Archive for May 4th, 2022

Health Promotion and Pathophysiology (Due 20 hours)


Parts  2 and 3 have the same questions, however, you must answer with references and different writing always addressing them objectively, that is as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

APA format

1) Minimum 5 pages  (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum of three paragraphs per page

You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per page.

           Part 1: minimum  1 page

           Part 2: minimum  2 pages

           Part 3: minimum  2 pages 

   Submit 1 document per part

2)******APA norms

         All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph

         Bulleted responses are not accepted

         Don’t write in the first person 

         Don’t copy and paste the questions.

         Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph

Submit 1 document per part

3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks) 

********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

4) Minimum 3 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years  (Journals, books) (No websites)

All references must be consistent with the topic-purpose-focus of the parts. Different references are not allowed.

5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the next


Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX

Q 2. Health is XXXX

6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering: 


Part 1.doc 

Part 2.doc


Part 1: Health Promotion


Healthy People is an initiative of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) that addresses health challenges and set projections every 10 years, with the main purpose of improving health indicators nationwide. After completing your readings select three objectives/topics (health problems) of Healthy People 2030. 


-Smoking in adolescents

Objective: Reduce incidence through pedagogization

– Pregnancy in adolescents

– HIV in adolescents

1. Briefly describe the three topics

2. Describe your objective for topic 1, and include:

a. Statistics of the topic 

2. Why is topic 1 important?

3. Will this topic 1  lead to secondary conditions or complications?

4. What criteria are used to understand the risk of developing such conditions or complications?

Parts  2 and 3 have the same questions, however, you must answer with references and different writing always addressing them objectively, that is as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

Part 2: Pathophysiology



1. Which are the concepts of?

           a. Atrophy

           b. Physiologic atrophy

           c. Hypertrophy

           d. Hyperplasia

            e. Pathologic hyperplasia

            f.  Dysplasia

             g. Metaplasia

2. What are the main four mechanisms of Cell Injury?

3. Describe the Two differences between Cell injury:

a. Reversible vs irreversible

4. Describe the concepts of Cell Death:

a. Necrosis

b. Apoptosis.

5- Describe the functions of these cell organelles:

a. Nucleus

b. Nucleolus

c. Mitochondria

d. Ribosomes

e. Cytoplasm

f. Cell Membrane

6. Describe  2 causes and  2 symptoms:

a. Hyperkalemia

b.  Hypokalemia

7. Describe  2 causes and  2 symptoms:

a. Hypercalcemia

b.  Hypocalcemia

8. Describe  2 causes and  2 symptoms of:

a. Hypernatremia

b.  Hyponatremia.

9- What is acidosis and what is alkalosis?

Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology: Environmental Agents

10- Mr. Epperson was lifting a heavy piece of furniture when he experienced crushing pain in his chest, began sweating heavily, and was nauseated. His wife drove him to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with a myocardial infarction (heart attack) and given intravenous drugs to dissolve a clot that was obstructing a major coronary artery. After his hospitalization, Mr. Eppersons doctor told him that some of his heart muscle had died. 

Match the questions with the correct answers regarding the cell injury in Mr. Eppersons heart.

a. Mr. Eppersons myocytes were initially injured by _______ (______)

b. Ischemia injures cells faster than _______ alone. (______)

c. Reversible myocyte swelling was caused by lack of _______ to fuel ion pumps. (______)

d. Irreversible myocyte injury occurred when mitochondrial and plasma _______ were disrupted. (______)

e. Dissolving the blood clot rescued some myocytes by providing _______ for generating ATP. (______)

f. Dissolving the blood clot damaged some myocytes by _______ injury. (______)

i. hypoxia

ii. sodium

iii. oxygen

iv. ATP

v. ischemia

vi. necrosis

vii. reperfusion

vii. membranes

ix. apoptosis

Part 3: Pathophysiology



1. Which are the concepts of?

           a. Atrophy

           b. Physiologic atrophy

           c. Hypertrophy

           d. Hyperplasia

            e. Pathologic hyperplasia

            f.  Dysplasia

             g. Metaplasia

2. What are the main four mechanisms of Cell Injury?

3. Describe the Two differences between Cell injury:

a. Reversible vs irreversible

4. Describe the concepts of Cell Death:

a. Necrosis

b. Apoptosis.

5- Describe the functions of these cell organelles:

a. Nucleus

b. Nucleolus

c. Mitochondria

d. Ribosomes

e. Cytoplasm

f. Cell Membrane

6. Describe  2 causes and  2 symptoms:

a. Hyperkalemia

b.  Hypokalemia

7. Describe  2 causes and  2 symptoms:

a. Hypercalcemia

b.  Hypocalcemia

8. Describe  2 causes and  2 symptoms of:

a. Hypernatremia

b.  Hyponatremia.

9- What is acidosis and what is alkalosis?

Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology: Environmental Agents

10- Mr. Epperson was lifting a heavy piece of furniture when he experienced crushing pain in his chest, began sweating heavily, and was nauseated. His wife drove him to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with a myocardial infarction (heart attack) and given intravenous drugs to dissolve a clot that was obstructing a major coronary artery. After his hospitalization, Mr. Eppersons doctor told him that some of his heart muscle had died. 

