Archive for January 28th, 2018

Iceland’s Tourism Research Proposal

Iceland's Tourism Research Proposal

Focal Topic: Iceland's Tourism


The research proposal is a total of 3 paragraphs consisting:


-How do you think your focal topic is being impacted by changes in energy production?
-How may your focal topic be impacting other topics (economy, pollution, education, fisheries, etc.) ?
-Have your web data general post your question in a slide of bullets.




For this unit, you will identify what risk-reduction you will research in the particular community where you live (examples include flooding, drought, tornadoes, evacuation, earthquake, hazardous materials, etc.). 

After you choose what risk-reduction to address in your community, you should write a brief description on why you identified the particular risk-reduction topic. Your submission should be one page. You do not need a cover page but should include a separate reference page if resources are used in your assignment. 


Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit II Essay

Imagine that you are an industrial hygienist or a safety officer, and you have been asked to create a safety data sheet (SDS) for the employees within the manufacturing facility where you work. However, in this assignment, you will not actually create the SDS. You will just be collecting and studying specific data about the toxicity of certain chemicals that could be used to create it. Assume that the following chemicals/compounds are released during the manufacturing process:


vinyl chloride,


ammonia, and

hydrogen chloride.

Choose one of these chemicals, and review the toxicology data for it.

Create at least a two-page essay which outlines the following information about the chemical:

How can the route of exposure affect the toxicity of the chosen chemical/compound?

How are the mechanisms of action and modes of action established surrounding how to deal with exposure to the chemical/compound?

What are the effects that the chemical/compound chosen can have on the human body from the initial exposure to elimination?

Your essay should also discuss how the Bradford Hill criteria for causation is used to determine the strength of the toxicology data you reviewed. The essay should be at least two pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages)

and should utilize proper APA citations and references.

The websites below are good places to begin looking for information regarding your specific chemical/compound:  Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry (

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (


Assignment #1: Individual 2-Page Argument Papers Or Creative Projects

Assignment #1: Individual 2-Page Argument Papers Or Creative Projects


Compose and revise in a variety of genres that:

  • showcase appropriate form and content according to audience and purpose
  • demonstrate effective incorporation of primary and secondary research into projects
  • feature innovative use of creativity and / or critical thinking


This is the one assignment this term that allows you the most freedom with regard to format and content. You could write two pages consisting of one or more original poems or short stories, if you prefer to write creatively.   Or, you could write a 2-page argument paper with research and citations, briefly arguing one very specific point about a subject related to the environment. The limit is firm: 2 pages maximum (although you can choose varied font sizes and spacing within reason).

(Note: you will write a longer, more extended paper later this term. For now, your 2-page project could be a short paper that leads to that longer project later. But for the time being, please keep the focus very narrow and specific. Later you might write “10 myths about sea level rise in coastal cities in the U.S.” but for this 2-pager, maybe focus on “the #1 myth about sea level rise in coastal cities in the U.S.”)

This project may in a traditional Word format or it could be more creative, with original artwork or doodles or handwritten text (you could upload a screen shot of it).


Industrial And Hazardous Waste Management

Industrial And Hazardous Waste Management

What are some examples of wastes that you perceive to likely be classified as industrial waste, solid waste, or hazardous waste? need to day in 3 hours or less



    Write at least a 1,050-word paper addressing the following: 

    • Explain the importance of biodiversity to ecosystems and society.
    • Compare and contrast the inherent and utilitarian views of the value of biodiversity.
    • Assess the effects of GMOs on biodiversity, including:
      • Why GMOs are used
      • How GMOs are created. How is this different from naturally occurring life?
      • Evaluate the controversy regarding GMOs, especially as it relates to biodiversity
    • Assess the effects of fisheries and aquaculture on biodiversity, including:
      • How modern fishery practices affect biodiversity
      • How aquaculture practices affect biodiversity
    • Provide some possible strategies for addressing issues with GMOs and fisheries, including 
      • Your reasoning for these specific strategies
      • How inherent and utilitarian views of biodiversity relate to your proposed strategies
      • The role of conservation and sustainable growth in your proposed strategies

    Include at least 3 sources, in addition to your textbook.

    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.



    Healthcare Ethics

    Healthcare Ethics The included scenario explores this issue, as well as several other legal and ethical considerations that can complicate the healthcare decision-making process. 

