1.Using a Microsoft Word document, please discuss the case involving the United States of America versus Ross Ulbrecht.
2. The minimum word count shall be not less than 500 words.
1.Using a Microsoft Word document, please discuss the case involving the United States of America versus Ross Ulbrecht.
2. The minimum word count shall be not less than 500 words.
What makes transition from adolescence to adulthood difficult ? Write a well organised essay of four paragraphs including and introduction and a conclusion to answer the question
Social Institutions are a part of our everyday life. What is a social institution? How do social institutions effect your life? Write a one-page paper about the micro and macro implications of social institutions that you have read about in this module. What theoretical implications can you uncover? Why do you think it is important to study social institutions?
FIRST, watch the TED talk “The Danger of the Single Story” (the YouTube link below) THEN, create a new thread and describe yourself, the language(s) you know and use, and the culture(s) and subculture(s) that you identify with (ethnic, religious, musical, etc.). Have you ever been subjected to someone else’s “single story” view of you? If you haven’t, introduce the “single story” of others that you have witnessed.
Legal and Ethical Scenarios
Select two of the scenarios provided below. Analyze the facts in the scenarios and develop appropriate arguments/resolutions and recommendations. Support your responses with appropriate cases, laws and other relevant examples by using at least one scholarly source. Do not copy the scenarios into the paper. Cite your sources in APA format on a separate page.
Scenario I: Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alana Mendes suffered from Alzheimer’s, and was admitted to the Bay Pines Rehabilitation Center. Because of her mental condition, Alana’s daughter, Juanita, completed the admissions paperwork and signed the admissions agreement. The admissions documents included a clause that required parties to submit any disputes for arbitration. When Alana was released from the center four months later, she sued for negligent treatment and malpractice during her stay. Bay Pines moved to require arbitration.
Scenario II: Due Process and ADR
In 2016, a report found extremely high rates of obvious plagiarism in the theses of graduate students in the MBA program in the College of Business at Western State University. Two full-time faculty members and three adjuncts were identified for ignoring their ethical responsibilities and contributing to negligence toward issues of academic misconduct. Assistant Professor Mark Day was one of the five professors identified in the report. The findings were published during a press conference in May 2016. The dean of the College of Business, Derrick Dawson, removed Day’s responsibilities for advising graduate students and scheduled him for undergraduate courses for the next semester. Day filed suit in a federal district court against Dawson, the university, and others for violating his due process rights by publicizing accusations about his role in plagiarism without providing him with a meaningful opportunity to clear his name in public.
Scenario III: Regulatory Agencies and Ethics
Jessica Smith is the vice president of new drug development at Generic Phama, Inc, a pharmaceutical research company in Boston, Massachusetts. One year ago, she filed an application with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to obtain approval of a new drug for treating cancer. Smith met Joe Spencer at a convention three months ago and invited him to her room at the hotel. The two parted ways. Spencer worked as the director for approval of new drugs at the FDA. Two weeks later, Spencer wrote Smith a letter on FDA letterhead stating, “It was nice to see your name cross my desk on our company’s application for approval of the new cancer drug. I’d really like to see you again. Why don’t you come visit me in Washington this weekend?”
Smith considered requesting that the petition be referred to another director at the FDA. However, she is concerned that the transfer would delay the approval process for at least a year. Smith’s chief scientist advised her that a key competitor plans to introduce a similar drug on the market in three months.
Please complete this in APA format with references, 100% original no plagiarism.
Executive compensation is supposed to be an effective mechanism to reduce the manager’s (as the agent) opportunism. Do you think the current executive compensation system is perfect? (In economic crisis, the compensation of the CEOs or top level managers of many unsuccessful businesses are high or even increased. In other words, CEO’s pay is not consistent with the firm performance). Do we have a solution? Please use real world examples to explain.Above 300 words
Scientific inquiry is a process used to investigate the physical world. The experimental scientific method provides an organized approach for answering testable questions and confirming hypotheses. Appropriate experimental questions investigate a causal link between the independent and dependent variables. For example, how does the amount of fertilizer affect the growth in height (cm) of plants?
In this task, you will use the experimental scientific method to investigate a relevant, testable problem and communicate your findings in an organized written report. You will also design and implement a scientific experiment that investigates a topic from the life, earth, or physical sciences. The experiment must use appropriate methods, tools, technologies, and quantitative measurement units. For a list of topic ideas for possible science experiments, refer to the “Topic List” attachment. (See the note below for important details on which topics will not be accepted.)
Does the environment around us affect gas exchange, such as air quality or pollution? Is there more of an effect with internal environments (indoors) or external environments (outdoors)? What about other factors such as smoking, elevation, or location?