Archive for November 22nd, 2019

Discussion: Factors That Influence Disease

In clinical settings, some of the most common questions that patients ask are Why do I have this? What caused this disorder? Will it ever go away? These emotional questions can be difficult to ask and to answer. However, for patients to come to terms with their diagnoses and adhere to treatment plans, they must have an understanding of factors that might have caused or continue to impact, their disorders. As an advanced practice nurse, it is important that you are able to explain disorders, associated alterations and symptoms, and changes that might occur within your patients’ bodies.

To Prepare

  • Reflect on the importance of developing an in-depth understanding of pathophysiology.
  • Select a disorder from the following list:
    • Adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s disease)
    • Atherosclerosis
    • Cholelithiasis (gallstones)
    • Colon cancer
    • Cystic fibrosis
    • Hemophilia
    • Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones)
    • Osteoporosis
    • Parkinson’s disease
    • Tuberculosis
  • Select one of the following patient factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how that factor might impact your selected disorder, as well as potential associated alterations and symptoms.
  • Identify the pathophysiology of the associated alterations, including the normal and altered cellular function. Consider both intra- and extra-cellular changes that occur.


Post a brief description of a patient scenario involving the disorder and the factor you selected. Explain how the factor might impact your selected disorder, as well as potential associated alterations and symptoms. Finally, explain the pathophysiology of the associated alterations, including changes in cellular function. APA citation 3 to 4 references within 5 years


How does your facility incorporate EBP in a clinical setting to promote patient outcomes?


Discussion Question 1

  • How does your facility incorporate EBP in a clinical setting to promote patient outcomes? Do you have recommendations on how your facility can improve its use of EBP?

Describe how our day is shaped and constrained by social norms.


The purpose of this assignment is to recognize sociological concepts at play in your lived experience.   Keeping a field log of your social and institutional experiences for one day, you will critically discuss how your daily life is shaped and constrained by society. This will allow you engage with many of the sociological concepts learned in class.

Writing expectations

The paper should be 4-6 typed pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, with 1″ margins.  Remember to use APA format to cite and reference your sources.

A presentation that offers additional assistance in completing the assignment is available at


1) Observation 

Create a field log (example).  For one day, observe and record the key interactions and institutions in your lived experience.   Starting with waking up, who is the first person you talk to?  What do you do next- take family members to school, go to the gym, go to work and interact with coworkers?  Throughout the day you will take on different roles by interacting with different people and in different situations, and be in contact with different social institutions (education, government, health, etc). Type or photograph your field log and submit it with your written Assignment.

2) Application 

Try to wait one or more days before starting this step.  Revisit your field log and apply sociological analysis to your observations.

  • Describe how our day is shaped and constrained by social norms. 
  • Analyze how at least four sociological concepts learned in class (eg. roles, institutions, interactions, impression management, stage theory, emotional labor) apply to your field log observations.  This part of the paper should not be focused on the general social norms you described earlier, dig in with specific concepts in this from our text (refrain from using dictionaries).
  • For at least two of the concepts, find and incorporate an appropriate source that highlights how sociologists study this concept in everyday society (for example, emotional labor in the restaurant industry).  Not sure what constitutes an appropriate source?  See our Announcement on this in the classroom- tips and a learning module are provided there.  For example, we discussed gender socialization:
    • In an article by Crespi (2011) that studied gender socialization and gender roles within the family, results showed that a cross-gender relationship between fathers and daughters, mothers and sons has emerged as significant in determining traditional and non-traditional gender attitudes. The research suggested that the relationship with the parent of the opposite sex could be a strong factor in reducing stereotyped attitudes regarding gender roles (Crespi, 2011). *Use a different example in your paper, the purpose here is to show your research skills rather than repeat my research skills.*

3)      Reflection

Reflect on your role as a larger part of society (i.e. your motives, instincts, feelings, and/or structural constraints).  Discuss ways other people affected you and the ways you affected others in the social experiences of your day.

Sample Field Log

Below is a brief field log to give you an idea of the social interactions and institutions you might look for in your day.  With the observations are sample course concepts that relate to the observations.  Be creative in exploring and applying concepts- we will all apply concepts differently even if the scenes we observe are very similar.

