Essay written on Nietzsche's will to power. What does it mean to say life is will to power? 4 pages
Archive for December 3rd, 2017
1. Communications Strategy For The Organization Of Your Choice (25%)
. Communications Strategy For The Organization Of Your Choice (25%)
Prepare a complex communications strategy for a real-life organization from a sector you have not used for Assignments 1 or 2. The emphasis in this assignment is on external communications and integrating the skills you have learned into a comprehensive plan.
The communications strategy must include, but need not be limited to the following elements:
· Executive Summary
· Communications Assessment (situational analysis)
· The present situation in which the organization finds itself. What is its reputation, has it received positive/negative media attention, who are its supporters and who are its critics? What needs improvement in its external communications?
· Communication Objectives
· Key Messages
· Key Audiences/target groups/stakeholders
· Who are you communicating with? What do they already know about the issue and/or the organization, and how do you intend to reach them? This list will obviously include the media, among others.
· Activities/tools/tactics for delivering your message(s)
· What materials will need to be developed?
· What events will you hold? Open houses, press conferences, opinion-gathering?
· How you will communicate with each important target group? Identify at least three channels you will use.
· Timeline/budget for implementation
· When will each activity in your plan take place? Next month, next year? In what sequence will you organize these activities and why?
· Include an estimate of the resources (human, financial, time) needed to create your communication materials or carry out your activities.
· Evaluation — how will you measure your success?
The plan should be appropriate for your sector and organization. This is NOT a budgeting exercise. In the Budget section, provide a ballpark estimation of the cost of putting your communications plan into action, and remember to take your organization’s resources into consideration.
Helpful Tips for Writing Assignment #3
1. You are writing this plan for a real organization, and in the real world it would be read by the owners/managers/CEO of that organization. These people obviously know how the organization works – don’t waste time describing it for them (location, number of employees, etc.). Concentrate on what you will do for them as a communications strategy, and why. Do not suggest operational changes, such as hiring more salespeople or reducing prices or training servers to ride unicycles.
2. Write the Executive Summary after you have completed the report. Use entire sentences you wrote elsewhere in your plan, if you choose. Ask a friend or family member to read the Executive Summary ONLY, not the whole plan. If they can read it, and then tell you what your main strategy is to improve the organization’s communications and why you choose that strategy, then your Executive Summary is successful.
3. Focus on the communications aspects. Your role is to examine how an organization communicates to its audiences, and suggest ways in which those communication activities should improve or change. The client already knows how to handle the business side (making money, serving customers, etc.) – you have been contracted to help him/her establish communication goals, craft key messages, and reach target audiences.
4. Please include at least two concrete, well-defined and measurable communication goals in the written report. Example: your goal is to increase your organization’s Twitter followers by 100% within six months. Each goal should be accompanied by one key message. Example for a non-profit/NGO: “We’re stronger together. Let your voice be heard as we advocate for Vancouver’s homeless and push for affordable housing. Join us in promoting #homesforthehomeless.”
Do not confuse goals with messages. See your instructor for clarification on this.
5. Evaluating your success means you have considered the ways in which the client will be able to determine if your communication goals have actually been met. This could include measuring the amount of media coverage generated after your plan is put into action (your strategy generates a certain number of articles in local newspapers or magazines, or 60 minutes of air time on local radio or TV programs). It might include measuring the increase in product sales or donations after the message has been sent out. It could involve counting the number of people who attend an open house or the number of new client names added to your email data base. You could suggest monitoring the number of “hits” on the company’s website, the number of likes on its Facebook site, or the number of followers added to its Twitter or Instagram accounts. Success might be immediate, or could be something you will measure over six months or longer.
Music Concert Report
1. Type(s) of music: Which types/genres of music were performed. Which historical eras were represented on the program? What were the performing forces needed to perform the works? Were concert programs with notes provided? Did you read or research about the works before or after the performance? If so, in which source(s)?
Answer: Piano accompanying and ensembles. Music with a French flair.
