Archive for May 31st, 2022

Need Health Care Management Assistance

Need assistance with the following question….

In the last five weeks of the course, what lessons would you share with other health care leaders about creating a strategic plan?

This is for a health care strategic management course

Globalization and Risk

One goal of a multinational organization is to build, protect and exploit its unique resources to establish a competitive advantage.  A similarly important goal of a multinational organization is to diversify the organizations financial risk portfolio.  Discuss how globalization allows organizations to diversify their financial/business risks and amortize their fixed costs and resource investments throughout the organization. 

This requires a three page researched paper each. See additional information for requirements.

Topic for the First 3 page paper:
Prepare a well-researched and well-written response to the question below. Your response MUST be reflective of graduate-level work, MUST properly cite any external, secondary sources used to develop your response and MUST answer the question. Background A value chain can is a set of linked activities that work to add value to a product. As managers, executives, leaders, now or as you move through your career, how can organizations exploit (take advantage of) the use of technology for satisfying the needs of customers and other stakeholders?
Discussion Question
1. Select ONE (1) of the following industry sectors:
Technology – Use this one for the paper.
2. Write a three (3)-page paper in which you discuss how organizations, in your selected market sector, through the utilization of supply chain management are creating, establishing and maintaining a more proactive and efficient supply chain, to meet and satisfy the needs of customers and other stakeholders.

This requires a three page researched paper each. See additional information for requirements.

Topic for the First 3 page paper:
Prepare a well-researched and well-written response to the question below. Your response MUST be reflective of graduate-level work, MUST properly cite any external, secondary sources used to develop your response and MUST answer the question. Background A value chain can is a set of linked activities that work to add value to a product. As managers, executives, leaders, now or as you move through your career, how can organizations exploit (take advantage of) the use of technology for satisfying the needs of customers and other stakeholders?
Discussion Question
1. Select ONE (1) of the following industry sectors:
Technology – Use this one for the paper.
2. Write a three (3)-page paper in which you discuss how organizations, in your selected market sector, through the utilization of supply chain management are creating, establishing and maintaining a more proactive and efficient supply chain, to meet and satisfy the needs of customers and other stakeholders.

Juvenile Delinquency


The juvenile justice system oversees adjudications for juvenile offenders in juvenile courts. A juvenile offender is a youth under the age of 18 or the age of majority, depending on state statute. A juvenile, or delinquent, is said to commit delinquent acts rather than crimes. This language is consistent with the primary goal of the juvenile system, which is rehabilitation, treatment, and successful reintegration into the community.

For the last 40 years, the United States Supreme Court has rendered several important cases affecting the constitutional rights, treatment, and adjudication of delinquents in the juvenile justice system.


Per the chapter reading, write a one-page summary that includes the history of landmark cases that grant due process rights and procedures to juveniles and your understanding of the following Supreme Court decisions, especially as they pertain to the death penalty and requirements for life imprisonment without parole.

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8310 Dis 2 week 1

Is there a topic or idea that has been on your mind that you are thinking about for your dissertation or doctoral study? Is there a problem in your work or social sphere that you feel compelled to understand and act upon? Have you read a story or viewed a documentary and thought I could do something like that?

These are just a few of the ways Walden students become inspired to choose what they would like to study for their dissertation or doctoral study.
Once you have watched this weeks Scholar of Change video, you have the opportunity to reflect on how that student merged their academic studies with their passion for making a difference. In this Discussion, you have an opportunity to start that journey, to consider a topic you would like to explore.
For this Discussion, you will explore topics in your discipline of interest to you that you want to research using a qualitative approach.
To prepare for this Discussion:
Review the Learning Resources related to qualitative research.
Consider a topic in your discipline that is of interest to you. This could come from a prior course or something from your work or personal setting for which you have a passion.
Topic of interest: The Impact of Virtual Leaning in Early Childhood Education

Human Health and Physiology – Human Health and Physiology 1

My part is the Cardiologist, please only use the cariologist section

The chart is in the attachment

For this assignment, each member of your group will be taking on the role of a different medical specialist. Each person in your group should have a different role, so before you write your post, check to see which roles have been taken. 