5:45am: Wake up, interact with children.

Gender roles, nuclear family, folkways

6:30am: Interact with spouse and children.  Eat breakfast, run, shower.

8:00am: Arrive at airport, check in interaction with airline customer service; interaction with TSA.

Social structure, bureaucracy, norms, mores, social control

9:00am: Wait with other passengers to board flight; purchase a drink at coffee shop; employees have a tip jar; a family sitting close by is watching the news and commenting on what they think is wrong with other cultures.

Emotional labor, ethnocentrism, Piaget’s stages of development

9:30am: On flight with family having a difficult time with small children; flight attendant offers to help them. 

Emotional labor, gender roles, family

12pm: Arrive at destination airport; drive two hours to see extended family.  Along the road there are farmers with fruit stands.  See homeless person asking for assistance in exchange for work. 

Poverty, inequality

4pm: Extended family arrives for potluck dinner; look at family photos together and share family memories.  Watch evening news-  local robbery and assault.

Social deviance, material culture

6pm: Stop at church to meet family friend, see a bible study group inside; lots of religious symbols; someone remarks on a new church being built to accommodate a different racial group.

Religion, race, monotheism

This course has “Resubmission” status enabled to help you if you realize you submitted an incorrect or blank file, or if you need to submit multiple documents as part of your Assignment.  Resubmission of an Assignment after it is graded, to attempt a better grade, is not permitted.

Assignment 3 meets the following course objectives:

  • Apply a sociological perspective to the social world.
  • Analyze contemporary social issues using the sociological imagination and use sociological theories and concepts to analyze everyday life.
  • Recognize and define social structure and social interaction
  • Explain the reciprocal relationship in the influence between societal and structural factors, individual behavior and the self’s development

The Business Of Geriatric Case Management Submission

Theresa is a 90-year-old patient who was taken to the hospital due to certain complications with breathing. She was diagnosed with cardiopulmonary disease, and her health was deteriorating. Theresa has not been responding to treatment. She was advised of possibly passing in the next 3 months. The doctor recommended pain medications and suggested skilled nursing services and personal care. Unfortunately, the nearest skilled nursing facility has not been doing well and is about to close down. Theresa’s grandchildren have been taking turns caring for her at home. The grandchildren cannot provide the 24-hour care that she needs.

Unless home support is put in place for Theresa, she has to continue hospitalization unless she is guaranteed 24-hour care at home. The grandchildren decided to hire home care for their grandmother, and Theresa was discharged home. Case management permitted to discharge and maintenance at home. Unfortunately, Theresa passed away within 20 days of discharge. The business department had prepared the bill for services rendered to her. The bill included the following:

  • Fee for hospital stay per day was $ 700
  • Home health expenses were $ 2,000 within a network and $1,500 for outside of network providers
  • Case management fees were $ 750 (due to an effective case management strategy, the family was able to save some money)

Using the case study above, complete the following:

  • Prepare a confidential case report for Theresa showing net cost savings as a result of effective case management.
  • Prepare a case identification process for Theresa regarding her visit to the hospital.
  • What would you do as a potential health care administrator to improve the quality of care of a skilled nursing facility that you have been hired to head?

Your paper must follow APA format, citing at least 4 sources to substantiate your claims.


What structural dimensions of conflict-affected societies would need to be examined and potentially changed for education to effectively achieve such goals?

1. Education cannot create peace and equality on its own. What structural dimensions of conflict-affected societies would need to be examined and potentially changed for education to effectively achieve such goals?

2.  How does conflict challenge the rights-based provision of education, and conversely how might a rights-based argument for educational provision fuel conflict?

3.  How might increasing external interventionism in educational reconstruction threaten the ability of education systems to promote messages of economic redistribution, cultural recognition/relevance, and representation that should be part of education’s function as part of peacebuilding?

4.  Teachers are often perceived as crucial actors in education (reform) processes. Can you reflect on specific challenges educators face in times of conflict or post-conflict reconstruction?

Why is it commonly believed that young people today are less well equipped for work than their parents were?

