Archive for November 21st, 2019

Specifically, identify the top five (5) ethical issues confronting your field of business in contracting and acquisition.

Specifically, identify the top five (5) ethical issues confronting your field of business in contracting and acquisition. After you have briefly addressed each ethical issue, then rank them according to the literature in your field of study and/or by the importance placed upon them by the current media. As you rank them, please document your sources and justification for the ranking. Finally, analyze each ethical issue according to its impact on the field, relevance to the current and future stakeholders in the field, and make any and all recommendations for improving such ethical issues, situations or dilemmas that impact your field of study. During this analysis, please consider the issue of social responsibility and how leaders in your field have addressed these ethical issues. Write a well researched, in an APA formatted and Include 7 scholarly references in your paper and length 2100-2500 word count 


Explain the ways in which leadership of people and processes was utilized while designing an intervention and its implementation.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Lead people and processes to improve patient, systems, and population outcomes.
    • Explain the ways in which leadership of people and processes was utilized while designing an intervention and its implementation.
  • Competency 2: Make clinical and operational decisions based upon the best available evidence.
    • Justify decisions related to developing a professional product with relevant research, evidence, and best practices.
  • Competency 3: Transform processes to improve quality, enhance patient safety, and reduce the cost of care.
    • Demonstrate process improvements in the quality, safety, or cost of care resulting from an intervention and related professional product.
  • Competency 7: Implement patient-centered care to improve quality of care and the patient experience.
    • Demonstrate improvements in the quality of care and patient experience resulting from an intervention and related professional product.
  • Competency 8: Integrate professional standards and values into practice.
    • Communicate professionally in clear, logically organized writing, using correct grammar, spelling, and APA style.

Important: You must complete all of the assessments in order for this course.


Before submitting this assessment, you must have logged at least three direct-contact hours in CORE ELMS. These hours will include only the time that you spent working directly with patients, families, and/or community members to implement your intervention, collect and analyze data, and deliver your professional product to your target audience.


For this assessment, you will develop and deliver a professional product to address the health problem defined in your first assessment to improve care and the patient experience. This will be delivered face-to-face to the individual or group that you have identified. Appropriate examples include development of a community education program focused on a particular health issue or a handout to help the elderly and their families understand their Medicare and Medicaid options. The product must be useful in a practice setting, relevant to your project, and designed to improve some aspect of care or the patient experience that can be used in your own practice, with your family or community.

Relevant products include but are not limited to:

  • Patient education handout (such as a medication sheet).
  • Patient safety plan.
  • Process improvement in-service.
  • Medicaid/Medicare patient coverage and finance guide.
  • Teaching plan.

Your submission will consist of two parts: an APA-formatted paper providing your rationale and supporting evidence, and the professional product.

For the brief APA-style paper, one organizational option is:

  • Summary of intervention and implementation:
    • What did you do?
    • How did you lead in terms of the processes used in the project?
      • With what participants?
    • Who were your interprofessional collaborators?
      • How did you lead them in this project?
      • What were your key findings?
  • Evidence-based rationale for professional product development:
    • What professional product did you develop?
    • Why did you choose this type of product?
    • How does it align with your intervention?
    • How will the product help improve outcomes?
    • How will the product enhance the patient experience?
    • How does the product improve a process related to quality, safety, and/or cost of care?
    • How do relevant research, evidence, and best practices support your choice of professional product and approach?

For your professional product, you may choose to develop a deliverable that could be used in your care setting to communicate and sustain relevant improvements related to the intervention you carried out. The key is that the professional product is useful to the target audience (such as a large-print Medicaid/Medicare patient coverage and finance guide that is easy for the elderly and their families to use, or an easily implemented process improvement in-service for home care nurses).

