Each student is required to read a journal article on issues addressing a contracting issus. The journals must be research oriented, such as those found in http://www.au.af.mil/au/aul/periodicals/dodelecj.htm or related journals. This means the article should cite references and have a bibliography at the end of the article. After reading the article, you should prepare a one-page single-spaced abstract of the article and provide the abstract, not the entire article, to the professor. At the beginning of your abstract please include the bibliographic citation, also in reasonably correct APA format. Your abstract should be succinctly written in a descriptive and informative manner and not exceed one single-spaced type written page.
Archive for January, 2018
Week 1-Discussion 2
Week 1-Discussion 2
"CDC, BMA and Your State’s DOH" Please respond to the following:
- From the first two (2) e-Activities, functioning as an investigator collaborating with the two (2) agencies to obtain vital statistics on your particular demographic, you are tasked with obtaining the logistics and planning phase of the report. Prioritize the items you would consider when formulating comprehensive letters of inquiry to the agencies.
- From the third e-Activity, suppose you are the County Department of Health, Director of STDs Tracking and Surveillance System, tasked with drafting a memo to your state’s head of the DOH about ways to optimize your county’s efficiency. Prepare a rudimentary list of possible questions to articulate your concerns. Provide a rationale for the questions you have chosen.
Please respond to the following:
• Review this video, which reports the growing number of evictions as rents rise and property values increase. After 50 years at the same address, a 98 year old woman faces eviction. Although laws are different in each state, renters are having a harder time fighting evictions.
o Woman, 98, Evicted From San Francisco Apartment After 50 Years
• Suppose you are the judge, and a case is presented before you where a tenant is facing eviction. The landlord has been in constant contact with the tenant and is able to supply the texts and notes to the tenant. However, the tenant agrees that the landlord did contact him, but the tenant claims there was not sufficient notice. The landlord is able to show months of texts and notes begging for the rent from the tenant. What are the legal considerations you would evaluate to determine the claims of the tenant and the landlord? In whose favor would you rule, and why? Be sure to support your legal analysis.
Unit 3 Case Study Risk Reduction
Unit III Project
As you continue to gather support for your program, you will discover missing pieces. To help fill in the blanks, surveys and questionnaires can be used to gather additional data that may be specific to your community risk and/or program.
Develop a 10-question survey that can be used to gather additional data related to your community risk. For each question of your survey, identify if the question is considered an open-ended or close-ended question. Also, identify if the question was designed to gather quantitative or qualitative data. Finally, briefly answer the questions below.
What missing data the survey is trying to collect? What would be the preferred method used to conduct the survey? Who would be receiving the survey?
Constitution Laws
Assignment 9
Essay 1. Privacy has always been an important value to Americans. Many Americans believe that a great many personal issues are simply not the business of the government. In Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), the Supreme Court established a “zone of privacy” regarding contraceptive use. Since that time, the Court has addressed other privacy issues. In your response, address the following points: • List three topics that you believe should be included in this zone of privacy. (The three topics do not have to be lofty; they should merely be things that you think the government should not have the right to pry into.) • Do you believe that the availability of information on the Internet and the Internet’s widespread use makes maintaining your privacy more difficult? Why or why not?
Essay 2. Describe the facts and issues presented in Griswold v. Connecticut (1965). Distinguish between the majority opinion’s concept of a “zone of privacy” and the opinions written by the dissenting justices. Use a minimum of two sources, one of which may be the textbook.
Each essay should be at least 500 words in length (2 pages, double-spaced), using 12-point font, and in proper APA format
Transgender And/Or Homosexuals In The Military
Essay must include a clearly stated thesis, outline page and essay 6-7 pages long (not to include outline page)
Paper must persuade by constructing a focused thesis, introducing and supporting major points, following a logical sequence and transitioning between points, providing analysis with factual data, summarizing and concluding.
Must use APA format
HealthCare Informatics
HealthCare Informatics
Please pay attention to the questions asked. Proper English and original paper. Ensure all the areas are answered with subtopics so that the paper flow.
For this assignment, write a 1,000-1,250 word paper in which you:
1. Select a technology that has been explored in the course.
2. Using the technology, you have selected, define and describe how the element would be measured or evaluated.
3. Using the content in the textbook and other readings, list three elements that will be used to evaluate the user-technology interface.
4. Perform an assessment using elements of user-technology interface or human factors methods to determine functionality.
