Archive for January 28th, 2018

Constitution Laws

Constitution Laws

Header: Equal Protection and Equal Representation 


Essay 1.   Is affirmative action an appropriate and effective policy to address past discrimination? Using the cases Regents v. Bakke (1978) and Gratz et al. v. Bollinger et al. (2003), address the evolution of the Supreme Court’s reasoning on affirmative action and its long-term utility as a public policy.  


Essay 2. Analyze the political and legal strategies used against segregation. Include a discussion of conditions under segregation in the early twentieth century and the ruling Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) as well as the Supreme Court decisions and reasoning that led to Brown v. Board of Education (1954). How were tactics such as grandfather clauses, white primaries, literacy tests, poll taxes, and racial gerrymandering used to deny voting rights to minority groups, despite the Fourteenth Amendment? What measures abolished these types of laws? 


Each essay should be at least 500 words in length (2 pages, double-spaced), using 12-point font, and in proper APA format.  


Constitutional Issues

Constitutional Issues

1. Summarize the following cases in 100 to 200 words (one to two paragraphs) each. Be sure to concisely analyze the major issues in the case, briefly list the main arguments of the majority and minority opinions, and explain the significance of the outcome. 


a. Roe v. Wade (1973)

b. Lawrence, et al. v. Texas (2003) 



2. Summarize the following cases in 100 to 200 words (one to two paragraphs) each. Be sure to concisely analyze the major issues in the case, briefly list the main arguments of the majority and minority opinions, and explain the significance of the outcome. 


  1. Planned Parenthood of Southeasetern Pennsylvania v. Casey (1992) 
  2. Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) 


Law/Business Torts

Law/Business Torts

You may be familiar with personal torts such as negligence; however, business torts are different as they are being committed not against the person but rather against its intangible assets. Think about what this means and how each aspect of your work might result in a business tort being committed.

Assignment Steps 

Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and Global Issues:  Ch. 5, Ch. 6 and Ch. 7; Legal Source database located in the Week 3 Electronic Reserve Readings 

Scenario: In the midst of the ongoing rhetoric and movement to achieve Tort Reform, business tort liability must be acknowledged and planned for as a reality. As the manager of legal risk and corporate governance for a major multi-national pharmaceutical corporation, the board of directors has commissioned you to work alongside your CEO and General Counsel to prepare a report regarding this liability and the exposure it creates for the organization. 

Create a maximum 1,050-word report, excluding title and reference pages. 

Address the following in the report:

  • Evaluate the impact of business tort liability on the pharmaceutical industry in general.
  • Determine the growth of business tort liability in the pharmaceutical industry and discuss where and why tort reform is needed.
  • Assess the impact of business tort liability on corporate liability under the Alien Tort Statute.
  • Explain how business tort liability can be reduced through the implementation of the risk management process.
  • Analyze how business tort liability can escalate to criminal liability.

Cite a minimum of two references for the five content areas taken from a business or legal resource. One reference must be from the University Library. 

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. 


Business Law Essay Questions

Business Law Essay Questions

make sure when the question ask for your opinion, you should say, "after my study of textbook, page # or following site/s, I think, I believe".  In business I feel, I think does not have any place.

2. In the 1980s, the Supreme Court ruled that it is legal for protesters to burn the American flag.

This activity counts as free speech under the Constitution. If the Court hears a new flag-burning case in this decade, should it consider changing its ruling, or should it follow precedent? Is following past precedent something that seems sensible to you: always, usually, sometimes, rarely, or never?

3. When should a business be held legally responsible for customer safety? Consider the following statements, and consider the degree to which you agree or disagree: • A business should keep customers safe from its own employees. • A business should keep customers safe from other customers. • A business should keep customers safe from themselves. (Example: an intoxicated customer who can no longer walk straight.) • A business should keep people outside its own establishment safe if it is reasonable to do so. 4. In his most famous novel, The Red and the Black, the French author Stendhal (1783–1842) wrote: “There is no such thing as ‘natural law’: this expression is nothing but old nonsense. Prior to laws, what is natural is only the strength of the lion,

or the need of the creature suffering from hunger or cold, in short, need.” What do you think? Does legal positivism or legal realism seem more sensible to you? 5. At the time of this writing, voters are particularly disgruntled. A good many people seem to be disgusted with government. For this question, we intentionally avoid distinguishing between Democrats and Republicans, and we intentionally do not name any particular President. Consider the following statements, and consider the degree to which you agree or disagree: • I believe that members of Congress usually try to do the right thing for America. • I believe that Presidents usually try to do the right thing for America. • I believe that Supreme Court justices usually try to do the right thing for America.


The Death Penalty

The primary goal of your final assignment is to critically analyze the specific topic you have chosen regarding American national government.

You have been preparing for this final assignment each week by constructing an Annotated Bibliography (Week 2) and a detailed outline of the Final Paper’s main points (Week 3) in which you focused on the following:

  • Historical and constitutional basis for the American Government’s structure
  • The system of checks and balances
  • The various roles (e., public opinion, media, special interest groups, etc.) concerning public policy and elections
  • The voting system and election process.

In addition, you have read the course text and course readings, reviewed videos, and researched additional material for each week’s assignments and this paper. This week, you will put all of those outlines, readings, reviews, and research together to evaluate policymaking and government program administration into one Final Paper.

As we wrap up our course, reflect on what you have learned about the key structures, systems, roles, and processes that embody our national government. Think about the strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages, and positive and negative impacts of these aspects of our democracy. Use what you have learned so far to evaluate a specific policy of our national government and recommend ways to enhance what works and repair what is not working well. It is important that your Final Paper utilizes your previous research and assignments, including the feedback that you received from the Ashford Writing Center in Week 4. The assignment should also showcase what you have learned in the course. While your previous assignments will serve as a strong base for this assignment, it is very important that you implement feedback from your instructor and the Ashford Writing Center, as well as further expand on the material. Appropriate transitions and headings are needed to ensure a cohesive Final Paper.

