Archive for January, 2018

English Paper Web Vulnibilities

English Paper Web Vulnibilities

Please write a paper on the topic listed below.


Topic: Vulnerable Web Applications


The paper should be doubled spaced, should be approximately 7 pages long, there should be no plagiarism, all sources used for this paper should be cited in an APA format. Also in this paper please state what is wrong with vulnerable web applications today also please state the solution to this problem as well.


This paper should include a title page, project purpose, hypothesis, tasks or actions, audience, proposed research and discussion, conclusion, reference. Please put quotes in quotation and refer them to the source. All you have to do is arrange this paper in the order listed above.

Please write a paper on the topic listed below.


Topic: Vulnerable Web Applications


The paper should be doubled spaced, should be approximately 7 pages long, there should be no plagiarism, all sources used for this paper should be cited in an APA format. Also in this paper please state what is wrong with vulnerable web applications today also please state the solution to this problem as well.


This paper should include a title page, project purpose, hypothesis, tasks or actions, audience, proposed research and discussion, conclusion, reference. Please put quotes in quotation and refer them to the source. All you have to do is arrange this paper in the order listed above. This paper should include 15 powerpoint slides.


Note: The instructor will be running this paper through chalk and wire to check for any plagiarism please make sure all your information that is used for this paper should be in APA format. Please tend to use less resources someone writing this paper should have computer science experience or someone should be experienced and familiar with the topic above. Please write this paper as accurately as possible.

Discussion 5

Using your course textbook, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, research on episodes of exposure to pesticides that caused adverse health outcomes in humans. 

Choose one episode and respond to the following questions: 

 What are the health effects that the pesticide exposure caused in humans? What are the steps that could have been taken to prevent the adverse health outcomes from occurring? What are the changes required in the existing law that could discourage the reoccurrence of such exposures? Apart from law enforcement, what are the other ways to prevent future occurrences of such episodes? Explain the association between exposure to pesticides and health effects Cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format

ABS200 Week 1 Introduction

Post Your Introduction

Discussion Participation If you do not see the "Reply" link, or any responses, you may need to scroll down the page. When you are the first to contribute, you will see only the "Reply" link. If any classmates have posted, you will see their comments, along with the "Reply" link. The "Reply" link – as well as any responses – will be displayed at the bottom of the page.




Prepare.png Prepare: Prior to completing this discussion, be sure to interact with the Applied Psychology learning object located in the left navigation bar for this week. Next, access the preface in your textbook, and explore the additional Applied Psychology learning object.  


Reflect.png Reflect: Begin to reflect on which career fields may appeal to you. You may also conduct an Internet search of careers in applied behavioral science or applied psychology to find additional options.  


Write.png Write: Introduce yourself to your peers and the instructor on the first day of class. In your initial post, identify your degree program (e.g., psychology, education, applied behavioral sciences), career goals, and any plans for post-baccalaureate education or training. Comment on what you currently understand to be the basic characteristics of science and the definition of applied behavioral science/applied psychology. Explain briefly why you think understanding and applying the knowledge you will be learning in this course could be useful to you in your current or future career. Next, list at least one career you read about of particular interest to you. Along with the career title(s), provide a brief description of the career(s) you listed. Explain why the career(s) interest you. Discuss any transferable skills and knowledge you have from your current or previous careers, volunteering, and/or community service which are applicable to the careers you identified. Include a reference list identifying where you obtained the information about the careers you listed.

You must utilize at least one scholarly source (e.g., professional web source) and include in-text citations and a reference list that are in accordance with APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. For further assistance in researching scholarly sources, be sure to access the tutorials page on the Ashford University Library website.


Discuss.png Respond to Peers: Review several of your classmates’ posts, and welcome at least three of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 3 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful interactive discourse in this discussion. Comment on which classmates’ areas of interest are similar to yours. Be sure to discuss how learning more about the topics your classmates are interested in might add to your own knowledge and skills.

