Archive for November 14th, 2019

What is the consumer’s opportunity set with the “buy one, get one free” deal and with a 50 percent discount?

While at a discount shoe store, a customer asked the clerk, “I see that your shoes are ‘buy one, get one free­—limit one free pair per customer. Will you sell me one pair for half price?” The clerk answered, “I can’t do that.” When the customer started to leave the store, the clerk hastily offered, “However, I am authorized to give you a 40 percent discount on any pair of shoes in the store.”

Assuming the consumer has $200 to spend on shoes (X) or all other goods (Y), and that all shoes cost $100 per pair, answer the following questions:

1. What is the consumer’s opportunity set with the “buy one, get one free” deal and with a 50 percent discount?

2. Why was the 40 percent discount offered only after the consumer rejected the “buy one, get one free” deal and started to leave the store?

3. Why was the clerk willing to offer a “buy one, get one free” deal, but unwilling to sell a pair of shoes for half price? 

Write a response for each question in no less than 250 words for each question.

Analyze Approaches To DSS Management

For this task, you will create generalized DSS management diagrams that can represent DSS management approaches. Specifically, you will analyze popular approaches to DSS management by researching three key approaches. You will provide an overview of three top DSS management approaches and at least three to six organizations that use the trends in the support and management of the organization’s data.

For each approach analyzed, be sure to include:

  • The benefit of the approach.
  • A concise summary of its contents.
  • An analysis of the contribution’s unique characteristics.
  • Your critical analysis of the approaches strengths and weaknesses.
  • A comparative analysis to other trends

Ensure an intuitive correlation and reference to any works other than those directly annotated that provide additional breadth and depth to the subject matter.

Length: 1 page explanation of each diagram (1 paragraph per diagram), not including title and reference pages

References: 3 scholarly references

Your submission should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your submission should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards

Why did the Western Europeans reach energy accords with the Russians in the 1970s and early 1980s, building large-scale natural gas import infrastructures and increasing their dependence on Russian gas?

Eastern European countries appear to have become dependent on Russian  oil originally due to the country being a reliable supplier to the  European countries (Bradshaw, 2014, p. 76). Though the countries were  allies with the United States, they were trying to become less dependent  on the Middle East and saw that Russia was a reliable source. Much of  this reliance was due to the “iron curtain” as well as the fact that  many of the Eastern European countries were part of the Soviet Union in  some way or affiliated with them.

          It appears that much of the reason as to why these  countries reached energy accords with Russia is due to the convenience.  There was “limited access to storage and alternative sources of gas  supply” (Bradshaw, 2014, p. 77). This pushed these countries to depend  more on Russia, which appeared to be an easier access to gas supplies.  Another reason might have been due to fear as the Kremlin punished  Ukraine for voting for an anti-Moscow government (Bradshaw, 2015, p.  77). This action shows that many of these countries may have reached  these accords due to the pressure and encouragement of the Soviet  Government. In the 1980’s the dependence of European countries on  Russian gas resources was 50-60%. In the 1970’s, many of the Eastern  European countries also became reliant on Russia due to a greater demand  of oil and gas. The surrounding countries that were providing resources  were not able to keep up with the demand and thus these countries  sought to get their sources from Russia. It also helped that Russia’s  prices appeared to be lower than that of the world market (Bradshaw,  2014, p. 87-88). Due to the price of oil and gas and the availability,  Eastern European countries were able to grow and build in gas import and  its infrastructure, thus in turn causing it to be dependent on Russia.


Bradshaw, M. (2014). Global Energy Dilemmas: Energy Security, Globalization, and Climate Change. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.



Based on your considered review of this module’s readings as well as  your reflection upon the first three modules, evaluate the questions  below. 

  • In retrospect it seems obvious, but exactly how and why did Eastern  European countries come to depend on Russian oil and natural gas after  World War II? 
  • Why did the Western Europeans reach energy accords with the Russians  in the 1970s and early 1980s, building large-scale natural gas import  infrastructures and increasing their dependence on Russian gas? 

What are Germany and Japan doing differently in their energy and climate policies, compared with the US, and how has this affected their mix of energy sources used?

  • What are Germany and Japan doing differently in their energy  and climate policies, compared with the US, and how has this affected  their mix of energy sources used?
  • Do you believe Germany and Japan should be working toward a  common objective of energy transition away from fossil fuels? Why or why  not?