The Final Paper should utilize the POL201 Final Paper template and be at least six pages in length (not including title page and references) and based on your previously submitted assignments. It is important to utilize APA Style Elements (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. headings for major sections of your paper in order to ensure that the paper is easy to follow.

Scaffold your paper around the following outline:

The Final Paper Assignment

Population Management

Population Management

Develop a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes that explains the prairie dog land management issue  

Include the following points: 

  • Discuss some of the challenges of urbanization and environmental benefits. Explain how the prairie dog land management issues are related to the challenges of urbanization. 
  • Explain the factors that influence population growth using prairie dogs as an example to illustrate your points. Briefly review how the natural environment is needed to support cities. Use the ecological role of prairie dogs and their benefit to land management and the city of Sparksville as an example. 
  • Describe the different policies that the city explored to manage prairie dog population growth, and discuss how these policies are rooted in environmental science and population dynamics. 
  • Discuss the final management decision, and explain how it balanced urban development with environmental sustainability. Include major challenges you faced in addressing this issue and reaching an optimal solution. Among the challenges, discuss how environmental hazards affect human population and if this impacted the decision with urban development.


Air Pollution News Articles

Air Pollution News Articles

Submit one (1) news articles about air pollution in a country different from the US from current news sources, together with a short, written summary of the article with a comparison of the pollutant concentrations in the article with US AQIs. 


1)  The main topic of the article must involve air pollution, air pollution regulation; public health issues related to air pollution.;   

2)  The article must be at least 450 words in length (An easy way to figure out the word count is to copy the text into word and use “word count” under “tools”).   

3)  The article must contain either pollutant concentrations in ppb, ppm or μg/m3 or AQIs.   

4)  The article must be a ʺfeatureʺ article, meaning it has a headline, byline (author name(s)), and a single topic.   

5)  Articles must be photocopies of articles in print publications available at the newsstand, or printouts of these articles from a web site. No clippings are accepted, because they are always falling apart and getting lost.   




a)  140 to 190 words long  

b)  Compare the pollutant concentrations to the standards in the US. Determine   and state where they would fall in the US AQI index. Comment on how this   compares to how the concentrations/AQIs are presented in the article.   

c)  Not spin additional information that is not in the article or part of the AQI   discussion.   

d)  Include in your summary a clear statement of:   

• Title of article • Author(s) of the article • Name of publication • Date of publication • Page number of the first page of the article, unless from a news agency web site Additional notes and guidelines:  ‐‐A mere mention of air pollution as a side note in your article is not sufficient. This means that articles about fires are usually not air pollution articles, even though ʺsmokeʺ is  involved. Most articles about ʺenergyʺ are not air pollution articles, so check content carefully. Articles about odors will be taken on a case‐by‐case basis; they definitely need to have human health front and center to be acceptable.  ‐‐AQI scales for different countries and the WHO can be found on Wikipedia or elsewhere on the web. ‐‐Article summaries do not quote parts of the article; they paraphrase important points. ‐‐ Not acceptable: compilation or ʺspotlightsʺ of different news events into one section; a “blog”, ʺbriefʺ or ʺin briefʺ article or articles that serve as one‐ to two‐paragraph fillers, unsigned editorials and letters to the editor; figure or photo captions not associated with a feature article; advertisements; ʺwireʺ stories without an author attribution, and stories from a web site that is not associated with a print periodical. Also not acceptable: research reports published in academic journals (research papers are not ʺnewsʺ; they are contributions to knowledge). No monthly magazines, journals, ecological or environmental newsletters, scientific/academic journals, etc. The publication must be primarily for the purpose of reporting current news and news analysis. Weekly magazines including Time and Newsweek are acceptable. 




Read The Sixth Extinction, pages 81-161.


1) Do you have any personal reactions to the information or argument presented in the book so far? Anything you agree with or disagree with? Are there any portions of the book that seem unclear? Please include 1 or 2 quotes from the text in your response.

2) What is your favorite section of the reading for this week? Quote a passage and explain why you like it so much.


Case Study

Case Study

Evaluate and analyze (at minimum 2 pages not including title or references) talking about potential challenges facing NextGen Air Transportation System with satellite-based system. 

    Unit 1 Ar

    Unit 1 Ar

     For this assignment, use the CSU Online Library databases to locate a peer-reviewed article that is in some way related to the principles of fire chemistry and fire dynamics as well as their effects on emergency situations. You can select any article of interest dealing with this broad topic, which should give you plenty from which to choose. Some examples are reports analyzing a fire or other articles that research what took place at a fire incident. You may also find an appropriate article on the National Fire Protection Association, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States Fire Administration websites. Be sure to select a full-length article. Letters to the editor, editorials, roundtable discussions, blog postings, or press releases made to look like articles are not acceptable for this assignment. This assignment is to give you practice reviewing articles that contribute to the industry. The article you choose must meet the following requirements: be peer-reviewed or scholarly in nature; relate to the concepts within this course and, if possible, to your research proposal topic; and be at least eight pages in length. The article review you submit must meet the following requirements: be at least two full double-spaced pages in length not including the title page or reference page; identify the main topic/question; critique the article and share your thoughts on what appears to be valid or invalid; and include your thoughts on whether you agree with the author’s position, and why, or why not? Be sure to summarize, paraphrase, and cite the information. Do not copy directly from the textbook or from any other source. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and entries in the reference section. All references and citations used must be in APA style. The story is attached below.

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