Archive for December 17th, 2017

Nursing Finances

  Assignment: Application: Basic Financial Calculations

Before you learned algebra, you first had to learn basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Similarly, before you can fully understand the finances of a health care organization, you first need to be able to apply basic financial calculations used in almost all domains of accounting. A firm grasp of these accounting concepts will better enable you to confidently make budgetary and resource decisions. In this Assignment, you complete calculations that will familiarize you with some of the necessary basic accounting concepts.

Based on the information and financial statements below, calculate the following financial ratios in an Excel Spreadsheet:

Current Ratio
= Total Current Assets / Total Current Liabilities

Days of Cash on Hand
= Cash / (Total Operating Expense / 365 days)

Age of Accounts Receivable
= Accounts Receivable / (Net Patient Service Revenue / 365)

Age of Physical Plant
= Accumulated Depreciation / Depreciation Expense

Debt to Equity Ratio
= [Long Term] Debt / Net Assets

Debt to Assets Ratio
= [Long Term] Debt / Total Assets

Collection Rate
= Net Patient Service Revenue / Gross Patient Service Revenue

Operating Margin Ratio
= Gain or (Loss) from Operations / Net Patient Service Revenue

Note: For those Assignments in this course that require you to perform calculations you must:
Use the 'Week 3 Application Assignment Template' from your Learning Resources
Show all your calculations and formulas in the spreadsheet
A title and reference page are NOT needed in this assignment. Put your name and assignment at the top of the Excel spreadsheet.

For those not comfortable with the use of Microsoft Excel, this week’s Optional Resources suggest several tutorials.

To prepare:

Review the information in this week’s Learning Resources dealing with ratios and how they are calculated.
View the Week 3 Application Assignment Tutorial: Ratio Calculations, (video) provided in this week’s Learning Resources.
Use the Week 3 Application (Scenario) Assignment Template, provided in this week’s Learning Resources, to complete this assignment.  
Review the Statement of Revenues and Expenses in the Week 3 application (scenario) assignment template. With the information, calculate the financial ratios. 
Spreadsheet attached
Baker, J. J., Baker, R. W., & Dworkin, N. R.  (2018). Health care finance: Basic  tools for nonfinancial managers (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and  Bartlett Learning.
Chapter 4, “Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth” (pp. 33-36) 
In this chapter, you are introduced to the meaning of assets, liabilities, and net worth. You explore the relationship between the three and how they must be balanced if an organization is to be successful. 
Chapter 6, “Expenses (Outflows)” (pp. 47-54) 
The focus of this chapter is expenses and how they differ from costs. It highlights how costs should be reported and how expenses can be grouped for more effective planning and control. 
Chapter 9, “Understanding Inventory and Depreciation Concepts” (pp. 81-93) 
This chapter examines the relationship between inventory and the cost of goods. It demonstrates how to calculate inventory turnover and product depreciation. 
Chapter 11, “Reporting as a Tool” (pp. 119-125) 
This chapter describes the basic financial reports and how they are used in financial decision making. The four key financial statements are the balance sheet, the statement of revenue, and expense, the statement of fund balance or net worth, and the statement of cash flows. 
Zelman, W., McCue, M., & Glick, N. (2009). Financial management of health care organizations: An introduction to fundamental tools, concepts, and applications (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Chapter 2, “Health Care Financial Statements” (pp. 25–86) 
This chapter describes the shared four basic financial statements of all organizations. The authors relate the basics to business-oriented and non-for-profit health organizations. 
Chapter 3, “Principles and Practices of Health Care Accounting” (pp. 87–120) 
This chapter explores the accounting practices and principles of health care. The authors detail the rules for recording transactions and the process of recording and developing financial statements. 
Chapter 4, “Financial Statement Analysis” (pp. 121–186) 
This chapter goes into detail about the three types of analysis used in financial statements of health care organizations: horizontal analysis, vertical (common-size) analysis, and ratio analysis. This chapter also explains the categories of ratios and how to apply them.

Business Finance – Accounting

The process of external acquisition -purchasing ten computers, from outside vendors, is said to be much like shopping for a vehicle, you don’t make a purchase at the first dealership (Valacich & Schneider 2016) . The goal is to acquire the best laptop at the best price during the vendor's bids. In these proposals, there are things to be considered. The systems development life cycle describes the life of an information system from conception to retirement (Hoffer et al, 2014). This is important because when making this transaction of purchasing 10 computers, you want to ensure that this investment will be lasting. You want to consider these four phases when making a decision:

1.System planning and selection: In this phase, you identify, plan and select a development project from all possible projects that could be performed. 

