Archive for May 6th, 2022

Module 05 Written Assignment – Concepts for Clinical Judgment


In at least three pages, answer the following questions:

  1. What do you feel are the greatest influences on clinical judgment? Is it experience, knowledge, or a combination of those things?
  2. In your opinion, what part does intuition play in clinical judgment? How do you think you’ll be able to develop nursing intuition?

Additional sources are not required but if they are used, please cite them in APA format.

echd mod 14

Read Chapter 15 – Working to Resolve Conflict prior to starting this assignment (Chapter 15 does not have its own folder within this course – lecture notes are attached) 

Objective: To create a self-improvement plan and to evaluate your plan. 

Scenario: You are a first-year teacher who is dreading an upcoming conference with the parents of one of your children, William. The last time you met with his parents, you brought up the fact that William needed to improve his social skills. You mentioned that he often teased and occasionally hit his classmates during playtime. The parents responded with raised voices and said that he is well-behaved at home and you should do a better job of disciplining him in the classroomthat was your job. You became defensive, and then the parents became defensive in turn, with everyone leaving the meeting in a huff. Your center director, having seen the parents storm out of the room, called you aside and asked you to reflect on how you might have handled the situation differently. She also suggested that you reflect on the idea of hostility as a mask. Next, she asked you to develop strategies for remaining calm and in control at your next meeting. She concluded by recommending that you make a self-improvement plan to address all three issues. 

Assignment: Create a plan for self-improvement in which you address behaving defensively with parents. Identify three questions that will help you reflect on your reaction and how you can handle similar situations better next time. Second, think deeply about the various dimensions of hostility, and write a paragraph in which you examine hostility from a psychological perspective. Last, write three strategies for remaining calm and professional when you are involved in potentially difficult conversations with parents in the future.

Wk 1, MHA 543: DR 1

APA format

175 – 265 words

Cite at least one peer-reviewed reference

Respond to the following:


Jennifer Haddad Connell

5/4/22, 7:36 AM

Hello all:

How employees feel is important, and I think this includes the feeling of inclusion and value from top leadership. Attitudes within the company start with top management; it’s important the leaders set examples and promote positivity and I think think is an important first and basic step to supporting employee satisfaction. Let’s consider the concept of authentic leadership.

Authentic Leadership is a concept that is gaining momentum in research because of corporate benefits that include increased corporate efficiency, job happiness among workers, enhanced communication, and shared information (Fusco, et. al, 2015). Research into support of authentic leadership development is relatively new; interest in the field began after the large scandals such as Enron and its accounting firm, Arthur Anderson, in 2001. One of the traits of an authentic leader is confidence.

Through developing the authentic leadership development model, leaders not only learn the importance of embodying the quality of being confident, but also qualities of high ethical standards emerge and are required traits. It is important now and in the future that confident leaders are trustworthy. The confidence that draws people to leaders should be truthful and non-harming to others with whom business transactions are made. I think the field of authentic leadership development is a positive response to the disappointments we as a society have experienced from trusted leaders. 

Class: Please continue the discussion the concept of authentic leadership. Do you think the effects of an authentic leader on employees of the organization can lead to increased job satisfaction and retention? Why or why not? Please discuss.

Fusco, Siobhain, and Palmer (2015). Authentic leaders are… conscious, confident, and congruent: a grounded theory of group coaching and authentic leadership development. International Coaching Psychology Review, September 2015 (10). pp. 131-148.

Topic 3 DQ 2

 Discuss the unique challenges faced by students with disabilities and describe how you can adopt the tenets of the Christian worldview perspective to encourage a classroom culture that respects and values the individual differences displayed by all students, regardless of disability. 



1. Differentiate between Couples and Family and Individual Counseling. Provide a brief history of Couples and Family Counseling. What is General Systems Theory? How does this concept relate to couples and family counseling?

2. Describe the Models of family therapy as presented by the author of the textbook.

3. List and describe the theories of Career Development as presented by the author of the textbook

4. What does group counseling and family counseling have in common? (be specific). Who is credited with being the forerunner of group counseling? What are the most important ethical issues in group counseling? 

answer question

How might safety impact a youth’s ability to engage in a program or organization? (CAD guide)

How might a teacher or youth worker’s approach to engaging a youth differ as a Gangsta, Wanksta, and Ride? (as defined in the Duncan-Andrade article, “Gangstas, Wankstas, and Ridas”?

Topic 1: Emerging Technology In Business


Answer every question with minimum of 300 words. Please provide references after each answer. 

