A minimum of 150 is required for this discussion.
Discuss the strategic employee retention considerations your current or past organization has used in the past. Why did they implement it? Was it effective? Why or why not?
A minimum of 150 is required for this discussion.
Discuss the strategic employee retention considerations your current or past organization has used in the past. Why did they implement it? Was it effective? Why or why not?
Eng 316 Discussion Question
"Brief Correspondence" Please respond to the following:
Part 2: reply to one of the following student posts, replies do not need to be super long btw. But if you say the student did an excellent job for example the prof. wants to know exactly why you think so.
The amount of time I spend responding to an email, or text message really depends on the context of what is being said. Sometimes I will get a giant wall of text, so I need more time to read it and sometimes will need to include more content in a response. If it is a time sensitive message, then naturally I will need to make my response be sent more quickly and make such a response be a higher priority.
When I send emails to clients at work. Often times I will have a team mate peer review the email. This is a good practice, because as the author of the email, of course it makes sense to me, but will it make sense to the reader? By having a team mate peer review the email, they can help refine the message so that it more clear. In addition, since I work in IT, sometimes we need to dial back the techno babel and try to translate that into english.
Best practice for the length of an email or memo to have it be long enough to inform the reader your point or message but not too long winded. Sometimes, less is more. Keeping the email concise and to the point is a good thing. If the email or memo is too long, a lot of readers will skip either parts of the body or ignore the message entirely. "Too long did not read" is a very common reaction to long messages.
In addition, a super long message can deny the opportunity for a bidirectional conversation. If you send a message, and it covers a ton of different points, the reader will need to respond to each of those points. And since email is a much quicker method of message delivery than snail mail, you can more realistically have a conversation or conference with multiple people via email similar to a chat forum. With snail mail, its very much a slower point to point message.
In the last 24 hours I have not sent any email messages but I have sent a lot of text messages. Very little time went into planning the text messages that I sent, which depending on the message did have consequences. A lot of the time when I send text messages I quickly type them and just hit send, when that happens I often make typos. If I took the type to review what I typed prior to sending the text message, the typos could easily be avoided. I often type “I” instead of text speak “U”, which can cause confusion about what the message I am trying to get across actually is. Even though I haven’t sent any emails in the last 24 hours I wanted to comment on this anyways. I always review work related emails very thoroughly prior to sending them out, I do not want to come across as not professional. It is crucial to take the time to actually review emails before sending them out for work, it could really change the way people think of you as an employee.
A standard or best practice for an appropriate length of an email or message is quite simple, just long enough to get the message across to the reader. We do not want to send memos or messages that are long winded or included information that isn’t related to the primary message we are trying to deliver. The length should be enough that we are detailed in the message we are sending, but not too long because the reader could get confused or frustrated with the message.
Over the last 24 hours I've sent several emails and text messages. The majority, if not all, of my text messages have been informal with little time going into planning the correspondence. As a result, there were several grammatical errors as well as break down in communication due to lack of clarity. My emails on the other hand are more so formal and business related. More planning goes into them as they have high visibility and reflect me as a person to my colleagues. In addition, planning allowed for direct and clear communication as well.
Any email or memo should be clear and to the point. The audience should be able to determine the topic based on subject of the email or memo. In addition, the body of either document should support and backup the subject as direct as possible leaving out "fluff" and "fillers". In closing, memos and email should be a legitimate paragraph or two in length pending the subject and topics being covered.
Law Regulation And Ethics In Information Assurance
There are five (5) questions. Each response is worth 20 points. Each response is limited to 300 words. Points may be deducted for exceeding the word limit. The following criteria will be used for grading: relevance and correctness, completeness, clarity and logical flow, spelling, grammar, and proper citations/Reference
Assignment D1
You are to create the following:
1) a Roman numeral outline (refer to the Basic Outline Format at the top of the course site)
2) a five-paragraph example essay that contains the following elements (refer to the Basic Essay Information link at the top of the course site):
a. An introductory paragraph that contains a thesis statement (the claim or argument you are making) with a plan of development (the three examples you are going to use to support your claim)
b. Three body paragraphs that discuss the three points you outlined in the plan of development in your thesis statement. Make sure that your body paragraphs discuss the three points in the same order as you listed them in the thesis statement. Each body paragraph should contain the following:
i. A topic sentence that states the point (example) you are going to explain in that paragraph
ii. At least three, specific supporting details
c. concluding paragraph that restates your claim and your three points (examples) of support but in different words than you used in your thesis statement. Also make sure that you don't introduce any new points.
