Archive for December 15th, 2017


There was nothing to change my mind or opinion in this course regarding criminal investigations.  If anything, my stance on certain topics was reinforced.  Witness testimony and confirmation bias seem to plague many cases in court and should be avoided.  Investigators must deal with witnesses who identify innocent lineup members and rejections of lineups as well; jurors are unlikely to be made aware of these decisions within a case (Dahl, et. al., 2009). These eyewitnesses can be unsure about their decision during questioning but absolutely positive on the witness stand and vice versa. They have time before the case goes to court to think about it, rehearse what they want to say, coach themselves, and replay the moment in their minds over and over again. It becomes very easy for information to be mixed up when that happens. 

Eyewitnesses can also create confirmation bias within the investigator.  Three experiments examining the influence of eyewitness decisions on participant-investigators revealed that investigators were heavily influenced by eyewitness decisions, regardless of what that decision was (Dahl, et al., 2006). If the eyewitness chose the top suspect in a lineup, investigators would zero in on that person with obvious bias.  the opposite was true if they did not choose the number one suspect.  I was genuinely surprised at the results and how easily influenced investigators are by eyewitness accounts.  

Proverbs 14:16 says "The wise are cautious and avoid danger; fools plunge ahead with reckless confidence." In any aspect of life, we cannot let what others say and do influence our decisions.  We need to look at the hard evidence for what it is.  Wishful thinking will not solve a case and innocent people could pay the price in doing so.  Be wary and weigh in on all sides before making a decision. 


Dahl, L. C., Brimacombe, C. A., E., & Lindsay, D. S. (2009). Investigating investigators: How presentation order influences participant-investigators' interpretations of eyewitness identification and alibi evidence. Law and Human Behavior, 33(5), 368-80. doi:

Dahl, L. C., Lindsay, D. S., & Brimacombe, C. A. (2006). Investigating Investigators: Examining Witnesses Influence on Investigators. Law and Human Behavior,30(6), 707-732. doi:10.1007/s10979-006-9012-5

8 hours ago 

Nathan Olsen 



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    This course has absolutely reinforced my respect for the process of criminal investigations, and overall I now have a better understanding of why criminal investigations are such an important field of work. There is much more that goes into the investigation than I originally perceived, and I now have a much greater respect for those working in this field. I would say specifically this course opened my eyes to the importance of forensic evidence, and it has challenged me to consider this as a future career opportunity. I love science and I love finding out the facts and processes of behaviors and actions, and being a forensic analyst combines these two things! My "aha" moment was simply reading through the DNA testing portions of the book and loving every sentence, captivated by the importance of this type of evidence and the weight which came from such evidence. This was a very interesting course, and I will move on more prepared for my future career because of it. God bless you all! 

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How has wireless media affected telecommunication?

How has wireless media affected telecommunication? What are some of the challenges (ethical, physical, and/or logical) to developing a system of communications based on wireless media?  How important is (or could be) wireless networking to your company? Would your company improve the sales/service process utilizing wireless networking?

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Business & Finance

It is brought to your attention that one of the employees who filed the sexual harassment claim has also indicated that she is currently suffering from anxiety and depression. In a discussion with the owner, you learn that Elora Jean & Co. does not have an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) policy. You have been asked to advise Elora Jean & Co. on this issue.

Are anxiety and depression considered disabilities?

Discuss the concept of reasonable accommodation and undue hardship. How does it apply to Elora Jean & Co.? How should this employee be addressed? 
Discuss the ramifications that the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act (ADAA) of 2008 has for employers. 
Indicate the elements that a policy addressing the Americans with Disabilities Act should convey. 

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Hls 460 DB5

Click on the following link(s) for the Phase 5 Reading Assignment:

Effectively Interrogating Terror Suspects
Same Priorities Different Perspectives
Summative Discussion Board

Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 3 paragraphs on the following:

What were the most compelling topics learned in this course?
How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still unclear that could be clarified?
What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information?

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Human Resource Management

Click the link above to respond to the discussion. If you need help with completing discussions please click here for more information.

"Video Presentation Feedback"

Upload your Proposal Video Presentation to the discussion as your original post. Next, review at least one (1) other student’s video presentation; then, respond to the following topics with your fellow student’s presentation in mind.
Note: To upload your video to the discussion, follow the same steps as uploading the video for the Assignment 2 submission. For a refresher, view the Kaltura video tutorial located below.

