Archive for January, 2018

Impact Unemployment on GDP growth

Impact Unemployment on GDP growth

Regression Analysis for the Impact Unemployment on GDP growth for some countries .



Explain the major differences between analyzing a one-way ANOVA versus a two-factor ANOVA, and explain why factorial designs with two or more independent variables (or factors) can become very difficult to interpret.

Penalties and discipline for teacher misconduct

Penalties and discipline for teacher misconduct

Penalties and discipline for teacher misconduct Penalties for teacher misconduct can be imposed at the school/district level and at the state level pertaining to certification and licensure. When should discipline be handled at the local level? The state level? When should discipline also involve teacher licensure? What are some examples of disciplinary measures that can be taken at each level and what conduct do you think they would be imposed for?

Benchmark Gospel

Benchmark Gospel

Details: In this assignment you will summarize and analyze the essential elements of the Christian worldview and reflect on implications for your own worldview. Write a 1,250-1,500-word essay using at least two course resources (textbook, lectures, the Bible) and at least two other sources from the GCU Library to support your points. Remember, the Bible counts as one reference regardless of how many times you use it or how many verses you cite. Begin your paper with an appropriate introduction, including a thesis statement to introduce the purpose of the paper. Organize your paper with the following sections using the seven underlined titles for subheadings. The Christian Worldview: Describe the beliefs of the Christian worldview with regard to the following components corresponding to Topics 2-5. Write at least one paragraph for each component using the underlined title for a subheading. God: What is God like? What are God's characteristics? What is his creation? Humanity: What is human nature? What is human purpose? What is the root cause of human problems? Jesus: What is Jesus' true identity? What did Jesus do? Why is Jesus' identity and work significant for the Christian worldview? Restoration: What is the solution to human problems according to the Christian worldview? What role do grace and faith play in Christian salvation? How do Christians think that the transformation of self and society happens? Analysis: Analyze the Christian worldview by addressing each of the following questions: What are the benefits or strengths of Christian belief? What is troublesome or confusing about Christianity? How does Christianity influence a person's thinking and behavior? Reflection: Reflect on your worldview by answering one of the following questions: If you are not a Christian, what similarities and differences are there between your worldview and the Christian worldview? I am not Christian my worldview is pantheism so that is what this paper would need to have on it. If you are a Christian, how specifically do you live out the beliefs of the Christian worldview? Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.

reli448 final exam 2017 feb25

reli448 final exam 2017 feb25

Question 1.1. (TCO 1) A common element often found in religions is: (Points : 4) respect for sculpture. feelings of wonder. rules governing meditation. use of permanent places of worship. Question 2.2. (TCO 1) The position that argues that we cannot know whether there is a god or not is known as: (Points : 4) monotheism. polytheism. atheism. agnosticism. Question 3.3. (TCO 2) Who was the American psychologist who viewed religion as a positive way of fulfilling needs and praised its positive influence on the lives of individuals? (Points : 4) James Frazer Carl Gustav Jung Sigmund Freud William James

APOL 104 Biblical Worldview Assignment

APOL 104 Biblical Worldview Assignment

APOL 104 Biblical Worldview Assignment. (The Natural World, Human Identity, Human Relationships, Culture).

APOL 104 Quiz 3 Answers

APOL 104 Quiz 3 Answers

Apol Quiz 3 1. God revealing himself through nature is known as: 2. The three most prominent or primary worldviews in our world today are naturalism, pantheism, and theism: 3. Evolution is ultimately based upon faith: 4. If a secularist rejects the bible, don’t encourage him/her to read the bible until you give him/her a good apologetic response to their objections: 5. The invention of the Gutenberg printing press influenced both the reformation and the renaissance: 6. The Buddha rejected the caste system of Hinduism and declared that everyone had an equal opportunity to reach nirvana: 7. Holding a proper worldview demands a standard for measuring which of the following: 8. The search for truth is known as the science of: 9. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are examples of theistic worldviews: 10. There are no external evidences for the truthfulness of the bible:

APOL 104 Quiz 4 Answers

APOL 104 Quiz 4 Answers

Apol 104 Quiz 4 1. The Old Testament records over 100 prophecies predicting the coming of Christ which Jesus fulfilled. 2. Salvation is earned by believing in Jesus Christ and by doing good works. 3. According to the bible, the true gauge of holiness that humans are judged against is the holiness of God. 4. Person can be saved through General Revelation alone. 5. According to Dr. Ben Gutierrez the measuring stick by which we should view ourselves is: 6. Repentance occurs after salvation and is not a means to salvation. 7. Getting someone to pray to receive Christ is evidence that he/she has been saved. 8. The idea that people who have never heard of Jesus Christ will receive a second chance to accept him after this life is not supported in the bible. 9. Most scholars agree that James became a follower of Christ after he saw him resurrected. 10. Which of the following eyewitnesses of Christ’s resurrection do recent scholars agree is the most reliable witness?

APOL 104 Quiz 5 Answers

APOL 104 Quiz 5 Answers

Apol 104 Quiz 5 1. The Hindu heaven is a physical placed called Nirvana. 2. Since the fall of humanity (Genesis Chapter 3) mankind has sought to declare independence from God. 3. The founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama, was a poor peasant boy who was disturbed by the plight of the poor and the apathy of the wealthy. 4. Humans create truth through trial and error. 5. The Buddhists seeks to follow the Middle Way which keeps a person from the extremes of indulging or punishing the flesh. 6. The Buddhist belief in nirvana is essentially the same as the Christian belief in heaven. 7. Buddhism was once a sect of, and eventually split from: 8. The Hindu is more concerned with the rituals and rites that they follow, than the gods they worship. 9. Most religions are exclusive. They believe their way is the only way to truth. 10. The Buddhist does believe in a personal God so this is a good place to start when sharing Jesus with them.

APOL 104 Quiz 6 Answers

APOL 104 Quiz 6 Answers

Apol 104 Quiz 6A

1. A conventional relativist assumes that what is right in his/her society would also be true in another society.

2. Soft Determinism is less harsh in its rhetoric than hard determinism but the two are consistent in the final outcome.

3. God’s restrictive boundaries for human behavior first began:

4. A person who determines morality based upon what man says or thinks is approaching morality

. 5. Christian ethics contends that the absolute standard of goodness is the very person of God.

6. Hedonism views actions by their resulting:

7. Hedonism does not acknowledge the existence of moral absolutes.

8. Determinism provides a means to avoid moral responsibility.

9. I believe that abortion is morally right because a majority of people in this community believe it to be so. This is an example of:

10. Jesus made the assertion that there is a direct relation between the way people treat ____ and the way they revere and respect God.

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