Archive for January 26th, 2018

Case Study

Case Study

Evaluate and analyze (at minimum 2 pages not including title or references) talking about potential challenges facing NextGen Air Transportation System with satellite-based system. 

Iceland Diagram

Iceland Diagram

Focal Topic: The Effects of Iceland's Tourism on Pollution – Human Dimension

I need a diagram of the focal topic.

You should turn in a one page document that describes:

  • 1)A modified diagram of the system
  • 2) What kind of research questions you could ask about Iceland and your topic
  • 3) What data you need to find


Writing For The Web

Writing For The Web

 Discussion Question-


Part 1:

"Writing for the Web" Please respond to the following:

  • You have likely seen hundreds of thousands of Web pages over the span of your lifetime. Generalize how well you feel the audience and purpose overall of all the Websites you have viewed are aligned. Speculate to the reason behind your generalization.
  • Having summarized your general observations about Websites, discuss what you feel is the most common error you encounter in poorly written or displayed Websites.

Part 2: 

Make a substantive response to one of your fellow students. (choose one)


a.  Over the course of my life, I've encountered several web pages. For the most part, they all seem to hit the target in terms of the intended audience depending on who created or published the site. Most reputable or professional sites allow for easy navigation and usually show what the company or page is about within the homepage via pics or mission statements. They usually have a breakdown of who they are, what they do, and what they value with streamline and professional look.

Common errors in poorly written or displayed websites are lack of clarity or pages with jumbled information. For example, if you're unfamiliar with Wiki pages, it can be difficult to read through to get the information you're requesting. Its structured in a outline fashion however its not always the easiest to sift through. In addition, a lot of self made sites lack page structure and clarity.


b. Hello Everyone,

You have likely seen hundreds of thousands of Web pages over the span of your lifetime. Generalize how well you feel the audience and purpose overall of all the Websites you have viewed are aligned. Speculate to the reason behind your generalization.

All of the web pages I've seen throughout my life normally are right on target with their audience. I think the reason these websites are on target with their audience is because they have conducted studies to find out what their consumer wants. They would then gear their web pages to attract those people. 

Having summarized your general observations about Websites, discuss what you feel is the most common error you encounter in poorly written or displayed Websites.

The error that i encounter most is redirection errors or web page buttons that aren't setup the correctly, and lack of information about a topic that should be well covered on a particular site.


c.  According to the textbook and based on webpages that I have seen, in general they all have the primary goal of providing information.  It can be about a service, soliciting opinion, creating a community or just to entertain people.  The main reason being that webpages are on the internet and the world wide web is where all those things should reside.  Since web pages provide some sort of information at some level, I think the most common error is not designing the webpage to your audience and not having a good layout.  If I visit a webpage, I will leave instantly if it has broken links that lead no where or links to pages that are under construction. I will also leave instantly if the layout is not appealing meaning that the choice of font style, size and color is basic.


d. Over my lifetime I have definitely seen a very large amount of webpages, and obviously recalling all of them is nearly impossible.  In recent years most of the webpages are satisfactory if not excellent examples of delivery of a message to the viewer.  I think that since the Internet has been such a large part of our lives in the recent past that companies are really making an effort to display information on their website that is appealing to the viewer.  It is very important that the information presented is quality information and graphics because if not there are so many other options out there.  A news site or company will lose readers or customers if they don’t produce a quality website.

The most common error I have encountered on a website is information that is clearly needed not being readily available or easy to navigate to.  An example I can bring up from the last week is when I tried to find a church’s service times.  I first googled the church, and the service times didn’t come up right away so I then navigated to their website.  I think that information like service times is probably one of the main reasons someone would visit the site, so not only should it be displayed right on the top of the page, but it should be in large bold font.


Read And Write

Read And Write

Read about the experiment involving college students going "unplugged" for 24 hours. Try to go unplugged for a few hours and write about the experience even if you only make it for five minutes, Alternatively, you might reflect on a past experience of being separated from media (intentionally or accidentally). The idea is to discern and describe the impact that social media have on your life. (About 1000 words)  


The links for the reading: 


Definition of Success

First Draft: (10 points) To get the 10 points, you must be in class on this date and have one typed, printed copy of your draft with you. It must be the full length, three complete pages. Also, on this day, if you tell your partner something that will help him/her to improve his/her essay, you will get extra credit.

Final Draft: (100 points)


For this three-page essay, you will define a term and then show how items fit your definition or do not fit it. Many arguments are based on the definition of a term. Choose a term that you know because I do not want you to do research for this first assignment. You will give the meaning of a term or phrase and explain it further with examples and stories.

