Archive for November 21st, 2019

Select any common sexually transmitted disease, using 500-750 words in APA format, respond to below questions about the disease you select. You must reference your sources.

Review a sexually transmitted disease. Select any common sexually transmitted disease, using 500-750 words in APA format, respond to below questions about the disease you select. You must reference your sources.

Section 1: Describe the disease. 
Section 2: Describe signs and symptoms of the disease.
Section 3: Describe complications of the disease.
Section 4: Describe diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
Section 5: Describe methods to prevent the disease.
Section 6: What is your risk of this disease?

Compose your own psalm that praises God’s wisdom or that exalts fellowship with others as beauty of life.

1st Assignment: Compose your own psalm that praises God’s wisdom or that exalts fellowship with others as beauty of life.


2nd Assignment: Compose your own psalm that delves into the depths of your emotional pain and struggle, remembers God in depths, and praise God for deliverance.


3rd Assignment: Compose your own psalm that delves into the depth of the emotional pain and struggle of your family, church, or work place, remembers God in the depths, and praise God for deliverance.


Book Review: Encountering God in the Psalms ( I need  a summary for this book) 

In thinking about the nature versus nurture debate, explain why you think nature, nurture, or both has/have the strongest impact on development.

In thinking about the nature versus nurture debate, explain why you think nature, nurture, or both has/have the strongest impact on development. Include information from the video and scholarly resources to support your viewpoint.

Please give specific examples from your own development or the development of someone you know.

Discussion: The Legacy Of “Americanization”

The boarding school experience for Indian children began in 1860 when the Bureau of Indian Affairs established the first Indian boarding school, designed to “assimilate” Indian tribes into the mainstream of the “American way of life.” Native Americans would be taught the important components of American culture, including an understanding of private property, material wealth and monogamous nuclear families. By “civilizing” Native Americans, reformers thought they were eliminating the problem of the tribes, without having to eradicate the Native Americans. In this discussion, explain the boarding school system as you understand it. Was it successful in “assimilating” Native Americans? What were the unintended consequences? What is the modern legacy of these boarding schools?

To receive full credit for this assignment your post must:

  1. Address the questions asked in the paragraph above in at least a 300-word post and cite all outside sources appropriately
  2. In your initial post, include at least one interesting question the readings raised for you

In what ways do you think poetry/bibliotherapy, drama therapy and play therapy relate to art therapy?

In what ways do you think poetry/bibliotherapy, drama therapy and play therapy relate to art therapy? Explain at least three similarities and one difference.

 Please post your original response and respond to one of your peers.


Required Readings:


International Federation for Biblio/Poetry Therapy. (2000). About IFBPT. Retrieved from

North American Drama Therapy Association. (2018). What is Drama Therapy? Retrieved from

Association for Play Therapy. (N.D.). Why Play Therapy? Retrieved from 

In what ways do you think poetry/bibliotherapy, drama therapy and play therapy relate to art therapy?

In what ways do you think poetry/bibliotherapy, drama therapy and play therapy relate to art therapy? Explain at least three similarities and one difference.

 Please post your original response and respond to one of your peers.


Required Readings:


International Federation for Biblio/Poetry Therapy. (2000). About IFBPT. Retrieved from

North American Drama Therapy Association. (2018). What is Drama Therapy? Retrieved from

Association for Play Therapy. (N.D.). Why Play Therapy? Retrieved from 

Describe The Product Or Service You Supply To Your Patients.

1. Identify the market structure of your industry and analyze the key characteristics of your industry that lead to your identification of this market structure.

2. Given this market structure, evaluate how prices charged for your services/products are determined.

3. Evaluate how does the existence of private and public insurance influence the revenues you receive for this service/product.

4. Given the government regulations impacting the health industry that have been discussed in this class, identify and discuss a government regulation that has been implemented in this industry.

5. Identify a market failure(s) discussed in class that government regulation attempted to address.

Constitutional Impact, Civil Liberties, And Individual Rights

Discussion Question: How should the United States government deal with the heightened concern about homegrown violent extremism and the growing concern for the preservation of civil liberties? What are the political and constitutional consequences of counter-terrorism? Lastly, how do we assess the tradeoffs between freedom and security? 

You must have an introduction paragraph and then separate your answers to the various aspects from each other using bold section headings.

Instructions: Fully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your response. Your initial post must be at least 350 words. 


Explain five key historical influences on nursing and nursing education today. Be sure to address why these influences are important and how they have had an impact.

Write a short article about the history and future trends of the nurse educator role. The article will run in a newsletter for nurses and nurse educators, and should be approximately 2 pages long.

In your article, be sure to do the following:

  • Explain five key historical influences on nursing and nursing education today. Be sure to address why these influences are important and how they have had an impact.
  • Analyze three trends you believe will impact nursing and nursing education in the future. Explain how those trends relate to what you understand about nursing history.
  • Support your assertions with credible sources. You can use the Resources in this assessment and conduct additional research in the Capella library.

Additional Requirements

Your article should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication should be free of grammar and spelling errors that distract from the content.
  • APA format: Use correct APA format for all citations and references (if used).
  • Format: Submit your assessment as a Word document.
  • Length: Approximately two double-spaced pages, not including the title page and references page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman or Arial, 12 point.

What exactly was Carnivore? Where did it come from? How did it work? What was its purpose?

Go to this website and read the information regarding Carnivore.




Provide a couple of paragraphs answering the question on the first page:




What exactly was Carnivore? Where did it come from? How did it work? What was its purpose?




Also provide perspective on the impact of this software, in light of the time, what is warranted? Was it an overreach by the government?


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