Archive for May 17th, 2022

Origin of everything/gender


After watching and reflecting on the video, answer the following questions.

1. According to Ferree and Wade “Our gender binary glasses, acquired as we learn the ways of our culture, help us see the world the way most other people around us do, but they also help us preserve the binary itself How are we complicit in gendering the world around us? 

2. According to Ferree and Wade Whenever stereotypes are activated, those stereotypes influence our attention, thinking, and memory, and they do so in their own favor. Stereotypes are so powerful, in fact, that they are a source of false memories. What do the authors mean by this?


 Should there be a death penalty for first-degree murder?

1) Make an argument that either supports or opposes the use of the death penalty in first-degree murder cases.

2) Be sure to define what is involved with first-degree murder and provide adequate reasoning and support for your argument.

3) No Plagiarism. Sources must be properly cited in APA style!

holistic assessment

 3-5 page (not including the title, table assignment, and references pages) 

Perform a thorough nutritional assessment including anthropometric, biochemical, medications, clinical, dietary data, and medical-psychosocial history. Utilize at least two scholarly resources to support your interpretation of findings, outcomes, goals, and interventions.


  1. Choose an individual to assess (does not have to be a patient, cannot be yourself, but can be a family member, friend, co-worker, etc.).
  2. Utilize the Table (click on the file) to document nutritional assessment – . The table must be included in your assignment.
  3. Perform nutritional history.
  4. Perform physical assessment related to nutritional assessment.  If available, include any laboratory data relevant to the nutritional assessment.
  5. Thoroughly document nutritional findings.
  6. Interpret the assessment data and prepare 2 nutritional outcomes or goals. Outcomes or goals should be measurable, attainable, specific, and patient-centered.
  7. Include at least one intervention for each of your outcomes or goals.
  8. Support your interpretation of the findings, outcomes or goals, and interventions with at least 2 scholarly resources.
  9. APA 7th edition format required.

Genre Analysis

Complete the on each of the three genres you have chosen. When you complete the worksheet, write a short introduction (no more than a few paragraphs) to include with your submission. Be sure to include the introduction in the sample file as your worksheet. The introduction should be placed at the top of the worksheet.  

In your introduction, answer the following questions: 

  • Why did you choose the three genres you chose? 
  • What did you learn from analyzing these different genres? 
  • How can you carry this information forward into different genres and different writing assignments in college and beyond? 


Literature Reviews

3 Discussions and 1 Case Study

Discussion 4.1

Are corporations moral agents? Do they have moral responsibilities? Or in your view, do only human beings have moral agency and moral obligations?

Please cite and reference at least one source such as our Shaw textbook, a website via Google, or an EBSCOhost article.  For example:

Shaw, W. H. (2017). Business Ethics, 9th ed. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. 

Discussion 5.1

What do you see as the pros and cons of government safety regulations?

Discussion 5.2

Is advertising a positive or socially desirable aspect of our economic system?

Case Study 5.1

Read Case 7.4 The Fight over the Redwoods and answer the 4 questions on page 273 in a three to five page paper excluding title, abstract, and reference pages, include at least three peer reviewed sources found in the Potomac Library properly cited and referenced.

Please use this strategy when you analyze a case:

  1. Identify and write the main issues found discussed in the case (who, what, how, where and when (the critical facts in a case).
  2. List all indicators (including stated “problems”) that something is not as expected or as desired.
  3. Briefly analyze the issue with theories found in your textbook or other academic materials. Decide which ideas, models, and theories seem useful. Apply these conceptual tools to the situation. As new information is revealed, cycle back to sub steps a and b.
  4. Identify the areas that need improvement (use theories from your textbook)
    • Specify and prioritize the criteria used to choose action alternatives.
    • Discover or invent feasible action alternatives.
    • Examine the probable consequences of action alternatives.

Human trafficking

 Please read Chapter 1 of the textbook and watch the film Whistleblower (2010). 

