Archive for May 4th, 2022

The Articles of Partnership

Norr and Caylor established a partnership on January 1, 2019. Norr invested cash of $100,000 and Caylor invested $30,000 in cash and equipment with a book value of $40,000 and fair value of $50,000. For both partners, the beginning capital balance was to equal the initial investment. Norr and Caylor agreed to the following procedure for sharing profits and losses:

12% interest on the yearly beginning capital balance

$10 per hour of work that can be billed to the partnership’s clients

the remainder divided in a 3:2 ratio

The Articles of Partnership specified that each partner should withdraw no more than $1,000 per month, which is accounted as direct reduction of that partners capital balance.

For 2019, the partnership’s income was $70,000. Norr had 1,000 billable hours, and Caylor worked 1,400 billable hours. In 2020, the partnership’s income was $24,000, and Norr and Caylor worked 800 and 1,200 billable hours respectively. Each partner withdrew $1,000 per month throughout 2019 and 2020.

Complete the following:

Determine the amount of net income allocated to each partner for 2019.

Determine the balance in both capital accounts at the end of 2019.

Determine the amount of net income allocated to each partner for 2020. (Round all calculations to the nearest whole dollar).

Determine the balance in both capital accounts at the end of 2020 to the nearest dollar.

Week 4

Assessment Description

Students demonstrate a range of typical and atypical social behaviors and emotions.

Therefore, it is important for teachers to understand key aspects of social and emotional development that affect childhood through adolescence.

For this assignment, write a 500-750 word report of current behaviors or events occurring in a format known as a brief. The brief is written to keep students parents or guardians abreast of their childs progress, and to highlight specific support systems in place within the classroom and school for the student.

Review the case study in the Social and Emotional Development Parent Case Study and Brief and complete the brief.

The key to this assignment is to keep your audience, parents and guardians, in mind, demonstrate compassion and care, and communicate effectively to maximize comprehension.

Support your findings with 2-4 scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Western Culture




CSTU 101
The Learning Activities are short written assignments which require you to apply the knowledge
you have gained in a creative and subjective way.
Read over the appropriate Learning Activity instructions before you begin the module: week, so
you can be formulating a strategy for the assignment as you proceed through the material. Each
Learning Activity must be well-structured, be carefully edited and revised, and demonstrate
knowledge and application of the concepts studied in the readings for that module: week.
Each Learning Activity must be 300350 words and include the word count in parentheses. If
any outside sources are used, they must adhere to current APA format.
You will first submit a draft of each Learning Activity to be checked through Turnitin so you can
make adjustments prior to your final submission. Please note that the draft submission is
optional. Submit your draft by Thursday at 11:59 P.M. (ET) before the final assignment is due in
order to receive feedback on it.
In the beginning of the course, you were introduced to what is known as a paradigm shift that
occurs within cultures. We have examined some of these within our study of Western culture and
have learned how they had a tremendous influence on peoples behaviors and beliefs.
Review the item Watch: Summary of Our Study on Western Culture, found in the Learn
section of Module 8: Week 8. After you have viewed this presentation, describe what you feel
has been the most influential paradigm shift in Western Culture that has affected America. I am
not looking for a particular person but events. Provide concrete reasons that clarify your position.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


management strategy

Please review the case study provided on page 67 of your textbook Watch Out All Retailers, Here Comes Amazon; Watch Out Amazon, Here Comes Other Competitors and answer the followings:

  • Can any firm beat Amazon in the marketplace for retailers? 
    • If yes, how can they do it in regards to competing with Amazon? 
    • If not, why not? Please justify your argument by providing the peer-reviewed sources.
  • Please evaluate the formidability/competitiveness of Google and Amazon.  
  • Assess Amazons major strengths and weaknesses and provide your understanding of Amazons compatibility. 
  • Research about as a potential competitor for Amazon and explain your analysis/conclusion.


–  In the article, , the authors discuss large data, techniques for accessing it, and the processes of data mining. The authors introduce significant challenges to data mining larger amounts of data. 

–  This paper is to be a minimum of three pages and requires a minimum of three additional references in support of your observations. In your paper, from the perspective of an audience in the arena of data mining big data, discuss one of the issues by providing your observations as they pertain to data mining for that particular audience. (e.g.:  From the perspective of the Chief Information Officer, demonstrate the information considerations of the chosen issue) The paper should provide sufficient information for the reader to make an informed decision on the topic. 


book report


Overall, your book report should focus on the central argument(s) (thesis) of the book followed by a thorough description of evidence presented in the book to back up the authors claims. In the introduction of the book report, you will identify the authors thesis and explain it in your own words. You will include a brief introduction of the topic or the summary of the book to provide a meaningful context for the thesis statement. In your Introduction you will also tell the reader the three distinct pieces of evidence or casesthat is, the three chapters from McAlevey, each one is a casethat you will analyze in your report. 


– When we ask questions like, “How much data is too much data to data mine?”, we are seeking specific knowledge. For the discussion forum identify a specific information system that you use for data mining, and provide an explanation of an issue the information system might have with data mining big data.
– response should be a minimum of two paragraphs and should be between 200 and 250 words. The font is Times New Roman, font size should be 12, and the paragraphs are single-spaced. There should be a minimum of one reference supporting your observations. Citations are to follow APA 7.0. 

Effects of Current Health Policies


Health policies must undergo policy processes of analysis prior to implementation. Pre-process, intra-process, and post-process all have major impacts on healthcare organizations and consumers. Based on the  policy many people may face economical or social change, which could either be  just/unjust. 

  • Evaluate the ACAs impact on healthcare quality and cost.
  • How does the ACA impact society as a whole?
  • Highlight the relevance of the Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentage (FMAP), as it relates to the ACA.

Business report

Sections in the business report:

Cover Page

  • Title of Report
  • Prepared for
  • Prepared by
  • Date

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

A one page summary of the entire business report (this should be written last) 

Introduction and Objective

Introduce the opportunity or problem for the company or organization

State the objective of the report (exploring a solution or opportunity along with recommendations for successful adoption) 


Present your research 

  • Secondary research: read and review scholarly, trade, or popular articles


Give an analysis of your research 

  • Add graphics in the analysis of your research, if appropriate 
  • Use an analysis technique to review your research or an aspect of your research, if appropriate (ex; SWOT Analysis, Competitive Landscape Analysis, PESTLE Analysis, MOST Analysis, etc.)

Conclusions and Recommendations

Give the conclusion of the analysis (your interpretation of what it all means) 

Offer recommendations

  • Recommendations should include what needs to be done, who needs to do it, how and when 


All references must be listed in APA format

Appendix (optional)

Add supplementary material that is not an essential part of the report itself but that may be helpful in providing a more comprehensive understanding of the topic

Style of the business report:

  • Between 10-13 pages
  • 10-12 point font
  • Labeled section headings (including subheadings if needed) 
  • Use third person pronouns and no slang. Third person pronounshe, she, it, theyrefer to someone or something being referred to apart from the speaker or the person being addressed.
  • In-text citations and References page needs to be in APA format

Evid and Practice


This week we will explore “Why research is important.” As a student-learner you use research in your daily lives. 

Assignment to-do: 

1-watch video

Quique Bassat — Assistant Research Professor, Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal-UB) -Barcelona

2- After watching the video

After watching the video, you will post a 200-word minimum 300 words maximum post to answer the following (2) questions:  Remember to think outside the box. 

1 How  do you use research currently in your life? 

2- How do you plan on using research in the future as a nurse or as a medical professional? 

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