Archive for January, 2018

REVISION: CONTINUATION Vulnerabilities and exploitation of digital certificates

REVISION: CONTINUATION Vulnerabilities and exploitation of digital certificates

Revision comments

10/20/2017 12:33PM:
– The literature is rather old for an Msc project in computer science. The most references should be within the last 3 years (2015-16-17).
– As you mention a framework will be given for the safe usage of digital certificates. As there is a danger that the project will be just a review, we need to formulate the architecture of an application that will provide this guarantee to the user. The analysis, design and mockups of this application must be included. Of course real implementation is not needed.

please continue working with file "Order__164740.docx", delete plagiarism and address the latest revision comments (mentioned above) because they were not still addressed


In this work, we intend to give an outline of the technological infrastructure of the digital certificates, overview the most important business cases of their usages, investigate the various vulnerabilities, analyse the exploitation techniques that are known and, finally, provide a framework of mitigation and prevention methods.
The study is based on the reports of the software industry analysts and the requirements of modern distributed information systems. Deliverables of good practices and up-to-date technical approaches will be given. The project will be evaluated to the technical and analytic approach and the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.


REVISION Fast Fashion

REVISION Fast Fashion

Revision comments

After completing the 1st part of 2,500 words. pls ask the writer to continue the next part of 2,500 words for the next week submission thank you.

Hi team.
Thank you for your email.
The writer is good but can offer more commentary on the references used & organised the paragraph/sentences to avoid repeats.

The referencing format is wrong, the writer did not followed the Level 6 format according to the study skills guide book uploaded.
The professor is very harsh marking on format & have zero tolerance if the format are not followed properly. Please request writer to pay special attention to follow the format required otherwise I will failed & put more effort to help me achieved a first class standard A grade as this is my resubmission paper.

Please quickly upload the final version draft of 2500 words as I am required to meet the Professor this morning. I have to submit the completed paper of 6200 words to the Professor by the deadline.
Thank you for your kind understanding.

12/4/17 6.29 AM
Hi team
I have urgently posted the Professor's notes & uploaded the correct dissertation template for the writer to follow in order for the writer to be on the right track but everything remains unchanged. The draft 2 remains the same as draft 1.
I have requested a top writer for a fashion dissertation paper not a business paper.
Kindly draw the writer attention to start over the paper according to the attachment, Professor notes & using the correct template.
A link has been provided in the attachment to give an overview how the paper looks like.

Notes from the Professor to follow :-

Chapter 1: Introduction (What is fast fashion? What are the issues?)

– Explain what you will do in this essay

Chapter 2: Background research (History, Critiques, Theories)

Chapter 3: Apply to case study 1 (i.e. how many seasons, fast fashion)

Chapter 4: Apply to case study 2 (Negative Consequences i.e. labour, environment)

Chapter 5: Conclusion.

Agreed Action

Chapter outline: what you will do in each chapter + what sources you primary will use.

: Think about primary research.
check file attached

12/11/2017 12:28 AM
Please find in the attachment the list of amendments/instructions required by the Professor.
As the professor has zero tolerance on omissions and errors, kindly draw the writer's attention to amend the paper properly according to the instructions given in the attachment.
Thank you for your understanding & prompt action.

12/13/17 10:08 pm
I need your help urgently to get the writer to respond to my latest message urgently as I have a meeting with the Professor shortly. The writer has forgotten to add the references at the end of the referencing page.
I received the draft very late & I don't have enough time to check but I will do it later.
I want the writer to provide the missing information asap. I already look bad infront of the Professor by showing a business paper.

12/14/117 5 AM
The writer did not reference a lot of sections.
Chapter 2 History & Theories have no reference & the whole of Chapter 3.
so much damage done when I presented a business paper.
I received warnings due to this.
If the writer knows the work, I will not faced these issues.

How many times I have to remind this is not a business paper.
If the writer knows the paper. I don't even need to tell him the format is wrong, there are no references in sections……. & references does not appear at the end.
I am asking for a writer to help me solve the problem not giving more problems.

