Archive for November 6th, 2019

Identify three advertising tools that the company uses to advertise this product or service.

Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation with speaker notes in which you include the following:

  • Evaluate key attributes of the selected product or service chosen in your Week 2 assignment (coca-cola), “Trends in Marketing Communications.”
  • Identify three advertising tools that the company uses to advertise this product or service. 
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of each tool in its ability to reach the intended target market segment compared with competing products or services.
  • Determine the competitive advantage(s) of the product or service in relationship to the competition, and develop a revised positioning statement that can more effectively communicate the value of the product or service to the targeted market segment.
  • Propose new marketing processes, tools, and media channels that can be used to increase market penetration and consumer spending. 
  • Outline your strategy for piloting these new processes, tools, and media channels within specific market(s) and demographic(s), and explain the reasoning behind your selection process.

Determine the competitive advantage(s) of the product or service in relationship to the competition, and develop a revised positioning statement that can more effectively communicate the value of the product or service to the targeted market segment.

Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation with speaker notes in which you include the following:

  • Evaluate key attributes of the selected product or service chosen in your Week 2 assignment (coca-cola), “Trends in Marketing Communications.”
  • Identify three advertising tools that the company uses to advertise this product or service. 
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of each tool in its ability to reach the intended target market segment compared with competing products or services.
  • Determine the competitive advantage(s) of the product or service in relationship to the competition, and develop a revised positioning statement that can more effectively communicate the value of the product or service to the targeted market segment.
  • Propose new marketing processes, tools, and media channels that can be used to increase market penetration and consumer spending. 
  • Outline your strategy for piloting these new processes, tools, and media channels within specific market(s) and demographic(s), and explain the reasoning behind your selection process.

On The Relationships And Interdependencies Between Marketing And Other Functional Areas

Individually, students will prepare a 3-5 page essay (excluding cover page, abstract, and references) on the relationships and interdependencies between marketing and other functional areas. APA methodology applies to this assignment.

References used  should be academic, peer-reviewed articles from trustworthy publications.  Additionally, none of the articles used should be older than 5 years.

Does the benefit of Teflon and its numerous commercial uses outweigh the cost of Teflon to the public and the environment?

Assignment Requirements: This writing assignment requires you to watch a film, “The Devil We Know,” (Soechtig, 2018) and then respond to the following questions about the content of the film. The documentary itself is available through iTunes, NetFlix, Google Play and Amazon for a nominal fee. Students may also obtain a copy of this documentary from another source. This assignment is worth 100 points. To obtain maximum credit, students should complete this assignment by its due date. Your mini paper should be approximately 1,000 words or 4 double-spaced pages (12 point font, 1” margins), and should be submitted in MS Word format through the Blackboard Assignment drop box. Be sure to support your paper with references to the documentary and the textbook as applicable. 

Questions for Your Mini Writing Assignment 

1. Summarize what you see as the main issues raised by this documentary. (1-2 paragraphs). 

2. Discuss what ethics perspective (using the course materials from unit 2, including specifically the materials in chapter 6 and the related lecture on various ethics perspectives) best explains DuPont’s conduct in the documentary with its employees and the general public. Be sure to use examples from the documentary to support your answer. (2-3 paragraphs) 

3. Does the benefit of Teflon and its numerous commercial uses outweigh the cost of Teflon to the public and the environment? Why or why not? (1-2 paragraphs) 

4. Discuss what corporate culture (using the course materials from unit 2, including specifically the materials in chapter 7) best describes DuPont. Be sure to use examples from the documentary to support your answer (2-3 paragraphs). 

5. If you had pans or other items in your home with a Teflon coating, do you still have them after watching the documentary?

Illustrate the use of computational models and present the role of general trust and values or possible biases in decision making.

  1. Illustrate the use of computational models and present the role of general trust and values or possible biases in decision making. Write your submission in 1200 words or less in an MS Word Document. Your paper must demonstrate proper APA formatting and style. You do not need to include a cover page or abstract, but be sure to include your name, assignment title, and page number in the running header of each page. Your paper should include references from your unit readings and assigned research; the sources should be appropriately cited throughout your paper and in your reference list. Use meaningful section headings to clarify the organization and readability of your paper. Review the rubrics before working on the assignment.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Answer the following questions. For each question, make sure you include a link showing where you obtained the information.

