Archive for November 26th, 2017

Project Management

1. Writer must based on project charter (see PM GROUP PROJECT) that provide to continue to write a project plan document (see ProjectPlan_GENERIC).

2. The project plan will include: scope baseline (scope statement, WBS-draw a diargram and WBS dictionary); schedule; cost estimate; budget; HR resource, communications; delivery plan; quality; legal licence; risk; stakeholder management and project control and maintenance.

3. Project Management Challenges-In your opinion, what are the PM challenges.

4. Project Management Solutions-What solutions are you proposing to these Pm challenges.

5. Lessons Learned-Acquire and present the lesson learned.

6. All activities will take place at Blackrock Hospice Hall (

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Building Foundational Quantitative Skills

Building Foundational Quantitative Skills

Competence in basic research skills and knowledge of relevant concepts are necessary to understand how to effectively design a research study. In addition to gaining a general understanding of research, this week you will be introduced to new terms and concepts associated with quantitative research. This week will also include an overview of many of the basic statistical methods used to describe and analyze data. Unlike qualitative research, which includes primarily text data as the basis to analyze a problem and answer a research question, quantitative research includes the collection and analysis of numerical data. 
Supplemental Reading
• Bryne, G. (2007). A statistical primer: Understanding descriptive and inferential statistics. Evidence Based Library and Information 

Summarize Numerical Data
For this assignment, think about a potential study you might want to conduct in which you would need to collect numerical data. You can use the research topic and problem you developed earlier, but make sure to modify your research questions to fit a quantitative method for this assignment. 
• State the research problem and ensure it is supported by at least 3 to 5 scholarly resources within the past 5 years to ensure relevancy. Also keep in mind that your problem statement should reflect your degree (applied or PhD). Discuss whether you had to alter the problem statement to now reflect a quantitative design. 
• How could you use quantitative methodology to address your research problem? 
• State the purpose of the research effort. Make sure the purpose is aligned with the problem.
• Draft 2 to 3 research questions that would be appropriate for a quantitative study and addresses your research problem and are aligned with your purpose statement. You might choose to revise your previous qualitative research questions or develop new research questions. Either way, ensure alignment with the problem and purpose.
• Identify and discuss a design that is associated with quantitative methodology that you would consider to answer your research questions.
• You will find that some problems lend themselves to using one methodology over another. A goal of this assignment was to have you explore how a quantitative methodology might help you address your research questions. You will have an opportunity later in the course to explore mixed methodologies. Based on your analysis above, do you feel the use of a quantitative methodology and your chosen design is best suited to address your research problem and answer your questions. Why or why not?
Be sure to use scholarly sources to support all assertions and research decisions.
Length: 3-5 pages
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

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Design Studying Desk for Students with Special Needs

In "Required Tasks" file.. these are the things we have to consider for designing our 3D school desk suitable with special needs.. for the descriptions of how to write the 7 detailed steps of the report you'll find them in "Engineering Design Outlines" file.. for the 3 drawings we have to draw them in 3D application. And then we have to choose one of them one of the drawing… to sum up: we need the essay written like a report style and it should consider introduction and Executive Summary you will find in the "Project Format and summery" how it should be and also the report should include the 7 steps design that i told you about, 3 drawings of 3D design and at the end one will be chosen and the other things that are required .. we've already started with some ideas of the desk but we need more information, you'll find them in "started project" file and you can complete with it and change. 

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Health Statistics and Populations

Health Statistics and Populations
Professional Competency addressed in this Assignment:
PC-4.3: Apply concepts of multiculturalism and diversity to become an agent of change.
Select a health topic of interest such as breastfeeding, coronary heart disease, or juvenile diabetes that affects a specific population such as older adults or women of reproductive age or race. Locate health statistics for your selections. You must include national and state data. Your work may also include local county or city data if available. 
Additionally, research content regarding concepts of multiculturalism and diversity, and include interventions that address health disparities. 
Input your responses using a table similar to the one below. You may recreate the table in Word©. A Word document version of this table is available in Doc Sharing. Excel© files are not accepted. Include a title page and reference page. Length of Assignment should not exceed 3 pages.
Data Search Directions Summarize Your Findings
Identify the population of interest and health condition/event to your practice. Specify how you define the population (e.g. age, gender, health status, etc.). 
Summarize your search process. Specify what sources, organizations and agencies for health statistics were searched to find relevant health statistics. Be specific and thorough in your search.  
Provide the health information obtained in the search. Include any significant statistics and information on risk factors and trends in epidemiology data on your topic.  
Interpret your findings and determine if there is any evidence of health disparities based on the population examined. Be sure you understand what health disparities are and address if your topic is or is not impacted. Provide several examples and include interventions that would improve this disparity.