Notably, Japan and Germany are rethinking how their countries consume  energy and now these countries are taking steps in adopting a green  renewable energy policy.  Furthermore, the Fukushima nuclear disaster in  2011, displays how alternative energies should be a requirement. In  addition, it presented the dilapidation and the vulnerability of   Japan’s energy infrastructure.

Thus, the commonality with both countries is that the citizenry has  strongly opposed the use of nuclear power plants to power the electric  grid. Resulting, in a framework of renewable energy to modernize Japan  and Germanys’ energy grid for sustainable and environmentally safe  energy.  Specifically, Germany’s Energiewende is an ambitious plan to  transition at least 50 % of Germany’s electricity grids from fossil fuels to renewable alternative energy.

Germanys’ Energiewende has positive results such as emissions dropping to 2009 levels. Nevertheless, the cost and unpredictable weather are still  present-day issues. However,  the public and politicians still find  Energiewende very popular and beneficial to the environment.

 According to The Japan Times (2015), Energiewende has been a  courageous move: The German government has begun out with, a parcel of  questions and the choice to shut down atomic plants reorganized the deck  in erratic ways. Energy companies have endured; final year, E.ON, the  country’s greatest control provider, posted a net misfortune of €3.2  billion, the greatest in its history, and chosen to part it in two, one portion centering on renewables  and the other on fossil fuels. However, it’s clear presently that the  program has been a victory which as long as there are a well-defined  objective and a decided exertion to reach it, the fundamental innovation  will display itself.

Incidentally, the US has not and will not in the near future  implement public policy that converts half of the energy grid with  renewable energy sources.  In light of the fact, the fossil fuel  industry has a hold/influence on many sectors of American society. 

Overall,  it is fantastic that Germany and Japan are working together  to create a partnership to reduce their countries’ carbon footprint.  Essentially, since the Paris agreement, each country has benefited from  the exchange in the flow of ideas regarding the expansion of renewable energies. Hence, this partnership between Japan and Germany can serve as a blueprint for other countries to follow.

Given that the two countries have stressed the central role of  sustainable energy in light of the Paris Agreement, the Energy  Partnership benefits both parties. Germany has extensive experience in  the expansion and system integration of renewables, whereas Japan has  been a pioneer in the use of hydrogen as well as in the development of  energy storage and so-called smart grids (Adelphi, 2019).


Adelphi. (2019, 18 06). German-Japanese Energy Partnership creates momentum for energy transition. Retrieved from adelphi:

Bershidsky, L. (2015, Dec 1). Germany leads the way with energy transition.  Retrieved from The Japan Times:


What obstacles could challenge this plan, and what steps will you take to minimize their impact?

Discuss why EBP is an essential component of the practice of a BSN-prepared RN. Identify two ways in which you will continue to integrate evidence into your practice and encourage it within your work environment. What obstacles could challenge this plan, and what steps will you take to minimize their impact?

How would you combat the spread of hate, knowing what you know now?

As you read the second half of Pete Simi’s and Robert Futrell’s book this week, think about how it might be possible to stop the spread of hate. We’re reading about how hate spreads through music and the socialization of the music scene, how it spreads online, and how it is shared in private communities. 

The final chapter in the book points out that there are costs and benefits associated with attempting to suppress such communities through law enforcement and the courts. Sometimes this is necessary, such as when a group or individual represents a threat to society. Sometimes, it seems like the law is a blunt instrument that does not recognize that there are some individuals in these groups who can be reformed (including in the videos we watched last week). 

So, my question to you is, what would you do? How would you combat the spread of hate, knowing what you know now?

What do you think of the information and how is it helpful?

This assignment is designed to help you identify what information about you exists that you may or may not have control over managing. Please take this seriously and complete the assignment as completely and with as much imagination as you can.

Initial Steps

Use several search engines to search your own name. You can also try Google’s facial recognition or image search tools too.

Be sure to keep track of which search engines yield which details.

Search also on Facebook, Myspace, Google+, Twitter, Instagram, or any social networking site. Log out of that site if you have an account. Search your name.

Note that you may have to try searching with your name in quotes or with your city or schools as well. Experiment with different configurations. 

Description of Results

What kinds of information turns up?

What images appear?

How recent or old is this information?

Is this content you developed or is posted by someone else?

Is the information about you actually you, or others with your same name?


What kind of footprints about you are online?

What is your brand, based on what you see?

Are the images or details positive or negative?

What kinds of impressions could someone, like an employer, have about you, based on this information?

What kinds of red flags are there, or what kinds of concerns would you have about hiring someone with that kind of information online?

Next Steps

What steps can you take to change your online “brand?”