2.System analysis:During this phase, you determine requirements. Basically what is needed from the proposed system.

3.System design: During this third phase, the details are chosen such as processing, databases and file.

4.System implementation and operation: This last phase entails software programming and testing.

Knowing these things, its important to understand first hand what the computer capabilities are. Do they fit the organizations needs? If so, is the price appropriate? After all you're buying 10 so this is a big investment. Secondly, in reviewing the proposals, it is crucial to know the software the computer has. Next, consider the cost. Vendors will try to compete for this project because you will be purchasing 10, which means more than likely, they are offering you the best price. Compare prices and find the one that best fits the organizations budget. A very important thing to consider when reviewing these proposals is, what type of customer service do these companies offer and what type of warranty is offered. Will they cover any repairs and how soon? Lastly, when in doubt, check what the customer reviews are on the vendor and computer. It is likely that you will come across reviews that may help in your decision making.

reference:  Valacich, J., & Schneider, C. (2016) Information System Today Managing in the Digital World. Pearson Education.



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Exam section Instructions: part 2, 3, and 4 will

be written during the exam

Grade weight Suggested time allotment

for answering the questions

Part 1: definitions 15 x 1% = 15% 10 minutes Part 2: question #1 You may bring in paper-based

work to assist 1 x 30% = 30% 25 minutes

Part 3: question #2 You may bring in paper-based

work to assist

1 x25%= 25% 20 minutes

Part 4: question #3 You may bring in paper-based

work to assist

1 x 30%= 30% 25 minutes


• the exam will begin at 6:30 (not 6 pm as indicated on Camlink); exam runs from 6:30-8pm • it is worth 30% of your course grade • expect to write for the entire 80 minutes of the exam • the exam covers material since the midterm; it starts with the lecture on Oct 23 • research papers will be handed back at the exam • the final exam is NOT returned but you can view it in my office


o write Part 1, hand it in, pick up the exam paper, and use it to finish the exam o you may bring in any paper-based notes or images for Part2, 3 and 4

Part 1: definitions (15 x 1% each)

• I provide 15 definitions and you provide the correct term or phrase; capitalization is important! • vocabulary words are NOT provided on the exam • You are not allowed to use material or electronic devices for this part of the exam.

Vocabulary (23 words) Oct 23 optical empiricism, physiognomy, lithography, iconography

Oct 30 phrenology, composite photographs (Galton)

Nov 01 pseudo-science, Spiritualism

Nov 06 documentary photography, “salvage” motive/paradigm, dry plate, shallow depth of field,


Nov 08 social documentary, wood engravings, half-tone printing, F.S.A. (Farm Security Administration)

Nov 15 photojournalism

Nov 27 paparazzi photography, celebrity photography

Nov 29 simulacrum, hyper-reality, tabloid journalism


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Part 2: question #1 (30%)

In discussing the cultural work of photographs, one must consider the role of the photographer, the perceived

“necessity” of the photographs, and the purpose of the images when circulated. From the list below, select

ONE of the topics and answer the following questions in relation to that one topic. Use specific photographers

and photographs shown in class as your proof. Submit photos with your answer.

• the Farm Security Administration (FSA)

• war photojournalism of the Vietnam War and Life Magazine

• late 20th and early 21st century paparazzi photographers and

celebrity culture (North America)



1. From the list above, state which topic you will be discussing.

2 x 5% 2. Name a specific photographer we talked about in class and describe the actual and/or

perceived role(s) of the photographer in the context of the topic you chose. Make 2

key points and explain them. (3-5 sentences per key point)

5% 3. What are the real and/or perceived social necessities of these photographers’ work?