12/18/2017 7:42AM
Feedback in MS

12/21/17 9.00 AM
Kindly inform the writer whatever he is writing please add reference.
I attached herewith the checked new draft for the writer urgent action.
Please tell the writer to use website 'citethisforme' for references as there is not much time left.
Thank you.
check the new file attached

12/22/17 2 AM
see attached file

12/24/17 6:53 am
check draft feedback attached

12/27/2017 9:13 PM
check the file '188621_final'
include few relatable pictures from reliable source & amend the abstract as well following the body of the text. Appreciate him to perfect the paper & not miss out anything from the feedback given as there is not much time left thanks. Also to keep the Total words count of the paper to 6100 words excluding the abstract.

12/31/17 5:58 AM
Dear Support Team
The writer didn't do much with the latest revised paper. He only change the sentences and yet the referencing style is still wrong not according to Harvard style.
I have provided a detailed easy to follow instruction in the previous feedback (copy attached) but the writer didn't look for articles and develop the idea. There is a lot of repetition and the words are empty not representing a wider meaning in the entire study. A lot of sentences could be shorter without using super long words to explain something. A lot of repetition of ideas and repetition of words such as moreover and as a result as if there is no other transition word available.
The paper should have a flow but in this case it is structured as very independent of each section not showing any link.

Please urgently asked the writer to amend accordingly to the detailed instructions provided and follow the attached referencing guide.

Appreciate your urgent attention and response.

Kind regards

12/31/2017 7:46pm
Chapter 5 no reference.
The total word count.
Don't repeat the same referencing.
Referencing style wrong
Abstract to align with body text after the whole paper is finish.
The total word count to 6100
Please amend according to the bullet points.

1/1/2018 9:14PM:
I forward herewith the feedback and referencing guide for the writer urgent attention and action. I appreciate the writer full support to amend the paper urgently according to the feedback.
Kindly deliver the fully corrected paper a.s.a.p. to meet the deadline. Kindly be advised the entire paper must have a flow and link and not jumping from one topic to another. Please pay attention to the sections highlighted. I don't see the flow nor do I understand what the writer trying to say particularly Chapter 5 (Conclusion).
Please look up for articles instead of rearranging the sentence, double check all the references & referencing style, amend abstract to follow the content of the entire paper after it is properly corrected. Are the pictures original from original book?
The word count for each sections as follows –
Intro – 900 words
Chapter 2 – 2000 words
Chapter 3 – 1250 words
Chapter 4 – 1250 words
Chapter 5 – 700 words

Thank you in advance tor seriously address all the issues highlighted during this crucial moment.

1/2/18 10:38 AM
1)Chapter 1 – Introduction

1.1 What Fast Fashion is.

Fast fashion stores are not replenished and customers do not hesitate to buy fashion items before it gets out of fashion since they are not available for long in the market (Barnes and Lea-Greenwood 2006).

This is the case for Zara but does not applies to all fast fashion retailers. Zara does not replenish their stock because their supply chain is agile. Its production is within Europe. The same cannot be said for many other fast fashion retailers who relies heavily on outsourcing production in Far East.

2)Chapter 2 – 2.3 Cultures of Consumption

Global consumption is increasingly becoming a relevant subject for fashion retailers and designers within the fashion industry (Bhardwaj and Fairhurst, 2010). International markets and free trade have provided a larger market base within which revenue can be derived (Hines and Bruce, 2007). However, there are ethical concerns that arise from the venture into various markets. Free trade, for example, is authorized and enhanced through the World Trade Organization (Hines and Bruce, 2007). However, fair trade has become a worldwide discourse because of the increased deflection of customers to ethical consumption. (Giesen, 2008).

There is no flow & nothing related in the entire section about Cultures of consumption in fast fashion.

The knock offs from High end to High street such as ZARA and H&M have capture many consumers who wish to be in trend in the fashion world.

The lifespan of each garment from the high street doesnt last long due to its poor quality and deterioration easily, which cause consumerism to spend more to keep their wardrobe updated.

3)2.5 Fashion Trends Influenced by Social Media and Magazines

2.6 Global Trend

Many fashion retailers such as the H & M companies are moving towards the sustainable production. (Fletcher, 2013).

Many fast fashion retailers such as H&M are moving towards sustainable production through their Conscious Collection for instance.