After reading Chapter 1 and viewing Whistleblower (2010), answer all of the following questions:

What is your initial response to this work? What components of human trafficking does this work portray well? Does this work represent something different from what you have learned about human trafficking? Compare and contrast this work to what you have read thus far in the text. How is it effective (or ineffective) in telling its story? How might the current sociopolitical climate or events have played a role in the making of this work?

1,000 word paper The Introduction, Thesis Statement, and Annotated Bibliography


Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the and web pages, and and tutorials.

Reflect: Reflect back on the Week 1 discussion in which you shared with the class the global societal issue that you would like to further address. Explore critical insights that were shared by your peers and/or your instructor on the topic chosen and begin your search for scholarly sources with those insights in mind.

Write: For this assignment, review the and address the following prompts:

  • Introductory paragraph to topic (refer to the Final Paper guidelines for your topic selection).
    • Write an introductory paragraph with at least 150 words that clearly explains the topic, the importance of further research, and ethical implications.
  • Thesis statement.
    • Write a direct and concise thesis statement, which will become the solution to the problem that you will argue or prove in the Week 5 Final Paper. (A thesis statement should be a concise, declarative statement. The thesis statement must appear at the end of the introductory paragraph.)
  • Annotated bibliography.
    • Develop an annotated bibliography to indicate the quality of the sources you have read.
    • Summarize in your own words how the source contributes to the solution of the global societal issue for each annotation.
    • Address fully the purpose, content, evidence, and relation to other sources you found on this topic (your annotation should be one to two paragraphs long150 words or more.
    • Include no less than five scholarly sources in the annotated bibliography that will be used to support the major points of the Final Paper.
    • Demonstrate critical thinking skills by accurately interpreting evidence used to support various positions of the topic.

The Introduction, Thesis Statement, and Annotated Bibliography

  • Must be 1,000 words 

3.2 Responses


Deviance is behavior that violates social norms and arouses negative social reactions. Crime is behavior that is considered so serious that it violates formal laws prohibiting such behavior. Social control refers to ways in which a society tries to prevent and sanction behavior that violates norms. chapter

What are deviance and society?
Deviance is any behavior that violates social norms and is usually of sufficient severity to warrant disapproval from the

majority of society. Deviance can be criminal or noncriminal. The sociological discipline that deals with crime (behavior that violates laws) is criminology (also known as criminal justice). theo…

Which of the following identifies the relationship between society and deviance? We prefer to live in a society where people behave in individual ways. Deviance must always be challenged by bureaucracy.

Why is deviance important to society?
mile Durkheim believed that deviance is a necessary part of a successful society and that it serves three functions: 1) it clarifies norms and increases conformity, 2) it strengthens social bonds among the people reacting to the deviant, and 3) it can help lead to positive social change and challenges to people’s …

How does deviance benefit society? Deviance clarifies norms by exercising social control to defend its values; society defines, adjusts, and reaffirms norms. Deviance can be a temporary safety valve. Deviance increases unity within a society or group.


Deviance is behaviors or actions that breach social norms. One example would be protesting that could be good or bad. Such as the protest of Black Lives Matter. It is a protest that has a lasting impact on individuals and has caused individuals to remember it. Based off of the Black Lives Matter protest I can see it potentially developing into a societal change over time. But not all protesting is positive. Protesting could lead into riots which could cause harm to individuals or property and in the end, harm is not actually identifying the true meaning behind the protest. I believe some protesting start out as a deviance behavior.

Boundless. (n.d.). Boundless sociology. Lumen. Retrieved May 16, 2022, from


Deviance plays a roll a huge roll in everyday life due to certain situations that may cause this type of behavior. There are things like social justice movements where deviance can be positive and have a lasting impact on people’s lives. However It’s important to note that some may not see protests or riots as positive actions but they definitely cause change to come which in my eyes is positive. These types of movements are very important and can cause an everlasting impact to certain individuals. To me personally i don’t think social justice movements start out as deviant behavior because the reasons for this type of behavior are for the greater good and for the right reasons. I think because of why they are protesting it is so important and the changes they cause in society can be wonderful and bring such an impact.

