Archive for January 30th, 2018

ACCT 212 Week 6 Course Project: Bethany’s Bicycle Corporation

ACCT 212 Week 6 Course Project: Bethany's Bicycle Corporation

You’ve just secured a new client in your accounting practice, Bethany's Bicycle Corporation (BBC), a brand new small business specializing in bicycle repair. The owner, Bethany Beck, is a terrific cyclist and bike repair specialist, but definitely not an accountant. Your job is to helpBethany put his affairs in order. Luckily Bethany has only been in operation for a month and things have not gotten too out of hand yet! Bethany has to submit his financial statements to her investors and doesn’t know where to begin. It’s your job to go through the complete Accounting cycle to prepare the financial statements for the BBC.



    Research and describe a product ideation model or methodology. Describe the ideation approach and how you might use it in your collaboration assignment for this module. 100 words

    Week 4 Intellipath Question

    Week 4 Intellipath Question

    What are two specific ways marketing research helps a company know and understand its product’s customers?


    Consider the following ideas to include in your answer:


    What is the difference between primary and secondary research?

    What is quantitative and qualitative research?

    How does research help identify a customer’s buying behaviors?

    How does the brand promise create customer satisfaction?

    What are customer demographics and psychographics?

    What is marketing STP/D?


    ECO 320- “Economic Growth And Business Cycles”

    ECO 320- "Economic Growth And Business Cycles"

    Please respond to the following:


    Analyze how economic growth is measured to determine which factor is the most difficult to measure accurately. Make recommendations on how the factor you identified can be measured more accurately.

    ECO 320- “Governments Role In Banking”

    ECO 320- "Governments Role In Banking"

    Please respond to the following:


    Analyze the way banks are supervised in the U.S. and make at least one recommendation for improvement. Explain your rationale.




    Write 1,000 words, Apa format, no plagerism, no grammatical errors, and ,must be on time with a due date of 31 Jan.


    One of the more important measures in regard to international economics is the balance of payments. Think of it as a national accounting measure that looks at the flow of goods and services into and out of an economy in a given period of time. It also shows capital flows into and out of a country. Until 1980, the United States tended to run a positive-to-neutral balance of payments position and was a creditor nation. In the course of the past 30 years, the United States has moved to a negative balance of payments and to being a debtor nation. 

    Review and discuss the following:

    • Discuss the importance of the balance of payments as an accounting measure.
    • Discuss the current account and its components and the capital and financial accounts and their components.
    • How important is the U.S. deficit in traded goods in regard to the balance of payments?


    Documentary Critique

    Documentary Critique

    The Methamphetamine Epidemic Documentary Critique – Students will watch this documentary and write a 5 page critique, in APA format, answering the questions below. Please start each section of your critique by stating the question you are addressing.  You will be able to watch this online for free by vesting the following website:   


    Please address the following in your critique: 

    •What are your views on this film? Does it have merit? 

    •Does this film portray a realistic picture of an issue facing the healthcare system? Why or why not? 

    •What are the health policy and economic issues created as a result of the topic of this movie? Please indicate each issue and how it relates to this documentary. •What policy should the U.S. take on drugs? 

    •Do you think that the U.S. should legalize certain drugs? Why or why not?


    Disussion Assignment

    Disussion Assignment

    Fiscal Policy


     The U.S. Congress debates a new budget every fiscal year. Most Republicans want to reduce federal spending; most Democrats do not want to reduce spending and may, in some cases, seek to increase it. Choose a perspective, and in your post identify three reasons that the United States should currently seek to decrease or increase federal spending. In your rationale, be sure to reflect on the impact of government spending on GDP and national income. Draw on the course readings and your own research to support your assertions. Be sure to use APA format to cite sources. 


    Use the course readings and your own research to support your arguments and use APA guidelines for citations and references. Please remember to be respectful at all times. Support your post with the theories presented in the unit readings and resources, using proper APA formatted citations and references. 




    Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.


    International Trade & Decision Making

    International Trade & Decision Making

    Presidential Debates talked about how to revive our domestic production and create jobs.  Here are examples of  three industries where the US domestic producers are losing, or outsourcing by moving productions overseas. 