Imagine that you are the CEO of the organization featured in the presentation. Based on the information presented, specify the key aspects of the presentation that would lead you to accept the recommended proposal. Support your response with at least two (2) examples of content from the presentation.
Suppose that the CEO of the presenter’s organization tasked the presenter with sharing the proposal presentation with a board of directors for final approval. Provide one to two (1-2) suggestions to the presenter for ways he or she can enhance the presentation to increase the likelihood that the board of directors would also accept the proposal. Provide a rationale for your suggestions.

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REL/134 World Religious Traditions Il

Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation comparing two of the following:

· Catholic

· Orthodox

· Protestant

· Pentecostal

· Nontraditional/Alternative

Include a brief history of the two traditions and a comparison of their approach to the Bible, art, specific symbols, and rituals, as well as core beliefs, and ethics. You might consider visiting in person or exploring one of these churches online to add your own experiences.

Present your Christianity presentation.

· For Local Campus students, these are 15- to 20-minute oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations.

· For Online students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes.

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

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Human Resource Management

Please research the Electronic Health Record HITECH Act and Meaningful Use Act. Based on the information you have found, please write a minimum of a two-page paper and include responses to the following: 

1. Why were these Acts included and who is affected by these acts? 

2. Based on your assessment, what are the opportunities and limitations related to the acts? 

3. Define an eligible hospital and an eligible provider. Please discuss. 

4. What other information do you feel would be beneficial for the HIM director to know related to these Acts? All sources used, including the textbook, must be cited and referenced appropriately

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The Teams in INTERPROFESSIONAL PRACTICE module was a great learning experience for me due to the different modules that I have to Study during the course of the diagnostic imaging .In this module, I got to work with different professional health care students. This module also prepared me with some of the skills that are necessary for successful teamwork. This module build my existing knowledge about interprofessional team working also about how teams function and about the necessity for each professions to be able to work as part of an interprofessional team and the benefits that can bring to me as individual practitioners and to my clients or patients. by using the simulation-assisted scenarios that reflect the real world of practice in health and social care. The essay will reflect the experience that I have gained during the ‘Team Observed Structured Professional Encounter (TOSPE)’ scenarios team work performance. The main purpose of my essay is to demonstrate my knowledge working in interprofessional team by reflecting the experience which I had during my first TOSPE group that was conducted in week 5 and that of the summative assessment in week 9. I will follow ‘Gibbs model of reflective’ as guidance through my reflection process (Jasper, 2003). This model has 5 steps which are Description , Feelings , Evaluation , Analysis , Conclusion and Action Plan The term reflection used in healthcare professionals to describe writing that undertaken for learning from our experiences in order to develop our understanding and also to bring in our practice in to focus (Rolfe et al, 2001).


I was in TOSPE group of six multidisciplinary team involving myself diagnostic imaging, four adult nurses and physiotherapy student. I was the only the international student in a group of five native speakers and the team was dominated by student nurses. . In our team first TOSPE meeting. I could not understand the direction and goals of our team in the first scenario as the meeting was not structured. But The summative assessment TOSPE scenario was about a 54 years-old man who had Type 1 Diabetes since he was 28 and has a history of poor self-management including non-attendance at clinics and poor compliance also depression and this now seems to be a chronic condition. Also he has ulcer on his right foot near his heel and recently he has diagnosed with locally invasive prostate cancer.

. As a diagnostic imaging student, I delivered my role to the team from each problem that our patent has for example I suggest to do MRI to see how much the ulcer deep is( Every member of the team knew their task and team members were able to trust each other and I were contributed positive impact on team organisation prior. The team was well prepared, patient care plane has met; safe working environment with in the team was adhered, as a result the task completed at high standard.


I had been thought a mix of emotion because I am non English speaker so I was afraid that patient can not understand me.All though I was a little scared but patient helped me to break the ice we end up communicating very well .The language was one of biggest fears.

I was a bit preserved in the initial TOSPE scenario, the student nurses had more positive attitude towards the scenario. The student nurses were seen to ease communication and took the lead role on the task where I from diagnostic imaging struggled to make a start.

. I was unsure in our team’s first meeting as I could not understand the direction of our team discussion. Equally, I was uncomfortable with our team’s meeting managing process since there were not any responsible team members who act as a leader, coordinator, and recorder. Furthermore,

I felt isolate; as the team members from adult nurse profession were dominated the discussion and I was thinking that my profession was not valued. In a research finding (Goldsmith et al 2010) described that team members can be aware their own roles, their integration and value in the team.

So I made known the general role of my profession to the group. Molyneux (2001) mentioned the difficulty of sharing information when somebody is unsure one’s professional identity and in (Brown et al 2011) pointed out that lack of understanding team member’s role can lead to conflict. Once, the team was understands my profession, I was able to cement my point of view on the task. I felt that I contributed well to the multidisciplinary team.