1. List three advantages and disadvantages of technological innovation. Using what you learned from the assigned readings and your own research and experience, discuss specific reasons why many innovation projects fail to generate an economic return.

2.For each category of innovator below, provide one advantage and one disadvantage.

Individuals as innovators

Firms as innovators

Universities as innovators

Government institutions as innovators

3. Explain why both technology improvement and technology diffusion exhibit s-shaped curves. Provide examples to illustrate your explanation. 

 4.Conduct research to find examples of industries (not noted in the textbook chapter) that demonstrate increasing returns to adoption. Provide a link to a journal article to support the examples. 



Topic: somatic symptom disorder

this is a two part job, this is part one. i need 2 or 3 Scholarly Research Article that is related to this topic. the guideline for the job is uploaded and an example of scholarly research article is also uploaded. the article should have an 

abstract, objective, methods, statistic, results, conclusion, reference. beacuse you will use that same article to do the part 2 of the job. 

The Role of the DNP Practice Scholar


Part II: For Case Study Students

This PICOT question is the foundation for the following DNP project: For adult patients will the implementation of the Palouse Mindfulness Stress Management program impact perceived stress in 8-10 weeks.

Describe your simulated project implementation for Weeks 110. (Please note that the intervention must be implemented a full 8 weeks in your simulated plan).

Week 1: (05/03/2022) Education and Pre-implementation and data collection

During the first meeting, the project manager and participants will get to know each other. The DNP project manager will present Palouse Mindfulness-based stress reduction and will clarify the program step by step and how it will work out in the next eight weeks. In what way they can reach the project manager for questions or concerns will be discussed. The manager will clarify that joining is free and optional, but dedication is required. The consent and the pre-test will be completed, and participants will watch a 10-minute video on the introduction to mindfulness stress reduction. There will be time for questions and answers.

In the week one intervention phase, the compliance checklist will be started to monitor participants compliance. The first weeks practice will be on simple awareness per the Palouse curriculum. The participants will watch a video on The Power of Mindfulness. The video will emphasize the significance of not paying attention to our inner experience but paying attention with kindness. Misunderstanding mindfulness practice, or if our meditation is not peaceful and free of thoughts, we must be doing something wrong. It also discusses how the body, mind, and emotion are tied together. The next step is reading about body scan meditation, the seven myths of meditation, and why it is hard to meditate. Daily practice of meditation is the last stage for each day.

Week 2-9: (05/10/2022-06/21/2022) 8-week implementation plan

From week two to week nine, the project manager and the participants will continue the weekly gatherings online to practice Mindfulness stress reduction management. Week 2 is the steps on attention and the brain, the initial video sharing, readings, and daily practice. Week 3 deals with thoughts and the introduction of yoga. The first step is sharing videos, reading, and daily exercises on dealing with thoughts. Week 4 is Responding Vs. Reacting; it is about how to deal with stress. First, the project manager will share a video, reading, and daily practice with the participant. Week 5 discussed dealing with difficult emotions or physical pain, the first step of sharing videos, then readings about the topic, and daily practice. Week 6 evaluated Mindfulness and communication, listening, and dealing with conflict. The group will share a video on the subject, reading, and daily practice for the day. Week 7 discussed Mindfulness and compassion, loving-kindness meditation & walking meditation. The project manager will share videos, read, and practice the topic for the day. Week 8 is the conclusion and developing a practice of your video and readings. At the end of each session, the project manager will make time for questions, concerns, or clarification.

Week 10: (06/28/2022-07/05/2022) Post-implementation and data Analysis

In week ten, the project manager will collect the post-intervention PSS scores to compare with the pre-implementation results to determine the influence of Mindfulness on perceived stress. The DNP project manager will congratulate all participants for completing the program. Participants will be encouraged to share their views on the survey about the strengths and limitations of the program. To conclude the intervention, the program manager will present the programs findings to the internal and external stakeholders and the implications of the results.

How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting organizational operations and how did COVID-19 affect the development of your project?

The Covid-19 pandemic impacted hospitals and clinics so much that the proposed practicum site for my DNP project was affected in many ways. The number of patients decreased because of curfews, social distancing, and the mask mandate. These facts made the initial intake for this project challenging. Most patients feared contracting COVID-19 and even those who got it went straight to the hospital for admission. Many visits changed to telehealth service, which would have been adequate for the mediation piece of the undertaking, but first enrolling the members office visits to gather the information would have been required. Hence, the primary reason I decided to do the Palouse Mindfulness stress reduction programs online program.

