Archive for January 16th, 2018

Business Policy Case Paper – Apple

There are eight required sections to this paper.  

State the company name, website address, and industry.

Briefly describe the company in the case analysis. What is their primary business, who were the officers or key players described in the case study? If the case study company is currently in business, list the company’s current CEO, total sales, and profit or loss for the last year where data is available. Identify key events or phases in the company’s history. Describe the performance of this company in the industry. Visit the company’s website and use and/or some other financial search engine to find this data. 


 Make sure to use APA citations throughout the paper. The textbook should be 
cited if it is the source of information. 

Analyze the competitive environment by listing the threat of new entrants, the bargaining power of buyers, the bargaining power of suppliers, the threat of substitute products and services, and the intensity of rivalry among competitors in the industry. You should have subheadings for each of your five paragraphs where you analyze each force against your company.  Summarize your key points in a figure. 

How does this company create and sustain a competitive advantage? What strategy from the readings was undertaken by this company? Were they successful? Can all companies use this strategy? How is the strategy affected by the life cycle in the industry? Remember to reference Porter’s generic competitive strategies identified in the textbook. 

5. Specific STRATEGY(S) 
**This is the second of two required strategy sections in this paper. This is the heart of the paper**  
Choose two specific strategies from the below list of five strategies from the text.
Apply them in detail to the organization. Be sure to think strategically and show the results clearly. Use the strategy as a sub-header for each section so it is clear what is being applied. 
Ensuring Coherence in Strategic Direction (pages 23–28) 
Value Chain Analysis (pages 76–88)
Resource View of Firm (pages 88–96)
Industry Life Cycle Strategies (pages 167–173)
Portfolio Management and the BCG Matrix (pages 192–194)

If you were in a position to advise this company, what strategy would you recommend to sustain competitive advantage and achieve future growth? Be specific and list the steps the company should take for successful implementation of your course of action. Your recommendations need to connect to information you present earlier in your paper.  Think of this section as a conclusion along with action steps for implementing your recommended strategy enhancements or changes. 

What do you think of this case study? Describe what you believe are the lessons learned from this case. 

When you have completed the paper using the above sections, insert a page break and have a separate reference page. The references should be listed in accordance with the APA guidelines.

“Essentials of Social Work”

"Essentials of Social Work"  Please respond to the following:

•Per the text, the six (6) main roles of social workers in the long-term care setting are as follows: informational, case manager, coordination, enabler, intervention, and advocacy. Select two (2) of the listed roles and compare and contrast the main responsibilities associated with them.

•Determine which of the six (6) roles is best suited overall for working directly with residents and their families, and which is best suited for working with the administration. Support your selections.

Scholar-Practitioner Project Assignment: Survey Protocol

a 4- to 5-page protocol for a survey to gather information about the problem in your Scholar-Practitioner Project. The protocol should include the following:

 The population is the Native American Indian


  • A brief set of objectives for the survey
  • Describe the population you would sample and explain why.
  • Describe your data collection method you might use and explain why.
  • Describe your data analysis method and explain why.
  • A 1-page (10–20 questions) questionnaire for the survey.

 Use the resources and current literature to support your response. 



Soriano, F. I. (2013). Conducting needs assessment: A multidisciplinary approach (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Chapter 9, “Recruiting and Collecting Data From Participants”

Sarsour, L., Tong, V. S., Jaber, C., Talbi, M., & Julliard, K. (2010). Health assessment of the Arab American community in Southwest Brooklyn. Journal of Community Health, 35(6), 653–659.

Is The EU Closing The Gap On Health Inequities?

a brief comparison of the health status of the two EU countries you selected with that of the U.S. Then, describe two efforts in those EU countries to reduce health inequities. Explain what lessons can be learned from the EU efforts you selected that can be implemented in the U.S. nationally or by individual states. Explain how the community you live in might adapt these interventions. Expand on your insights utilizing the Learning Resources.

Use APA formatting for your Discussion and to cite your resources.

Addressing a Decrease in Mammography Volume

Addressing a Decrease in Mammography Volume

SCENE ONE: The Vice President of Clinical Services reviewed a report from radiology and noticed a decrease in the volume of mammography studies performed over the past 9 months. She wants to learn what may be contributing to the decrease, so she arranges to meet with the Radiology Performance Improvement Team (R-PIT) which monitors the performance of the radiology department and works on improving services.

1. As the lead on R-PIT, you begin by completing the R-PIT Plan of Action which will be presented to the VP of Clinical Services for approval. Copy the R-PIT table below into a Word Document and complete it for submission.



R-PIT Plan of Action Complete the four boxes in the right column for presentation to the VP. VP will review for approval and roll-out.




A. Identify the issue – record it for reference.








B. Identify a quality measure to determine cause of the issue.








C. Identify the category of data on the measure identified in (b) above. (Tangible vs. intangible, structure, outcome, process measures).