(3-5 sentences)

15% 4. Select one photographic image from the topic you chose (it must be from the images

shown in class). Describe the aesthetics of it with respect to the intended function(s) of

that photograph. In other words, discuss how the subject matter and the way it was

photographed work together to achieve its intended function. (6-8 sentences)


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Part 3: question #2 (25%)

2 x 10% 1. E. S.Curtis’ photographs in The North American Indian (1907-1930) have been heralded by

critics and scholars as being important while others have criticized the photographs and

how they are perceived. Referring to A. D. Coleman’s essay, "Edward S. Curtis: The

Photographer as Ethnologist," (on D2L) describe and discuss two different

ways/categories that critics and scholars use when referring to Curtis and his

photographs. (6-8 sentences)

5% 2. In your opinion, is Curtis an ethnologist, an artist, a blend of the two—or even something

else? State your reason(s). (3-5 sentences)

Part 4: question #3 (30%)

5% 1. In the film, The True Meaning of Pictures, how does Shelby Lee Adams describe and defend

his work? (3-5 sentences)

3 x 5% 2. List and describe 3 different ways that his photographs can be labeled or categorized; you

may refer to specific people in the film and how they categorize his work. (6-8 sentences)

5% 3. State and describe one key controversy or problem arising from his work? (3-5 sentences)

5% 4. In your opinion, how do you approach and understand his photographs? Are they

problematic for you—why or why not? (3-5 sentences)

Ted Speech

The other choice is to watch one of the TED TALKS listed below.  Analyze this speech much as you did in the Melinda Gates speech.   Why do you think the speech you chose was such a popular talk (all the videos below are from the most viewed list of speeches)?  Look for how this speaker uses all the elements of a speech as discussed in class and the textbook.  How is their introduction?  Do they use all four elements?  Did they use them well? Give examples from the speech.  If yes, why did it work?  If no, how could they make it better?  Do the same thing for the body of the speech (transitions and sourcing, visual aids), the conclusion, the delivery and anything you think is relevant. To end your essay, discuss why you liked or did not this speech. Don’t just say “I liked it a lot” or  “ I didn’t like it at all.” Instead, be specific here.  Give examples.  What did you learn from this speech?  What did you learn from this speech about their subject matter? Feel free to bring in other examples or anything else you think is relevant to this talk.  Don’t just rehash what the speaker said, bring your analysis to bear on the talk.

Take notes.  Then think about the above mentioned things to consider.  Before you write, have a thesis sentence that will end your introduction.  Have an interesting attention-getter to start the paper off.  Be sure that every assertion you make is backed up.  Use examples from the speech as you discuss it.  Have a conclusion that it is similar to a conclusion of a speech. 

Write a 3-6 page, 12-point, double spaced (or cut the length in half if prefer to write single-spaced) essay. Writing more usually allows the writer to be clearer and give better examples.  Give examples where needed.  Remember that this is a college level essay.  Don’t just write about what the speaker said.  Assume I have seen it (I have).  Think how it worked as speech.  Have another person read through it to see if everything makes sense and flows.  Proof it for spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Below I have listed six of the most popular TedTalks.  At the bottom is the link to the speech.  Or just go into the Ted Talks website and put in the title of the speech.


Physicist Brian Greene explains superstring theory, the idea that miniscule strands of energy vibrating in 11 dimensions create every particle and force in the universe.


Elizabeth Gilbert muses on the impossible things we expect from artists and geniuses — and shares the radical idea that, instead of the rare person "being" a genius, all of us "have" a genius. It's a funny, personal and surprisingly moving talk.


Biologist Richard Dawkins makes a case for "thinking the improbable" by looking at how the human frame of reference limits our understanding of the universe.


Shame is an unspoken epidemic, the secret behind many forms of broken behavior. Brené Brown, whose earlier talk on vulnerability became a viral hit, explores what can happen when people confront their shame head-on. Her own humor, humanity and vulnerability shine through every word.


Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.


Jane Goodall hasn't found the missing link, but she's come closer than nearly anyone else. The primatologist says the only real difference between humans and chimps is our sophisticated language. She urges us to start using it to change the world.

literature review about diversity

As a reader you will find that my report contains a summary of the arduous work and my journey in the COOP training at Holiday Inn Hotel in Yanbu, which operates under the famous Holiday Inn chain around the world. You will find me talking about the hotel vision and mission as well as the HR department where I trained as hr coordinator and how I contribute to solve the diversity conflict problem. At the end you will find me listing the weaknesses I have experienced, the knowledge and skills that improved in me.

Holiday Inn Yanbu is a branch of the famous American brand that is a subsidiary of InterContinental Hotels group. Yanbu's Holiday Inn was established in September 1981 by Hasan Abdulhadi Taher. The hotel vision is to positioning their name in the customer minds as the best 4-star hotels in Yanbu and around the world. Holiday Inn is looking forward to make a difference in the individuals lives they serve every day, by providing personalized service and a superior hospitality product and commit to the hotel strong moral system and actively participating in the community which is the hotel goal. Different services were offered to the customers besides the accommodation in rooms and suites which are the business services including equipped business conference and meeting rooms, health and fitness center with a fully-equipped gym and a trained fitness instructors.