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Personal insights

Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?
(language, culture different, independent,single, rotated in work and school, life expense…)
– I come from China and have been in California for 3 years.
If you need more info, plz check the attached file


Representation of mental illness?

Purpose: to analysis a type of visual representation. 
How media portrayal mental illness? (Media portrayals of mental illness are often controversial and have been criticized for inaccurate stereotypical depiction.) 

Please include: 
1. What is the representation ? (what? )
2. Interpret its technician need to disseminate than representation ( how?) 
3. Interpret what “if” means? 
4. Consequences of the nation representation. 
5. Causes 
6. Solutions

Please use outside sources to support. ( Movie, novel, journal, research paper, articles) and I need a work cited page.

Nursing shortage relating to burnout

The paper must include research from the four journal articles that are attached.

12 angry men

Hollywood Opportunity
The film is a means for you to identify and explain your understanding of course
topics present in the film.
DO NOT recite the movie plot or give a scene-by-scene description.
Instead explain how our course subject is present in the film or the message(s) the film
conveys regarding humanity, integrity, and the presence of remarkable human will.
You will not have time to discuss the whole movie.
Focus on connecting the character(s) / scene(s) to course topics and examples.
You will have 15 minutes to convey your understanding of the course content. 
For you to receive points, your presentation must be well outlined and rehearsed.
Below are examples of films you may use. You may choose another film but you must get my approval. I recognize it is possible some of you will find them offensive or disturbing. You are welcome to find something that suits your taste and is approved by me.
The film list
12 Angry Men

Hemophilia (Physiology)

. Please follow every instruction as this order and according to the rubric, it is a very important assignment for my class. The paper should talk about Hemophilia A and B, as well as Hemophilia disease as a whole.

12 angry men

Hollywood Opportunity
The film is a means for you to identify and explain your understanding of course
topics present in the film.
DO NOT recite the movie plot or give a scene-by-scene description.
Instead explain how our course subject is present in the film or the message(s) the film
conveys regarding humanity, integrity, and the presence of remarkable human will.
You will not have time to discuss the whole movie.
Focus on connecting the character(s) / scene(s) to course topics and examples.
You will have 15 minutes to convey your understanding of the course content. 
For you to receive points, your presentation must be well outlined and rehearsed.
Below are examples of films you may use. You may choose another film but you must get my approval. I recognize it is possible some of you will find them offensive or disturbing. You are welcome to find something that suits your taste and is approved by me.
The film list
12 Angry Men
Hollywood Opportunity
The film is a means for you to identify and explain your understanding of course
topics present in the film.
DO NOT recite the movie plot or give a scene-by-scene description.
Instead explain how our course subject is present in the film or the message(s) the film
conveys regarding humanity, integrity, and the presence of remarkable human will.
You will not have time to discuss the whole movie.
Focus on connecting the character(s) / scene(s) to course topics and examples.
You will have 15 minutes to convey your understanding of the course content. 
For you to receive points, your presentation must be well outlined and rehearsed.
Below are examples of films you may use. You may choose another film but you must get my approval. I recognize it is possible some of you will find them offensive or disturbing. You are welcome to find something that suits your taste and is approved by me.
The film list
12 Angry Men
Hollywood Opportunity
The film is a means for you to identify and explain your understanding of course
topics present in the film.
DO NOT recite the movie plot or give a scene-by-scene description.
Instead explain how our course subject is present in the film or the message(s) the film
conveys regarding humanity, integrity, and the presence of remarkable human will.
You will not have time to discuss the whole movie.
Focus on connecting the character(s) / scene(s) to course topics and examples.
You will have 15 minutes to convey your understanding of the course content. 
For you to receive points, your presentation must be well outlined and rehearsed.
Below are examples of films you may use. You may choose another film but you must get my approval. I recognize it is possible some of you will find them offensive or disturbing. You are welcome to find something that suits your taste and is approved by me.
The film list
12 Angry Men

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