Continue to monitor the discussion forum until 5:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST) on Day 7 of the week, and respond to anyone who replies to your initial post. In addition to responding to at least three of your classmates, you are required to respond to any questions your instructor asks you prior to 5:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST) on Day 7.

Environmental Health Issues


Environmental Health Issues

You have learned about the various environmental issues, including physical, chemical and biological agents that impact our health.

Based on your understanding of the environmental issues, create a 5page Microsoft Word document that includes the answers to the following questions:


Examine the regulatory agencies related to your chosen environmental agent? What is the role of these agencies?

Discuss the environmental standards related to your chosen agent? How will these standards decrease the hazards in your local community?

Analyze the factors (such as physical, cognitive, behavioral, financial, and emotional) that can influence your chosen environmental issue. Describe the impact of your chosen environmental issue on a diverse population. Support using examples.

Evaluate the ways in which the environmental issue will impact the involved staff. Also, discuss how different staff will be involved to deal with the issue.

Submission Details

Support your responses with reasoning and examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Homework 7

Environmental toxicology examines how environmental exposures to chemical pollutants may present risks to biological organisms, particularly animals, birds, and fishes. Exposure to a physical, chemical, or biological agent may arise from a number of environmental sources, including the workplace, the home, and the medications and foods that we consume. On the list of hazardous chemicals and other agents that impact human reproduction negatively are pesticides, drugs, and heavy metals.


Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research on the following topics:


Physical Agents

Chemical Agents

Biological Agents

On the basis of your research and understanding of the topic, answer the following questions:


Identify and describe five factors that affect responses to a toxic chemical.

What determines the toxicity of a chemical? To what extent do you agree with the assumption that "all substances are poisons"?

What is human exposure assessment? Explain some of the methods of exposure assessment.

Why is epidemiology important to research studies of environmental health? Give reasoning to support your answer.

What are some of the important limitations of the epidemiologic approach with respect to the study of environmental health problems?

Create a 3 page Microsoft Word document that includes the answers to the above questions.

emergency management

For the last question, you will set up an Incident Command System for a disaster that has struck the community of Edonton.


1. Complete the question on a Word document and upload the attachment (NOTE: You will not use the ICS Forms)

2. APA formatting is not necessary but you must use the Times New Roman 12 point font

3. Assign all needed areas of the ICS to control the incident

4. Define the roles and responsibilities for each area of the ICS

5. You will need a full command staff, and general staff as well as any other areas of the ICS that is needed for this incident

6. Make sure that your answer is organized in a way that is easy to understand.

This is a 30 point question so be very detailed but do not let this part of the exam overwhelm you. There is no minimum page requirement but you must fully develop the ICS.



At 10:05a.m. today, a tornado hit the community of Edenton. The downtown area was hardest hit. People have reported damage to homes, and businesses have been affected as well. No fatalities have been reported. Three people with injuries have been taken to the Edenton Community Hospital, which is also reporting some damage. As many as 10 people are missing. The downtown fire station is destroyed/inoperable. Two other fire stations are operational.



A large fire has broken out in downtown Water mains are cut. 10 percent of the population has sustained injuries. Utility lines are down. Animals in the zoo have escaped from their cages. Looters are rampaging downtown. Sewers have backed up, endangering public health. Many houses are destroyed/inhabitable and shelters will be needed. A hazardous spill has occurred. A major road has been affected.


You grade will be based on how detailed you are in your answer.