Roles and Responsibilities

I was trained at HR department in Holiday Inn of Yanbu. This department is same as any HR department that concern about all procedure related to the workforce starting from attracting the employee till evaluating their performance. Also, the HR department is responsible to conduct the staff payroll and absence sheet, coordinating for employees' daily transportation. In addition, the HR is handling the staff relation issues in a confidential manner, including disciplinarians, grievance and capability. Using the (Oasys system), working on governmental and insurance websites (muqeem, GOSI and Bupa website) and organizing the employees files including their contracts are some of the tasks that I have performed as an HR coordinator. Also, I was responsible to collect letters from other departments which need the HR manager approval such as vacations, warning.

One of the requirement to complete the COOP training program is to make a contribution in the workplace that I have trained in. So, I chose to improve the diversity management in the hotel as a contribution in order to utilize and manage diversity effectively without difficulties and obstacles in communication between all employees. Diversity in the workplace means having people together from different ethnic backgrounds, religions and exchanging experience and knowledge. Sometimes diversity will also have bad impact on the workplace and make some misunderstand and conflict between employees. After my training weeks at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Yanbu, I observed there is a lot of communication problems between employees because of the high rate of diversity and having different nationalities at the work place, so from there I came up with the idea of the contribution.

Holiday Inn hotel is having a high rate of diversity in it staff. Multiple nationalities are working together under each department in the hotel. For example, the hotel has people coming different countries including India, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Nepal, Philippines and more. As we know that having diversity in the work place may led to some problems that could affect the productivity at the hotel.

The addressed problem is lack of diversity management in the hotel which cause

Some barriers between the employees to work effectively.

At the hotel the employees don't know each other's cultures so, what is okay for the Philippine supervisor is prohibit for an Indian employee. In addition, there are employees that English is not their first langue, this also a barrier to communicate for those who speak only English. Furthermore, there is a hidden racism among the employees, for example the Egyptian workers do not respect the employees who are not from Egypt! Also, there is a lot of conflict between the employees and they have many complaints towards each other, and the complaints file may explode from the huge amount of papers!. They are busy in having disagreements rather than being busy in performing their jobs. Having such problems create a huge gap between the employees which will affect their productivity at the end.

The solution for all these problem is to have an effective diversity management to make a great use and positive impact on the Holiday Inn hotel. Having a process of organizing and controlling the diversity in the workplace is much better than acting randomly with all these people who are coming from different background. The diversity management aims to create an attractive environment that is suitable for all employees.

The suggested solution has many advantages can be gained, here are some of them:

· Enhancing the interpersonal communications among employees.

· Reducing the number of complaints

· Creating effective resolution of disputes.

· Increasing the fairness and equality in the workplace

· Increasing the employees' productivity

· Achieving the organization goals ( high profits, high production… )

literature Review
Diversity Management :

Historically, organizations have used four ways to integrate the workplace—equal employment opportunity legislation, affirmative action, valuing differences/awareness-based diversity training, and managing diversity efforts. Equal employment opportunity is a commitment not to discriminate in the workplace, based on various categories protected by law (e.g., race, sex, religion, disability, age). Affirmative action is first of all a federal regulation that places an obligation on public agencies and many other organizations that receive federal grants or contracts. Affirmative action has been highly controversial in the United States, and its effectiveness in creating a truly integrated workforce has been moderate.

Managing a culturally diverse workforce may include changes in various HRD and HRM programs and processes. HRD professionals must be able to adapt current socialization, orientation, and career development processes to the needs of the new workforce. Training programs need to address all forms of workplace harassment. HRM professionals should consider adapting other policies (e.g., benefits) in order to meet the needs of the current workforce, including such things as day-care services, flextime, interpreters, and multilingual supervisors.