Match the questions with the correct answers regarding the cell injury in Mr. Eppersons heart.

a. Mr. Eppersons myocytes were initially injured by _______ (______)

b. Ischemia injures cells faster than _______ alone. (______)

c. Reversible myocyte swelling was caused by lack of _______ to fuel ion pumps. (______)

d. Irreversible myocyte injury occurred when mitochondrial and plasma _______ were disrupted. (______)

e. Dissolving the blood clot rescued some myocytes by providing _______ for generating ATP. (______)

f. Dissolving the blood clot damaged some myocytes by _______ injury. (______)

i. hypoxia

ii. sodium

iii. oxygen

iv. ATP

v. ischemia

vi. necrosis

vii. reperfusion

vii. membranes

ix. apoptosis

Marketing plan Budget Abby


This assignment consists of two sections:

  1. Marketing plan and sales strategy (an MS Word document).
  2. Marketing budget (using the Business Plan Financials Excel Template).

To successfully complete this assignment, you must attach both documents to the submission area as separate files and then click Submit.

  • Your company, whether it’s a startup you created or one based on the snack food company scenario, will operate in a 100-mile radius from your home address. Your goal is to reach $1 million in sales by the end of the second year.
  • Be sure to follow the guidelines, whether you chose the snack food company or your own startup company.
    • .
    • .

Section 1: Marketing Plan and Sales Strategy

In MS Word, write the 35 page marketing plan and sales strategy section of your business plan, in which you:

  1. Revise the companys target market based on the feedback received in the Week 3 discussion thread.
    • Be sure to include demographic, geographic, lifestyle, psychographic, purchasing patterns, and buying sensitivities in the target market description.
  2. Assess your chosen companys market competition.
    • Use the factors listed in the graphic in your textbook labeled Assess the Competition (page 125), to assess the companys market competition.
      • When assessing the competition, specify the exact company and particular product or service you are competing against. For example, Coca Cola offers a portfolio of products, such as water, fruit juice, and cola. Are you competing against Coca Colas fruit juice product? Or its cola product?
    • Be sure to detail your plan to differentiate yourself from the competition.
  3. Outline the company’s value proposition and create a marketing slogan/tagline for the product.
    • The value proposition tells your customers why they want to do business with you.
    • You need to know what message you want to convey in your marketing slogan before selecting the marketing vehicles in the next step.
  4. Specify the marketing vehicles you will use to build your chosen companys brand and justify the key reasons they will be effective.
    • Marketing vehicles are ways to promote your product. Examples include social media, sponsored events, trade shows, and sampling. You will use a combination of these tactics.
    • Planning to use online marketing tactics? Consult the Online Marketing Tactics worksheet on page 177 of your textbook to guide your response.

Format your assignment according to these requirements:

  • This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
  • Typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
  • You must include headings in your paper for each major topic.
  • Include a cover page containing the assignment title, your name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
  • Include a source list page. All sources used must be listed in the source list page and have a corresponding in-text citation. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The source list page is not included in the required page length.
    • Note: There is no minimum requirement for the number of resources used in this assignment.

Section 2: Marketing Budget

In this portion of your assignment, you will develop a marketing budget. This budget is critical to helping you determine how much it will cost you to reach your market and achieve your sales goals. To create your marketing budget, you will use the Business Plan Financials Excel Template. This is the document you downloaded using the access code you purchased from the Strayer Bookstore.

  • You will complete only the Setup and Marketing Budget worksheets for this assignment; be sure to submit the entire Excel Template, however.
  • You have already worked on your marketing budget in the Week 5 discussion. Incorporate information from your post and the feedback you received into this section of your assignment.

Develop a marketing budget, supporting your marketing plan and sales goals, in which you:

  1. Prepare the Setup worksheet for your selected company based on the appropriate guidelines instructions.
  2. Prepare the Marketing Budget worksheet for your selected company based on the appropriate guidelines instructions. When filling out the Marketing Budget worksheet in the Business Plan Financials Excel Template, do the following:
    • Begin with the current year and complete a marketing budget for the businesss first two years.
    • Leave at zero any marketing vehicles you do not plan to use.
  • Reminder: All marketing activities involve costs. If social media represents a significant portion of your marketing plan, assume you will incur advertising costs; reflect these in your marketing budget. Even if a social media site charges nothing to use it, you will need to use company resources to manage the site, execute your social media marketing campaigns, and most likely pay for ads on that site.
  • Do not leave the Marketing Budget worksheet blank assuming you will not have any marketing costs.
  • Do not complete all the rows; only fill in the costs for the marketing vehicles you will actually use. These must match the content you described in Item 4 of Section 1 of this assignment.
  1. Learning Outcomes
    The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
  • Create a marketing plan for a company that identifies a target market, market competition, a company message, marketing vehicles, and a budget.
  1. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign services in accordance with the ; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Unmanned Aircraft System

You are required to examine the history and issues associated with USAS operations. This includes the regulatory, performance and applications as well as future trends in UAS operations. A minimum of 10 pages are required. You should have no less than 10 peer-reviewed resources. Follow APA format. A great resource is the Purdue online writing lab at:

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