D. Explain the rationale for using the quality measure identified in (b) above.




Approval given by VP: __________________________________ on date ___________________________.

SCENE TWO: Six months later (after the R-PIT was approved, quality measure researched and radiology quality improvement action has been completed) you request a new data report to validate mammography improvements. The new data report demonstrates a new problem, unfortunately, and this problem is outside of the radiology department. You find that of the 1800 mammograms completed in radiology over the last 3 months, only 27% of them have been coded and therefore have not been billed. This leaves a little over 1300 mammograms unbilled which is likely why multiple patients have called recently asking why they have not been billed.

You went to high school with the coding manager, Charmaine, and head over to her office to share this information. Charmaine asks you about the Process Improvement Team and you offer to assist with the newly discovered Coding Delay Issue. Charmaine is committed to HIM best practices for her entire coding team, including the outpatient clinic coding group.

2. Complete the HIM Plan of Action which will be presented to the VP of Financial Services for approval. Copy the table below into a Word Document and complete it for submission.

HIM Plan of Action Complete the four boxes in the right column for presentation to the VP. VP will review for approval and roll-out.

A. Identify the issue – record it for reference.




B. Identify a quality measure to determine cause of the issue.


C. Identify the category of data on the measure identified in (b) above. (Tangible vs. intangible, structure, outcome, process measures).


D. Explain the rationale for using the quality measure identified in (b) above.


Approval given by VP: __________________________________ on date ___________________________.

3.    Consider Charmaine's intention of functioning with Best Practices. Create a Best Practices Coding Statement for Charmaine to use for her own Performance Improvement Team in HIM. Best Practice considerations should include at a minimum – patient satisfaction, financial well-being of the facility and chart completion requirements by regulating agencies such as CMS (Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services).

Your submission will have 1) a completed R-PIT table, 2) a completed HIM Plan of Action table and 3) a Coding Best Practices Statement.

Aviation Cockpit Improvements


Once again go to the NTSB Web site (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and select one aviation accident report that particularly interests you that also involves a cockpit automation issue. Review the Factual Information chapter (do not review the Analysis, Conclusions, or Recommendations chapters) of the Full Report (not the Summary). Then analyze and evaluate the cockpit automation – human interaction issues that were present in the cockpit prior to the accident. Finally, creatively apply the concepts you learned in modules 6 and 7 for improving aviation safety by improving the liveware and hardware and in this module for mitigating drawbacks to automation and develop a mitigation plan that might have prevented this accident. As always, support your work with a reliable source(s).

Rather than writing a two-page module case study as you have done previously in this course, this time create a PowerPoint presentation of your research for this assignment, just as you would if you were presenting this information to a group of colleagues. Use the "Slide Notes" feature of PowerPoint to create the text of your presentation, similar to the text you have written for those previous module case studies.

There is no specific minimum or maximum number of slides required for this assignment. You are expected to use your judgment in determining how many are necessary to properly and thoroughly cover the subject of your case study. In general, it is better to do more than less. As with any PowerPoint presentation, each slide should contain "bullet" points, not lengthy text. The "Slide Notes" should contain the text of what you would present.

Human Factors In Aviation


  •  Employ a preponderance of the information to be covered in this course (as appropriate) to analyze, evaluate, and create a solution(s) to an existing aviation human factors and aviation safety issue. 
  • Include a clear identification of the accident (aircraft, date, location, and NTSB Final Report number) and a draft title.


  • Be 8 to 10 pages in length, double-spaced (body only, not including other pages).
  • Written in the current APA style format.
  • A rough draft is connected at the bottom and it needs to be included 

Social & Organization Issues In Healthcare

Safety considerations 


As a primary benchmark, benefits must outweigh any negative consequences. Research and evaluate the use of clinical trials as tools for evaluating the efficacy of medical technology as it applies to patient safety.


The book to reference is Essentials of the U.S. Health Care System chapters 6 & 9. 

Role And Responsibilities Of A Project Manager

Now, in a 1-page essay define your role as project manager. 1.Given the common roles and responsibilities of a project manager, develop a project manager job description. ◦Construct the job description with the required skills, knowledge, education, and responsibilities  2.Consider the essential skills and knowledge, in addition to the requirements of a general project manager, needed to manage health IT projects. ◦Outline requirements for a health IT project manager, and compare and contrast why these might be the same or different from other types of project managers.

    Using Data To Justify A New Clinical Service

    Your organization implemented a pilot program 6 months ago to more closely monitor patients with congestive heart failure (CHF). This program includes a specialized protocol that monitors patients while they are in the hospital and after discharge.  The purpose of the program is to help reduce readmissions for recurrence of CHF and decrease costs associated with multiple admissions and the resources needed to treat these patients.  Write a 2-3 page paper in APA format, explaining what clinical and financial data could be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the program (on patients) and the impact on the cardiology department's financial performance for the past six months.

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