The definition argument essay should have three parts: an introduction, a body of supporting details, and a conclusion. The sentence that tells the main idea in an essay is called the thesis statement. The thesis should be the last sentence in the introduction. Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence with clear transitions and should be unified with the main idea in the thesis. NOTE: If the essay does not have a thesis statement, it will FAIL. If you plagiarize sources, the essay will fail, BUT you do NOT need to use sources for this essay.



Topic Choices: Choose one of these topics:

· Success

· Home

· Good parent (or Mother or Father)

· Effective education techniques

· True teacher

· True friend

· Honor

· Family

· Security

· Courage/Bravery

· Vacation

· Topic of your choice as long as the essay is definition



The Writing Process Examples—Invention (Brainstorming) and Informal Outline

INVENTION for Definition Essay—three examples


Family-mine traditional, mom, dad, brother, sisters, happy marriage.

Mine just husband, wife, no kids, happy marriage studetns who have adopted us

Not traditional family—sister, divorced, estranged form two adult knids, raised and adopted granddauthter


Success—doing what makes you happy, not making money

Not money, not fame

Happy job,

Good frieds

Good marriage

Do what wnt to in life

IBM—money and miserable, cry

Teaching, no money, not miserable, most of time, feel happy





Vacation—what it is to me

Who taught me that

What it is not

Examples of good vaction—Parents, scott and England, Belize

“ of bad vatation—Trevin

Passion for vactions

All states

Costa Rica, Belize, Bahamas, Mexico, Canada, Italy, France, Vatican City,

England, Scotland, Ireland—11





To me, vacation is not a time to rest, but a time to see everything I can see.

· Throughout childhood, I learned to vacation from my mom and dad.

· When I became an adult, I discovered that not all people vactioned like my family.

· I made the mistake of taking a horrible vaccaton with someone who had a very different definition of vacation than I had learned from my parents.

· Unlike this awful vacation, I have had many wonderful vacations with those who define vacation in a siilar way to me.

· As a result of my love for travel, I have been to all of the states in the United States and to amny foreign countries.


See these two files on Blackboard for examples of definition essays: definition draft vacation unedited and definition A good student.





_____ Your final draft to be graded

_____ The grading rubric (which I will give you)

——— Draft that a tutor or other helper comment on (if you have one)

_____ The drafts that you partners read and their comments

_____ Your outline and thesis (that I have already graded)

______Your invention (that I have already graded)

More Application Of Theory U2DB3

More Application Of Theory U2DB3

As you continue to integrate AR/AI/PC into your work, how do you see the connections and interrelationships between systems thinking and the methods (AR/AI/PC) you’ll use in your consulting engagement.  

  • What is systems theory?
  • How does systems theory apply to action research?
  • How does systems theory apply to Appreciative Inquiry?
  • How does systems theory apply to Process Consultation?
  • Describe and define socio-technical systems theory.
  • What is an open system? Provide an example
  • What is a closed system? Provide an example.

Reference Articles: 

  • Barton, J., Stephens, J., & Haslett, T. (2009). Action research: Its foundations in open systems thinking and relationship to the scientific method. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 22(6), 475-488. doi:  ABI Inform
  • Flood, R. L. (2010). The relationship of 'systems thinking' to action research. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 23(4), 269-284. doi:  ABI Inform

500 words, APA format, scholarly references


Statement Of Intent

Statement Of Intent

What are the core skills and knowledge you hope to acquire by completing a degree in this major and how do you plan to apply these when you graduate?


Major: Civil Engineering




For this unit, you will identify what risk-reduction you will research in the particular community where you live (examples include flooding, drought, tornadoes, evacuation, earthquake, hazardous materials, etc.). 

After you choose what risk-reduction to address in your community, you should write a brief description on why you identified the particular risk-reduction topic. Your submission should be one page. You do not need a cover page but should include a separate reference page if resources are used in your assignment. 


Ethics Case Study

Randomized Controlled Trials of Bone Marrow Transplants for the Treatment of Advanced Breast Cancer in Women



Super easy only 300-400 words 

Randomized Controlled Trials of Bone Marrow Transplants for the Treatment of Advanced Breast Cancer in Women



Super easy only 300-400 words 




Explain the meaning of the term 'fallacy' in logic use reliable sources, and provide your references).

· Use the Internet to locate at least two (2) advertisements that exhibit any of the following fallacies: equivocation, false authority, ad hominem, appeal to ignorance, or bandwagon. Post the videos in the discussion. 

Next, identify and discuss the fallacy used in the selected advertisements where exactly is the mistake of reasoning being committed? 

· Remember that a fallacy is a faulty argument, so, in order to properly identify the fallacy you need to first identify the argument with its two crucial parts (what are those parts?  

· Discuss the primary reasons why you believe that the advertisers have used the fallacy in question, and examine whether or not their use of this type of fallacy is effective.

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