3.1 Fashion Shaping Culture

Fashion has influenced innovation within the society from the 1700s (TED Institute 2017). Not only did fashion inspire the creation of technologies which were used in the electrical and steam industry, it has also influenced social norms and values (TED Institute 2017). Through changes that occurred in the field, societal norms were questioned resulting in movements such as feminism which liberated women such as gender equality and social justice movements.

From Technology to social movement, both are not related to Fast Fashion.

Can add not just feminism, Zoot, Suit, Riot and Black Panther movement both play a big role in shaping the notion about culture and idea.

5)3.3 Cheap and Fast

Fast fashion consumers, however have no inclination to move towards ethical consumption and slow fashion, despite the knowledge of the environmental and social impacts of fast fashion (Giesen, 2008).

All fast fashion consumers or Most fast fashion consumers.


4.1 Pollution and Environmental Degradation

The garments given back to manufacturers cannot be put to meaningful use because of the low quality of materials which are used in their manufacture. The fashion companies can decide to open the fiber to fiber recycling which can replace the loop recycling process.

Discovery of fibre to fibre recycling practiced by many retailers. There are other recycling strategy e.g cotton to cotton and etc. I have suggested fibre to fibre recycling as an example of strategy used by Fast Fashion retailers. Please do more research on this because just this sentence does not carry any weight at all.

7)4.3 Rana Plaza incident

Consumers also prefer to have knowledge of the impact that their consumer choices have on other peoples lives. However, oblivion does not dispute the existence of exploitation in the countries wherein the dresses are generated.

Consumers demand transparency nowadays. Previously, it was concealed by organisations and media. Now it is known. More awareness has been created since Rana Plaza incident.

The entire section is too short, please elaborate more about the effects of the high-risk accident. What happens after this incident? How did Fast Fashion retailers react? Did they partake in more CSR activities? Do they engage in sustainable practices? Answer is Yes, please give more details on this. While others fairly repetitive sentences and not bearing a lot of critical analysis in other section can be shorten.

8)Chapter 5 needs referencing to support your point

Google book Fast Fashion books

add points such as sustainability and recycling to relatable chapter i.e Chapter 3 & 4

9)Chapter 3 is missing from The Table of Contents.

10)Please double check all references & referencing style are in order.

11)Please check word count Total 6100 words

Chapter 1 Intro – 900 words

Chapter 2 – 2000 words

Chapter 3 – 1250 words

Chapter 4 – 1250 words

Chapter 5 Conclusion 700 words

01/02/2018 16:39 PM: I have forwarded many times the very detailed feedback for the writer to properly fully amend the paper accordingly and until now nothing is done.
When it is possible to have the fully corrected paper as I am in this crucial moment?


Order form for
6,200 words Harvard system writing Dissertation Resubmission
Plagiarism report

Referencing of 60 books or more from Anthens Online Library, other websites or media.
Urgent request to prepare 1st draft of 1000 words to be ready by the draft deadline
Kindly follow Study Skills guidebook uploaded to meet university requirements.

This is a resubmission dissertation special request for top writers from PhD/Masters degree level expert in Fashion/Cultural Studies from UK reputable university.
To achieve First Class Standard A Grade (70% and above)
Duration of 7weeks to work with writer till the final submission with unlimited amendments.


Photography, Jo Spence and Francesca Woodman

Photography, Jo Spence and Francesca Woodman


3 Files attached with all instructions. Please read all 3 word documents before proceeding.

The Transience of Traditional Art Forms: The Methods And Values Of Reviving The Endangered Practice Of Miao Embroidery From The Late Qing Dynasty.

The Transience of Traditional Art Forms: The Methods And Values Of Reviving The Endangered Practice Of Miao Embroidery From The Late Qing Dynasty.


A 8000 thesis needs to be written, some research are done and will be discussed with the writer.

I have done and handed in a thesis draft with assessment from the tutor which will also be uploaded for writer's reference and direction. (this draft is not assessed and just for a direction for student for development).

I would like to include some of the sources (literature review sources mentioned from the thesis draft) in the thesis.

