Archive for May 16th, 2022

General contracting company

5. Human Resource planning (1000 min and 1200 words max)

why human resource planning is important to your organization

prepare a human resource plan for your organization

prepare a draft design for your HR

7. Recruitment and selection (1000 min and 1200 words max)

design an advertisement for a job vacancy in your organization

state some recruitment sources from which you can recruit.

evaluate the recruitment process in your organization

what are the criteria you need to select employees for your job

plan and perform an interview for a job vacancy in your organization

Which Endangered Species Do You Want To Save?


Now that you have reviewed the endangered local species and are knowledgeable of their importance, you will choose 1 out of the five species you want to save. You will construct an argument as to why your species should continue to receive funding and you will then get to see if others decided on the same species as you or not.

Post Requirements

This assignment requires two posts, each completed individually. You will not be able to see the replies of other people in your group until after you have posted your response. Before you write your first post, you will need to identify

First Post Due Tuesday

  1. Title your post with the name of the species you prioritize in saving. As a reminder, these are the five species from the SoftChalk that you can choose from:
    • Southern sea otter
    • Monterey pine
    • Mountain lion
    • Southwestern willow flycatcher
    • Delta smelt
  2. Write a paragraph stating your argument for saving your selected species and explaining why it should be prioritized over the other species.
    • Based on the information from the SoftChalk, what is the single most compelling reason to save this species? You can pick one of the following factors to argue priority for your species: biological characteristics, urgency of threat, ecosystem roles, economic considerations, and/or socio-cultural values. Be as specific as possible when you describe the top reason and explain how it supports your argument that this species should be prioritized.
    • Identify one outside source of information (website or article, not the Softchalk)about your selected species. What additional information did you learn from this source that supports your argument for why this species should be prioritized? 
    • Be sure to paraphrase all information from the SoftChalk/outside source and cite the sources fully, including in-text citations and a full reference list (with a link to the original source) at the end for full credit. (We will be learning about how to cite sources next week, so for this week do your best —  you won’t be penalized if your citations are not formatted properly.)



Here are a few normal blunders that Sage 300 clients have announced, alongside directions to determine them.

“Can’t find program document. Windows protector and A4wcontainerXP.exe”

These mistakes show up if the ‘a4wContainerXP.exe’ document situated in the

[Sage Programs]Runtime registry is absent or debased. On December 1, 2016, Microsoft Windows Defender started dishonestly distinguishing the a4wContainerXP.exe document as “Trojan:Win23/Detplock”.


Step by step instructions to Resolve:

Prior to recuperating the a4wContainerXP.exe record on PCs with MS Windows Defender introduced, utilize Microsoft’s directions to bar the [Sage Programs]Runtime organizer from examining, then, at that point, restart the PC for the rejection to produce results.

Really look at the MS Windows Defender, Quarantine for the document. On the off chance that it’s present, and the organizer avoidance has been set, reestablish the document. In the event that the document isn’t in the Quarantine then, at that point, duplicate the a4wContainerXP.exe from a functioning PC that has a similar establishment and variant of Sage 300.

In the event that one more duplicate of the document isn’t accessible, then, at that point, a full Repair of the Sage 300 establishment ought to be run, trailed by establishment of the Product Update being used at the hour of the blunder.

“Sage 300 UI Container has quit working”

This message might happen on a Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 2012 server while printing reports to see. Whenever you click on the drop down bolt to View issue subtleties, the accompanying message is shown:

Attestation fizzled!


Record: repcmd.c

Line: 227

Articulation: NULL == record->pCrystalObjectHandle

Find Also-:

Instructions to Resolve:

You can determine this blunder by following the definite strides in this Sage 300 knowledgebase article (#18397). In the event that you keep on seeing the mistake in the wake of attempting those means, make certain to reboot the server and the workstation for changes to produce results and afterward everything ought to work accurately.

“You don’t have a permit to utilize this item”

On the off chance that you see this mistake while opening an organization on a particular PC or with a particular Windows client, it’s because of a Windows client account having lacking freedoms to the Sage 300 Shared Data index.

Step by step instructions to Resolve:

Actually take a look at Sage 300 Shared Data index way in the library, (Go to Start, Run, type regedit).

32 digit conditions:


64 digit conditions:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeACCPAC International, Inc.ACCPACConfiguration

Affirm this is a similar area shown in the library from a workstation(s) that can open an organization effectively.

Actually take a look at the client authorizations for the Sage 300 Shared Data index. Windows client accounts should have full admittance to the envelopes and sub-organizers (Sage suggests that Windows client accounts be essential for the Power Users bunch).

Note: The above advances have settled a greater part of these issues. Now and again there is a subsequent vault key in the HKEY_CURRENT_-USERSoftwareACCPAC INTERNATIONAL, INC. that is causing the blunder.

Need Help with Sage 300 (Accpac)?

Snap to pose an inquiry or reach out to Acumen Information Systems – Sage 300 (Accpac) programming support specialists.

Find Also-:

Financial aspect

 After discussion with your preceptor, name one financial aspect, one quality aspect, and one clinical aspect that need to be taken into account for developing the evidence-based change proposal. Explain how your proposal will directly and indirectly impact each of the aspects. 

Uniform Crime Report

Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), and Crime Data from Victims of Crime: The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). Please answer the questions below:

  1. Define the terms UCR, NIBRS, and NCVS. What is the purpose of each?
  2. If you could pick only one measure of crime, which one would you choose? Defend your answer?
  • Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities.
  • Address all questions.
  • Use proper grammar and punctuation.
  • If you researched your topic and are using information from what you learned, remember to cite your sources.

Write a summary of the document

Employees have certain rights during a fraud investigation.  Do you think these rights impede a fraud investigation and favor the employee or do you think these rights are necessary?  Be sure to back up your opinions with authoritative sources    and applicable laws including constitutional law.

Please references 


Usability Journal

– write three (3) journal entries.

  • Each entry shall be approximately 500 words each.
  • Each entry shall focus on an object that contains a bad usability design. These are PHYSICAL objects, not software or website interfaces. 
  • Explain why the object being described does not maintain good usability practices.
  • The deliverable shall include citable examples of best practices from academic literature explaining why the product/object does not follow best practices.


  • A remote control.
    • What about the remote control makes the device both a good and bad example for the usability perspective?
    • Each deliverable will contain:
    • Three entries with 300-400 words for EACH entry
    • APA citation with examples from scholars explaining best practices that should be followed
    • An example image of the bad design practice followed
    • An example of good potential practices to follow

Write a summary of the document

You are the fraud investigator on a case and you are certain the VP of Operations has embezzled funds. The VP of Operations has been under suspicion twice before on similar schemes but these suspicions were never proven. Do you think, in this case, it would be acceptable to include evidence from these prior situations in your investigation to ensure an arrest and conviction this time? 

Proposed solution

 Now that you have completed a series of assignments that have led you into the active project planning and development stage for your project, briefly describe your proposed solution to address the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need and how it has changed since you first envisioned it. What led to your current perspective and direction? 

Response to In Machines We Trust Podcast and Reading

listen to the podcast and read the file attached and then start working 

According to the episode of In Machines We Trust, how do algorithms influence social norms surrounding beauty and what are some broader effects of this trend?  What was your overall reaction to this podcast?  Cite specific examples from the episode. 

How did the pandemic change the use of AI and AR in the beauty industry?

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