Your brief paper and professional product will be assessed according to the following scoring guide criteria:

  • Explain the ways in which leadership of people and processes was utilized while designing an intervention and its implementation.
  • Demonstrate process improvements in the quality, safety, or cost of care as a result of a direct clinical intervention and newly developed professional product.
  • Demonstrate improvements in the patient experience resulting from a direct clinical intervention and newly developed professional product.
  • Justify decisions related to developing a professional product using relevant research, evidence, and best practices.
  • Communicate professionally in writing that is clear and logically organized, with correct grammar, spelling, and use of APA style.

Additional Requirements

  • Length of submission: APA-style paper should be 2–4 pages of content plus title and reference pages. There is no length requirement for your professional product. The type of deliverable you choose will determine its length and format.
  • Number of references: Cite a minimum of 5 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your decisions and rationale in your APA-style paper. Resources should be no more than 5 years old.
  • APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style. Use appropriate APA citations (in-text and reference list) in the paper and professional product.

Changing Marketing Strategy



Supporting Lectures: 

Review the following lectures:

Changing Marketing Strategy

The project assignment provides a forum for analyzing and evaluating relevant topics of this week on the basis of the course competencies covered.


In this week, you explored the final steps of the strategic planning process. You learned how to integrate the marketing plan with the business and strategic plans. You also examined the issues that marketing is facing in healthcare.

In this assignment, you will explore some reasons regarding why an organization may change its marketing strategy. This will require you to research a news article, news broadcast, or journal article about an organization that changed its marketing strategy. You will have the flexibility to select any organization that meets the requirements of this assignment.

Please review the following and using specific information from these resources, your course resource, and additional research, address the tasks posed below.


  • Find a news article, news broadcast, or journal article (within the past seven years) that identifies an organization that changed its marketing strategy.
  • Why did the organization change its marketing strategy?
  • What approach did the organization make regarding the development and implementation of the new strategy?
  • How does the new strategy differ from its original marketing strategy?
  • Discuss whether the organization was effective in its decision to change the marketing strategy.

 As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. (Needs an introduction, body, headings, and conclusion.)

Submission Details

  • In around 500 words, write your response in a Microsoft Word document.

Considering the ideas and themes of Martha Stout and Maggie Nelson, develop a thesis that investigates how these concepts may inform our reading of Nafisi’s memoir.


Maggie Nelson, “Great to Watch”

Martha Stout, “When I Woke Up Tuesday Morning, It Was Friday”

Azar Nafisi, “Selections from Reading Lolita in Tehran” 

Rough Draft (4 pages) due Wed. 11/20 (bring 2 paper copies to class for Peer Review and upload

To Canvas) 

Final Draft (5-6 pages) due Wed. 12/4 (upload to Canvas)

Question for Writing: 

Azar Nafisi reflects on her experiences as a woman living in Tehran under a totalitarian regime. In secret, with a select group of female students, Nafisi and her class explore the world of forbidden literature as a form of mental resistance against their loss of freedom. Considering the ideas and themes of Martha Stout and Maggie Nelson, develop a thesis that investigates how these concepts may inform our reading of Nafisi’s memoir. Themes include (but are not limited to) the utility of subjective mental states such as dissociation and imagination; the role of violence in the media; and the creation and preservation of self-identity. 


Connections between authors are not only parallels, but include complications, contrasts, frame-case relationships, etc. A quality Expos essay has complex connections! 

Compare and contrast the Internal Rate of Return (IRR), the Net Present Value (NPV) and Payback approaches to capital rationing.

Compare and contrast the Internal Rate of Return (IRR), the Net Present Value (NPV) and Payback approaches to capital rationing. Which do you think is better? Why?  Provide examples and evidence from two articles from ProQuest to support your position. Your post should be 200-250 words in length.


What are the limitations of the study, and more importantly, how might you overcome these limitations yourself?


Title page

1. Near the top of the Title page, type your title and press enter once. Then type your name.  Press enter, then type your affiliation (Fayetteville State University) and press enter.2. Center the title, your pen name and your affiliation.