Topic Selection
You are allowed freedom in topic selection for this essay as long as the essay you write uses examples as supporting evidence. Take a look at the topics below to see if you would like to write about one of them:
1. Select an important person in your life and set out to describe that person by assigning three character traits to that individual. For example, you might choose to write an essay describing your grandmother. You might have a thesis statement like this one, "My grandmother is a strong, hardworking and caring person." Your three body paragraphs would be organized based on the three traits. Your examples would come in each body paragraph when you set out to develop at least three specific examples of how your grandmother shows the traits.
2. What are three qualities of successful workers in your field of study(Registered Nurse). For example, a nursing major would select three qualities that it takes to be a good nurse and then discuss those three qualities in the three body paragraphs, providing examples of specific behaviors/actions in which good nurses exhibit those qualities. What qualities make good chefs, good accountants, or good firefighters ?All students should be able to write this essay based upon their specific majors
Refutation Paper
MLA, 1,000 words
Works Cites page (3 sources)
Choose one of the articles below to refute. Focus your paper on refuting one of these articles.
Include a 1-2 sentence thesis that claims the other author is wrong and why, and what you are arguing instead.
Directly refute statements made in the primary source.
Point out (by name) any logical fallacies the author commits.
Point out any overly-emotional arguments the author makes.
Point out any time the author doesn’t take the human condition into account (e.g. we are not robots, we have emotions and families, and make mistakes).
Argue why a different perspective is true instead.
Provide evidence from at least two (2) sources (other than the article you are refuting) to prove your argument (e.g. the other article below, Thank You for Arguing, something from your own research).
Imagine you are writing for the same publication/audience as the original piece.
Business Discussion
This week you learned about ethical dilemmas, which can be influenced by codes of conduct. According to Hill and Rap (2014), codes of conduct should be promulgated from the bottom up. “The processes involved are discussed using four discrete stages that move from the personal to the work team and to the unit to the full company, followed by the board of directors’ evaluation” (p. 621). Normally codes of conduct come from the top down. Discuss whether codes of conduct would be better coming from the bottom up or the top down. You may use the article below to support your discussion.
Hill, R., & Rapp, J. (2014). Codes of ethical conduct: A bottom-up approach. Journal of Business Ethics, 123(4), 621-630.
Anthropology Discussion Board Questions
1. First, answer the following: What is science and how does it differ from myth? How do you think it differs from belief? What are scientific theories and why are they taken seriously even when the hypothesis remains open to testing?
Second, do you consider evolution to be a theory, belief, or fact? Explain your answer.
2. What is evolutionary theory? What does it explain? What are the key mechanisms it involves? How is it different from theories of biological diversity that came before it? (Be sure to briefly explain key terms/concepts/theories in your answer.)
Your post must be written in your own words. Remember to name your sources. If you summarize something from the textbook, you can say, "according to our textbook." However, if you use quotes from the textbook or any other source, be sure to put them in quotation marks, state where they are from, and include the page number.
English Paper
For your first summary you should summarize pages 15-23 in Pond Life ("Temperature Layering" through "Food Pyramids"). In writing your summaries cultivate an impersonal tone; avoid all personal pronouns and personal opinions; just give the facts and most important claims. The only quotations you may use are words and phrases that are "terms of art," that is, words or phrases that would be difficult to express using other terms, such as "fall overturn." If you use any other quotations, I will require you to rewrite this assignment because the purpose of this assignment is to learn how to communicate information in your own words. I have provided you with two discussions of summary writing, one from The Writer's Harbrace Handbook and the other from The Bedford Handbook. The first discussion includes an example of a summary. This writing assignment should be between 700 and 800 words and double spaced. MLA FORMAT. NO PLAGIARISM TOLERATED. DUE AT 6 AM (eastern)
Topics/ approaches (Focus on only one of the following, though some may overlap):
Example: Analyze not only the chosen character's personality, but also what roll they played in advancing the overall theme of the novel.
Example: It could be hope for change, both in South Africa and in David Lurie. OR: the disgrace David Lurie has suffered over the affair with a student and how that matches the disgrace South Africa has suffered through apartheid.
Example: post-apartheid South Africa is a setting arguably more important than anything else in the novel. Your outside sources would be bit of history concerning apartheid.
The use of literary devices to communicate theme: imagery, metaphor, symbolism, foreshadowing, irony
Concept Of Branding
Assess how branding has increased in the last few decades. Think of a brand; analyze how the organization developed its brand equity. Assess the influence of branding on an organization’s IMC.
The paper