According to Robin Kramar the concept of diversity management is understood in very different ways. There are different understandings of the nature of decent diversity. Diversity has been utilized to allude to simply singular individual attributes such as gender , race, family obligations and age, but it has been utilized all the more extensively to allude to an assortment of different contrasts and likenesses between individuals taking the necessary steps of associations and different partners. According to this broader view, measurements of diversity can allude to an extensive variety of individual attributes, including sexual introduction, physical and mental abilities, and also differences relating to functional and operational groups, the legally binding arrangements of partners of the association and the interests of an variety of external partners. (Kramar 2011). The nature of the processes used to manage diversity will depend on the dimensions identified by an organization.


Please ensure that the cases or Laws used are Australian.
– Please read the Instructions carefully (File: 2105AFE Assignment _3, 2017_-final)
– I have also attached a sample and example of how it might look (doc)

Assignment: SCIE211 Phase 5 Lab Report Title: Identifying Environmental Hazards

Assignment: SCIE211 Phase 5 Lab Report

Title: Identifying Environmental Hazards

Instructions: You will write a 1-page lab report using the scientific method to answer the following questions:

· Why do you see increases and decreases in the invasive species population?

· What are the implications associated with these alterations to the ecosystem as a whole?

When your lab report is complete, post it in Submitted Assignment files.

Part I: Using the lab animation, fill in the data table below to help you generate your hypothesis, outcomes, and analysis.


Zebra and Quagga Mussel (density/m2)

Phytoplankton (µg/ml)

Zooplankton (µg/ml)

Cladophora Biomass (g/m2)

Foraging Fish (kilotons)

Lake Trout (kilotons)


















































Part II: Write a 1-page lab report using the following scientific method sections:

· Purpose

· State the purpose of the lab.

· Introduction

· This is an investigation of what is currently known about the question being asked. Use background information from credible references to write a short summary about concepts in the lab. List and cite references in APA style.

· Hypothesis/Predicted Outcome

· A hypothesis is an educated guess. Based on what you have learned and written about in the Introduction, state what you expect to be the results of the lab procedures.

· Methods

· Summarize the procedures that you used in the lab. The Methods section should also state clearly how data (numbers) were collected during the lab; this will be reported in the Results/Outcome section.

· Results/Outcome

· Provide here any results or data that were generated while doing the lab procedure.

· Discussion/Analysis

· In this section, state clearly whether you obtained the expected results, and if the outcome was as expected.

· Note: You can use the lab data to help you discuss the results and what you learned.

Provide references in APA format. This includes a reference list and in-text citations for references used in the Introduction section.

Give your paper a title and number, and identify each section as specified above. Although the hypothesis will be a 1-sentence answer, the other sections will need to be paragraphs to adequately explain your experiment.

When your lab report is complete, post it in Submitted Assignment files.

Assignment: SCIE211 Phase 4 Lab Report

Part II: Write a 1-page lab report using the following scientific method sections:

· Purpose

· State the purpose of the lab.

· Introduction

· This is an investigation of what is currently known about the question being asked. Use background information from credible references to write a short summary about concepts in the lab. List and cite references in APA style.

· Hypothesis/Predicted Outcome

· A hypothesis is an educated guess. Based on what you have learned and written about in the Introduction, state what you expect to be the results of the lab procedures.

· Methods

· Summarize the procedures that you used in the lab. The Methods section should also state clearly how data (numbers) were collected during the lab; this will be reported in the Results/Outcome section.

· Results/Outcome

· Provide here any results or data that were generated while doing the lab procedure.

· Discussion/Analysis

· In this section, state clearly whether you obtained the expected results, and if the outcome was as expected.

· Note: You can use the lab data to help you discuss the results and what you learned.

Provide references in APA format. This includes a reference list and in-text citations for references used in the Introduction section.

Give your paper a title and number, and identify each section as specified above. Although the hypothesis will be a 1-sentence answer, the other sections will need to be paragraphs to adequately explain your experiment.

When your lab report is complete, post it in Submitted Assignment files.