    (1)   Shrimp industry:  about ninety percent of US shrimp consumption is imported from overseas.   The domestic producers made complaints that are standard when a US producer faces foreign competition, and the US Department of Commerce has approved protective tariffs against shrimp imports.  As a result, American consumers now will not be able to benefit from the lower cost of production from the low-cost shrimp producers from Asia or Latin America.

    (2)   The US imposed tariffs about 27 percent on lumber from Canada. You would think this would hurt Canadian lumber producers, and it did.  But it also forced them to be more efficient, while the US lumbers produce at relatively inefficient mills. The result is that more US lumber mills have closed than Canadian ones.

    (3)   The Auto manufacturing states in the upper Midwest region such as Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio have turned into crucial battlegrounds during the election campaign.  The US government accused China for unfairly subsidizing its car components industry, and then the US imposed tariff on car-parts imported from China.  China retaliated with imposing import tariffs on other goods that it imports from the US.  This dispute is currently being reviewed by WTO.


    If you were an economic adviser to a Presidential Candidate, what would be your advice regarding trade, import tariff or quota, and how to revive the domestic production?  In giving your answers, please refer to the above industries. 


    .  As a guideline, each of the 10 points will be derived from the following:


    1. Post your answer (350 words) to the posted DQ responding to the matter asked, instead of repeating the question or not attending to the question. Substantive answers include making comments using concepts found in the assigned reading materials or offering examples from your experience. Hence merely providing a brief “yes, I agree” or “no, I do not agree” postings are not adequate posts

    2. Write in correct grammar; any errors will translate to a deduction in points.

    3. Check for the spelling; any errors will deduct points.

    4. Your responses must be substantive that include your own thoughts, supported with research (at least two external sources other than textbook, and you must quote these sources).

    5. Offer a creative solutions in addition to the obvious socio-economic impacts of each topic, such as environment, politic, or other issues.  

    6. Offer a future recommendation or alternative options for the future with regard to the topic in question.


    Assignment 2: Required Assignment—Balancing Company Interests vs. the Public Interest

    Assignment 2: Required Assignment—Balancing Company Interests vs. the Public Interest

    Select a topic and work on the relevant tasks for this assignment.

    Topic A:

    The United States has still not recovered from the  recent wave of mortgage defaults and foreclosures. Experts predict that  the housing market will take years to recover in some locations due to a  variety of factors. There are numerous publications that detail how the  problem developed. Many of the reasons for the collapse of the housing  market have ethical implications.



    • Using the Argosy University online library resources or the Internet, research the financial collapse of the housing market.
    • Create a 10- to 12-page report discussing your findings. Explore the evidence from an ethical point of view.

    Topic B:



    • Select three or four essays from your textbook relating to your area  of experience and expertise (for example, finance, accounting, or  technology).
    • Create a 10- to 12-page report critiquing your chosen readings.  
      • Include a literature review of your chosen essays, starting with a synopsis of the major ideas and themes in each essay.
    • Conduct an in-depth critique of the essays by comparing and contrasting the essential points discussed in each work.
    • Include a reflective assessment of what lessons one can learn from  the points brought up in the essays and how they can effectively be  implemented in a typical business setting.

    The following is a checklist that you can use in analyzing or critiquing your chosen essays:

    Each piece of writing is different; but, in most cases,  the majority of these questions are applicable. Use these questions as a  point of reference for your critique. You may also cover other relevant  aspects of an essay not addressed by the critique question list below:


    • Is the essay's title a clear depiction of its content? Why or why not?
    • Is the author qualified to write about the subject matter?
    • What is the purpose of the essay? Is it stated clearly?
    • Identify the problem statement in the essay. Does the introduction and conclusion focus clearly on the problem statement?
    • Is the statement of facts (beyond commonly known facts) supported by appropriate citations in the text and/or references?
    • Which ideas in the essay need further development?
    • What ideas in the essay are practical enough to be implemented in a  business setting and which ideas are rather impractical? Why?
    • Does the essay contain discursive or irrelevant sections? If yes, what are they?
    • Is the work biased in any way? Examine the author's biases.
    • Is there an idea that is common to all the essays?
    • How is the essay different from the other essay(s) you are also critiquing?

    Complete the tasks pertaining to the chosen topic.

    Submission Details:


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