Supervision and Management (200-300 words) Diss 6

Imagine you are the head of a human services agency that provides behavior analytic treatment to individuals. The organization employs 5 behavior analysts, 25 RBTs, and has approximately 40 clients. It is a clinic environment, so no travel will be required of your employees. Develop 3 reinforcement systems that produce positive reinforcement and discuss how you would establish them within your organization. Remember to consider everything you have read, schedules of delivery, and feasibility of implementation. 



Communities and Police have always had a rocky relationship. In May 2020, almost 2 years ago today, a black man was brutally murdered by police. Civil unrest broke loose as the black community felt this was personal and race-related. By that June, rioting, arson, and looting spread throughout the United States this called for issuing an order for a curfew for at least 200 cities in America and the deployment of over 62,000 National Guard personnel to assist with the complete chaos that had ensued. George Floyd was killed in broad daylight in view of many bystanders. The video footage showed a white police officer using extreme violence on a black man cooperating with his commands. Throughout the years, the war between police and blacks has been evident and when Floyd was killed the community demanded justice for Floyd and for equality when being questioned by police. Understandable. The potential lasting impacts on social and political movements, education, policing, and justice across the country are 4 significant areas that need to be shifted for positive change. The Black Lives Matter campaign started after Trayvon Martin was murdered and the killer was acquitted. Once the video of Floyd went viral it shook all communities to the core because many especially whites were not aware that the black community was still treated differently and wrongly by police. Blacks have feared police presence forever and now they take extra precautions like recording interactions with police when stopped. Other hand body cams were issued to officers to record their interactions as well in an attempt to provide transparency and accountability within the police departments. George Floyd sparked a new light on the public by seeing more of the race issues in the US including policing and the criminal justice system that was previously unnoticed. In the video, it was a good example of how not every officer is corrupt yet there are corrupt officers and the city of Philadelphia is working toward multiple ways of preventing situations that are unjust. Citizens including those of the black community should not fear police presence. It is also important for everyone to remember being an officer is a dangerous occupation and many times outnumbered in the communities so they have a heightened sense of protecting themselves and others in the community when going to work a call. All aspects of the communities and police are impacted in regards to educating, policing, and showing justice across the country. 


Films Media Group. (2016). Wired Philly. Films On Demand. 

Simpkins, K. (2021.) One year later: How George Floyd’s death changed us.


Community policing focuses on solving problems, whereas police-community relations change citizen attitudes and improve police relationships with citizens. In addition, community policing requires regular contact with citizens, rather than the infrequent contact of police-community relations.

Working with the police, officers apply problem-solving methods to reduce crime and disorder while improving the overall quality of life in their beats. As each officer’s rank increases, he or she becomes responsible for more neighborhoodsnot only for responding to crime but for maintaining communication and engagement.  

When there are good police-community relations, police have a better understanding of the public’s concerns (especially those that are crime-related), and citizens are more inclined to report crimes that occur to the police, provide tips/intelligence to law enforcement, willingly serve as witnesses, and are happy to … Ross_7…

What is the relationship between the police and the community?
Trust between law enforcement and the public is essential. Communities rely on police and prosecutors to protect them from crime and injustice. We, in turn, rely on community support and cooperation in ensuring safety. But in too many neighborhoods across the country, this vital relationship is strained. …


On April 4, 2022, just 1 month ago, a young black man 26 years old, named Patrick Lyoya refugee from the Democratic Republic of the congo, was fatally shot in the back of the head by an officer of the Grand Rapid police department during a scuffle between the two in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  Videos show Lyoya who was unarmed was shot in the back of the head while lying face down on the ground  Mr. Lyoya who was pulled over for a traffic stop did try to run from the officer but a faulty license plate is no reason to be murdered. (WTOP News).

The bad news is police abuse is a serious problem. It has a long history, and it seems to defy all attempts at eradication.


WTOP 24 Hour News

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