Archive for January, 2018

SOCIOLOGY 415 – How does the corporate drive for profit

SOCIOLOGY 415 – How does the corporate drive for profit

How does the corporate drive for profit maximization and competition lead to concentration of global economic and political power in the hands of a very small minority? (try to explain as specific as you can



explain that social problems are socially constructed

explain that social problems are socially constructed

explain that social problems are socially constructed. (1) Explain this statement and discuss this concept. (2) After doing so, apply this approach to the social problems of racism, sexism, and homophobia.



SOCS185 – all of the social theories and the theories

SOCS185 – all of the social theories and the theories

according to all of the social theories and the theories based on socialization, the family is the first and primary agent of socialization for children. What are differences in ways of socializing children based on the family form being either nuclear, extended, single, or same sex?

What is a family, How are families changing today

What is a family, How are families changing today

What is a family? How are families changing today?

How are they different than they were 50 years ago?

What are the major problems facing families today?

What can we do to alleviate them? How does the educational system intersect with family life?

Consider homeschooling – are more families opting out of public education? If so, what will be the result?


Explain the generalist model-Discuss why the generalist model

Explain the generalist model-Discuss why the generalist model

Explain the generalist model.

Discuss why the generalist model became the operational model in social work.

Analyze the advantages and disadvantages to the social worker in using the generalist model.



You are required to compile and submit the weekly solutions as a single portfolio document online by the due date and time. This component will help you learn and understand each weekly topic. Students will be required to conduct some additional research to substantiate their responses. As a guide, two academic references (outside of the Deresky textbook and the lecture slides/notes for this unit) should be utilised to substantiate each weekly question; unless the question simply seeks your personal opinion in which case you would not require academic references. Each week’s solution will have a MAXIMUM word count of 450 words. Please ensure you print the word count at the end of each week's solution.
each week's will have 3 questions will be 450 max. I also provide you some example. please open the example and follow it as your guide. also use a lot of references. each week should have at least 8 references. the question is the one in the IM Portfo, you can follow the structure of the sample. referencing would be Chicago 16ed

Earth Science – Geology

Some people you know say they don't believe that the climate is changing.  After this week's readings, how would you respond?

Write a 525- to 700-word response including:

How scientists learn about past global temperatures and climates.
The greenhouse effect.
Greenhouse gases and their role in current climate change.
One piece of data scientists offer to show that the climate is changing globally (see this NASA website: ).
Expected impacts of climate change in your area. This EPA website is very helpful:

Analyze the administrator’s role in ensuring that evidence

Analyze the administrator's role in ensuring that evidence

Analyze the administrator's role in ensuring that evidence-based practices are being utilized within an agency. How can administrators stay up-to-date on current research within the field and why is this important?



Week 8

For years, the merits of globalization, and the potential diversity and corresponding novelty to adaptive and emergent conditions, have been the subject of many heated debates. When the World Trade Organization met in Seattle in 1999, there were extensive public protests about globalization and the liberalization of international trade. Consider the opposition to globalization of trade and integration of the world’s economy. For this assignment, select any world organization you are interested in – the WTO is one example, but you may choose any non-private world organization.

Assess two major arguments each for and against such globalization efforts as implemented by the organization you have chosen. Each argument presented should be supported with relevant literature that clearly demonstrates empirical findings on the topic. If no empirical findings are found, provide your insights on whether you agree or disagree with the argument. Include concepts from your readings on ethics, policy, finance and budgeting and the management of resources. Explain your position in a logical and clear manner.

Length: 12-15 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of seven scholarly resources.

Your work should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect college-level writing and APA standards.

SOC 203 – An illustration of colorblindness is unequal

SOC 203 – An illustration of colorblindness is unequal

An illustration of colorblindness is unequal funding in public school system. This has happened in the early 20thcentury when schools were segregated by the color of a person's skin. Whites were given more privileges than people of "color" and other minorities. They were given better school funding, better tools and better school books and resources.



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