All papers should have an abstract. As usual, the abstract should summarize the paper and should consist of approximately 75 words. The paper should describe your proposed change and the results you expect to have.


The text of your report begins on a new page (do not type “introduction”).  Each subsequent section of the text (method, results, discussion) follows without any page breaks.  Each section is marked by a centered header (Method, Results, Discussion), with no extra blank lines between the sections.  

In this section of your paper, you want to discuss the background related to the “experiment” or proposed changeyou have chosen.  In particular, you want to discuss and explain the questions or problems that your “experiment”addresses.  Why is the question important?  To what other issues does the question relate?  How will the results of the experiment answer the question?  What are the major psychological or educational theories that are being tested?  

When you talk about the work of other people, it is imperative that you cite their contribution to your paper. So, as usual, you will have a References page with at least three sources.


This section typically has three subsections, Participants, Stimuli and Procedure (but your paper can probably just focus on the procedure or approach that you recommend). But for the purposes of our paper, it can be one section of 2-3 paragraphs. This would likely be the longest and most detailed section where you discuss how your experiment would be implemented. If it was a new course, you could list possible assignments, activities, lectures, and other features of the course. If it was a recommended assignment for my course, you could talk about the “scaffolding” for that assignment. What would you do each day of the assignment? If it was a paper, how would it be structured or evaluated?


Normally, this would involve summarizing the results of an experiment, but in this case you will be describing anticipated results. Usually this is a single paragraph of about 75 words. If it was for my course, you could explain here why you think more students would be successful or pass with a higher grade. If it was for something added to the university’s curriculum, you could explain why student success at the university would be higher.  


The discussion section begins by summarizing the project and explaining the implications of the results.  You should be sure to compare the results obtained (or expected) with those reported in the literature. Finally, the discussion should touch on broader issues.  For example, what implications does this research have for education, in general (or for HBCUs or non-traditional students or military students in particular)?  What are the limitations of the study, and more importantly, how might you overcome these limitations yourself? What other questions does the study raise?  How might you design an experiment to answer those questions?  You also might discuss what implications this study has in the real world.


Using the MLB steroids case as an example (research an article on this topic in CU library), explain how unethical choices by some players harms players who comply with the rules.

Using the MLB steroids case as an example (research an article on this topic in CU library), explain how unethical choices by some players harms players who comply with the rules.

Use at least two (2) academically reviewed journal articles as research for your response

Why might these officers be engaging in this type of activity?

  In your own words, answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post (recommended minimum 350 words) 

Assignment Details

You are in a special warrants unit in a major metropolitan area that specifically goes after street crime suspects with violent tendencies and histories of resisting arrest by the police. You are new to the unit but have come from a very professionally run narcotics operation in which your previous team dealt with extremely violent offenders. The unit is made up of plainclothes patrol officers who carry silver badges and seasoned violent crimes detectives who carry gold badges. The badges are mounted in the outside of the police ID wallet and flip open when swung with the hand.

After about 3 weeks with the unit, you notice that everyone arrested by the unit has a welt on their forehead. You are tasked with taking a prisoner to the jail cell, and you get a close look at the welt, which reflects an obverse seal from the silver badge of the attached patrol personnel. When depositing the prisoner into the holding cell, you see another suspect who had been arrested earlier. He bears the welt reflecting the obverse seal of the gold badges of the detectives. You ask the prisoner you are placing in the cell how he got the welt, and he tells you that after he was handcuffed, one of the officers smacked him in the head with his badge and simply said, “Silver.” Upon returning to the office, you ask the supervisor about the welts on the prisoners. He laughs and says it is a competition between the silver badges and gold. Whichever group marks the most prisoners with their badge seal does not have to pay for any drinks at the off-duty party at the end of the month.

Note: This scenario is based on an actual antic of a narcotics unit operating in the late 1970s.