I will also need to discuss with the writer regarding to my ethnography research before putting into the thesis.




each ratio should be included on a separate table to show the calculation

Project Financing Case Study (Project Sukuk, Islamic Finance)

Project Financing Case Study (Project Sukuk, Islamic Finance)


This is a case study on project financing on a Power Plant in Malaysia. I will upload the information memorandum of the project which is mostly financed by a Project Sukuk.
I will also provide a word file with a very detailed outline that indicates the information you will find on the information memorandum and to provide an idea on how the thesis should be structured.
The info memo also contains CashFlow forecasts, which are wrong on the main info memo. I will send you the supplemental info memo with the correct values (on the appendix).
The outline i will provide is just to give an idea of the work to be done, not the actual outline. I would also need someone who can perform different types of financial analysis, risk analysis, sensitivity analysis and monte carlo simulations on a few variables not covered by insurance.
– The variables i have put on the word file for the sensitivity analysis are not the actual variables to be analysed. They are just to give an idea.
-In the word file i will also provide an Abstract with some questions that the thesis is supposed to answer. I would also like that to be written a bit better.
Lastly, Please send me the outline before you proceed with the writing as it needs to be approved by my professor first.

Please let me know if i can help with anything.
Best Regards,


International Human Rights Law

International Human Rights Law


1) 3500 word coursework on the title
2) Powerpoint presentation with 8 slides (excluding name and contents)
200 word explanatory notes (word doc) to explain each slide. Also writing 3 small paragraphs on the possible questions that may be asked following the presentations, such as reform etc
3) Please provide acurate refrencing (oscola) and footnotes(cw) as per the instructions on each the assignment doc uploaded.
4) Lastly, please drop me an email so that i can forward my class notes, instructions, class presentations in order to secure the best grade.


Art museum essay

Art museum essay



For the Unit VII Essay, you will visit an art museum of your choice. You may visit one in person or take a virtual tour via the Internet. Below is a list of museums that offer virtual tours that you may want to review for this assignment. Please note that you are not limited to this list:
 Louvre
 National Gallery of Art
 The National Gallery
You may select a virtual tour from this list or use the list included under the Websites tab in the Art Appreciation Libguide in the CSU Library at this link. Please include the name and location of your museum in your introductory paragraph.
For this essay, write about two artworks from the periods we read about in Unit VII: Renaissance, Baroque, Impressionist, or Post-Impressionist periods.
For each piece, address the following:
 Include the title, artist, date, medium, and scale.
 Describe the artwork.
 Describe the artist’s role in his or her society/community.
 What do you think is the artist’s message?
 What are the cultural significances of this piece?
 What historical elements are included in this piece?
ART 1301, Art Appreciation I 6
Your essay will be at least five pages in length and include the following:
 Title page (1 page)
 Written Essay (2 pages)
 Image(s) (1 page)
 References (1 page)
Use Times New Roman 12- point font. Double space all lines, and indent the first line of each paragraph. Your title page should be correctly formatted with a Running Head and page number listed in the Header area. Include your title, name, and school centered on the title page. Your written essay should contain at least three paragraphs (including an introductory and conclusion). Your last page will have the word References centered at the top.
All sources used, including the museum, must be cited and included on the reference page. When you use a statement from any outside source, you need to credit the source in this format: (last name of author (s), year) at the end of the sentence before the period.
For direct quotes, use quotation marks and add the page number to your citation. An example of a citation for a quotation from page 5 of our textbook would be (Frank, 2014, p. 5).
If you would like additional assistance with APA, click here to access the CSU Citation Guide.
Click here to access an example of this essay. Please note that this example essay does not follow the above directions,
but it does provide guidance on formatting and style.
Note: If you are having trouble researching your museum artworks, you may find it helpful to search e-books for additional information. By choosing the fine arts topic first, then typing in a specific style of art (such as Renaissance or Baroque artists), you will find several options in the Art Appreciation Libguide.

Differential Diagnosis and Primary Care

Differential Diagnosis and Primary Care


This paper needs to be on Kawasaki Disease.
I've included the instructions (skip and ignore the part about doing a video presentation, I will be doing that myself from the paper).
This paper will ask for 5 peer reviewed journals, not older than 5 years. It asks you to use the Chamberlain library, which is If there's any problems, just use reviewed nursing journals.
I'm EMAILING the instructions to support


Financial Planning and Control

Financial Planning and Control


Follow attached instructions to complete 13 problems with explanation

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