2. Choose two movements or short pieces from the program and contrast/comparethese works with references to specific musical elements. You must choose two separate movements or pieces. Your essay may include but is not limited to, a discussion about the melody, key and scale mode, rhythm, form, harmony, texture, text, etc. I want you to use your ears and listen for the basic elements discussed in class and apply them to the pieces of your concert. Try to highlight what really “stuck out” to you about the music in this section.
Answer: 1. Sonata No.1 in F minor, Op. 120 No.1——Johannes Brahms
2. Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622——W.A. Mozart.
3. Evaluate your concert-going experience.What did you enjoy about the music, what would have improved your experience, how did the performance fit or foil your expectations?Were there any aspects of the performance that was unfamiliar surprising to you? If so, what?
Case Study: Ventria Bioscience And The Controversy Over Plant-Made Medicines
For the writing assignment, please read case six and please complete the five discussion questions. Please type using 12" font and double spaced. The assignment should be 6 pages in length. You can write a one page summary if the answers do not add up to six pages and it is optional and required only if you do not already have six pages for the discussion questions.
ENG 115 ASSIGNMENT 3: STANCE ESSAY Due Week 10 and worth 230 points
Congratulations! You made it to your final assignment, and you have learned so much along the way.
• In the personal essay, you learned how to write with a strong personal voice. • In the informative essay, you learned how to write objectively and support your points with credible sources to
inform the audience.
Now in your final assignment, you will combine these writing techniques to write a stance essay. A stance essay takes a position on a topic and argues and supports that position with evidence. Consider your topic:
• What possible positions/arguments are there? • What position resonates with you? (Which position do you believe is correct?) • What are your main points? • What are the counterpoints? Are you ready to dispute them? • Do you have enough evidence to effectively support your argument?
For the stance essay, your personal voice (your perspective) should come through. This is just like assignment 1, except you should maintain a formal tone. And just like assignment 2, you will need to support your points with credible sources. You’re ready to take a position on the topic you have been writing about and to be persuasive!
Compose a three-four (3-4) page paper in which you do the following:
1. Use third person point of view (POV) and the appropriate voice and tone throughout your paper. a. Did you use third person pronouns? (he, she, they, their) b. Does your personality carry over in your writing? Are your word choices personal and consistent? c. Is the tone formal? Does it express your atitude about the topic?
2. Write an introduction paragraph, which includes your thesis statement. It is suggested that this paragraph contain 5-7 sentences.
a. Does your introduction include solutions or approaches on the topic? b. Does your thesis statement include three supporting reasons that clearly express your stance on the topic? c. Is your thesis statement clear and concise? d. Does your introduction provide a preview of the rest of your essay?
3. Write a supporting/body paragraph for each of the three (3) points/reasons from your thesis statement. It is suggest- ed that each paragraph contain at least 5-7 sentences.
a. Do your body paragraphs support each point of your thesis with relevant examples or statistics? b. Do you address the opinions or concerns that your audience might have? c. Did you paraphrase, quote, or summarize properly to avoid plagiarism? Did you comment on each quotation?
4. Write with logic and with transitions throughout your paper. a. Are your ideas consistent and well-organized, i.e., chronological order or order of importance? b. Do your ideas flow from one sentence to the next and one paragraph to the next, in the order presented in your
thesis statement?
5. Write a conclusion paragraph. It is suggested that this paragraph contain 5-7 sentences. a. Did you paraphrase or restate the thesis in a new way?
b. Did you leave a lasting impression, so that your readers continue thinking about your topic after they have finished reading?
6. Apply proper grammar, mechanics, punctuation and APA formatting throughout your paper. a. Did you check your grammar?
i. The way words are put together to make units of meaning: Sentence structure, pronoun-agreement, etc.
b. Did you check your essay for mechanics? i. All the “technical” stuff in writing: Spelling, capitalization, use of numbers and other symbols, etc.
b. Did you check the punctuation? i. The “symbols” used to help people read/process sentences the way you want them to be heard and
understood: Periods, question marks, commas, colons, etc. d. Did you format according to APA style? (See requirements below.)