Governor Profile  Texas

Answer the following questions. For each question, make sure you include a link showing where you obtained the information. 

1. Pick any Texas Governor other than Greg Abbott.( Include a picture of the governor.3. Name the political party this governor represented.4. List any governmental positions held prior to becoming governora. Name the dates the positions were held5. Personal informationa. Date of Birth, Death (if deceased)b. Birthplacec. Educationi. Include only degrees and schools attended after high school6. Gubernatorial Elections or assuming of officea. Indicate how he came into office (won election, assumed governorship upon death or resignation of…)b. For each of his gubernatorial elections, include the followingi. Year of the electionii. The number of votes for both the person you have chosen and any of his opponentsc. Indicate for many years this person served as governor.d. What part of the Texas Constitution (article and section) discusses how the governor is elected?7. Vetoesa. Write a one-paragraph summary on a particular bill that your governor vetoed.i. What was the bill about?ii. Why did the governor veto it? b. What part of the Texas Constitution (article and section) discusses the gubernatorial veto?8. Write a two-paragraph (single-spaced) summary of any speech given by this governor. In your summary be sure to note any policy positions or social views the governor takes. For whatis the governor trying to argue? What is the governor’s agendain the speech? Include the text of the speech below your summary.9. Find one op-ed published in a newspaper about the tenure of this governor. It must be an op-ed, not just a website about the governor (no Wikipedia, for example). Summarize the OP-EDin a three-paragraph essay the argument of the op-ed. Include a link to the op-ed.

NOTE: Do not cut and paste anything for this assignment. The summaries are to be in your own words after you have read and learned about the topic. Those who cut and paste or in any other way plagiarize will be subject to a 0 and failure of the course. 


Describe the general performance of at least 3 political actors within the context of specific governmental institutions.

With regard to “good” governance, describe the behavioral attributes political actors tend to hold in common, independent of type of political regime. How does government structure establish boundaries on the part of political actors? Describe the general performance of at least 3 political actors within the context of specific governmental institutions. What have been the consequences for citizens? Be specific.

Transactional Vs Transformation Leadership

Summarize at least two academically reviewed articles on Transactional vs Transformational Leadership.

  • 300-250 words in APA format
  • References should be added
  • No Plagiarism.

Discuss risk methodologies used in capital budgeting.

7 slides with 150–200 words in notes section

Apix is considering coffee packaging as an additional diversification to its product line. Here’s information regarding the coffee packaging project:

  • Initial investment outlay of $40 million, consisting of $35 million for equipment and $5 million for net working capital (NWC) (plastic substrate and ink inventory); NWC recoverable in terminal year
  • Project and equipment life: 5 years
  • Sales: $27 million per year for five years
  • Assume gross margin of 50% (exclusive of depreciation)
  • Depreciation: Straight-line for tax purposes
  • Selling, general, and administrative expenses: 10% of sales
  • Tax rate: 35%

Assume a WACC of 10%.

Should the coffee packaging project be accepted? Why or why not? Compute the project’s IRR and NPV.

In addition, answer the following questions:

  • Do you believe that there was sufficient financial information to make a solid decision on what to do?
  • Was there further financial information that you required that was not provided to you?
  • What financial figure do you believe was the determinant to your decision and why?
  • How would you be able to apply this particular financial information to other situations?
  • Discuss risk methodologies used in capital budgeting.

Discuss how an IPS/IDS can protect user information on a Windows system or any computing device that is connect to a network.



You  need to research the topic and discuss the topic in at least 200-400  words with references. Then, respond to at least two pears in a critical  thinking process. A post without a reference will not count as a  discussion.


Requirements:  Discuss how an IPS/IDS can protect user information on a Windows system  or any computing device that is connect to a network. What other  security controls can help protect user information in tangent with an IPS/IDS?

Initial posting by Wednesday

Reply to at least 2 other classmates by Sunday (Post a response on different days throughout the week)

Provide a minimum of 2 references on the initial post

Proper APA Format

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