  • Cardiologist 
  • Endocrinologist 
  • Nephrologist 
  • Pulmonologist 
  • Gastroenterologist

Post Requirements

This assignment requires one post. Title your post with the name of your medical specialty.

Be sure to write the answers to the following questions in your own words; no direct quotes! Please also cite all sources fully, including in-text citations and a full reference list at the end, for full credit.

  1. In your expert role, what body system(s) do you specialize in?
  2. What are the main organs of that system(s)?
  3. Identify all of the health conditions that you believe are relevant to your medical specialty. (You should have at least two for full credit.) Explain your reasoning for why each health condition is relevant to your medical specialty. Your explanation should briefly discuss the physiology of the condition and include at least one in-text citation for each comorbidity, with a properly formatted reference list at the end.
  • High blood pressure
  • Cancer (except skin cancer)
  • Asthma
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Diabetes
  • Heart attack
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Low birth weight
  • Obesity
  • Stroke 
  1. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is piloting an educational outreach program to communities with low overall life expectancy within the county. You will use public health data to identify a community with poor health outcomes for conditions related to your medical specialty. Using your answer to #3, analyze the health condition data below to determine which city has poor health outcomes related to those health conditions compared to other cities. Choose one community (Arleta, El Monte, West Athens, West Whittier, Boyle Heights) and briefly explain your reasoning. 

Cultural Orientation Paper


Compose a Cultural Orientation Paper. Using concepts from Schein (Chapters 12) and Bolman and Deal (Chapter 1), write a five- to six-page paper that describes the culture of your current organization (or an organization which you have been a part of in the past).

While this paper should be academic in nature (using properly-cited quotations and paraphrases throughout), assume that your instructor is about to join the organization! With that in mind, write it as a “cultural orientation letter” to him or her that addresses, at very least, the following:

a.    Explain the organizational culture in detail using Scheins three levels of culture (approximately two pages).

b.    Which of Bolman and Deals four frames (see page 20) best describe your culture? Why? Which culture is primary and why is it primary? Which is secondary and why is it secondary? (This should be approximately one page.)

c.    What aspects of the organizational culture do you appreciate and why (approximately half a page)?

d.    What aspects of the organizational culture do you not appreciate and why (approximately half a page)?

e.    If a new manager (whether mid- or senior-level) were to survive and thrive within your organizational culture, list a variety of dos and donts that he or she should follow (approximately one page).

Include a title page, an abstract, section titles, a title page, and a references pageall in APA format.

Living well with HIV/AIDS – A manual on nutritional care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS”

For this discussion you will review “Living well with HIV/AIDS – A manual on nutritional care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS” 

Then respond to the following:

1. What are three diet therapy considerations that must be made for people living with HIV/AIDS?

2. Why is it important for them to adhere to these dietary requirements?

3. What may happen if they don’t?

4. What two strategies can you use to facilitate adherence?

Please make an initial post by midweek, and respond to at least two other student’s posts with substantial details that demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and critical thinking. Remember that your posts must exhibit appropriate writing mechanics including using proper language, cordiality, and proper grammar and punctuation. If you refer to any outside sources or reference materials, be sure to provide proper attribution and/or citation.



1. Describe the anatomy of the basic unit of the nervous system, the neuron. Include each part of the neuron and a general overview of electrical impulse conduction, the pathway it travels, and the net result at the termination of the impulse. Be specific and provide examples. Explain the following:

What are the major components that make up the subcortical structures?

Which component plays a role in learning, memory, and addiction?

What are the two key neurotransmitters located in the nigra striatal region of the brain that play a major role in motor control?

2. Explain how glia cells function in the central nervous system. Be specific and provide examples.

3. The synapse is an area between two neurons that allows for chemical communication. Explain what part of the neurons are communicating with each other and in which direction does this communication occur? Be specific.

4. Explain the concept of neuroplasticity. Be specific and provide examples.

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