Your assignment must follow these general APA formatting requirements:
• Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. It should also have a running header, short title headers, numbered pages, indented paragraphs, and a References List with hanging indent(s).
• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. Note: The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length of three-four (3-4) pages.
• In-text citations follow APA style, using attributive tags and signal verbs. • Did you cite at least four (4) sources (no more than two (2) of the provided sources in the webtext)? Are your
sources credible? • Refer to the Soomo webtext or check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Points: 230 Assignment 3: Stance Essay
Criteria Unacceptable
Below 60% – F
Meets Minimum Expectations
60-69% – D
70-79% – C
80-89% – B
90-100% – A
1. Point of View (POV), Voice, and Tone
Weight: 10%
Did not use third person POV at all in the paper. Voice is inconsistent and lacks person- ality or identity throughout the paper. Tone is not formal and atti- tude is unrecog- nizable throughout the paper.
Uses third person POV in a couple sentences of the paper. Voice may be inconsistent and lacks person- ality or identity throughout most of the paper. Tone is mostly informal and attitude is mostly unrecog- nizable throughout most of the paper.
Uses third person POV throughout some of the paper. Voice is somewhat consistent and personality or iden- tity is somewhat evident throughout the paper. Tone is fairly formal and attitude is some- what recognizable throughout most of the paper.
Uses third person POV throughout most of the paper. Voice is mostly consistent and personality or identity is evident throughout most of the paper. Tone is adequately formal and attitude is recognizable throughout the paper.
Uses third person POV throughout the paper. Voice is consistent and per- sonality or identity is evident through- out the paper. Tone is completely formal and attitude is easily recogniz- able throughout the paper.
2. Introduction and Thesis
Weight: 15%
Introduction does not include solu- tions or approach- es on the topic. Thesis statement does not include 3 supporting rea- sons that clearly expresses stance on the topic; it is not clear, and/or it is wordy. It does not give a preview of the rest of the essay.
Introduction attempts to offer solutions or approaches on the topic. Thesis statement may not include 3 support- ing reasons and/ or may not clearly express stance on the topic; it is not entirely clear; and/ or it is wordy. It barely previews the rest of the essay.
Introduction includes partial solutions or approaches on the topic. Thesis state- ment includes 3 supporting reasons and/or partially expresses stance on topic; it is fairly clear, and/or con- cise. It somewhat previews the rest of the essay.
Introduction includes effec- tive solutions or approaches on the topic. Thesis state- ment includes 3 supporting reasons and/or effectively expresses stance on topic; and is suf- ficiently clear and concise. It gives an adequate preview of the rest of the essay.
Introduction includes compel- ling solutions or approaches on the topic. Thesis statement includes 3 supporting rea- sons and/or fully expresses stance on topic; and is completely clear and concise. It gives a completely effectual preview of the rest of the essay.
3. Supporting Paragraphs
Weight: 20%
Did not write or incompletely wrote supporting paragraphs for each point from the thesis state- ment. Does not consider opinions or concerns of the audience. Does not properly paraphrase and/or comment on each quote.
Insufficiently wrote supporting paragraphs for each point from the thesis state- ment. Insufficient- ly consider opin- ions or concerns of the audience. Inadequately paraphrases and/ or comments on each quote.
Partially wrote supporting para- graphs for each point from the thesis statement. Somewhat con- siders opinions or concerns of the audience. Partially paraphrases and/ or comments on each quote.
Satisfactorily wrote supporting paragraphs for each point from the thesis state- ment. Adequately considers opin- ions or concerns of the audience. Satisfactorily paraphrases and/ or comments on each quote.
Clearly wrote supporting para- graphs for each point from the thesis statement. Fully considers opinions or con- cerns of the audi- ence. Completely paraphrases and/ or comments on each quote.