Please include answers in your main posting for the following questions. You must provide meaningful feedback to the main postings of at least 2 of your classmates.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Address the following in your main post:
    • Is this behavior in any way acceptable in a law enforcement agency? Why or why not? Explain.
    • Why might these officers be engaging in this type of activity? Explain in detail.
    • Regarding the use of this activity as a coping strategy, what do you think are at least 2 potential negative outcomes of this behavior? Explain.
    • Disclose your feelings about this activity from a moral and legal standpoint.
    • How do you think these officers could be approached through proper negotiation to successfully moderate their interpersonal discord? Explain in detail.

Legal Case Summary

Legal Case Summary

For this assignment, you will write a summary of a judicial decision. The goal of this assignment is to support you in the practice of reading a legal document and communicating your understanding of the decision. Please use the following template which highlights the elements that should be included in a case summary. The key is to systematically arrange related parts of the decision that are often scattered throughout the written judgement, assimilating the information, and making it manageable.

After reading Burriola vs. Greater Toledo YMCA,use the following template to answer the guiding questions for each section.

Legal Case Summary Template

Nature of the Case (Facts): Who are the parties to the lawsuit, and what is their dispute? In your own words, only include the few important facts necessary to understand the case (e.g., the time of day a defendant was arrested is usually not important).

Issue: What is the basic legal question that is to be decided in the case? (Hint: the issue of the case is usually easy to spot). An example of an issue would be: Can a police officer legally enter a home to search when he or she hears someone yelling for help?

Holding (Decision): What is the basic answer to the basic legal question in the case?

Rule of Law: What rule of law is announced in the case? A court first must announce a specific controlling principle of law (e.g., the court’s interpretation of a constitutional provision, not the constitutional provision itself) that applies to the issue in the case. The rule itself must be quoted because every word matters: there is a huge difference between “a” and “the” or between “may” and “must.” The rule of law is often only one or two sentences.

Reasoning: This is a brief summary of why the court decided the way it did. It often traces the history of the particular law at issue. In the reasoning, the court often cites other cases, legal precedent, or explores legislative intent to explain and justify its holding. In the reasoning, the court will also use its own interpretation of a rule of law to support its conclusion.

The Legal Case Summary

  • Must be at least one double-spaced page in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA 

Is modern technology improving human lives or making them less healthy and happy?

Is modern technology improving human lives or making them less healthy and happy?

Purpose: In this essay, you will continue to work on controlling ideas, development, and MLA standards. In addition, you will focus on sentence variety and style. You also will respond to readings and use citations in your text. This essay also asks that you consult, evaluate, and cite sources outside the textbooks or other readings.

Minimum Words: 1000 (3.5-4 pages)

We have read essays about modern food production and healthy eating. Each has presented alternative perspectives. Some essays recommend that we avoid food made with modern technology. Others say the technology can cure problems like the obesity epidemic. 

You may choose a different type of technology other than food, which will require more reading on your part (there are many essays in They Say / I Say about this). Form a thesis that compares and contrasts different approaches, answering the question:

Is modern technology improving human lives or making them less healthy and happy?

Using the sources we have already read and covered in class (including videos like Food, Inc. and the “Soda Girl”) as well as They Say/I Say texts and additional readings, ensure that your essay includes a strong introductory paragraph that concludes with a thesis statement reflecting your opinion. Support your opinion with paraphrases and quotations from your selected texts. Include one or more reliable outside readings or sources (not assigned reading – may include one of the videos or another of your choosing). Keep in mind that for any tech-related topic, dozens of reliable articles and videos are published every day as these topics are constantly evolving.

Your thesis is your own opinion and the sources you have read are what will back up your opinion. Remember – do not try to cover all types of technology and also food. Select either one type of technology or continue to expand on what you have learned about modern, commercial food. In the paper, you should include the opposing point of view to your own, and offer a response to it. This paper isn’t a formal Toulmin Model paper but it should be well-rounded, including a different perspective to your own, to which you will respond (approx. 1 paragraph – plus a mention in the introduction and conclusion).

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