Archive for November 16th, 2017

World Bank Data Analysis

Linear Regression Project 

World Bank Data Analysis

Using the World Bank database, analyze the association of two indicators that may have an interesting association.

• What association do you predict there is between these two indicators/variables? Why?

• Create a neat data table of two indicators for 20 countries; try to use two data sets from the same year.
• Create a scatterplot. Include clearly labeled explanatory/response variables and the regression line.

• Describe the association between the variables

• Determine whether a linear model is appropriate for your data. Explain why, and support with a residuals plot.

• Include the equation of the regression line, r and r2 values (use proper notation).

• Interpret the slope in context.

• Interpret the y-intercept in context.

• Note and interpret any outliers or note the absence of outliers. Be sure to cite specific points/countries.

• Make a prediction from the model.

• Comment on the accuracy of your prediction. What does r2 tell you about the predictive power of the model?

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Attend a rock music concert and report on the event

Discuss the event in its totality. Describe the environment and the audience; discuss the musicians’ interactions with the audience; and talk about the music that is performed, identifying musical elements that you heard during the performance. Be descriptive, and where possible use specific vocabulary to discuss musical stylistic features (instrumentation/timbre, rhythm, meter, melody, harmony, form, etc). In brief, apply as much as you can of what you have learned in class to your experience, and make the reader feel like she was there by reading your paper.

Before the concert, you may want to do a little research on the band you’ll hear, so that you will have some idea of what to expect. Citations must be given for information/ideas that are not considered common knowledge.

Some notes about the concert below: use this information to help write the paper

Opening Act: The Drifters

-Lights centered on 3 musicians on center stage
-Singer using arm motions to help indicate emotion
-Uses technology for background beat
-Guitarist and keyboardist/beatmaker and lead singer

Bon Iver:

Instrumentation: Two drum sets, saxophone, trombones, piano, high pitched singer, softer electric guitar, acoustic guitar for some songs
-Starts out in total darkness
-Spotlight on main singer
-Lights strobing
-Technology used to distort singing voices (auto tone)
-Lights very important for show
-Techno beats in background
-Most songs start off soft and then intensify

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ASSIGNMENT: Respond to this post by typing directly into the "Reply" box below the prompt.

Background: Presidents Lincoln and Obama are just 2 of the 11 American Presidents who were either born in or served their political careers in the Midwest. Review this week's handout for a full list.

Post Instructions: After reading Lincoln's "A Letter to Joshua Speed," consider the language Lincoln used to address this very difficult topic with his good friend. Lincoln says, "It is hardly fair for you to assume, that I have no interest in a thing which has, and continually exercises, the power of making me miserable" (62). This is the crux of Lincoln's anti-slavery argument. In your own words, why does Lincoln believe the slave issue involves him and the other northern citizens? Include examples from the reading. Do you accept Lincoln's statement? Why or Why Not? And, to what issues does this apply in current day America?

Length Requirement: All original posts for this course must be at least 100 words. And, remember, because this is still an English course, everything you write will be graded for grammar and style.

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Nature vs Nurture

Your paper should include the description of the selected theme based on
research (minimum 1 page). Giving specific examples, state how studying this
theme has facilitated your understanding of your behavior. (Minimum 2 pages).
The paper must be typed, 3 -5 pages, double-spaced, 1” margins, 12pt Times New
Roman font, with section headings, page numbers, a cover page and reference

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What is the importance of Stephan’s friendship with Barbara?

Make an A* Igsce English as a first language piece of writing.Introduction,3 peal paragraphs ,conclusion.Use ALOT OF QUOTATIONS to support your point .Include the effect on the reader,and how does the writer portray whose two characters.Michael frayns book “spies “

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After reading Lincoln’s “A Letter to Joshua Speed,” consider the language Lincoln uses to address this very difficult topic with his good friend

ASSIGNMENT: Respond to this post by typing directly into the "Reply" box below the prompt.

Background: Presidents Lincoln and Obama are just 2 of the 11 American Presidents who were either born in or served their political careers in the Midwest. Review this week's handout for a full list.

Post Instructions: After reading Lincoln's "A Letter to Joshua Speed," consider the language Lincoln uses to address this very difficult topic with his good friend. Lincoln says, "It is hardly fair for you to assume, that I have no interest in a thing which has, and continually exercises, the power of making me miserable" (62). This is the crux of Lincoln's anti-slavery argument. In your own words, why does Lincoln believe the slave issue involves him and the other northern citizens? Include examples from the reading. Do you accept Lincoln's statement? Why or Why Not? And, to which issues does this apply in current day America?

Length Requirement: All original posts for this course must be at least 100 words. And, remember, because this is still an English course, everything you write will be graded for grammar and style.

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What is the importance of Stephan’s friendship with Barbara?

Make an A* Igsce English as a first language piece of writing.Introduction,3 peal paragraphs ,conclusion.Use ALOT OF QUOTATIONS to support your point .Include the effect on the reader,and how does the writer portray whose two characters.Michael frayns book “spies “

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Business Paper Help

The case describes information and key observations concerning manager and worker behavior. You will identify and analyze the critical incidents (problems, situations, issues, and consequences) in the case influencing individual and organizational performance and effectiveness, making appropriate recommendations to improve problems, meet challenges, and take advantage of opportunities. 

Your analysis must evidence understanding of the case's specific characters, context, and circumstances. Avoid generalizations that might apply to similar cases available on the Internet or in previous courses. 

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Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act profile

View the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" video:       (       

This video was developed just as the 

(commonly referred to as ACA) was due to be implemented. Now that the ACA is operational, contrast the information from the video with actual outcomes and provide your assessment of whether or not the stated goals of the ACA are being met for direct patient care. Support your position using sources inclusive of peer-reviewed literature as well as governmental statistics (state or national) or other nonpartisan resources.     

– use 2 apa references  – answer gquestions straight to the point

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Health Policy And Impact That Policy Formation

Select one area of health policy and describe the impact that policy formation places on direct patient care delivery.      


What component of the policy area you selected could be improved to provide better care or patient outcomes, and how?     

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