Archive for May 31st, 2022



Identify local, state, and national resources which facilitate safe and effective transitions of care for older adults.

Your supervisor at  Home Health Services is satisfied with the resources described in your annotated bibliography and is eager for you to continue your work. As a next step, your supervisor wants you to develop and share the following items with them.

Write an introduction about your in-service presentation topic.

Create an outline that identifies and describes the important content areas for your in-service presentation topic.

Write a conclusion.

Provide an APA formatted References list that contains at least 2 credible references that you intend to cite in your presentation.


last minute project i have two hours to complete.


Assignment Content

  1. A local middle school science teacher is teaching students how information collected about the health of the environment can be used to positively change human behavior. The class wants to learn about a local environmental challenge and if there are any related local regulations or policies. They also want to know how they, individually, can make a difference. As a member of the community and a person interested in environmental science, you have volunteered to create a video presentation to share with the middle school science students to help. Keep in mind that middle school students are typically in grades 68 and are 1114 years old. Your presentation must be comprehensive and at the appropriate level for your audience to understand.

    Consult the following resources to create a video:

    • “”
    • “”
    • Note: A transcript for each video is available.

      Create a 3- to 4-minute video about how the students can influence positive change on a local environmental challenge. Review the as you prepare to record your video content and for some ideas for how to talk about these sorts of ideas to a middle school audience.

      Include the following components in your video:

    1. Identify a local environmental challenge.
    2. Summarize the local environmental challenge. Support your summary with at least 2 sources from the , reputable environmental groups, or government websites.
    3. Explain why this challenge is relevant to the middle school class. Remember that while it is important to be honest with children about the realities of the health of the environment, be sure not to scare them. Focus on why it should be important to them, and that they can take action to help.
    4. Identify any local regulations or policies that have been created in response to this challenge. Remember, the purpose of this presentation is to help the students think about how they can change their behavior, not to teach them about regulations. Only mention the regulations so that students can understand how society has used regulations to change behavior. Do not spend too much time explaining details of the regulations to the students.
    5. Recommend 3 sustainable actions the middle school students can do in response to this challenge to help.
    6. Submit your assignment.


High Performance Computing (HPC)


Clusters, nodes, supercomputing, monster machines, Linux, Windowsoh my! The future of IT, computer processing and solving day-to-day business problems is changing. This change, in one form, is coming via computer hardware and that hardwares capability to process more data, much faster.

Discussion Question

Please provide a response to BOTH question #1 and #2

What is High Performance Computing (HPC)?
Your response CANNOT be a simple definition. A definition yes, however, your response MUST go beyond just the definition and demonstrate that you (a) understand what HPC is and (b) are able to relate this understanding to applying how HPC works and is currently being used to solve todays and tomorrows business challenges.

Using this definition and YOU OWN organization as a basis for analysis, what SPECIFIC recommendations would you make to senior management on applying HPC into the organizations IT strategy, which will take full advantage of the features and functions found in HPC?

Collaboration Software


Large corporations typically have their own private systems called Intranets and Extranets, but small businesses and individuals can also benefit from similar systems called hosted services. Whatever the tool or the application of it, years of use have shown collaboration software to be extremely effective at streamlining and improving interactions between people.

Please provide a response to BOTH question #1 and #2

What is Collaboration Software?
Yes, provide a definition. HOWEVER, go BEYOND a simple web-based definition by providing an example of a collaboration software package and describing the softwares features.

Using the industry/market/branch of service in which you work (or have previously worked) provide examples of how collaboration software has affected (positively or negatively) your workplace and your industry/market/branch of service.

Collaboration Software


Large corporations typically have their own private systems called Intranets and Extranets, but small businesses and individuals can also benefit from similar systems called hosted services. Whatever the tool or the application of it, years of use have shown collaboration software to be extremely effective at streamlining and improving interactions between people.

Please provide a response to BOTH question #1 and #2

What is Collaboration Software?
Yes, provide a definition. HOWEVER, go BEYOND a simple web-based definition by providing an example of a collaboration software package and describing the softwares features.

Using the industry/market/branch of service in which you work (or have previously worked) provide examples of how collaboration software has affected (positively or negatively) your workplace and your industry/market/branch of service.


Do a literature review and provide an overview of the significant literature published on Diabetic Fiber diet. Develop a PICO question, as the elements of a PICO question are used as the key terms for searching electronic bibliographic databases. Present your question using relevant PICO elements and discuss the strategy you used to locate current and relevant literature. Identify the most relevant and current literature that makes a contribution in understanding Diabetic Fiber Diet. What are the problems identified. Present an overview of the similarities and differences. What are the major issues, controversies, etc. that impact Diabetic Fiber Diet? 