Why is it commonly believed that young people today are less well equipped for work than their parents were? Could educational standards have declined? Do technological changes mean that work requires higher skills levels? If these perceptions are wrong, why are they so widely believed?

2.  Is there a youth unemployment crisis or just an unemployment crisis? Are young people unemployed because they lack skills or because they are at the back of the queue for a diminishing number of jobs?

3.  What are skills? How and where are they best acquired? How can we know what knowledge and skills will be of most value to individuals?

4.  How different are the three narratives of skills and livelihoods? To what extent and in which ways do they support each other, and to what extent and in which ways do they contradict each other?

Do you think that global connectivity, integration and convergence will continue to increase in coming decades?

Discuss globalization and its impact on education.  Do you think that global connectivity, integration and convergence will continue to increase in coming decades?  Be sure to integrate your understanding of “Global Cities” in your paper.  Paper MUST be 3 pages and use APA format.

Industry Report & Critical Analysis

Report on Festivals (Community County), it can explain how Festivals do around the community and how the business is going or if it is affecting the community in a negative or positive way.  How security is now with all the shootings going around for example, festivals such as the Garlic Festival, Route 91 harvest festival or FYRE festival.  Topics can include who, what, when, where, why, how?

Paper is 8 pages long with 8 reliable sources along with a graph chart, table of contents and summary. 

Describe the ways in which financial statements, financial calculations, and working capital are used in the organizational budget process


Your expertise in healthcare finance has attracted the attention of some of the newer employees in your organization. Wanting to become managers someday, they have asked you to share some of what you know in the online journal that serves as the company’s knowledge-sharing portal. Create a journal assignment in which you respond to these specific topics from your colleagues:

  • Describe the ways in which financial statements, financial calculations, and working capital are used in the organizational budget process
  • Identify the main objective of managing cash flows
  • Explain why financial leaders are concerned about having cash on hand
  • Identify the three factors that set the healthcare industry apart from most other industries with regard to accounts receivable
  • Explain the ways in which trends within Medicare, Medicaid, and third-party payers affect working capital and the cost elements associated with the revenue cycle

Discuss the significance of an elevated systolic pressure, even in the absence of diastolic hypertension, detailing the pathophysiology behind elevation in blood pressure and the ultimate development of hypertension.

You are caring for a 59-year-old African American male who is a non-smoker and a non-drinker. The individual has a healthy weight for his height. On weekends, he coaches a youth baseball team in his community and enjoys eating hot dogs and nachos with the children after games. He has been monitoring his blood pressure at the community center and noted that the highest reading was 168/92 mm Hg. He is pleased with this number, as the results were “lower than previous readings.” However, his healthcare provider is still concerned. She informed him about the dietary choices he was making and reminded him to limit his sodium intake. She also renewed the individual’s prescription for a thiazide diuretic and added an ACE inhibitor to his treatment regime.

Please answer the following prompts in your analysis of the case:

  1. Speculate how the individual’s ethnicity contributes to his hypertension. Discuss other determinants of health that contribute to the prevalence of hypertensive disease in this population.
  2. Discuss the significance of an elevated systolic pressure, even in the absence of diastolic hypertension, detailing the pathophysiology behind elevation in blood pressure and the ultimate development of hypertension.
  3. Identify if this individual is at risk for developing heart failure. If so, what type of heart failure would he be most at risk of developing?
  4. Briefly discuss the mechanism of action of the two classes of drugs this individual was prescribed for the management of his hypertension.

For additional details, please refer to the Case study guidelines and rubric.




For the case study, be sure to: 

  • Introduce main elements and concerns and identify the pathology.
  • Use the associated questions above to guide your paper and explain the pathology in the development of a plan of care.
  • Explain the role patient-care technologies (i.e., point of care testing, computer provider order entry, bar-coding medication administration, EMR/EHR) in caring for the individual(s). Be thorough!
  • Apply critical thinking in analyzing and interpreting the data.
  • Include evidence to support your analysis of the case.
  • Write clearly and concisely, following standard rules of grammar.
    Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as at least a 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least two peer-reviewed sources cited in APA format.
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