Points: 230 Assignment 3: Stance Essay
Criteria Unacceptable
Below 60% – F
Meets Minimum Expectations
60-69% – D
70-79% – C
80-89% – B
90-100% – A
4. Transitions and Logic
Weight: 15%
Ideas are incon- sistent and/or are not presented in a logical order. Tran- sition words are not used effectively to move from one idea, paragraph, and/or sentence to the next through- out the paper. Body paragraphs are not in the order pre- sented in the thesis statement.
Ideas may not be consistent and/or are inadequately presented in a logical order. Tran- sition words are used ineffectively to move from one idea, paragraph, and/or sentence to the next through- out most of the paper. Body para- graphs may not in the order present- ed in the thesis statement.
Ideas are fairly consistent and/ or are partially presented in a logical order. Tran- sition words are used somewhat effectively to move from one idea, paragraph, and/ or sentence to the next throughout some of the paper. Body paragraphs are partially in the order presented in the thesis state- ment.
Ideas are mostly consistent and/or are presented in a logical order. Tran- sition words are used adequately to move from idea, paragraph, and/ or sentence to the next throughout most of the paper. Body paragraphs are mostly in the order presented in thesis statement.
Ideas are com- pletely consistent and/or are clearly presented in a logical order. Transition words are used effectively to move from idea, paragraph, and/ or sentence to the next throughout the paper. Body paragraphs are in the order pre- sented in thesis statement.
5. Conclusion
Weight: 15%
Conclusion does not paraphrase or rephrase the thesis in a new way. It does not leave a lasting impression.
Conclusion at- tempts to para- phrase or rephrase the thesis in a new way. It attempts to leave a lasting impression.
Conclusion paraphrases or rephrases some of the thesis in a new way. It sufficiently left a lasting im- pression.
Conclusion ade- quately paraphras- es or rephrases the thesis in a new way. It was some- what effective in leaving a lasting impression.
Conclusion effectu- ally paraphrases or rephrases the the- sis in a new way. It left a powerful lasting impression.
6. Grammar, Mechanics, Punc- tuation, and APA Formatting
Weight: 25%
There are more than 8 mechanics, grammar, and punctuation errors. The paper is not double-spaced; font is incorrect; margins are not one-inch on all sides, and, there may not be a cover page. It does not have headers, pages numbers, in- dented paragraphs, and/or hanging indents. Did not appropriately use in-text citations throughout the body. No Referenc- es page.
There are 7-8 me- chanics, grammar, and punctuation errors. The paper is double-spaced; font is correct; margins are one-inches on any sides, and, there is a cover page. It only includes 1 of the following elements: headers, pages numbers, in- dented paragraphs, and/or hanging in- dents. All citations are missing or have been used improp- erly in the essay and References page.
There are 5-6 me- chanics, grammar, and punctuation errors. The paper is double-spaced; font is correct; mar- gins are one-inches on any sides, and, there is a cover page. It includes 2 of the following elements: headers, pages numbers, in- dented paragraphs, and/or hanging indents. Body paragraphs include in-text citations, and attributive tags and signal verbs are sufficiently used. Some in- text citations are improperly placed, missing, or not developed. Most of the References page is correct.
There are 3-4 me- chanics, grammar, and punctuation errors. The paper is double-spaced; font is correct; mar- gins are one-inches on any sides, and, there is a cover page. It includes 3 of the following elements: headers, pages numbers, in- dented paragraphs, and/or hanging indents. Body paragraphs include in-text citations, and attributive tags and signal verbs are mostly effec- tive. Two credible sources are proper- ly cited with some errors. References page is correct.
There are 0-2 me- chanics, grammar, and punctuation errors. The paper is double-spaced; font is correct; mar- gins are one-inches on any sides; and, there is a cover page. It includes all of the following elements: headers, pages numbers, in- dented paragraphs, and/or hanging indents. Body paragraphs include in-text citations, and attributive tags and signal verbs are effectively used. Two cred- ible sources are properly cited with few or no errors. References page is correct.