Competitor Analysis Excel Project

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ACCT 370
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Competitor #1 Income Statement (Tab 5), Competitor #1 Balance Sheet (Tab 6), Competitor #1
Cash Flows (Tab 7), Competitor #2 Income Statement (Tab 8), Competitor #2 Balance Sheet
(Tab 9), Competitor #2 Cash Flows (Tab 10), Historical and Competitor Ratios (Tab 11)
Continue in the same Excel workbook prepared in Module 2: Week 2, adding the following
o The 5th tab and 8th tabs in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be
labeled (Competitor Company Name) Income Statements.  (Replace
Competitor Company Name with the name of the competitor.)
Include  the  latest  three  years  of  income  statements  for  your  competitor
based on SEC filings.
Ensure that the worksheet includes a header with:
Company Name
Financial Statement Name (Income Statements)
Financial Statement Dates
Denomination level ($s in millions or thousands, etc.)
o The 6th and 9th tabs in your Financial Statement Analysis Template must be labeled
(Competitor Company Name) Balance Sheets.  (Replace Competitor
Company Name with the name of the competitor.)
Include  the  latest  three  years  of  balance  sheets  for  your  first  competitor
based on SEC (10-K) filings.  (Note: Some 10-Ks only provided 2 years of
balance sheet data.  You may need to download the second most recent 10-K
for your company in order to obtain 3 years of balance sheet data.)
Ensure that the worksheet includes a header with:
Company Name
Financial Statement Name
Financial Statement Dates
Denomination level ($s in millions or thousands, etc.)
o The  7th  and  10th  tabs  in  your  Financial  Statement  Analysis  Template  must  be
labeled  (Competitor  Company  Name)  Cash  Flows.    (Replace  Competitor
Company Name with the name of the competitor.)
Include the latest three years based on SEC (10-K) filings.
Make  sure  that  the  Income  Statement,  Balance  Sheet,  and  Cash  Flows
Statement tie in as follows:ACCT 370
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Net Income from Income statement agrees with Net Income on the
Statement of Cash Flows
Ending  Cash  Balance  from  Statement  of  Cash  Flows  agrees  with
Cash in the Balance Sheet
o The  11th  tab  in  your  Financial  Statement  Analysis  Template  must  be  labeled
Historical and Competitor Ratios
The  list  of  ratios  to  be  included  are  as  follows.    They  should  be  grouped
under the headings, as shown:
Liquidity Ratios
o Current Ratio
o Quick Ratio
Leverage Ratios
o Debt to Total Assets Ratio
o Debt Equity Ratio
o Long-Term Debt to Equity
o Times Interest Earned Ratio
Activity Ratios
o Inventory Turnover
o Fixed Assets Turnover
o Total Assets Turnover
o Accounts Receivable Turnover
o Average Collection Period
Profitability Ratios
o Gross Profit Margin
o Operating Profit Margin
o Net Profit Margin
o Return on Total Assets (ROA)
o Return on Stockholders Equity (ROE)
o Earnings Per Share (EPS)
o Price Earnings Ratio
Calculate the ratios for your chosen company for the last three years, linking
the ratio calculations back to the historical financial statement tabs (Tabs 2-
4) using formulas.ACCT 370
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Calculate  the  ratios  for  each  of  your  companys  competitors  (most  recent
year only), linking the ratio calculations to the competitor financial
statements shown in Tabs 5-10 using formulas.
Using the internet, locate the industry averages for the ratios listed above,
and include them in the final column of the ratio tab.  Include a footnote on
the tab to identify the source of the industry averages.
o Other instructions:
The Excel workbook should be professionally formatted.  Professional
formatting includes:
All numbers are formatted similarly.  The use of decimals, commas
for thousands, and other formatting is consistent.
Dollar  signs  are  included  in  the  first  and  last  numbers  of  each
Subtotals and totals are preceded by a single underline.  Totals are
followed by a double underline.
Line  descriptions  are  indented/bolded  in  a  manner  that  makes  the
spreadsheet easy to read.  
All totals and subtotals in the competitor financial statements as well as the
ratio calculations should be calculated using formulas.  
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.ACCT 370
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PowerPoint Presentation