Applied Sciences

Unit IV Scholarly Activity Art Creation and Analysis Your task is to create a piece of art that reflects a text that has some meaning to you. The art can be in any form you can imagine. You can paint, draw, sing, perform a dance, take a photo, make pottery, make a collage with magazine pictures, create a meal, or whatever you can think of. You can use any text that is important to you. It can be a religious text, but it does not have to be. You could use a poem, a song, a newspaper story, a letter from an old friend, or anything else that has some value to you. You do not have to be an artist to do this assignment and you do not have to be an expert in symbolism. The point of this assignment is to see the connection between art and religion by creating your own art and your own symbolism. By participation in the analysis of a text based on your beliefs of what it means and creating a work of art based on those beliefs, you might better be able to analyze works of art and their connection to religion. Consider what you read in the Unit III lecture concerning exegesis. Take into consideration every element that might affect how you interpret the piece of text for your art. What is your cultural lens through which you are reading the text? (Think back to your spiritual autobiography in Unit I.) Who is the author of the text? What is the author’s culture? Who was the intended audience of the text and what is their culture like? What is the purpose of the format of the text (Scripture, poem, story, etc.)? What is the grammar and sentence structure like? These are all elements to consider as you analyze your chosen text. Follow each step in the list below. 1. Choose a text to analyze. (It can be as small as one or two sentences from a piece of work. You do not need to choose an entire piece of work, as that would be too much to contain in one piece of art.) REL 2350, Philosophies of World Religions 4 2. Read the text several times and write a short summary of what it means to you. This can be just a list or words. Consider this to be a brainstorming activity. 3. Decide what form of art you think would best convey the meaning the text has for you. Ask your professor if you have any questions about whether or not what you want to create would be considered art for the purposes of this assignment. 4. Create the piece of art. (Try to make it something fairly simple that will not take up too much time using whatever supplies you might have around the house.) 5. Write an essay, at least 250 words in length, explaining the choices you made with your art and how each choice reflects the text you chose. Be sure to consider the list of exegetical questions provided in the paragraph above. 6. Submit your essay. As we are in an online setting, you will need to take a digital picture of your art and include it with the essay document. Only one document can be submitted. If you have created something on the computer, you can copy and paste that into the essay document. If you have created something on the internet, such as a YouTube video, you can provide the link in the essay document. Be sure to contact your professor via email if you have any issues with submission. 

Research Worksheet

CJ490: Research Methods in Criminal Justice

Unit 1 Worksheet


Student Name: _______________________________________________________

After completing the course activities, answer the four following questions with 200-350 words each. Cite your work using APA as needed. Provide your full source references at the end of worksheet.


1. Identify and describe the four purposes of research in criminal justice.




2. Provide a basic criminal justice example for each of the 4 purposes of research identified in question 1 above (it may be easier to provide a separate example for each purpose).




3. Explain the relationship among the 4 purposes of research? Can some purposes stand on their own?






4. A Chief of Police has started a task force to identify the location of the highest crime areas. Based on the 4 purposes of research, determine the best research purpose(s) for this project. Explain your reasoning.




Discussion 3

Complete the following discussions using your textbook and chromosomal mutations PDF:


1.Describe a genetic disorder resulting from one of the mutations listed in the table. What is the mode of inheritance of your chosen disorder? What does the affected gene sequence look like in comparison to the normal sequence? What is the change in the amino acid sequence as a result of the disorder?

2.Describe the DNA repair process in eukaryotes. Why do you think this process is absent in mitochondrial DNA? What properties of mitochondrial DNA prevent it from repairing itself?

3.Describe two purposes of performing a karyotype (other than detecting abnormal chromosome numbers). In your opinion, should karyotyping be performed in the early stages of pregnancy to look for genetic disorders? Why or why not?

Identify two types of chromosomal abnormalities that can result from addition, deletion, or duplication of genetic material and describe how it happens. 4.Describe a genetic disorder that can result from one of the aberrations identified by you.

View the PDF transcript for Chromosomal Mutations

Discussion 4

On the basis of your research and your readings and understanding of the above topics, answer the following questions:


Which environmental hazard, such as the pollutant or pollutants, caused the most adverse health outcomes and why?

What are the various adverse health outcomes that occurred as a result of exposure to the environmental hazard?

What are the steps that were taken to prevent the adverse health outcomes from occurring? Should there be any other step that was necessary to prevent the adverse health outcome? Explain.

Suggest the ways to prevent future occurrences of such episodes.

Is there an association between environmental hazards and adverse health outcomes in humans? Why or why not?

Analyze and explain the exposure-disease relationship for each of these three events.

What do you think is the impact of these events on the communities where they occurred?

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