    Jamilah Shah is a 90-year-old Turkish female who immigrated to the United States over 40 years ago with her wealthy husband (now deceased) and their three young children. Jamilah was a homemaker and learned only basic English, but her children are fluent and are all in their 50s. The family still retains Turkish culture and norms, including the sons acting as patriarchs for the family making many decisions even though Jamilah is highly educated and trained as a lawyer in Turkey. Two of the three children are in successful careers; the remaining child, the youngest son, owns a small market and is struggling financially. Until yesterday—the day of admission—Jamilah resided in an extended care facility (ECF), where she has lived since her husband’s death. She reportedly has severe COPD and adult-onset diabetes mellitus. She was brought to the hospital after collapsing at the side of her bed. EKG and lab tests revealed a heart attack. She has no advance directives on file, and because of her communication difficulties, the emergency department physician started her on anticoagulants while trying to contact her next of kin. The ECF sent paperwork to the hospital that listed the youngest son, Bashir, as the emergency contact. Bashir was contacted and is now at the hospital with his two brothers. He has informed the care team that he is the decision maker, and he wants his mother to have a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order with no intervention of any kind other than comfort care. The social worker has come to you, as administrator, with concerns that this decision may not reflect Jamilah’s wishes. When the social worker was visiting with Jamilah alone, Jamilah reached out for her hand and said, “Please help me. I want to live.” The social worker expresses concerns about the interactions observed between Jamilah and her sons, stating that the relationships seem unsupportive. The hospital’s ethics committee has not yet been involved. The social worker also reports that the emergency physician had requested a cardiology consultation, which was just completed, and the consultant documented that “because the family has requested only comfort care, and due to the patient’s multiple comorbidities, the patient will be managed medically, with no intervention, and will not receive cardiac catheterization or be considered for coronary bypass surgery.” If nothing is done, Jamilah will likely die within days.

    A. Write an essay (suggested length 3–5 pages, not including attachments) by doing the following:
    1. Discuss three potential ethical dilemmas in the given scenario.
    a. Analyze the ethical principles and any legal implications associated with each of the potential ethical dilemmas discussed in part A1.
    3. Decide on a course of action for this scenario, as the healthcare administrator, by doing the following:
    a. Explain the additional information that would be needed to make a decision.
    b. Describe one resource that could have made or could still make Jamilah’s wishes more clear.
    i. Explain why the resource described would be helpful.
    c. Propose one of the following courses of action (responding to Bashir’s demands for only comfort care):
    • course of action 1: Follow Bashir’s wishes
    • course of action 2: Refuse to follow Bashir’s wishes
    • course of action 3: Briefly delay the decision to gather additional information and other perspectives
    i. Justify your proposed course of action.
    ii. Compare one of the other courses of action from part A3c with your proposed course of action.
    4. Create three policy recommendations that you could make as an administrator to help your employees and the facility’s medical staff handle similar situations in the future.
    a. Justify each policy recommendation.

    Hazard Controls

    Please choose a writer that is highly knowledgeable in this area, and has a good command of the English language when writing. PART ONE: Separate from the project below, but is tied into the project. ONE PAGE JOURNAL ENTRY, NOT TO BE INCLUDED WITH PROJECT.
    QUESTION: You are designing a plan for the bulk tank railcar off-loading facility for hydrocarbon products, describe the work system and the hazards that you anticipate needing to address within the plan. How does this plan help you in your organization? What could you do better? Read the rest of the PROJECT requirements before responding to this separate ONE PAGE journal. Use references needed for this there are plenty provided.
    STEP 1: Design a system safety program plan for a bulk tank railcar off-loading facility for hydrocarbon products that has the following features:
    a. one railcar switch located next to an interstate highway.
    b. capacity to off-load liquid hydrocarbon products.
    c. two 500,000 gallon bulk liquid storage tanks for liquid hydrocarbon products.
    d. two diaphragm pumps with piping between the off-loading station and the bulk liquid storage tanks. 
    STEP 2: USE APA GUIDELINES (Title page, abstract, body, and reference page).
    Design a minimum 8 page system safety program plan with a minimum of 5 references(books, and articles, one from CSU library), using the following level one headings:
    1. Defined objectives
    2. System Description
    3.Hazard Identification
    4.Hazard Analysis
    5.Risk Evaluation
    6. Hazard Controls
    7. Verification of Controls
    8. Risk Acceptance
    9. Safety Control Structure Diagram (see instructions below)
    10. Planned periodic System Review
    Design a safety control structure diagram for your work system, and embed it within your system safety program plan as the content for your ninth level one heading. Use figure 6.2 on page 193 in text book of an ammonia fill station as an EXAMPLE (This is provided). Notice that the designed controls within this example structure are the level indicators, control valves, and relief valves.

    BUS 499 – Assignment 2: External and Internal Environments

    Imagine you have the option to invest in three different opportunities: A, B and C. Let's also say that you have analyzed the risks and you believe you can classify them as low-risk, medium-risk and high-risk, respectively. Which of these three opportunities would you need to provide the greatest return in order to invest in it?
    Now let's say the returns of opportunities A and B are highly correlated with the market as a whole but those of opportunity C have a very low correlation with the overall market. Would this information potentially change the required return you imposed on the opportunities in order to invest in them if so, why?
    Now imagine that another investor views the risks to be exactly the opposite of your view (that is, she views opportunity C to be the least risky, followed by B and then A). Assume your view of the risks is the same as described earlier. Does this change the required return you need in order to invest in the different opportunities?

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