Not all participants (staff and/or patients) attended as planned and some staff were out sick.  How will you follow up with them?

My project is an online case study that will require very few staff, so if participants fail to show up, I will attempt to reach them via their contact information. We would make three calls, and should the members miss multiple meetings, they will be removed from the intervention as missing multiple weeks could negatively impact the results.

There are float nurses and traveler nurses on the unit. How will this impact your project plan? If this does not apply to your project please discuss another impact that has affected your implementation plan?

My project is an online program, so many staff, float, or travelers will not be involved. The project data will be given through telehealth introductions, dispersed alongside the handout, the PSS scales, and the end-of-program survey. While telehealth is convenient, some aspects impact the DNP project. As a result, each participant will have access to the DNP contact information, mobile phone, or email for different means of contacting and providing of feedback regarding the project.

Internet speed, access, and bandwidth are causing problems with virtual meetings you have set up. What is your backup plan?

If internet speed access becomes problematic, the backup plan should be to use a phone to discuss the goals and readings for that day. The patients would have a link that doubles as both a video call and a phone number to call in if the internet is not working. They will also be sent any presentation slides to be able to follow along with the weekly intervention plan. These options would remove a portion of the visual and personal atmosphere but would act as a method for achieving the objectives of the meeting effectively and keep the members on target.

Also, share an update on your implementation progress. Please share successes, challenges, barriers, and any concerns.

My DNP project update is that my IRB has been approved, and my evaluation log is continuously progressing. I am researching and obtaining my peer-reviewed articles for my project, utilizing all the steps learned from the librarian to acquire more and more level I, II, and III articles to complete evidence-based articles and Literature Synthesis. Challenges and barriers in this DNP project will not stop until the last day of the program. A larger barrier is trying to understand what is required for this new class, NR 707. It is totally different from other discussions in previous courses. After consulting with my professor and the Lets check-in by Dr. Schroetter, I gained a little more insight. It will get better now that we are hands-on with it.

Our discussion for this week is focused on the role of the DNP as a practice scholar. How have you demonstrated your role as a clinical scholar in your current position?

The role of a DNP practice researcher is to translate, make an interpretation, educate, train and lead others with a focus on the high outcome of patient care. DNP scholars have clinical advancements in the medical services, they are knowledgeable in complex problems. Moreover, the DNP-prepared nurse has a tremendous scope of the information they can use to handle these mystifying medical or mental matters. DNP researchers can lead clinical development by utilizing nursing resources. Implementing nursing knowledge (experimental information, moral knowing, and others), hypothetical models, and closing gaps inside the microsystem, mesosystem, and macrosystem work toward this (Zaccagnini et al., 2017). The DNP practice nurse can assume a fundamental part of authority as CNO, thereby affecting positive changes in the medical services framework, either by redesigning its plans or through methodical support envisaged approaches (Sherrod and Goda, 2016). The DNP researcher will impact change by impelling information and applying abilities as a teacher (Hammatt and Nies, 2015). AS a DNP practice nurse, I constantly utilize and navigate these systems advanced as a pioneer, expert, and in-between expert to enhance strategic improvement modifications at all levels that will lead to good quality patient outcomes.

How do you anticipate integrating this role into your current or future career?

To improve or upgrade my initiative capacity, I intend to incorporate the information and abilities (for instance, the eight DNP fundamentals and essentials) I got from my DNP training. I additionally anticipate working with my insightful organization by being centered around applying proof-based intercessions that will assist with working toward persistent results.


Hammatt, J. S., & Nies, M. A. (2015). DNPs: What Can We Expect? Nurse Leader, 13(6), 64-67. doi:10.1016/j.mnl.2015.03.014

Sherrod, B., & Goda, T. (2016). DNP-prepared leaders guide healthcare system change. Nursing Management (Springhouse), 47(9), 13-16. doi:10.1097/01.numa.0000491133.06473.92

Zaccagnini, M. E., & White, K. W. (2017). The Doctor of Nursing practice essentials: A new model for advanced practice nursing (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett.


Any topic (writer’s choice)

Aanalyze the meta-SAM-table suggest choices are inclusion and/or omission for an “ideal” organizations SAM table. Make sure to thoroughly explain why a measure should be included or omitted. In your explanation, identify why those measurements are important (or not). Your response should also demonstrate your knowledge of both management and ethical models.

ISBN-13: 978-1305972544 to support paper

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