5. For each element, propose practicable suggestions for improvement using support from the literature.
Quantitative Methods: t Tests and ANOVA
Quantitative Methods: t Tests and ANOVA
Week 5 Independent t Test Exercises
To prepare:
Refer to the Week 5 t Test Exercises and follow the directions to perform a t test.
Download and save the Polit2SetC.sav data set. You will open the data file in SPSS.
Compare your data output against the tables presented in the Week 5 t Test Exercises SPSS Output.
Formulate an initial interpretation of the meaning or implication of your calculations.
Refer to the Week 5 ANOVA Exercises and follow the directions to perform an ANOVA using the Polit2SetA.sav data set.
Formulate an initial interpretation of the meaning or implication of your calculations.
To complete:
Complete the Part I, Part II, and Part III steps and Assignments as outlined in the Week 5 t Test Exercises page.
Complete the steps and Assignment as outlined in the Week 5 ANOVA Exercises page.
Create one document with your responses to the t test exercises and the ANOVA exercises.
Part I
The hypothesis being tested is: Women who are working will have a lower level of depression as compared to women who are not working.
Using Polit2SetC SPSS dataset, which contains a number of mental health variables, determine if the above hypothesis is true.
Follow these steps when using SPSS:
1. Open Polit2SetC dataset.
2. Click Analyze then click Compare Means, then Independent Sample T-test.
3. Move the Dependent Variable (CES_D Score “cesd”) in the area labelled Test Variable.
4. Move the Independent Variable (Currently Employed “worknow”) into the area labelled Grouping Variable. The worknow variable is coded as (0= those women who do not work and 1= those women who are working). Click on Define Groups in group 1 box type 0 and in group 2 box type 1. Click Continue.
5. Click continue and then click OK.
Assignment: Through analysis of the data and use of the questions below write one to two paragraphs summarizing your findings from this t-test.
1. How many women were employed versus not employed in the sample?
2. What is the total sample size?
3. What are the mean (SD) CES-D scores for each group?
4. Interpret the Levene’s statistic. (Hint: Is the assumption of homogeneity of variance met? Are equal variances assumed or not assumed?)
5. What is the value of the t-statistic, number of degrees of freedom and the p-value?
6. Does the data support the hypothesis? Why or why not?
Part II
Hypothesis: Women who reported depression scores in wave 1 and wave 2 of the study did not have a significant difference in their level of depression.
Using Polit2SetC SPSS dataset, determine if the above hypothesis is true.
Follow these steps when using SPSS:
1. Open Polit2SetC dataset.
2. Click Analyze then click Compare Means, then Paired Samples T-test.
3. First click on CES-D Score (cesd) and move it into the box labelled Paired Variables (in the rectangle for Pair 1 of Variable 1 and then click on CESD Score, Wave 1 (cesdwav1) and move it into the Paired Variables box (in the rectangle next to CES-D Score, pair 1, variable 2).
4. Click continue and then click OK.
Assignment: Through analysis of the data and use of the questions below write one to two paragraphs summarizing your findings from this t-test.
1. What is the total sample size?
2. What are the mean (SD) CES-D scores at wave 1 and wave 2?
3. What is the mean difference between the two time periods?
4. What is the value of the t-statistic, number of degrees of freedom and the p-value(sig)?
5. Does the data support the hypothesis? Why or why not?
Conscientious Objection and Patient Rights
Conscientious Objection and Patient Rights
Post a comprehensive response(250-350 words) to the following:
• Do health care workers have the right to conscientiously object to providing care if it varies from their own personal moral and ethical belief system? Please explain by providing an example.
•How would you apply the four ethical principles to your example?
• How might your answer differ based on your chosen profession in health care?
References to the files below:
Cantor, J. (2009). Conscientious Objection Gone Awry — Restoring Selfless Professionalism in Medicine. The New England Journal of Medicine. 360(15), p. 1484.
Cantor, J. & Baum, K. (2004) The Limits of Conscientious Objection – May Pharmacists Refuse to Fill Prescriptions for Emergency Contraception? The New England Journal of Medicine. 351(19), 2008-2012.
Performance management
Performance management
Post a description of the performance appraisal system used in your workplace, including how performance standards are created and communicated to employees. Describe the effectiveness of the performance appraisal system by sharing at least two strengths and two areas for improvement. Conclude your posting by explaining how you might incorporate positive discipline into your performance management approach and what impact you think it will have.