that are considered keystones of human rights and social justice in one region may be considered only a privilege in another. For example, according to Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment,"* and yet, some countries justify the use of torture to protect national security and interests. Differing views of human rights reflect varying interpretations of social justice with no “correct” answers.

United Nations. (n. d.). The universal declaration of human rights. Retrieved December 9, 2010, from

To prepare for this Discussion:


  • Review the Course Introduction and think about ideas and concepts of social justice that are highlighted. Refer back to the Course Introduction throughout the course for reference.
  • Review the article, “Social Justice in an Open World: Chapter 1: Dimensions of International Justice and Social Justice.” Consider various aspects of social justice.
  • Review the book excerpts, “ Foreword,” “Preface,” and  “Part I: Human rights as the bedrock of social justice.” Pay attention to the five core notions (concepts) of human rights. Consider how the various notions (concepts) of human rights shape the idea of social justice.
  • Review the book excerpt, “ Before and Beyond the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” Reflect on the evolution of human rights prior to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and consider how this impacts social justice.
  • Review the Interactive Map, “Social Justice Issues,”  focusing on the social justice outcomes. Select two regions on the map and think about the social justice outcomes for each. Consider how you might interpret the social justice outcomes.
  • Think about your understanding of social justice.
  • Consider various interpretations of social justice from your readings and from the Interactive Map, “Social Justice Issues.” Think about one interpretation with which you agree and one with which you do not agree.

With these thoughts in mind:

Due by Wednesday January 10, 2018, a 500-word brief description of your understanding of social justice. Briefly describe an interpretation of social justice with which you agree and the one with which you disagree. Then explain why you agree or disagree with each. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.


For A-plus Writer Only

For A-plus Writer Only

Discussion 2 


Defining Universal Human Rights

Many classic documents guide and reinforce human rights laws, policies, and practices around the world. The first document to address global human rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, emerged in the aftermath of atrocities committed during World War II. Many nations adopted its protocols after it was endorsed by the United Nations in December 1948. It continues today, as the basis for the development of international treaties, national laws, and global institutions that protect and promote human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other classic documents that attempt to define universal human rights are products of Western culture. As such, they are subject to scrutiny for Western bias. For example, Western ideals such as freedom of speech may be promoted in the Western world as an absolute right but firmly rejected in non-Western nations as frivolous and non- essential. The question of which human rights documents are universally applicable is also a subject of considerable debate.

To prepare for this Discussion:


  • Review "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights," "The Economic Bill of Rights," and "Bill of  Rights." Pay attention to the rights and freedoms described in these classic documents.
  • Search the Internet for additional classic documents and review rights and freedoms described in each.
  • Select one classic document to use for this Discussion.
  • Take note of elements that suggest Western bias in the selected document. Consider whether the document you selected is or is not  universally applicable.

With these thoughts in mind:

Due by Thursday January 11, 2018, a 500-word brief description of the classic document you selected. Explain how the document does and/or does not reflect a bias toward Western values. Then explain whether the document is or is not universally applicable and why.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.


SOC205 Case Study 1: Understanding the Court System

SOC205 Case Study 1: Understanding the Court System

The U.S. Court System is a complex system that includes both federal and state-level courts. The federal system includes the judicial branch of the government. This system is designed to help society interpret the U.S. Constitution and provide guidelines for society. Court cases may concern many different topics and have an unlimited number of outcomes.   

Write a five to eight (5-8) page paper in which you: 

1.Summarize the seminal facts of the case that you chose. 

2.Explain the main laws that have been violated in the case that you chose. 3.Describe the possible penalties that could be associated with the laws that you just described. 

4.Explain whether your specific case was heard in the state or federal court system, and include any related jurisdictional requirements. Explain the fundamental reasons why it was necessary for the case to be heard in that particular court system. 

5.Summarize the outcome of the case, and indicate whether the judge or jury made the decision. 

6.Discuss whether or not you believe that the outcome of the case was justified. Provide a rationale for the response. 

7.Use at least (3) quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.  

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: 

•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. 

•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.  The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: 

•Examine the organizational frameworks and decision-making environment in the judicial process. 

•Examine the rule of law in the American court system and in the judicial process. •Detail the history and organization of the levels of the American court system and the issue of jurisdictional boundaries. 

•Use technology and information resources to research issues in the criminal court and the judicial process in America. 

•Write clearly and concisely about the American court system using proper writing mechanics and APA style conventions.


Power of Socialization Interview

Power of Socialization Interview

In a 1-2 page essay, based on your interview and your personal experience, discuss the role that individual played as an agent of socialization and explain how that individual affected your socialization and your values, beliefs, or goals. In your essay, include at least one direct quote from your interview and use at least three concepts from the Module 01 or Module 02 content; highlight these concepts in boldface. Examples of concepts include primary and secondary groups, gender socialization, re-socialization, social class, roles, in-group, out-group, looking-glass self, group conformity, achieved or ascribed status, norms, values, and so forth.

Include a brief introductory paragraph as well as a concluding paragraph that sums up your key points. Do not write in a question and answer format, rather summarize and analyze your interview in narrative form. Make sure your paper is in APA format, double-spaced, with a title page.


two papers Proposal and Project

two papers Proposal and Project

Your course project will focus on a particular social movement that has had an impact on American society. Examples of potential topics include the Abolitionist (Anti-Slavery) Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, the Women's Rights Movement, the Environmental Movement, and the Anti-Apartheid Movement.

This week you will submit the proposal for your course project. It should include the following components:

  1. Description of the social movement you have chosen, why you have chosen it, what you already know about it, and what you hope to learn through your research.
  2. One-page, double spaced.
  3. Title page that includes the working title for your project.
  4. Reference list with at least three scholarly sources about your topic. These scholarly sources should be articles or books obtained from the Rasmussen Library databases





The final version of your course project should be submitted to the drop box below. Your final project should build from the proposal and reference list you submitted in Module 02.

Check to be sure your final submission includes the following:

  • 4-5 pages of text in addition to having a title and reference page, all in correct APA format.
  • A strong thesis statement supported by research from at least 5 different sources. In a research-based project like this, it is important to refer to and cite your sources throughout the paper to show where your information is coming from and to support your points.
  • Incorporation of key sociological concepts while consistently demonstrating the sociological perspective. Your paper should apply one of the major sociological theories to the movement you have chosen, explaining how that theory would evaluate the development of the movement and its successes and failures.


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