For this assignment, you will create a professional looking PowerPoint presentation on an
operations management topic covered in this course. The scenario is that your supervisor has
assigned you the task of presenting a 30-minute training session on this topic. You need to
research your topic and prepare an engaging PowerPoint that would be used as a visual aid in for
your presentation.
Topic Ideas
The course textbook will be a great resource when looking for a topic that relates to some aspect
of operations management. Some examples of topics include (but are not limited to):
How to deploy a successful quality improvement program
Tips to effective demand forecasting
How to create a meaningful and impactful mission statement
What the keys to successful project management are
It is recommended that you pick a topic of interest and then do some research to make sure you
can find five credible sources more about credible sources below. Once you are certain you can
locate five credible sources, begin creating your PowerPoint presentation.
PowerPoint Requirements:
I. Title Slide
This will be the first slide of your PowerPoint (and is NOT considered a content slide).
This slide will include the following: title of your presentation, your full name, class
name & section number, and your institution (Liberty University).
II. Content Slides
A minimum of 10 content slides must be included.
All content slides must contain speaker notes.
Speaker notes are a presenters cheat sheet if you will. In other words, speaker notes
are hidden from your audience, but you are able to view them while presenting.
Speaker notes are NOT a copy of the information on your slide. Instead, speaker notes
expand upon and/or offer further clarification regarding points on each slide.
o To add speaker notes, go to the Notes pane under the slide where you will see
Click to add notes.  
III. Reference Slide
This slide will be the last slide(s) of your PowerPoint (and is NOT considered a content
This slide (or slides) will contain all sources used in your PowerPoint presentation.
Sources must be formatted according to current APA formatting guidelines.

BUSI 411
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In addition to current APA formatting guidelines, the inclusion of the complete URL
(sometimes called a permalink) is required for all full-text, peer-reviewed/scholarly
articles retrieved from Libertys online library journal database. Note that this is not the
same as the doi #. The URL must take your reader directly to the full text article within
Libertys online library journal database. If you’re unsure about the specific URL/link,
you can copy the entire web address from the top of the browser’s address bar once you
are viewing the full text article within Libertys online library journal database.
IV. Sources
A minimum of four credible sources must be used within your presentation.
Required, credible sources include:
o Four full-text, peer-reviewed/scholarly articles retrieved from Libertys online
library journal database.
o Two of the above four full-text, peer-reviewed/scholarly articles must be
within the last 7 years.
o The course textbook (as listed on the course syllabus).
o You are able to include additional sources, other than the four credible sources
listed above; however, they must be full-text articles retrieved from Libertys
online library journal database.
Sources NOT acceptable for this assignment:
o No textbooks (including e-books), other than the course textbook/ebook (as
listed on the course syllabus)
o No general Internet searching is acceptable.  Therefore, no blogs, education
sites, commercial sites, Wikipedia,, editorials, abstracts, online
books, book reviews, etc.
V. Avoiding Plagiarism
Create an original PowerPoint presentation; previously submitted work from this or
another course is considered self-plagiarism and is prohibited.
Provide citations for the following:
o All statements, ideas, & thoughts (whether paraphrased or directly quoted) used
from an outside source.
o Tables, data, images, etc. used from an outside source.
o All citations should be formatted according to the most current APA formatting
guidelines and should directly follow the information used from an outside
o All sources used must be formatted on your reference slide(s), according to
current APA formatting guidelines.
VI. Other Requirements and Reminders:
Must be created in Microsoft PowerPoint and uploaded through the assignment link as a
.ppt or .pptx file.
Individual slides and the overall design of your presentation must be professional and
A running header or page numbers are not required.
An abstract is not required

Week 5 h

The DECIDE framework provides a good plan for product evaluation. Evaluate any personal device, such as a TV’s remote control, using the DECIDE framework. Discuss the usability of this framework in the device. What challenges did you face while applying the framework to the device?

Comparative Advantage

International economics is dominated by the idea of comparative advantage that different endowments and activities in different countries make them relatively more or less efficient at different economic activities.  In other words, countries (and organizations) should specialize in the economic activities where they have a competitive edge against the competition.

APA style, elaborate on the concept of comparative advantage and how this concept is the determining factor in the long-term stability of a country and profitability of an organization.  In particular, research and determine the following:

  • Define and explain the concept of comparative advantage.
  • Select any country that interests you.  Then, determine one product or service where the country has a comparative advantage and one where they have a comparative disadvantage.  Discuss the factors within the country that created this comparative advantage, and also the factors that contributed to their comparative disadvantage.
  • Finally, where the country has a comparative advantage, detail the strategy the country should adapt to maintain this advantage for the next five years.  Importantly, comparative advantages fade rapidly and countries (and organizations) should constantly strive to maintain and expand their existing comparative advantages.
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