Although at our summative TOSPE scenario, I showed that I was confident on my own skills and knowledge through the process. I felt contributed more or equal as everyone which required assisting the patient management care. There was not bad experience, however on reflection I realise that I should have more involved in the discussion at first place.


The speaking was extremely challenging for me. I regret that I did not contribute as much as i want

However, I am pleased that the my Colleagues responded so positively to my My interventions , and I have observed that we contribute it our each other perfectly

I too have learned from the TOSBE, as it has taught me the importance of acting with colleagues, in a PROFESSIONAL, manner,


Reflecting on this paper made me ask that why was the communication dominated by the student nurses in our team’s first scenario meeting. Having reflecting on this paper remind me that, the student nurses were competing against each other to be heard their own opinion as a result my interaction level affected. Atwal & Caldwell (2005) suggests that members of the same profession often dominate the team meeting. Equally, it is possible that making assumption that nursing professional has more dominant role than my own profession on patient management care aspect affected my participation at first place

Another highlighted for my integration issue was communication dominance as I was the only non-native speaker member in the team.

I had been thought a mix of emotion because I am non English speaker so I was afraid that other students can not understand me.All though I was a little scared but my Colleagues helped me to break the ice we end up communicating very well .The language was one of biggest fears.

. Another highlighted for my integration issue was communication dominance as I was the only non-native speaker member in the team.


To conclude my reflective paper, I have learned to look the positive side of working with people from the same profession. I should rely on my own ability instead of concerning about my profession identity on team members view. Furthermore, I have learned not to make assumptions on existing barriers such as communication, profession dominance. I realise that I should have thought professionally about planning patient care. I have also learned to listen to what members of the team discussing instead of thinking my own role. Finally, reflecting on this paper thought me that my confidence improved through the process of collaboration with members of the team which was from being participant to guidance the team direction towards the success.

Action plane

The experience working within multidisciplinary team allows me to identified area of practice to work on. Firstly, I have learned to wider my study beyond my profession and this will keep me to understand the continuity of patient care beyond my job description. I will achieve this, by taking study courses from the NHS online e-learning. Secondly, I will work on my communication skills. I will work to improve understanding of most used medical jargons in hospitals and this will allow me to communicate actively and effectively. Describing my feelings through reflection process thought me how to deal with negative assumptions and this will allow me in the future to control my body language during uncomfortable situations. Overall, I was able to maintain positive working environment throughout despite of some awkward feelings arises during the team task.

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Reserach Firms

Using your favorite search engine, locate the websites for two research firms. Conduct a review of  the services offered by these two different research firms. What types of tools do they use, and  how effective are those tools? Then, write an essay responding to the following questions/topics,  evaluating each research firm’s capability of providing valuable services to its customers.  

1.   Contrast the services and tools provided by the two research firms. 

2.   Explain the advantages of utilizing these research firms. 

3. Discuss why a company might decide to save the money and utilize its in-house team as opposed to  one of these firms. 

4.   Explain how the tools discussed in the lecture might enable more companies to complete their  research internally.  

Your APA-formatted submission must be a minimum of three pages (not including the title page and  the reference page). References must include the two websites and a minimum of one additional  credible reference. All sources used must be referenced. Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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Compelling Vision

    Leaders today must be able to create a compelling vision for the organization. They also must be able to create an aligned strategy and then execute it. Visions have two parts, the envisioned future and the core values that support that vision of the future. The ability to create a compelling vision is the primary distinction between leadership and management. Leaders need to create a vision that will frame the decisions and behavior of the organization and keep it focused on the future while also delivering on the short-term goals.

To learn more about organizational vision statements, do an Internet search and review various vision statements.

In this assignment, you will consider yourself as a leader of an organization and write a vision statement and supporting values statement.

Select an organization of choice. This could be an organization that you are familiar with, or a fictitious organization. Then, respond to the following:

o    Provide the name and description of the organization. In the description, be sure to include the purpose of the organization, the products or services it provides, and the description of its customer base.

o    Describe the core values of the organization. Why are these specific values important to the organization?

o    Describe the benefits and purpose for an organizational vision statement.

o    Develop a vision statement for this organization. When developing a vision statement, be mindful of the module readings and lecture materials.

o    In the vision statement, be sure to communicate the future goals and aspirations of the organization.

o    Once you have developed the vision statement, describe how you would communicate the statement to the organizational stakeholders, that is, the owners, employees, vendors, and customers.

o    How would you incorporate the communication of the vision into the new employee on-boarding and ongoing training?

Write your response in approximately 3–5 pages in Microsoft Word. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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