Cj 300 Final Project

The fundamental responsibility of criminal justice personnel is based on sound decision making. Using the scientific method within the criminal justice 
investigations process allows investigators the opportunity to base their findings on factual data and ethical reasoning. This is especially important within the 
field of criminal justice because the decisions made undergo rigorous scrutiny from entities such as the media, judiciary system, and the general public. Creating 
literature reviews is
a common practice when explaining trends within the criminal justice field. For example, as a criminal justice representative, you may be 
tasked with explaining why calls of domestic violence have increased in a specific area in your jurisdiction over a certain period 
of time. It is your responsibility to 
gather and interpret data, analyze criminological theories, and make use of the scientific method to offer an explanation for
the increase, as well as an effective 
avenue of resolution. In the 
final project 
you will practically apply research methods to come to informed conclusions. 
For this assessment, you will play the part of an individual currently employed at a criminal justice agency
such as a police force, a correctional institution, or a 
court system
. Your administrative staff holds monthly meetings to discuss trends, departmental issues, and community concerns. Your supervisor has 
you and told you that there has been a trend of increased incidents related to a specific issue, and furthermore, the community has taken notice. Your supervisor 
must provide an answer to the administrative staff and the community, and would like your assistance. You have been tasked with conducting initial research on 
the issue to inform the direction of your supervisor’s 
further research and statement to the administrative staff and community. 
To begin, you will be presented with a predetermined list of issues impacting the field of criminal justice. You are to choose an issue, or select an issue outside of 
the list with
instructor approval. You will then seek out five peer

reviewed scholarly articles, two of which must use qualitative methodology, and
synthesize and 
critically analyze the 
develop a research question and create

informed conclusions 
about your selected issue. Additionally, you must identify the 
used in each article, and explain the importance of using the scientific method to practice ethical research. 
The project is divided in
, which will be submitted
at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final 
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in 
The final 
be submitted 
Additionally, throughout 
the course you will work on a series of worksheets that directly relate to elements of your final research report. 
These worksheets will be submitted 
One, Three, 
In this assignment
you will demonstrate
your m
astery of the following course outcomes: 

research questions
that address contemporary issu
es in criminal justice by applying a
ppropriate criminological theories

Interpret criminal justice 
to identify patterns for drawing evidence

Personal Manifesto

Manifesto—from the Latin manifestus meaning clear, “evident”—is defined as a “public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions, especially of a political nature.” A Manifesto is a public declaration of ideals, goals or vision that is intended to manifest something, that is to make something happen or come into being: a call to action…a newsociety…a new way of seeing. Manifestos can be political, philosophical, or artistic; they lay out what is important to a person or a group and publically “draw a line in the sand” as to what they believe in and what they will do (and not do). As you think about your manifesto essays, they will differ in length, but this is a piece of persuasive writing, one that presents an argument with supporting statements and claims, some of which will be supported by research. You should write with passion and attempt to inspire as you declare a collective vision or set of ideals—and call for some action to be taken on (a) “Confronting Cultures of Injustice,” and (b) “What Really Matters”.

A Manifesto often contains certain parts; while they are described differently in different sources, these four parts summarize the content of most:

Preamble: An introductory and explanatory statement … that explains the document’s purpose and underlying philosophy”…this establishes what your issue(s) is, why it is important to you and why it needs to be addressed Background: Background or history needed for readers to understand your perspective…this may weave in outside research Discussion of Normative Statements: A set of points that articulate your claims or goals or defining principles… these statements “affirm how things should or ought to be, how to value them, which things are good or bad, which actions are right or wrong” and the discussion of them considers the possible, or likely, social outcomes and impacts of broad adoption (perhaps through an example or illustration)

    This is where you make your case—you should not worry about antagonizing people. Simply say why you believe what you believe…and some people will agree, and some will not. Take that stance that what you believe is really the only approach and work from there.

   In “making a case,” the normative statements are often accompanied by an explanation that (a) explains the principle, (b) why you adopted it/why it is important to you, and (c) what the implications may be for others (society) adopting it.

Declaration: A concluding declaration that synthesizes the normative statements (and their explanations) in order to lay out a coherent vision statement with a call to action: What should people (or what will you) do as a result of the manifesto? What should people (or what will you) NOT do as a result of it? Make a declaration that reflects what you stand for.



12/14/2017 Writing a Manifesto: 17Fa CPS 400 W2: What Really Matters:Discernment, Conscience, Compassion (Fall 2017) 2/2

 To help you find examples, the website “1000 manifestos”  ( is just that…a project designed to gather 1000 manifestos, some that are famous (e.g., The Communist Manifesto) and some that were created specifically for the project.  Below are the principles for writing manifestos from The Manifesto Project’s founder Geoff McDonald in his document The Manifesto Manifesto:

1. Manifestos are primal 2. Manifestos terminate the past 3. Manifestos create new worlds 4. Manifestos trigger communities 5. Manifestos define us 6. Manifestos antagonize others 7. Manifestos inspire being 8. Manifestos provoke action 9. Manifestos command presence

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