Archive for January 16th, 2018

Discussion Question: Resistance To Change

Answer the follow question with citation and reference No plagiarism and no more 400 words.


– The textbook discusses Kurt Lewin’s suggestion that the difficulty in motivating employees to alter their patterns of behavior stems from a group-initiated inertia, or people’s sense of belonging to a group. He suggests that this is the case even when the accepted group norms are not beneficial to the organization. Discuss a time in your own working life where you witnessed fellow employees resisting or sabotaging new organizational processes. What was done and by whom? What roles were involved? What did you learn from the experience? 


Please write a complete thought out answer!

1) Westley viewed police violence and secrecy as a matter of morality. How do you view police violence and secrecy? Is it a matter or morality or maybe poor selection, recruitment, training, supervision or discipline? Provide some examples from the most recent high profile cases of alleged police violence towards community members and analyze the root causes of these behaviors.





2) How does Fogelson's work on urban riots in the late 1960s and 1970s relate to the anti-police sentiments displayed around the country in the past few years? Provide some examples in your analysis. Have we learned anything in the past 50 years?



3) What are the essential elements for achieving greater police accountability identified in your readings?  Do you feel that the current internal and external mechanisms of accountability created by various police departments are sufficient?Provide at least two examples of such mechanisms.

Human Resources Management (HRM)

Assume that you’re the staffing manager in a company that informally, but strongly, discourages you and managers from hiring people with disabilities. The company’s rationale is that people with disabilities are unlike to be high performers or long term employees, and are costly to train, insure, and integrate into the work unit. What is your ethical assessment of the company’s stance; do you have an ethical obligation to try to change the stance, and if so, how might you go about that?

Discussion Question: Resistance To Change

Answer the follow question with citation and reference No plagiarism and no more 400 words.


– The textbook discusses Kurt Lewin’s suggestion that the difficulty in motivating employees to alter their patterns of behavior stems from a group-initiated inertia, or people’s sense of belonging to a group. He suggests that this is the case even when the accepted group norms are not beneficial to the organization. Discuss a time in your own working life where you witnessed fellow employees resisting or sabotaging new organizational processes. What was done and by whom? What roles were involved? What did you learn from the experience? 

Business & Finance

Purpose of Assignment 


In Week 1, students are introduced to the ten fundamental principles on which the study of economics is based. Throughout this course, the students will use these ten principles to better develop their understanding of economics and how society manages its scarce resources. Students will see how markets work using supply and demand for a good to determine both the quantity produced and the price at which the good sells. The concepts of equilibrium and elasticity are used to explain the sensitivity of quantity supplied and quantity demanded to changes in economic variables. Students will see how government policies impact prices and quantities in markets. 


Assignment Steps 


Resources: Principles of Microeconomics, Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. 


Prepare an 875-word research paper as part of a marketing research committee for your organization about current microeconomic thought and theory. 


Identify the fundamental lessons the Ten Principles of Economics teaches regarding:

  • How people make decisions
  • How people interact
  • How the economy works as a whole 

Explain the following to help the committee members understand how markets work:

  • How society manages its scarce resources and benefits from economic interdependence.
  • Why the demand curve slopes downward and the supply curve slopes upward.
    • Where the point of equilibrium is and what does it determine?
  • The impact of price controls, taxes, and elasticity on changes in supply, demand and equilibrium prices.

Format consistent with APA guidelines.

Discussion Question: Resistance To Change

Answer the follow question with citation and reference No plagiarism and no more 400 words.


– The textbook discusses Kurt Lewin’s suggestion that the difficulty in motivating employees to alter their patterns of behavior stems from a group-initiated inertia, or people’s sense of belonging to a group. He suggests that this is the case even when the accepted group norms are not beneficial to the organization. Discuss a time in your own working life where you witnessed fellow employees resisting or sabotaging new organizational processes. What was done and by whom? What roles were involved? What did you learn from the experience? 

Disaster Plan

create a disaster plan for the following 

House fire




ice storm


go to and use the template for each disaster

each plan has to include 4 adults

Final Paper

  • A summary of the historical aspects of the chosen tribe, including both their origin story and the migration theory that best applies to the tribe, their material culture, and historical subsistence system.
  • A description of the historical and contemporary relationship between the tribe and the U.S. government.
  • A description of the social, political, economic, and religious aspects of the tribe, including their descent, kinship and marriage systems, political structure, and religious beliefs.
  • A summary of contemporary issues facing your chosen tribe, which can include issues such as health, economic, environmental, or sovereignty issues.
  • A summary of how your selected tribe compares and contrasts to at least one other tribe’s cultural, spiritual, political, economic, or social expressions. (You can integrate these comparisons within your descriptions of each of the topics above or as its own separate section of your presentation).

Your presentation will be evaluated on the content, overall organization, and your use of graphics in relation to the five main components. A portion of your final grade will be based on how well you incorporated the instructor feedback that was given to you throughout the course on your weekly assignments, so be sure that you take this into consideration when preparing your presentation.

Creating the Final Project
The Final Project should include:


  1. A minimum of 20 slides, excluding the introductory slide and the slide containing references.
  2. Narration supplementing the content on each slide that lasts 20-25 minutes.
  3. A title page with the following:  
    1. Title of assignment
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  4. Must begin with an introduction that has a succinct thesis statement. It must address how the past experiences of the tribe have shaped and influenced their current culture and the challenges they face.
  5. Must address the topic of the presentation with critical thought.
  6. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.

Executive Summary On Veterans Affairs (VA) Loss Of Private Information

Refer to the “Case Study: Veterans Affairs (VA)” text sheet. By now, you have analyzed the case study and have suggested possible mitigating remedies to prevent loss of private information. Write an executive summary that supports your list of suggested remedies.




To begin, summarize your findings in a simple bullet-point list. This will help to prioritize the remedies suggested. Once you have the summary ready, compile your findings in the form of an executive summary. The main points you need to cover are:


Analyze the mistakes committed by both the employees and the Department of Veterans Affairs that led to data loss.

Ensure that the remedies you suggest prevent the mistakes you analyzed from reoccurring in the future. You can think of using encryption as one of the possible remedies. In this case, describe how encryption can be used.

Explain methods that will ensure proper monitoring and enforcement of the existing security policies.

Analyze the procedural changes made by the Department of Veterans Affairs as a result of the 2006 data breach. Are the changes sufficient to prevent similar data breaches in the future?



Required Resources


Text Sheet: Case Study: Veterans Affairs (VA) (ts_caseveteransaffairs)


Submission Requirements


Format: Microsoft Word

Font: Arial 10-point size, Double-space

Citation Style: Follow your school’s preferred style guide

Length: No more than 500 words



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Developing an effective research proposal begins with a clear and thorough introduction to your topic

Developing an effective research proposal begins with a clear and thorough introduction to your topic. This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to begin drafting the introduction and conducing a literature review of articles specific and relevant to your topic.

For this assignment, write the introduction to your proposal and begin drafting your review of literature. Include the following parts in the introduction:

· Problem background

· Purpose of the study

· Research question and hypothesis

· Definition of terms

· Summary

Include the following in the literature review:

· Three scientific, peer-reviewed journal articles

· A brief summary of the three articles with citations


Follow the correct APA guidelines for writing and citing text. Cite only those references relating to your study and important in supporting the rationale and purpose for conducting the study. Cite any sources using the APA format on a separate page.

· Write your assignment in 4 to 6 pages in a Microsoft Word document.

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