Is there information you want removed? Is there positive information you want to add or build?

Concluding Thoughts:

What do you think of the information and how is it helpful?


  • This will be 2-4 pages double-spaced
  • You need to have each section but do not need to answer every question in each section if they are not relevant
  • You should bring in at least two readings from the course in your discussion

What do design professionals get paid for?

 Answer the following question based on the attached file

  1. Design Professionals
    1. What do design professionals get paid for? 
    2. Do they produce a product? Do they provide a service? If so, what is it/are they?
  2. After reading the article, Marketing Basics for Civil Engineers, find a website for a design firm you would want to work for. Analyze the three Cs and four Ps for that firm. Submit the link to the firm along with your analysis.  
  3. What’s more important for a practicing design professional, Profit or Technical Expertise?
    1. If you were to select Profit, explain your answer.
    2. If you were to select Technical Expertise, explain your answer.
  4. How does a design firm get work? Provide 3 methods and explain.
  5. Does a staff level designer have any responsibilities for marketing? Support your answer.
  6. Go online and find an entry level position. For your answer to this question, submit the job description and company for the position you found. Prepare and submit (as part of your homework) your cover letter that would accompany your resume when you apply for this position. We are not asking you to apply for the position you identified, but to go through the process of preparing a cover letter as if you were applying.
  7. Prepare your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) for one of the following scenarios that your interviewer/potential client will remember you by. Keep it to less than three lines.
    1. You are graduating with your bachelors degree in less than a year. You have applied for entry level positions in your discipline. There are numerous other candidates for this position. You have to distinguish yourself from the other candidates. 
    2. Imagine yourself several years into your career. You have started attending industry events where you have the opportunity to interact and meet new people and perspective clients. You see someone from a company/agency that your firm has been attempting to add as a client. You see this as an opportunity to help your company make inroads with this potential client. How are you going to ?introduce yourself and make a memorable impression?

Cultural Event Paper

 I need two Cultural Events Paper. Word Count should be minimum 500 words for each. Read the Instructions carefully. 


One of the best ways to gain an understanding of the humanities is to experience a cultural event in person.  One of the requirements for this course is to attend two cultural events and then write reaction papers on those events.  A list of approved events will be posted from which you can choose.  If you find something else you’d like to attend, please check with me first to make sure it is approved.  Examples of events that would not be approved are pop/rock music concerts, Dollywood shows, sporting events, etc.  You must attend this event during the current semester.

Once you have attended the cultural event that you have chosen, here are guidelines for writing the two papers.  The word count is minimum 500 for each paper.

Introduce the topic by telling 

1. Name of event or place you visited.  If it’s a concert or art show, name the performers/artists.

2. Venue (place).  (Sometimes this is the same as #1.  Example: Abraham Lincoln Museum would be the answer for number one and two, but you could then say it was located in Harrogate, TN.)

3. Date of the concert, visit to museum, play, etc.

4.  Description of the event.   

5. Your reaction to the experience.  What did you learn?  How did it make you feel?  Did it make you realize something you didn’t previously know about the type of event you have chosen.  Did you like it?  Did you not like it?  Were you indifferent?

7.  Anything else interesting that you noticed, felt, observed, etc.


List of Cultural Events


Visual Art

Catron Art Gallery – Walters State Library

Knoxville Museum of Art –

Rose Center, Morristown –


Nov. 24 – 3pm – Walter State Symphonic Band in WS gym

Dec. 2 – 7:30 PM – Walters State Choirs concert at First United Methodist Church, Morristown


Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 6, 7 at 8pm and Dec. 1 and 8 at 2pm  – Oliver the Musical, WS theatre


Abraham Lincoln Museum on LMU campus

Andrew Johnson Museum, Greeneville

Museum of Appalachia, Clinton, TN

McClung Museum, UTK


Describe the characteristics of water and carbon that makes them important to living things in general, and to specific forms of life including plants, animals, and prokaryotes.

The Major Components of Life

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic are the two major categories of cells making up life on earth. Both these types require water and carbon.

Part 1 : Describe the characteristics of water and carbon that makes them important to living things in general, and to specific forms of life including plants, animals, and prokaryotes. Why is NASA  for example looking for water on Mars?

Part 2 : Describe the differences in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. How have the characteristics of each kind of cell put limitations and provided opportunities for the survival and divergence of modern living things? Why might both cell types be considered equally successful? Make sure to consider both Domains of Prokaryotes.

The essay must be informed by the textbook. Your main post should  answer both questions.

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